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Castellum promotes development Sustainable investments in

in the cities where it operates Castellum’s project development
For Castellum, as a long-term property owner By directing Castellum towards more sustain-
and urban developer, it is important to con- able investments, we not only take our own
tribute in various ways to sustainable urban impact on the environment into account; our
enrichment through the development of new approach also promotes making the buildings
and existing areas. Alongside other social more attractive for our stakeholders, reducing
commitments, Castellum also cooperates property management problems and costs,
with some 169 city networks and corporate and facilitating closer monitoring.
associations to develop the cities where it All Castellum investments are made from
conducts operations. a perspective of sustainability. Each invest-
We also routinely cooperate with other ment issue is reviewed by the Group’s Head of
parties to push development, share know­ledge Sustainability and must also be approved from
about new technologies and exchange experi- a sustainability perspective. These criteria are
ence. For example, Castellum is a member of included in the planning stage and follow the
the following organizations: the EPRA Sustain­ entire project life-cycle in order to become a
ability Committee, the GRESB Benchmark natural part of daily management in the next
Committee, the Swedish Energy Agency’s step. For the last few years, Castellum has
Client Group for Premises (BELOK), the Center worked on sustainability issues in connection
for Management in the Construction Sector with new construction and larger reconstruc-
(CMB) at Chalmers University of Technol- tions. In 2018, the Group’s joint sustainability
ogy, and Sweden Green Building Council. In program was further developed and divided
addition, the company cooperates closely with into two different levels: investments under
local energy and sanitation companies, as well MSEK 10 and investments over MSEK 10.
as universities and colleges. ­Castellum obtains environmental certification
for all new constructions and larger recon-
structions. For new production in Sweden,
Miljöbyggnad level Gold applies; in Denmark
and Finland, BREEAM Excellent applies.
Other types of projects are certified.



Generally, the following items are required: Code of Conduct, sustainability policy, environmental management system, waste
plan, environmental plan, an environmental project manager and energy-efficient product choices — such as LED lighting and
A-certified goods. All of this presumes the selection of sustainable building materials from both environmental and health
perspectives, according to the assessments of the organization created for specifically this purpose: Byggvarubedömningen.



• Miljöbyggnad level Gold* • Install solar cells**

• Choosing renewable energy sources • Investigate the possibilities of outdoor offices
according to Castellum’s WorkOut concept**
• Healthy indoor climate and carefully prepared
moisture prevention work • Create inviting stairwells**
• Sustainable construction materials • Energy-efficient and environmentally friendly
construction sites
• Near zero-energy buildings*
• Non-fossil fuel powered vehicles at construction sites
• Always investigate WELL health certification**
• Restoration and increased amount of ecosystem services
• Create a more attractive building through
esthetic decoration • Climate risk management
• Engage local artists in projects** • Incentives for entrepreneurs to create workplaces
in projects

*For new production in Sweden, Miljöbyggnad level Gold applies; in Denmark and Finland, BREEAM Excellent applies. Other types of projects are certified.
**Applies only to construction of office premises.

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Castellum’s sustainability commitments

As a responsible developer of societal progress, • Promote increased biological diversity and

Castellum will be part of driving this develop- limit the use and spread of environmentally
ment towards a sustainable society. Castellum hazardous products.
regards the precautionary principle and soci- • All properties held for more than one year
ety’s requirements under laws and regulations are to be environmentally inventoried, and
as minimum requirements, and the company these will be updated at least every ten years.
strives for continual improvements for the pur- • Create conditions for responsible waste
pose of promoting sustainable development. management through minimizing waste,
GLOBAL COMPACT To achieve properly functional sustainability guarding against pollutants and regarding
Castellum has signed the UN initiatives, Castellum will: waste as a resource for reuse and recycling.
Global Compact, which is an
initiative to coordinate matters of
human rights, labor conditions, the Overall Societal sustainability
precautionary principle and respon- • Govern its operations in line with the UN’s • Offer comfortable, healthy environments
sibility concerning the environment
Sustainable Development Goals. for people in and around the properties we
and anti-corruption. The Global
Compact contains 10 principles. • Comply with Castellum’s Code of Conduct, manage and for our employees’ well-being.
which is built on the UN Global Compact. • Create an equitable organization with a
All Castellum’s employees and partners ­diversity reflecting the composition of society.
must understand and comply with their • Contribute to employment and young people’s
respective Codes of Conduct. opportunities to enter the job market.
• Continually increase competence in • Engage in issues that are significant for
sustainability through education and societal development.
communication of sustainability issues. • Call attention to and change discriminatory
• Routinely monitor, report on and improve structures in the organization.
our sustainability efforts. • Be an attractive employer and attract the
best and most professional employees.
Ecological sustainability
• Minimize carbon emissions in Scopes 1, 2 Financial sustainability
and 3, which promote global warming. • Maintain long-term, sustainable financial
• Use natural resources responsibly and growth in cash flows.
­efficiently so as not to jeopardize the • Create business models for collaboration
planet’s limits, and thus our climate and regarding sustainable investments.
the opportunities for future generations • Maintain low financial and operational
in a finite world. risk for a strong increase in value in the
• Build and manage from a service life company while offering shareholders
­perspective, and promote circular models. a competitive dividend.
• Use financial and human capital efficiently.


