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Exercis: I 1, TR is the radius of the earth and g the acceleration due to gravity on the earth’s surface, the mean density of the earth Is (A) 4xG/39R (8) 3eR/4gG (©) 39/48 (0) aRg/12G Sol. 2, The height above surface of earth where the Value’ of gravitational acceleration is one fourth of that at surface, will be (ARs (8) (x (0); me Sol. 3. The decrease inthe value ofg on going to a height R/2 above the earth's surface will be - 49 oF Wor 2 $ OBJECTIVE PROBLEMS (JEE MAIN) ‘Sol. 4. At what altitude will the acceleration due to gravity be 25% of that at the earth's Surface (given radius of earth is R)? (AR (8) (c)aR/e (D)R/2 Sot, 55. If the rotational motion of earth increases, then the weight of the body « (A) wll remain same (©) will decrease Sol. (8) will increase (D) none of these 6. On doubling the distance between two masses the gravitational force between them will - (A) remain unchanged (8) become one-fourth (C) become half (D) become double ‘Sol. 7. Ifthe acceleration due to gravity inside the earth ts to be kept constant, then the relation between the density d and the distance r from the centre of earth will be ~ dar (B)dxr/2 ‘Sol. 1 (dx ir (Oday 8. Let w be the angular velocity of the earth's rotation about its axis. Assume that the acceleration due to gravity on the earth's surface has the seme valve at ‘the equator and the poles. An object weighed at the equator gives the same reading asa reading taken at a depth d below earth’s surface at a pole (d << R). The valve of ds 3 o) 3 3 20k? . “o oe? oO 9. If the radius of the earth be increased by a factor of 5, by what factor its density be changed to keep the value of g the same ? (A) 725. (8) 1/5. (2) WS Sol, (0)5 10, The mass and diameter of a planet are twice those of earth. What will be the period of oscillation of a pendulum on this planet fit isa seconds pendulum on earth ? (A) 42 second (8) 23 seconds 1 1 (©) Jp second (0) 34 second Sol. 14, A particle of mass M is at a distance a from surface of @ thin spherical shell of equal mass and having radius a. te (A) Gravitational field and potential both are zero at centre of the shell (B) Gravitational field is zero not only inside the shell but at a point outside the shell also (C) Inside the shell, gravitational field alone is zero (D) Neither gravitational field nor gravitational potential is zero inside the shell Sol. 12. Ifthe kineticenergyof a satellite orbiting around the earth is doubled then = (A) the satellite-will escape.into the space. (8) the satellite will fall down on the earth (C) radius of its orbit will be doubled () radius of its orbit will become hal. Sol. 413. The escape velocity from a planet is vo. The ‘escape velocity from a planet having twice the radius but same density will be - (A) 0.5 vo (8)¥o (©) 29 (0)4¥p Sol 14, Two planets) A and 8 have the same material density, Ifthe radius of Ais twice that of B, then the Fatio of the escape velocity z is fa)2 (8) 2 (C) 7y2 (0) 1/2 ‘Sol. 15. Ahollow spherical shell is compressed to halt its radius. The gravitational potential at the centre (A) increases (B) decreases (C) remains same (D) during the compression increases then returns at the previous value 16. A (nonrotating) star collapses onto itself from an initial radius R, with its mass remaining unchanged. Which curve in figure best gives the gravitational acceleration a, on the surface of the star as function of the radius of the star during the collapse ? (0) 17, A satellite of the earth is revolving in circular orbit with @ uniform velocity V. If the gravitational force suddenly disappears, the statellite will (A) continue to move with the same velocity in the same orbit (B) move tangentially tothe original orbit with velocity V (C) fall down with increasing velocity (D) come toa stop somewhere in its original orbit A satellite revolves in the geostationary orbit but in addirection east to west. The time interval between its successive passing about a point on the equator is (Ayaahes (8) 24hrs— (C)12hes (DO) never Sol. 19. Two point masses of mass 4m and m respectively separated by d distance are revolving under mutual force of attraction. Ratio of their kinetic energies will be (A) 1:4 (B)1:5(C) 1: 1(D)1:2 Sol. 20, Select the correct choice(s) : (A) The gravitational field inside a spherical cavity, within a spherical planet must be non zero and uniform. (B) When a body is projected horizontally at an appreciable large height above the earth, with a velocity less than for a circular orbit, it will fall to the earth along a parabolic path (C) A body of zero total mechanical energy placed in a gravitational field will escape the eld (D) Earth’s satellite must be in equatorial plane. Sol. 21. The figure shows the variation of energy with the ‘orbit radius of a body in circular planetary motion. Find the correct state ment about the curves