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News 1

The new film that claims Trump's election was an act of God.More than 1,000 US cinemas

are screening The Trump Prophecy – which posits that God chose the philandering
billionaire to restore America’s moral values. The belief that Trump’s election was God’s

divine will is shared by others. ranklin Graham, the prominent conservative evangelical, said
last year that Trump’s victory was the result of divine intervention. The £2m movie was a

collaboration between ReelWorks Studios and the film school at Liberty University, an
evangelical Christian institution in Lynchburg. But some students objected to the movie on

theological grounds. They launched an online petition calling for the project to be cancelled.
By the time of Tuesday’s premiere, it had been signed by 2,286 people. Stephan Schultze,

Liberty’s professor of cinematic arts and the movie’s director, dismissed the petition.

News 2

his machine can make gallons of fresh drinking water right out of thin
air. And the team just won a $1.5 million prize for it. The machines,
dubbed Skywater, were created by the Skysource/Skywater Alliance, a
team of sustainability experts from Venice, California. . The machines
can be powered by solar energy or the burning of biofuels.Depending on
the model, they can be used for households, for farming or for emergency relief
Hertz estimates there's about "37.5 million billion gallons of water" in
the atmosphere at any given time, which Skysource says is more fresh
water than in all the rivers on Earth.

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