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American International University- Bangladesh

Faculty of engineering

Summer 2016-17
Digital Signal Processing Lab

Instructor’s name: Tajbia Karim

Experiment No: 03
Experiment Name: Discrete-Time Signals and Systems- Part II
Section: D
Group: 5

Submitted by: Kamruzzaman, K.M

ID: 14-28201-3
Title: Discrete-Time Signals and Systems.

A primary objective is to learn the application of some basic MATLAB commands
and how to apply them in simple digital signal processing problems. The
processing algorithm consists of performing a combination of basic operations
such as addition, multiplication, time-reversal, delaying, and product operation.

Theory and Methodology:

A discrete-time signal is represented as a sequence of numbers, called samples. A

sample value of a typical discrete-time signal or sequence {x[n]} is denoted as x[n]
with the argument n being an integer in the range −∞ and ∞. For convenience,
the sequence {x[n]} is often denoted without the curly brackets. The discrete-time
signal may be a finite length or an infinite length sequence. A finite length (also
called finite duration or finite extent) sequence is defined only for a finite time
N 1 n N2
where −∞ < N1 and N2 < ∞ with N2 ≥ N1. The length or duration N of the finite
length sequence is
N N2 N 1 1
A sequence x[n] satisfying
x[n] x[n kN ] For all n,
is called a periodic sequence with a period N, where N is a positive

integer and k is any integer. Unit sample sequence: The unit sample

sequence is defined as the sequence

0, n 0
1, n 0
The unit sample sequence plays the same role for discrete-time signals and
systems that the unit impulse function (Dirac delta function) does for continuous-
time signals and systems. For convenience, we often refer to the unit sample
sequence as a discrete-time impulse or simply as an impulse.
Unit step sequence: The unit step sequence is defined as

1, n 0
0, n 0
The unit step is related to the unit impulse

u[n] [k]

that is, the value of the unit step sequence at (time) index n is equal to the
accumulated sum of the value at index n and all previous values of the impulse
Digital signal processing is concerned with the processing of a discrete-time
signal, called the input signal, to develop another discrete-time signal, called the
output signal, with more desirable properties. In certain applications, it may
be necessary to extract some key properties of the original signal using specific
digital signal processing algorithms. It is also possible to investigate the properties
of a discrete-time system by observing the output signals for specific input signals.
It is thus important to learn how to generate some discrete-time signals in the
time domain using MATLAB and perform elementary operations on them.
In this experiment, we will learn how to plot a discrete signal, some elementary
discrete signals and how to manipulate them. We will also focus on some
operations like addition, multiplication, convolution, correlation and also how to
calculate energy of a discrete signal.
Energy: The energy of a sequence x[n] is defined by
E | x(n) |2

Simulation and measurement:
1) Signal addition:
2) Signal multiplication:

3) Time Shifting of sequences:

4) Folding of sequences:

John G. Proakis, and Dimitris G. Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing”, Prentice

Hall of India, 4th Edition, New Delhi, 2003.

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