At the UN Summit in September 2015, 17 global
goals were adopted that will lead the world toward a
sustainable and equitable future by 2030. Castellum
has conducted surveys in accordance with the UN’s
global sustainability goals to analyze relevant goals for
the company’s operations. In 2017, these goals were
implemented in Castellum’s new sustainability strategy:
Castellum’s Agenda for the Sustainable City 2030.

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Organization and governance of sustainability efforts

Our sustainability efforts permeate all oper- Castellum’s Agenda for the Sustainable City
ations and are controlled via a management consists of a number of ongoing goals on an
SUSTAINABILITY ACTIVITIES system comprising joint policies, guidelines, annual basis and milestones until 2030. It is
Regulations that control Castellum’s overall measurable objectives and detailed an ambitious agenda wherein the most challen-
sustainability efforts: action plans. The aim of this work is to monitor, ging objectives are to achieve net-zero carbon
External regulations document, evaluate and improve Castellum’s emissions by 2030 and to obtain a gender-equal
• The UN Sustainable sustainability activities. Castellum follows the organization for all occupational categories.
Development Goals precautionary principle, which is integrated Achieving these goals will require the involve-
• Global Compact into Castellum’s sustainability policy and ment and commitment of all employees, which
• The Swedish Companies Act
­business processes, and is monitored via the we actively encourage and support, for exam-
• The Swedish Environmental Code
company’s environmental management system. ple, through regular educational activities.
• The Swedish Work
Environment Act Activities are followed up annually and are Castellum’s CEO is ultimately responsible for
• Environmental Classification: regularly reported to Group Management and all sustainability work. Castellum’s Sustainabil-
Green Building, Miljöbyggnad, the Board. Castellum’s Head of Sustainability is ity Report is prepared in accordance with the
responsible for conducting and developing the GRI Standards and a limited assurance report
• ISO 14001
• Building Regulations from the
sustainability efforts of the Group as a whole. provided by Deloitte. To maintain structured
National Board of Housing, Each region has a Sustainability Coordinator, environmental work, Castellum is ISO 14001
Building and Planning and sustainability efforts are actively integrated certified. The Group has a joint operational
• Other applicable laws and into operations. The work as Head of Sustain- sustainability group to develop the work,
ability and Sustainability Coordinator entails exchange experiences and monitor changes in
Important internal regulations ensuring that the company’s sustainability the business environment. In addition, there
• Sustainability Policy policy is observed, implementing measures is a sustainability forum for the purpose of
• Code of Conduct that lead to Castellum’s sustainability goals and involving development efforts in operations.
• Code of Conduct for suppliers
monitoring climate-related risks and opportu- The sustainability forum consists of managers
• Internal environmental
management system
nities. Castellum’s Board of Directors annually from core operations: HR, Communications,
• Internal control processes adopts a sustainability policy and Codes of Project Development, Management, Regional
• Other instructions Conduct, and routinely discusses and follows CEOs, Finance and Purchasing. As Castellum’s
up on various efforts. In 2017, ambitious and sustainability efforts require ever more
measurable new goals regarding sustainability committed and skilled employees, further
were drawn up and have now been worked into training in sustainability issues is offered on a
operations; their outcomes are shown in the regular basis. All Castellum employees have
outcome section. In 2018, a challenging objec- undergone a mandatory web-based course in
tive was added: to increase the proportion of sustainability and codes of conduct that is a
employees with international backgrounds. part of the introduction for new employees.

We will responsibly and efficiently reduce
resource use and carbon emissions that
cause global warming.

We will create a sustainable property
portfolio in a changing world.

We will promote health, wellness
Continuous improvement
and productivity.
1% Water-use reduction per year
We will conduct business in a responsible 1.5 % Energy-efficiency improvement per year
manner in relation to the community
as well as to our stakeholders.

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Castellum’s agenda for the sustainable city

Our objective is clear — Castellum will be the Focus areas and goals
most sustainable real estate company and a Castellum’s agenda for the sustainable city
major player in building a sustainable society. comprises four focus areas. In turn, these
The purpose of our sustainability agenda is ­consist of 16 interim goals in total. On the
to ensure that we are a relevant and success- ­following pages, the work in 2018 is presented
ful company, not just for today, but well into from the perspectives of the planet, future-
the future. Our agenda has been developed proofing, well-being and conduct. Furthermore,
through analysis, dialogue and discussion. the outcomes of the goals linked to the respec-
This agenda is primarily constructed upon: tive focus areas are presented.