A, Band C (A) A shows the kinetic energy, B the total energy and C the potential energy of the system (8) C shows the total energy, B the kinetic eneroy and A the potential energy of the system 122. Two different masses are dropped from same heights, then just before these strike the ground, the following is same : (A)kinetic energy __(B) potentiatteneroy (C)linear momentum §, (D)/Acceleration ‘Sok, 23. When a satellite moves around the earth in 2 certain orbit, the quantity which remains constant is (A) angular velocity _(B) kinetic energy (C) aerial velocity (0) potential energy Sol. (C) C and A are kinetic and potential energies respectively and B is the total energy of the system () Aand B are kinetic and potential energies and Cis the total energy of the system 24, A body of mass m rises to height h = R/S from the earth's surface, where R is earth’s radius. If g is ac- celeration due to gravity at earth’s surface, the in- crease in potential energy is (Ayman (8) Emgh —(C) Eman (0)$ moh 25. A planet has mass 1/10 of that of earth, while radius is 1/3 that of earth. If a person can throw 3 stone on earth surface to 2 height of 90m, then he will be able to throw the stone on that planet to 2 height (a) 90m (100m, ‘Sol. (8)40m (0).45m 26. Work done in taking a body of mass m to 3 height AR above surface of earth will be (R= radius of earth) (A) gn. (8) mgR (n/n + 1) (not) moh (omer 2) (©) sinety 27. The potential energy of a body of mass 3kg on the surface of a planet is 54 joule. The escape veloc- ity will be = (A) 18m/s (8) 162.m/s (€) 36 m/s (d) 6mrvs Sol. 28. A body of mass m is situated at a distance 4R, above the earth's surface, where Res the radius a arth. How much minimum energy be given to the body so that it may escape - (Ame ()amaRe () MBs (0) MR Sot 29. A satellite of earth is moving in its orbit with a constant speed v. If the gravity of earth suddenly vanishes, then this satellite will - (A) continue to move in the orbit with velocity v. (B) start moving with velocity v in a direction tangen- tial to the orbit (C) fall down with increased velocity (D) be lost in outer space. ‘Sol. ‘30. The ratio of distances of satellites A and B from the centre of the earth is 1.4 : 1, then the ratio of energies of satellites B and A will be ~ Last (BQ: (CAs3 Sol. (0) 4:1 31. A satelite can be ina geostationary orbit around earth at 2 distance r from the centre. Ifthe angular velocity of earth about its axis doubles, a satellite cannnow be in a geostationary orbit around earth fits distance from the center is WF Oa Sol. Og Oar 32. A body Is dropped by a satelite in Its geo-sta- tonary orbit - (A) it will burn on entering into the atmosphere. (8) it will remain in the same place with respect to the earth. (C) it will’ reach the earth in 24 hours. (0) it wil perform uncertain motion Sol, ‘33, The orbital velocity of an artifical satellite in a ‘dircular orbit just above the earth’s surface is v. For a satellite orbiting at an altitude of half of the earth's radius, the orbital velocity is= we [ee \ vfz cv? ‘Sol. 34, Two artificial satellites A and Bare at a distances Tq and tp above the earth's surface. If the radius of earth is R, then the ratio of their speeds will be - tery? a“ (2 R olf} 35. A planet of mass m is in an elliptical orbit about the sun (m << M,,) with an orbital period T. If A be the area of orbit, then its angular momentum would (ymat (CFE (0) amar 36.1f the distance between sun and earth is made 3 times of the present value then gravitational force between them will become = (a) stimes, (8) j times (©) { times (0) 3times ‘Sol. 37. Ifa body is carried from surface of earth to moon, then (A) the weight of a body will continuously increase (B) the mass of a body will continuously increase (C) the weight of a body will decrease first, become zero and then increase, (0) the mass of a body will decrease first, become zero and then increase. ‘Sol, ‘38. The period of revolutions of two satellites are 3 hours and 24 hours. The ratio of their velocities will be - 1:8 Sol. (i:2 ()2z2 (DATE 39. Statement -1: Assuming zero potential at infinity, Gravitational potential_at’a point cannot be positive. Statement - 2 : Magnitude ofgravitational force between two partidlehas inverse square dependence on distance between two particies. (A) Statement- 1is te, statement-2 s tue and state- Iment-2is correct explanation for statement=1 (B) Statement -1 is true, statement-2 is true and ‘statement - 2is NOT the correct explanation for state- ment-1 (C) Statement - 1 is true, statement - 2 is false. {0} Stetement- is alse, statement - 2s ove. —_ (SINGLE CORRECT) 2, Two masses m, & m, are initially at rest and are Separated by @ very large distance. If the masses. ‘approach each other subsequently, due to gravitational attraction between them, their relative velocity of ‘approach at a separation distance of d is “ (meme m+) (ey 26 () [rm +m)? Sol. (O)(mm, +m.) 264 2. Aman of mass m starts falling towards 2 planet of| mass M and radius R. Ashe Feaches near tothe surface, he realizes'that he will pass through a small hole in the planet. As.he enters the hole, he sees that the planet is really made of two pieces a spherical shell of| Negligible thickness of mass 2M/3 and a point mass M/ 3 at the centre. Change in the force of gravity experienced by the man is 4.GMm 2.6m 166m Ose OOO e Mag ‘Sol. Se JEE ADVANCED - OBJECTIVE 5 ‘3. A spherical uniform planet is rotating about its axis. ‘The velocity of a point on its equator is V, Due to the rotation of planet about Its axis the acceleration due to gravity g at equatoris 1/2 of g at poles. The escape velocity of a particle on the pole of planet in terms of v Y, = 2v (8), Sol, (CVV, = W/2 (D)V,= av ‘4. The escape velocity for a planet is v,. A tunnel is dug along a diameter of the planet and » small body is. ‘dropped into it atthe surface. When the body reaches. the centre of the planet, its speed will be wy Oe Sot. OF — (zero 5. Ifa tunnel is cut at any orientation through earth, {then a ball released from one end will reach the other end in time (neglect earth rotation) (A) 84.6 minutes (B) 42.3 minutes (©) Sminutes (0) depends on orientation Paragraph Q.6&Q.7 ‘Two uniform spherical stars made of same material have radii R and 2R. Mass of the smaller planet is m. They start maving from rest towards each other from. a large distance under mutual force of gravity. The collision between the stars is inelastic with coefficient of restitution 1/2. 6. Kinetic energy of the system just after the collision s AG? 8Gm? On OR (0) cannot be determined Sol. 2Gm? Re 7. The maximum separation between their centres after their first calision (aan (BER ‘Sol. (car (0) 12R 8. A mass is at the center of a square, with four masses at the corners as shown. ™ (8) © (0) Rank the choices according to the magnitude of the gravitational force on the center mass. (AD Fa= Fa < Fe Fo (B)F,> Fy < Fo < Fe (O)F, = Fy> F. =F, (D) none Sol. 9. A satellite of mass m, initially at rest on the earth, is launched into a circular orbit at 2 height equal to the radius of the earth, The minimum energy required (a mor (8) Ema — (C) wh (0) jroR 10, Asatellite of mass 5M orbits the earth in a arcular ‘orbit. At one point in its orbit, the satellite explodes into two pieces,,one of mass M and the other of mass 4M. After the explosion the mass M ends up travelling in the same direular orbit, but in opposite direction. ‘After explosion the mass 4M is in (A) bound orbit (8) unbound orbit (C) partially bound orbit (0) dota is insufficient to determine the nature of the orbit Sol. Q.i1812 Figure shows the orbit of a planet P round the sun S. ‘AB and CD are the minor and major axes of the ellipse. 44, If t, is the time taken by the planet to travel ‘along ACB and t, the time along BDA, then AL=t tt (Ot Iki at (A)OnlyD — (B)OAlyC (C) both &C (D) neither D nor C Sol. 13, Satellites A and B are orbiting around the earth in orbits of ratio R and 4R respectively. The ratio of their areal velocities is (1:2 (BLE (D) 1:16 (ase 24, Figure shows the variation of energy with the orbit radius r of a satellite in a circular motion, Select the correct statement. if (A) Z is total energy, ¥ Is kinetic energy and x is poopy (8) x is kinetic energy, Y is total energy and Z is parley (Oreo ney ani total energy (rte ene Xi pte ny andi ier = (MULTIPLE CORRECT) 15. Assuming the earth to be a sphere of uniform density the acceleration due to gravity (A) at a point outside the earth Is inversely propor- tional to the square of its distance from the center (8) at 2 point outside the earth is inversely propor- tional to its distance from the centre {C) ata point inside is zero (0) at a point inside is proportional to its distance from the centre 16. Two masses m, and m, (mm, 2njRi7g where R is radius of earth ‘Sol. [ LEVEL -!I ] 1. Four masses (each of m) are . 3. An object is projected vertically upward from the placed at the vertices of a regular ‘surface of the earth of mass M with a velocity such Pyramid (triangular base) of side that the maximum height reached is eight times the Find the work done by the system radius R of the earth. Calculate : ‘while taking them apart so that they m | (i) the initial speed of projection form the pyramid of side \ {ithe speed at haf the maximum height. Sol. Sol. 2. Asmall massiand a thin uniform rod each of mass | 4. A satellite close to the earth is in orbit above the ‘m’ are positioned along the same straight line as shown. | equator with a period of rotation of 1.5 hours. If it is Find the force of gravitational attraction exerted by | above a point P on the equator at some time, it will be the rod on the small mass. above Pagain atertime “a ‘Sol. SS ™ 7 ‘5. A satellite is moving in a circular orbit around the earth. The total energy of the satellite is E = -2 10° 3. The amount of energy to be imparted to the satellite to transfer it to a circular orbit where its potential energy is U = -2x10'J is equal to . Sol. 6. Find the gravitational fleld strength and potential at the centre of arc of linear mass density » subtending’ {an angle 2a at the centre. 