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3rd Floor, Panagal Maaligai,
No. I Jeenis Road, Saidapet,
Phone No.044-243 59973
Fax No. 044-24359975


Letter No. SEIAA-"`IT._ 6828AIC/ 8(av66l#Ol9 dated: 17.092019

The Executive Engineer
Division I, construction wing .rd.

M/s. Chermai Metropolitan.Pe

No. IA, Gandhi lrwin Road


Clearance Issued - Regarding.

Ref: 1. Proponent application for Environmental Clearance dated: 29.04.2019 received

2. :yinsuEt=f°thne2]];::h.2s°E];; meeting held on I o.06.2019 i

3. Proponent reply dated: 11.06.2019 & 26.06.2019

4. Lr.No.SEIAA-TNff.No.6828/SEAC/2019 dated: 04.07.2019

5. Proponent reply dated: 29.07.2019

6. Minutes of the 133rd SEAC meeting held on 24.08.2019

Page 1 of 27 •.--,ci.`.i
7. Proponent reply dated: 26.08.2019 & 16.09.2019

9. Minutes of the 355th SEIAA Meeting held on 17.09.2019

This has reference to your application lst cited, the pro|]osal is for obtaining

Envirormental Clearance to establish a construction project under Category 82 and

Schedule S.No. 8(a) under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 2006, as
The Competent Authority and Authorized signatory furnished detailed
information in Fom 1 and Form lA and liquidate enclosures are as Amexures:
Annexure 1

S.No Description ::i§ng¥¥§ :1#!,I Details

\: 3t:~ yf ? ..i
7ivThe Executive Engineer
S` grz3®

i 3',i-.-¥i ,-=3`? ;
ife~;¥i5isrfe :`LE£±visfon I, construct;on Wing

Name of the Project proponent and M/s. Chennai Metropolitan Development

`gTRE " -. Chermai-600008.

Proposed construction of new Mofussil Bus

2) proposedActfvity ffi E ,

3) Schedule No. 8(a)

4) Project Location -

191, 202/1, 2, 197, 186, 189, 190, 192, 195/2,

196, 198, 199, 200, 201, 193, 185, 183/18, 28,

i)Survey Nos.
a, 184/18, 38, 192/2, 203/I, 204/I, 205/2A,


ii)Revenue Village Kilanbakkan

iii)Taluk Chengalpet

Page 2 of 27
Letter No. SEIAA-TNff. 6828AIC/ 8(a)/661/2019 dated: 17.09.2019 SEIAA-TN

iv)District Kancheepuram

/irea of the Land 349807.60

Built up Area 68965.84

Brief description of the Droiect:

> Teminal Building
> Public Toilet
> Mofirssil Bus Bays
> Mofussil Bus Finger Toilet
> NIC office
> MTC Bus Terminus
> worichop
> Workshop Toilet
> Sub station
> Under Ground sump
> Sewage Treatment plant

A. Terminal Building:
The Teminal Building designed. for Two Basements (16903 Sqm +
16855Sqm), Ground Floor (14905Sqm) and First Floor (11666 Sqm) with

over all built up area of 60329Sqm. Terminal Building consists of ramps t6

access basements, 260Car parking and 568 Two wheeler packing planned in
first basements and 840 Car packing and 2230 Two wheelers parking is

plarmed in second basement.

The passenger amenities, Transport staff amenities planned in Ground and
First floor as listed below along with common services like 4 numbers of

passenger lifts, 4 numbers of service lifts, 7 Staircases, 6 Electrical rooms and

1 Control rcom.

Ground Floor Amenities:

> Public lobby covering 2014 Sqm of area
> 49 Shops covering 1412 Sqm of area

Page 3 of 27
> 2 Restaurants covering 405 Sqm of area
> 2 Fast foods covering 370 Sqm of area
> 20 Ticket counters, 3 Transport offices and 3 Time offices covering

> 1 Medical center covering 26.98 Sqm of area

> I Clinic covering 45.98 Sqm of area
> 1 Mothers room covering 34.50 Sqm of area
> 1 ATM covering 19Sqmofarea
> 2 Store rooms covering 77Sqm of area
> 1 Cloak room covering 115Sqm of area
> 1 Security/CCTV room covering 115Sqm of area
> 6 Electrical rooms and 1 control room covering 260 Sqm of area.
> 4 Toilet blocks for Ladies and Gents planned in the ground floor at
different locations having 74 wash basins, 35 urinals and 91 Water
Closets totally.