• Local and global challenges and opportunities

• The UN’s global SDGs for 2030
• Castellum’s ability to create shareholder value
• Priorities voiced by customers, employees
and other stakeholders
• Our opportunities to make a real difference
• Identified climate risks and opportunities

2025 CO 2-neutral; net-zero
0 carbon dioxide emissions
Lower energy consumption
-15% compared with 2015
100 % Non-fossil energy
of the portfolio is environ-
50% mentally certified

40–60% Gender equality

in all occupational

20% Of Castellum’s employees

are to have an international

2020 background to more closely

reflect the composition
of society
Non-fossil fuel
100 % powered vehicles

New construction of office Short-term absenteeism Of all employees to

100 % devlopments to be certified < 2% due to illness
4% consist of apprentices
by miljöbyggnad Guld.
Long-term absenteeism Bonus to entrepreneurs
In Denmark and Finland new <3% due to illness who hire apprentices
office developments to be certified
for our developments
by BREEAM Excellent. Other
developments are to be certified. Employees to
100% undergo training in
+ Provision of ecosystem
services in major developments
Code of Conduct

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The planet
be increased, renewable energy must be improved and chang-
Direction of the focus area
ing weather conditions must be taken into account. Castellum
We will responsibly and efficiently reduce resource use is involved in the climate plans and policies of its customers and
and carbon emissions that cause global warming. of government agencies. It supports international treaties such
as the Paris Agreement, displays leadership and to the greatest
Targets extent possible influences the industry to reduce its climate
impact. For example, Castellum was the first property company
• 15% in energy savings per square meter in 2025,
to sign the Swedish government’s “Fossil Free Sweden” initia-
compared with 2015 index and energy savings
tive, and also works actively with industry organizations such as
per >1.5% yearly in the like-for-like portfolio
the Sweden Green Building Council to develop environmental
• Net-zero carbon emissions and 100% non-fossil fuel certification systems and the national initiative to create more
energy by 2030 sustainable buildings. Castellum is also the first property com-
pany in the Nordic region to have its climate targets approved
• 100% of all vehicles to be non-fossil fuel powered by 2020 by the Science Based Targets (SBT) initiative. Castellum’s target
• 1% water conservation per year in the like-for-like portfolio is to achieve 100% climate neutrality in its operations by 2030,
thereby supporting the UN’s climate agreement and the nation-
Outcome al ambition for a fossil fuel-free Sweden.

• -1% (0%) savings cf. 2015, and +3% (-6%) in like-for-like More efficient energy use
Castellum works continuously to reduce energy use by optimizing
• 86% (78%) less CO2 emissions since 2007.
operations and investing in energy-efficient technologies. Over
95% (95%) renewable energy
the past year, 93 developments comprising MSEK 73 were im-
• 62% (34%) non-fossil fuel powered plemented, of which MSEK 5 pertained to investments in solar
cells (6 facilities) for the purpose of enhancing efficiency. Energy
• 1% water conservation (4%) use within the Group is systematically monitored and then
analyzed in follow-up systems. The measures implemented are
prioritized in order of greatest potential for enhancing efficiency.
Efficient use of resources Expansion is underway for Castellum’s own portal for web-
Castellum’s efforts to reduce the company’s climate impact are based property monitoring, to check values for operations,
ambitious, and are in progress throughout operations. Working alarms, elevators and entries. This project saves energy and
efficiently to develop a more sustainable property portfolio has time, and simultaneously provides customer benefits in the
been a goal of the company since the mid-1990s. This work has form of better services through preventive measures. At present,
yielded results, and Castellum is now among the most sustain- 304 properties representing 2,213 thousand square meters are
able companies in the industry. connected to the portal.
To future-proof Castellum’s property portfolio and attain the In 2018, the normalized energy consumption for heating and
global sustainability goals established by the UN and prioritized property electricity in the comparable portfolio (like-for-like) in-
by the company, several challenging goals have been set. Build- creased 3% year-on-year. The increase is due to the challenging
ings must be more energy-efficient, natural resources must be weather conditions in 2018: a long, cold winter with increased
more efficiently utilized, biodiversity in urban environment must need for heating and an extrem­ely warm summer that involved


Absolute consumption per square meter in the properties Castellum manages.
Normalized energy consumption Objective total energy CO2 emissions (normalized) Objective level of CO2 emissions
kWh/sq.m. (bars) kWh/sq.m. (line) kilo CO2 /sq.m. (bars) kilo CO2 /sq.m. (line)
140 10


80 6

60 4

0 0
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Heating, kWh/sq.m. Common electricity, kWh/sq.m.