7 ™N 24 Ap 7. A point P lies on the axis of a fixed ring of mass M and radius a, at a distance a from its centre C. A small partide starts from P and reaches C under ‘gravitational attraction only. Its speed a C will be ‘Sol. 8. Calculate the distance from the surface of the earth at which above and belaw the'surface acceleration due to gravity is the same. ‘Sol, 9. Consider two satellites A and B of equal mass m, moving in the same circular orbit of radius r around the earth E but In opposite sense of rotation and therefore on a collision course (see figure). ny 8 (2) Interms of G, M,, mand rfind the total mechanical energy E, + E, of the two satellite plus earth system before colision. (b) If the callision is completely inelastic so that wreckage remains as one piece of tangle d material (mass = 2m), find the total mechanical energy immediately after calision. (©) Describe the subsequent motion of the wreckage 10. A particle is fired vertically from the surface of the earth with a velocity ky,, where v, is the escape velocity and k <1. Neglecting air resistance and assuming earth's radius as R,. Calculate the height to which it will rise from the surface of the earth. 11. A satellite of mass m is orbiting the earth in a ircular orbit of radius. It starts losing energy due to small air resistance at the rate of C3/s. Then the time taken for the satellite toreach the earth is. ‘Sol. 12. Find the potential energy of a system of eight particles placed at the vertices of @ cube of side L. Neglect the self energy of the particles. Sol. 13. A hypothetical planet of ‘mass M has three moons each ‘of equal mass’ each revolving In the same circular.orbit of radius R. The masses are ‘equally spaced and thus form an equilateralttriangle. Find (2), the total PE, of the system (Gi) the orbital speed of each moon such that they ‘maintain this configuration. ‘Sol: 14, Two small dense stars rotate about their common centre of mass as a binary system with the period year for each. One star is of double the mass of the ‘other and the mass of the lighter one is 1/3 of the ‘mass of the sun. Find the distance between the stars if distance between the earth & the sun is R. Sol 15. A sphere of radius R has its centre at the origin. Ithas a uniform mass density p, except that there is 2 spherical hole of radius r= R/2 whose centre is at x = R/2 as in fig. (2) Find gravitational field at points on the axis for x > R (ji) Show that the gravitational field inside the hole is uniform, find its magnitude and direction. Sol. 16. A body moving radially away from a planet of mass M, whenat distance rfrom planet, explodes in such 2 way that two of its many fragments move in ‘mutually perpendicular Grcular orbits around the planet. What will be (2) then velocity in circular orbits. (b) maximum distance between the two fragments before collision and (©) magnitude of their relative velocity just before they collide. Sol. 17. Athin spherical shell of total mass M and radius R isheld fixed. There is a small hole in the shell. Amass. mis released from rest a distance R from the hole ‘along a line that passes through the hole and also through the centre of the shell. This mass subsequently moves under the gravitational force of the shell. How long does the mass take to travel from the hole to the point diametrically opposite. Sol. 18. Aremote sensing satellite is revolving in an orbit of radius x the equator of earth, Find the area on rth surface in which satellite can not send message. Sol. [ 4. A satellite P is revolving around the earth at 2 height h = radius of earth (R) above equator. Another satellite Q is at 9 height 2h revolving In opposite direction, At an instant the two are at same vertical line passing through centre of sphere. Find the least time of after which again they are in this is situation. \a 2. A certain triple-star system consists of two stars, each of mass m, revolving about a central star, mass. M, in the same circular orbit. The two stars stay at ‘opposite ends of a diameter of the circular orbit, see figure. Derive an expression for the period of revolution Of the stars; the radius of the orbit is r. m wt 3. Find the gravitational force of interaction between the mass m and aninfinite od of varying mass density 2 such that 2(x) = i/x, where x isithe distance from mass m. Given that mass m is placed at a distance d from the end of the rod on its axis 8s shown in figure. eto: aay= ‘4. Inside an isolated fixed sphere of radius R and uniform density f, there is 2 spherical cavity of radius R/2 such that the surface of the cavity passes