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1. ENVIRONMENT (Ambiente): It is the set of natural and social phenomena or

elements that surround an organism, to which it responds in a certain way.
These natural conditions can be other organisms (biotic environment) or non-
living elements (climate, soil, water). Everything as a whole conditions the life,
growth and activity of living organisms.

2. ENVIRONMENT (Medio Ambiente): It is the set of physical-natural, social,

cultural factors, economic and aesthetic that interact with each other, with the
individual and with society in which he lives, determining his form, character,
relationship and survival.

3. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (Gestion Ambiental): It is the set of

human activities that it has for object the ordering of the environment and its
main components, such as politics, law and environmental administration.

4. ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION (Educación Ambiental): Action and effect

of training and informing communities especially related to the definition,
conservation and restoration of different elements that make up the

5. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY (Estudio de Impacto Ambiental): It is

the set of information that should be file with the competent environmental
authority and the license request environmental.

6. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (Impacto Ambiental): It is the repercussion of

the modifications in the factors of theEnvironment, on human health and well-
being. And it's about wellness where the quality of life, assets and cultural
heritage are evaluated, and conceptions aesthetic, as elements of impact

7. ENVIRONMENTAL LICENS (Licencia Ambiental): It is the authorization

granted by the environmental authority competent for the execution of a work or
activity, subject to compliance by the beneficiary of the license, of the
requirements that it establishes,related to the prevention, mitigation, correction,
compensation and management of the environmental effects of the work or
authorized activity.

8. NATURAL RESOURCES (Recursos Naturales): Are those assets existing

on Earth and that the humanity takes advantage of their subsistence, adding an
economic value.Such resources are: air, energy, minerals, rivers, flora, fauna.

9. RENEWABLE RESOURCES (Recursos Renovables): Are those assets

that exist on Earth and that are not deplete, such as air, wind, sea water. They
reproduce alone or with the help from man.
10. SUSTAINABILITY (Sustentabilidad): Process of rationalization of social
conditions, economic, educational, legal, ethical, moral and ecological
fundamentals that enable the adequacy of the increase in wealth in benefits of
the society without affecting the environment, to guarantee the well-being of
future generations. It can also be called sustainability.

11. NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCES (Recursos No Renovables): Are those

assets that exist on Earth in limited quantities. They are mostly minerals such
as oil, gold, platinum, copper, natural gas, coal.

12. RECYCLING (Reciclaje): It consists of converting already used materials

into raw materials for manufacture new products.

13. ECOSYSTEM (Ecosystem): Dynamic complex of plant, animal and

microorganism communities and their non-living environment that interact as a
functional unit.

14. ECOLOGY (Ecología): Science that studies living beings in their different
levels of organization and its interrelationships among themselves and with the

15. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (Desarrollo Sostenible): It is one that

meets the needs of the present without compromise the ability of future
generations to satisfy their own needs. At the same time that it distributes the
benefits more equitably of economic progress, preserves the local and global
environment and fosters a true improvement in the quality of life.

16. WATER POLLUTION (Contaminacion Hidrica): When the quantity of

water served goes beyond a certain level,the oxygen supply is insufficient and
the microorganisms can no longer degrade the debris contained in it, which
causes the water currents to suffocate, causing a deterioration of their quality,
producing odors nauseating and making its use for consumption impossible.

17. POLLUTION (Contaminacion): It is a detrimental change in the chemical,

physical, and biological characteristics of an environment or setting. It affects or
it can affect the life of organisms and especially human life.

18. GLOBAL WARMING (Calentamiento Global): It is the alteration (increase)

of the planet's temperature,product of intense human activity in the last 100
years. The increase of the temperature can modify the composition of the
thermal floors, alter the rainy seasons and sea level rise.

19. CLIMATE CHANGE (Cambio Climatico): Alterations of the planet's natural

climate cycles by effect of human activity, especially massive CO2 emissions to
the atmosphere caused by intensive industrial activities and burning massive
fossil fuel.

20. BIODIVERSITY (Biodiversidad): It can be understood as the variety and

variability of organisms and ecological complexes where they occur. It can also
be defined as the different number of these organisms and their relative
frequency. Ideal situation of proliferation and diversity of living species on the
planet. All the species are interrelated, they are necessary for the balance of the
ecosystem, they are born with the same right to live as man, and to be
respected their natural environment.

21. WATER (Agua): Odorless, colorless and tasteless liquid, widely distributed
in thenature. It represents around 70% of the Earth's surface.Essential
component of living beings. It is present on the planet in every being human, in
the form of a multitude of microscopic flows.

22. AQUIFER (Acuífero): Geological formation of the earth's crust in which the
infiltrated, influx or condensation waters.

23. ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT (Auditoria Ambiental):documented and

objective of an evaluation of the environmental organization, operation and
equipment, in order to help safeguard the environment.

24. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (Calidad Ambiental): its contribution to

ecological health and integrity. Physical, biological and ecological state of
adetermined area or zone of the biosphere, in terms relative to its unit and
health present and future of man and other animal and plant species.

25. QUALITY CYCLE (Ciclo De Calidad): Conceptual model of the interrelated

activities that influence in the different stages from the identification of needs to
the evaluation of their satisfaction.

26. CONSERVATION (Conservasion): Management aimed at the preservation

and rational use of resources natural, to ensure the best benefit that tends to
the sustainable development of the society.

27. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (Gestion Medioambiental): It is the

functional aspect of the management of a company that develops and
implements environmental policies and strategies.

28. ACTION PLAN (Plan De Accion): Document stating the strategy and the
steps to be taken to ensure the provision and implementation of measures that
lead to environmental quality standards, in a given period and place.

29. TRAINING PROGRAM ( Programa De Capacitacion): Structured

approach to skills development for a particular qualification covering the
requirements of the approved components.Includes a selection of units or
options within the package and the method, training and location for
achievement of skills.
30. RESTORATION (Restauración): It is the restoration of the original

properties of an ecosystem or habitat in terms of community structure, natural

complement of species and fulfillment of its natural functions. RESTORE
Restore original properties of an ecosystem or habitat.

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