The actual change in the like-for-like portfolio was +3%. Castellum began systematically measuring energy consumption and heating in 2007, which is why it is utilized as a base year.

68 C A S T EL LU M ’ S D I R EC TO R ’ S R EP O RT, 20 18

extra air conditioning. Another contributing factor Castellum is in dialogue with the district-heating DISTRIBUTION OF
was that over time it was not possible to maintain suppliers with the highest carbon emissions per
the full effect of 6% conservation, attained the kWh in order to influence these suppliers to reduce District heating 90%
prece­ding year, in property management. Heating emissions. The transfer to green district heating
use increased 1% in 2018, while electricity use with renewable fuels is ongoing and currently
increased 4%. Since 2007, energy consumption amounts to 50% of our district heating suppliers.
has decreased by a total of 28% per square meter. During 2018, carbon emissions decreased by
Castellum’s heating consumption of 64 kWh per 2% per square meter; since 2007m they have
square meter can be compared with the industry decreased by 85% per square meter. Of Castellum’s
average according to the Swedish Energy Agen­cy’s total energy use, 95% is renewable.
reference value for heating premises of 122 kWh Since 2001, only green electricity has been used Transportation 3%
per square meter. This means Castellum’s buildings in the Group. Natural gas 1%
are 47% more energy efficient than the Swedish Almost all of Castellum’s servers are now virtual, Oil 2%
average for these premises. in principle. A virtual server means that a physical Own vehicles 4%
server has been converted into software, which
Increased share of renewable fuels reduces energy consumption.
Of Castellum’s total carbon emissions, 13% are DISTRIBUTION OF TOTAL
directly influenced by oil, gas, and service, benefit Reduced amount of waste
and pool vehicles (Scope 1); the remaining emis- Castellum has long worked actively to reduce the District heating 66%
sions — for example, purchased energy such as amount of waste that goes to dumps by offering to
district heating and electricity, 84% (Scope 2), and household waste sorting facilities. Monitoring the
travel by plane, train, taxi and private vehicles 3% work is complicated by several sanitation companies
(Scope 3) — can only be influenced indirectly. being hired, only a few of which can report follow-
To reduce emissions, work is underway to phase up in terms of weights. In addition, customer
out fossil fuels; currently four oil furnaces are still ­operations differ, which means their needs for
in operation. Approximately 12% of Castellum’s waste management differ as well. Statistics are
customers are responsible for their own heating and currently obtainable from 24% (20%) of the Building electricity 26%
22% for electricity on the property. A total of 1,219 sanitation companies. The statistics include waste Cooling 6%
kW of solar cells have been installed on Castellum’s from buildings managed by Castellum, but not Bio gas 1%
properties, equivalent to a total of approximately waste from projects or construction contracts. Geoenergy 1%

8,500 square meters of solar cells. Six large solar Natural gas 0%
cell facilities, equivalent to a total investment of Water consumption Direct acting electricity 0%
MSEK 5, were built in 2018. In addition, there are Castellum utilizes water from the municipal water Oil 0%

two wind turbines on roofs, totalling 3 kW. system, monitors consumption and takes measures
Castellum’s use of district heating means that its to reduce it.
carbon emissions are dependent on the fuel mix used In 2017, Castellum adopted a target of reducing
by the district heating facilities. At present, Castellum water use per square meter in the like-for-like port-
makes use of 26 district-heating facilities, which folio by 1% per year up until 2030. Conservation in
account for 90% of the Group’s total emissions. the like-for-like portfolio was -1% year-on-year.


2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Absolute Intensity Absolute Intensity Absolute Intensity Absolute Intensity Absolute Intensity
Total energy consumption 349,014 98 343,140 94 342,918 99 239,731 90 246,979 93
Total energy consumption, normalized 371,220 104 365,927 100 362,935 104 261,985 98 276,564 104
of which actual heating 238,494 64 244,060 64 244,529 69 167,522 61 168,896 61
of which normalized heating 260,699 70 266,847 70 264,546 75 189,776 69 198,481 72
of which electricity and cooling 110,520 33 99,080 30 98,389 29 72,209 29 78,082 32
Total CO2e emissions 5,188 1.2 7,393 1.7 8,585 2.0 11,537 3.4 15,408 4.3
of which Scope 1 675 0.2 1122 0.3 608 0.1 639 0.2 854 0.2
of which Scope 2 4,362 1.0 6,133 1.4 7,747 1.8 10,720 3.2 14,339 4.0
of which Scope 3 151 0.0 138 0.0 230 0.1 179 0.1 216 0.1
Total water consumption 969,783 0.3 1,008,457 0.3 1,044,503 0.2 747,334 0.3 740,170 0.3

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