through the centre of the sphere as in figure. A particle of mass mis released from rest at centre B of the cavity. Calculate velocity with which particle strikes the centre @ LEVEL - ] 55. Aring of radius R is made from a thin wire of radius r. If p18 the density of the material of wire then what will be the gravitational force exerted by the ring on. the material particle of mass m placed on the axis of ring at a distance x from its centre. Show that the force will be maximum when x = Ry JZ and the maximum _Ax°Geipm arr 6. Aman can jump over b = 4m wide trench on earth. If mean density of an imaginary planet is twice that of the earth, calculate its maximum possible radius so that he may escape from it by Jumping. Given radius of earth = 6400 km. 7. Alaunching pad with a spaceships moving along a circular orbit of the moon, whose radius R is triple that of moon Rm. The ship leaves the'launching pad with a relative velocity equal/to the launching pads initial orbital velocity ¥p and the launching pad then falls to the moon. Determine the angle 0 with the horizontal, at which the launching pad crashes into the surface if its mass Is twice that of the spaceship m value of force will be Given 85 Fra, 8-A satellite of mass m is in an elliptical orbit around the earth of mass M(M >>m). The speed of the satellite at Its nearest point to the earth (perigee) is {9 where R= its closest distance to the earth. It is desired to transfer this satellite into a circular orbit, around the earth of radius equal its largest distance from the earth. Find the increase in its speed to be imparted at the apogee (farthest point on the elliptical orbit). ‘A body is launched from the earth’s surface a an angle « = 30° to the horizontal at a speed HSM | Neglecting air resistance and earth's rotation, find (a) the height to which the body wil rise. (li) The radius of curvature of trajectory at its top point. 10. Assume that a tunnel is dug across the earth ius = R) passing through its centre. Find the time a particle takes to reach centre of earth if it is Projected into the tunnel from surface of earth with Speed needed for it to escape the gravitational field of earth. Exercise - IV PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTIONS JEE MAIN 4, If suddenly the gravitational force of attraction between earth and a satellite revolving around it becomes zero, then the satellite will [AIEEE 2002] (A) continue to move in its orbit with same velocity (8) move tangentially to the original orbit with the ssame velocity (C) become stationary ints orbit (©) move towards the earth 2. The escape velocity of a body depends upon mass: as (A) me (8) m* or (D)m Sol. 3. The kinetic energy needed to project a body of ‘mass m from the earth’s surface (radius R) to infinity is [AIEEE 2002] mgr mak (ayy ()2m—R_—(C)mgR_—— (0) ‘Sol, ‘4. Energy required to move a body of mass m from an orbit of radius 2R to 3R is [ATEEE 2002) i» @ 0 GMM (GM og GM OT) Gar OG R Se 5. The escape velocity for a body projected vertically upwards from the surface of earth is 11 km/s. If the body is projected at an angle of 45° with the vertical, ‘the escape velocity will be [AIEEE 2003) (AD 112k /s (B) 22km/s (C) kms (0) ane ‘Sol. 6. Two spherical bodies of mass M and SM and radii R ‘and 2R respectively are released in free space with initial separation between their centres equal to 12R. If they attract each other due to gravitational force only. then the distance covered by the smaller body Just before collision is [AIEEE 2003} (A)2.5R (B)45R (C)7.5R (D)15R Sol. 7. The time period of a satellite of earth is Sh. If the separation between the earth and the satellite is increased to 4 times the previous value, the new time eriod will become [AIEEE 2003) (A) 10h (8)80h = (C) 40h (0) 20h 8. Suppose the gravitational forces varies inversely 25 the nth power of distance. Then the time period of 2 planet in circular orbit of radius R around the sun will be proportional to (AIEEE 2004) ®) OR (0) ge! 9. Ifgis the acceleration due to gravity on the earth's. surface, the gain in the potential energy of an object of mass m raised from the surface of the earth to a height equal to the radius R of the earth, is [AIEEE 2004) 1 (A)2mgR (8) jmoe (Chqm9R (D) mgR 10. The time period of an earth satellite in circular orbit is independent of [ATEEE 2004) (A) the mass of the satellite (8) radius of its orbit (C) both the mass and radius of the orbit (0) neither the mass of the satellite nor the radius of its orbit Sol. 11,A satellite of mass m revolves around the earth of, radius R at a height x from its surface. If g is the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth, the orbital speed of the satellites [ATEEE 2004] ak A ex (®) Roy ek of oo) ( Sel. 12.A particle of mass 10 g Is kept on the surface of a uniform sphere of mass 100 kg and radius 10 em. Find tthe work to be done against the gravitational