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The Weekly China Briefing 1 December 2017

Morocco hosts China-Africa Investment Forum

Morocco hosted a two-day China-Africa Investment Forum in the city of Marrakesh. According to Morocco World
News (Morocco), the forum brought more than 500 Chinese and African economic decision-makers together to
discuss potential partnerships and corporations. The theme of the meeting was “Opening a new chapter of
economic partnership.” Morocco's Industry Minister, Moulay Hafid Ellalamy, said “China and Africa share the
same quest for development,” and that trade and cooperation were already at “unprecedented” levels, adds
News24 (South Africa).

Chinese liquor brand attempts to enter African market

China’s national liquor brand Kweichow Moutai was recently launched in Cape Town, South Africa. The theme
of the launch was “Meeting in Africa through the Unique Aroma— China Kweichow Moutai, the Belt and Road
Branding Initiative,” says The Citizen (South Africa). According to Xinhua (China), the event featured diplomats,
government officials, as well as cultural and business representatives from both China and South Africa. Moutai
has entered 26 countries and regions along the Belt and Road to date and the annual global trade revenue of
Moutai reaches several hundred million US dollars.

Kenya to host Africa’s first China infrastructure expo

Kenya is set to host the inaugural Chinese Industrial Fair in Africa where 50 top Chinese companies are to
attend with an eye on lucrative transport and infrastructure projects. Executives running 56 mega-enterprises
from 18 Chinese provinces will lead their delegations in displaying equipment at the four-day exhibition in
Nairobi reports Business Daily (Kenya). The exhibition is likely to boost ties between China and Kenya. This
comes after China recently sent a special envoy to President Uhuru Kenyatta’s inauguration ceremony says
Capital FM (Kenya).

Chinese medical ship treats thousands in Tanzania

The Chinese Naval Hospital Ship, Peace Ark, attracted thousands of residents when it docked at the Tanzanian
city of Dar es Salaam. Daily News (Tanzania) explains that the ship boasts fully-kitted medical check-up
facilities, 115 doctors, 266 nurses and 300 patient beds. A team of about 11 Chinese doctors from the ship also
visited a government-owned children's home in the city where they provided free medical care and donated
school bags and toys reports Xinhua (China). Tanzanian President John Magufuli visited the ship and learnt that
some 10,000 people turned up for the services. The crew attended to 6,421 patients and operated on 31

China insists it had no hand in Mugabe's downfall

The Chinese government has officially denied allegations that it was involved in the events leading to the
downfall of Zimbabwean leader, Robert Mugabe. Africa News (Congo-Brazzaville) states that the allegations
arose following Zimbabwean military General Guveya Chiwenga’s visit to China a few days before he led a
military intervention against former President Mugabe. According to China’s Foreign Ministry website, Ministry
Spokesperson Geng Shuang denied the claims saying that “General Chiwenga's visit to China was
a normal exchange between the two militaries.” Geng added that “China always follows the principle of non-
interference in other countries' internal affairs and this position remains unchanged.”

Contact Us About Us
 +27 21 808 2840 The Centre for Chinese Studies (CCS) at Stellenbosch University
 +27 21 808 2841 is the leading African research institution for innovative
 and policy relevant analysis of the relations
 between China and Africa.

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