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Universidad Autónoma

Del Estado De Hidalgo

Higher School of Ciudad Sahagún


In other words.

Are Industrial engineers important in a

globalized world?


Puertoespada Arauz Wendolyne Alejandra.

Thanks to technology, the world is getting smaller and easily accessible to all of
you. Globalization is an economic, technological, political, social and cultural
process on a world scale that consists of increasing communication and
interdependence between the different countries of the world. uniting their social
markets. Globalization is often identified as a process produced mainly by society.
In my opinion, industrial engineers in a globalized world are essential because in
globalization, there are countries that share companies, treaties, agreements and
labor, and in our homes we can have different products from other countries,
because due to the agreements Before mentioned, countries can move their
companies to other countries, this is where the engineers come in, which are very
important, especially the industrial ones, since they are the development engine of
the countries, since they improve the productivity of goods and services
companies, but above all the one that has to put very high in innovation and
entrepreneurship something really important in a globalized and constantly
changing world.
It is important since it is essential in the optimization of processes, the generation
of new products, the creation of new ideas, the establishment of companies,
entrepreneurship, as well as improving existing processes.
Industrial engineering makes the world look from a totally different perspective,
especially for growing countries to exploit the resources that a developing country
has because the market is constantly adjusting, especially oriented towards
services rather than services. production, since an industrial engineer is not only
an expert in manufacturing processes, internal processes, quality, administration,
but also in services.

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