force between them, to take the particle far away from the sphere, (you may take G = 6,67 x 10°" Nm'/kg”) [ATEEE 2005) (8) 3.33 x 109) (0) 6.67 x 107) (A) 13.34 « 10°93 (C) 6.67 «109 Sol. 13, The change in the value of g at a height h above the surface of the earth is the same as at a depth d below the surface of earth. When both d and h are ‘much smaller than the radius of earth, then which one of the following Is correct ? [AIEEE 2005) 4 wade (©) d=2h Sol. A4.Average density of the earth [AIEEE 2005] (A) does not depend on g (B) is @ complex function of g (C)Is directly proportional to g (0) s inversely proportional tog Sol. 15. Ifo, and g, are the accelerations due to gravity on the surfaces of the earth and the moon respectively and if Milikan's oll drop experiment could be performed on the two surfaces, one will find the ratio electronic charge onthe moon electronic chargeontheearth ‘0 b€ [AIEEE 2007] fe Bu ami (reo) Sol Directions Question number 6 is Assertion-Reason type Question. This question contains two statements : ‘Statement I (Assertion) and Statement II (Reason). The question also has four alternative choices, only one of which is the correct answer. You hhave to select the correct choice. (A) Statement I is true; Statement II is true; Statement Il is not a correct explanation for ‘Statement (B) Statement I is true; Statement IIIs false. (C) Statement I is false; Statement Il is true. (0) Statement 1 is true; Statement II is true; ‘Statement II is a correct explanation for Statement I. 16.Statement I: For a mass M kept at the centre of a cube of side a, the flux of gravitational field passing through its sides is 4x GM. and ‘Statement II: ‘the direction of a field due toa point source is radial and its dependence on the l distance F from the source is given as “>. its flux through a closed surface depends only on the strength Of the source enclosed by the surface and not on the size or shape of the surface. [AIEEE 2008] Sol. 17. A planet in a distant solar system ls 10 times ‘more massive than the earth and its radius is 10 times ‘smaller. Given that the escape velocity from the earth ls 11 kms", the-eseape velocity from the surface of the planet would be’ [AIEEE 2008) (A) Lat kms (8) 11 kms (Cpuidknes (0)0.11 kms 18. The height at which the acceleration due to gravity becomes 4 (where g =the acceleration due to gravity on the surface ofthe earth) in terms of R, the radius of the earth is. (AIEEE 2009) R R (A) 2 OR OFT (0) J2R ‘Sol. 19. Two bodies of masses m and 4 m are placed at a distance r. The gravitational potential at 8 point on tthe line Joining them where the gravitational field is 2er0, 1s (AIEEE 2011] Gm Gm w= = r r 96m ©-— (0) zero Sal. 20, Two particles of equal mass m go around a circle of radius R under action of their mutual gravitational attraction. The speed of each partide with respect isthe cone of mare (ateee 3023) em om ole VaR [om o) () WR (0) IR 21, The mass of a spaceship Is 1000kg. It is to be launched from the earth's surface out into free space. The value of g and R (radius of earth) are 10 m/s* and 6400 km respectively. The required energy for this work will be [AIEEE 2012} (A) 64x 10"3— (B) 6.4.x 10°) (C) 64x 109 (0) 6.4 10") Sol. 122. What is the minimum energy required to launch 8 statellite of mass m from the surface of @ planet of mass M and radius R in a circular orbit at an altitude of 2R? [DEEMAIN 2013) mu Gm ” aR aR scmM 26mm a OR Sot. LEVEL - In a region of only gravitational fleld of mass particle is shifted from A to B via three different paths in the figure. The work done in different paths are W,, W,, W, respectively then 3) Ca ) ln IEE’ (Scr.) 2003] (8)W, > W, > W, (AW, = W, =, (D) W, < W, < W, (C) Wy = W, > ‘Sol. 2. A body is projected vertically upwards from the bottom of a crater of moon of depth R/100 where Ris the radius of moon with a velocity equal to the escape velocity on the surface of moon. Calculate maximum height attained by the body from the surface of the mon DEE’ 2003) JEE ADVANCED 3. A system of binary stars of masses m, and m, are ‘Tioving in circular orbits of radii, and r, respectively. If and T, are the time periods f masses m, and m, respectively, then (ae 2006f (A) T, > Ty (ifr, > Fa) (8) T, > T, (ifm, > m,) ae A ©| (T,=T, 44. A spherically symmetric gravitation particles has a aus density _ [ro toresk | Oforr>R where p, Is a constant. A test mass can undergo cir- cular motion under the influence of the gravitational fleld of particles. Its speed V as a function of distance F (0 << =) from the centre of the system is repre- sented by y y wolY @ IN RS Rt y y cA otk RT Rt Sol, system of (ee 2008) 5. STATEMENT-1 ‘An astronaut in an orbiting space station above the Earth experiences weightlessness. (082 2008) and 'STATEMENT-2 ‘An object moving around the Earth under the influence of Earth's gravitaitonal force is in a state of free-fall (A) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is True, STATEMENT-2 la a correct explanation for STATEMENT-1 (8) STATEMENT-1 Is True, STATEMENT-2 is True; STATEMENT-2 Is NOT a correct explanation for ‘STATEMENT-1 (C) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is False (D) STATEMENT-1 is False, STATEMENT-2 is True 6. Athin uniform annular disc (seé figure) of mass M hhas outer radius 4 R andjinner radius 3R. The work required to take a unit mass from point P on its axis to infinity is. (DEE 2010) aes) (8) - 7 ava-5) ou 20M oR (0) Fee sol. 7. Abinary star consists of two stars A (mass 2.2) and B (mass 11 M,), where M, isthe mass of the sun ‘They are separated by distance d and are rotating about their centre of mass, which Is stationary. The Fatio of the total angular momentum of the binary star to the angular momentum of star B about the centre of mass s. [DEE 2010) ‘Sol 8. Gravitational acceleration on the surface of planet 1+ 4, wnere gis the raetaienalscclatn on tne race fhe sarin The bverape mass density ofthe plant is 2 times tot ofthe enh tthe exe speed on the sac of he ert taken to bbe 11 kms”, the escape speed on the surface of the planet in kms" will be (DEE 2010) 9. Asatellite is moving with a constant speed "Vin 3 Circular orbit about the earth. An object of mass ‘m' is, ejected from the satellite such that it just escapes {from the gravitational pull of the earth. At the time of its ejection, the kinetic energy of the object is (ay Env? (ayy? (C) FM (O)2MV? [38 2011) ‘Sol. 10. Two spherical planets P and Q have the same Uniform density , masses M, and Ma, and surface areas A and 4A, respectively. A spherical planet R also has uniform density p and its mass is (M, + Ma). ‘The escape velocities from the planets P, Q and R, are Vp Va na Va, respectively. Then (ee 2012) (A) Vg > Va > Vp (8) p> Vo> Vp (CMa / Vp = 3 (0) WiNe-$ 11, Two bodies, each of mass M, are kept fixed with a separation 2L. A particle of mass mis projected trom the midpoint of the line joining their centres, perpen- dicular to the line. The gravitational constant is G. ‘The correct statemient(s) is (are) [DEE 2013) (A) The minimum initial velocity of the mass m to es- cape the grav eld tee bodes 4] (8) The minimum nil woo themass mes cape the savin eld eto bodess2| (C) The minimum initial vetocity of themass m to es- cape the gravitational eld of thetwo bodies is /7e™ . (D) The energy ofthe massimremains constant. Sol. [ Exercise - I I OBJECTIVE PROBLEMS (JEE MAIN) ] 4 ¢ 2 D7 3 8 4 B & C & B 2 © & A & B mM B WH D BR A am co Mw A %& 8B & B Mm B mc ™m A m Cc mM D mR D m Cc mM B moc m B mM D om Cc om B MA Mm co om B mM C M A HA mB mc om com B [ Exercise - I JEE ADVANCED - OBJECTIVE ] wo oc 2 A 3 A 4 B & B & B no A &® A ® D Mm B © B @ Cc mA 1% C1 AD AD 1% BCD IR FAC ™ AC Mm BD mM A 2 A BB ABE 2. (AD [ ixnercise - I (JEE ADVANCED) ] LEVEL -1 ony 4 [6m 2 [2om au SO37R May sr 4. 1.6 hours i is rotating from west to east, 26/17 hours if itis rotating from west to east S210 6 2 ena) -Gr20) rye 2.(a)-Gmay, )-2omMr 10. BAS 49, t- SEF 1. 0-22(5-M).@ S[Fm) wer [ LEVEL - it 2R**(6V6) nr? Gm 3 % Jenitaa- a5) ® Jeawem) ® agi 4 y3%PR © Veaum 7. 80> Fe FETE] a n-(Zajamrae sn rean( 2) [ Exercise - IV I PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTIONS LEVEL JEE MAIN Cr a D c_ 6 ¢ A 8% B im A > Di age A 160A In A C208 c [ LEVEL- I JEE ADVANCED AR | ne 90R 2 op 4 C A & A 2 6 & 3 & B % BOD 1% B © D ue to rotation of earth = 9- aR sin’o weight » Sam Sem (ay 4 GRAVITATION OBJECTIVE PROBLEMS (JEE MAIN) a-wR,=9/ wR og 9 2 8 om, GM, 9= Rk? "GR 4 4 aRop AatSR Po! RS GRY = Se! io 68 SM) 9 oO ORY 2 fr Ter ye a2 New time period T'= 23 1. THEORY aA Tpgy 2} mv? Brny* «24d nv viedy, so escape. 13. ¢ 18. 7. 18. (ada POR + Move tangetay) (2) cavity at center, field is zero (b) Arcot ellipse (c) for escape TE. = 0 (@) Notes. G ke 24 OM mo 23 6 Kepler's second law rer $A. constant m. 2s. se) fyi mo{ tm] 1 io! Lm «—0 lg, 2 it] vol) ls from (1) 8 (2) GM, 99.9 mGM mM 90-3 GM n, = n 100m 26. 2. moc 3. A Ay? SMM _ Rem ALL 2 Re+h Re+4Re ss 36.8 2 8 SMM, Gravity of earth vanishes means there is no centrip- eR etal force that is gravitational force. ome, 30. ”. wee a 31. 4 39, R= ay 2 8 GHm_ mv 3 wan vf [__cxerctse-u J JEE ADVANCED - OBJECTIVE ¢ From €.. 2 SY Lined tm om - 53M Lmyz ebmvi trom¥.c. my,=my,=0 non SYP bmet $Y _ [pe “nit, om) - a ve" etm, om) Relative velocity of approach = v, + v, 8 _ SMimx van ® z roan T=B46mn time to enc omer endt= T= 42.3min . pfatem of 22m = NOO ) 7 ys Lame, wy)! EMRE wes bomey, vat he ry ‘After collision r is max. separation from M.C. amv,,+ mv, = 9mv fg “sgt | mf $00, + va] Sv v=o from E.- Gam? 1 1 gy? 2 Sm" _ G8? Fee RR cewah aa 2GM’ In (2) & (b) are In (c) 8 (8) L soe > -omm Re oc, =6Hym e.g GMm _ GM,m difference = ~ S47. Sam 10. 41. 12 t, between area Is ACB Is greater than c Both D 8 C between Total energy is always -ve a eee an. RR eam wa Buk c PE) + SU te, =- SAT ke =+ Sm AD mtn is ne (B= y— sino ge ‘Area covered = R’2s (1 - cos(90-8)) = 2aR? (1 ~ sino) ‘Area escaped = 4zR? ~ 2aR? (1 ~ sino) = 2aR? (1 + sind) AC Radius decreases -> Velocity increases ‘due to which K.E. increases mur om {For > a rae 3D Theory A 284m ope, ve (& 2 o> rh tte a (a) (6) Both direction and Magnitude not change (C) Total Mechanical is constant (0) Linear momentum changes becoz v change as r changes but rv = constant AB, ve EZ ow Ver ore Th (JEE ADVANCED) Gm? _2Gm?_3Gm’ ; ye Tes S 6 nS fanancorn Ga e= Sasina] potential = SI RBI «G2, 2 3. & = 4 om year “GMa Ay Ge, ; (0) SEE my? = SM Ein %. = 2 Tem —- a “VSR ByM.c. @) ¥ "® 4 When sense of ratation of both earth and final velocity = 0 satellite is opposite -GM,2m te = Ham ‘Straightline. When sense of ralation of both earth and | ‘satellite is same. 0. % au. Tang -2 X 10°) So given ergy = 1 * 10°) 13, 14. Joni GM cape Ge ‘wit respectto one ime taken 2 ee 1-286 V6) (2/2 + 313) aver MeGe\anp = 8G Now F=ma ee cue Cm ‘According to problem 4g = 29, 49=20,% n Stamm) —v! 2th, Seat alae Nem SS aioe vey ‘e m oy at wy, . =] aatine Volt = 119) = 218% KTU=KeU, sods) ESE Geum.) _(2mvg _, . [GM RE RR > from (1) &(2) oS f Wi Wa Soto va, from energy conservation 27 ROR Ln SGM _ Stn | GH Ly conserved about centre of earth mRy, tin 60" = m(R +h) ‘Soling these (3) equations “ (2) 3) ote. aga FPF) = RP) Exercise -1V PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTIONS JEE MAIN ‘When gravitational force becomes zero, then cen- tripetal force required cannot be provided. So, the satellite will move with the velocity as it has at the instant when gravitational force becomes. 2ero, ie. it moves tangentially to the original or- bit. a Escape velocity = /29R, So, escape velocity is independent of m. So, it ‘depends upon mass m as m?. c ‘The minimum kinetic energy required to project a body of mass m from earth's surface to infinity is known as escape energy. Therefore ce - Smge (as ge SM ° Gravitational potential energy of body willbe Where M s'mass of eorth m= mass of the body, R= radius of earth. Atr= aR, __sMm ar) ar aaR, Energy required to move a body of mass m from an orbit of radius 2 R to 3R Is 2am eR ‘The escape velocity is independent of angle of rojection, hence, it will remain same ie, 11 km/s. c Let at '0' there will be a collision. If smaller sphere ‘moves x distance to reach at O, then bigger sphere 7 will move a distance of (9R-x). Thus, dividing Eq. (i) by Eq. (il) we get Rox o x= 45R-5x o 6x = 45R o x=7.5R c According to Kepler's law pee = Bae ofl) and (TP a (Ae) fll) From Eqs. ()) and (ii), we have 3 oP wy eer o T= ¥i600, o Te40hn A The necessary centripetal force required for @ planet to move round the sun ™ gravitational force exerted on it ww or TaR™e Gravitational potential energy of body on earth's surface =n v R [Ata height h from earth’s surface ts value is = Sm Rib) aR Where M, = mass of earth, 'm = mass of body, R = Radius of earth Gain in potential energy mu = SME] _ Gt) eR) (ash=R) = Sm, GM es = bmge 10.4 Time period of satellite 1-20 where R +h = orbital radius of satellite, M, = mass of earth. ‘Thus, time peroid does not depend on mass of satellite. 11.0 ‘The gravitational force exerted on satellite at a height xis Where M, = mass of earth Since, gravitational force provides the necessary centripetal force, so, GM mvj Rix Ri (where v, is orbital speed of satellite) cHym ane R'm , 6M, ome ™ oe! Q r=t0as%s (U,=0) = we-u, = 6.67 109) : a-b-8) a-ds-§) 0 ‘As per statement of the problem, te." 9, b-B)def) + whee i) (p=average density) 15.4 ‘According to Millikan's oil drop experiment, elec- tronic charge is given by, a. S244) Which is independent of 9. electronic charge on the moon 'S0 “elecronic charge on the earth 16. Correct option is (a) you can make an analogy with Gauss's law in electrostatics. 17. Mass of planet, M,= LOM,, where M, is mass of earth: Radius of planet.Ry = Bs, where R, is Fadius of earths co escape wees Mr re lae, vs _ ROR R 10 Km s+ 18. A Gm = pp + aceleration due to gravity at height h 19.c Let gravitation field is zero at P as shown in figure. Gm _ Xam) moe 4 ee == 3 40 2-7 = der 20. 8 Gravitational force provides necessary centripetal force, Gm’? mv! es GRR Potential energy on earth surface is - mgR while In free space itis zero. So, to free the spaceship, minimum required energy is K = mgR = 10° x 10 x 6400 x 10°) = 6.4 x 102) amc Energy = Au+ KE Height from the surface H=H—-R H'=905R > IntheoryT, ¢ forreR som - [sa Laer -ry? * "Liter" work dane by extemal agent = U.-U, 10. 11. _ 2amal2 -5) ‘from (1), (2). (3) V_= 3 kmisec Spe Sw Object escape when its PLE equal to Its K.E. = Se ok. . “PA = 8M m= 9M Favs of Rw be hy arger than 2, { * eq ersmaton ao v= 2 e-im Exo. In one particle potential energy should not be considered. Energy of m is not constant.

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