First Floor Amenities:

> 1 Gent's dormitory for 100 people which covers an area of 377Sqm.
> 1 Ladies dormitory for 40 people whicb covers an area of 230Sqm.
> 4 Drivers dormitory for 340 drivers which covers a total area of

> 36 Shops covering an area of 1465Sqm.

> 6 Electrical rooms covering an area of 220 Sqm
> 2 Toilet Blocks for Ladies and Gents Dormitory, 4 Toilet Blocks for
Drivers Dormitory and 2 Toilet Blocks for Commercial area Ladies
and Gents having 91 wash basins, 72 urinals, 95 WCs and 57 baths

The proposed Terminal Building is provided with the services Electrification,

DG Backup, Plumbing and Sanitary, Fire protection Services, Ventilation,
Basement ventilation system, Integrated Building Management System,
Signage, Facade works and Facade Access works.

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+ Letter No. SEIAA-TNff. 6828AIC/ 8(a)/661reo19 dated: 17.09.2019 SEIAA-TN

8. Public Toilet:
Public Toilet next to Teminal Building is proposed for the greeter's
convenience in the area of 189 Sqm comprising 11 Water closets,15 Wash

Basins and 17 urinals for Gents, 8 Water closets, 6 Wash Basins for Ladies,1
Water closets, 1 Wash Basins for Transgender and 1 Water closets, I Wasb
Basins for Physically Challenged Persons.
C. Mofussil Bus Bays:
Mofussil bus fingers planed in the area of 14 Acres to accommodate 160
numbers of Government Buses and 85 Numbers of Omni Buses. 8 meters
wide platfom covered for 7.25 meters is considering for public. Considering
2.8 X 12.00 meters bus size; Bus bay size of 3.75 X 14.00 meters angled at

45° with clear Carriage way of 9.4 meters after the designated Bus Bay is

D. Mofussil Bus Finger Toilet:
Mofussil Bus Finger Toilets of 109 Sqm were pro`posed at each finger for

public convenient comprising 4 Water closets, 3 Wash Basins and 8 urinals

for Gents, 7Water closets, 5 Wash Basins for Ladies, 1 Water closets, 1 Wash
Basin for Transgender and 1 Water closet, 1 Wash Basin for Physically
Challenged Persons. Totally 654 Sqm area comprising 78 Water closets, 60
Wash Basins and 48 urinals for Gents.
E. MTC Office:
MTC office designed for Ground and First Floor for the built up area of 833
Sqm consisting Reception lobby, 2 numbers of Transport Office, CCTV room,
Refreshment Room and Electrical room. Gents and Ladies Toilets plamed at
Ground Floor with 17 Water Closets, 10 Urinals and 19 Wash basins and at
First Floor 4 water Closets, 4 Wash Basins and 2 Urinals.

F. MTC Bus Terminus:

MTC Bus Teminus is planned in 7.4 acres extent adjacent to the GST road
having 1100 meters length of 4 meters wide platform covered with Galvalume
roofing for 8 meters wide. Intercormection of platforms with the elevated 6

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Letter No. SEIAA-TNff. 6828AIC/ 8(a)/661/2019 dated: 17.09.2019 SEIAA-TN

meters wide walk way with necessary Escalators and Lifts to access the
elevated walk way planned in future.
G. Work shop:
2 acres of area is designated for bus depot. Inside the Bus Depot Work Shop
for an area of 1920 Sqm with the clear height of 6.5 meters is planned, and
555 Sqm Office area is planned in Ground and First floor inside the works
H. Workshop Toilet
Workshop Toilet plamed near the works shop for an area of 144 Sqm
consisting 10 Water closets, 7 Showers,11 Wash Basins and 8 urinals for
Gents and 1 Water closet 1 Wasb Basin for Physically Challenged Persons /

I. Fuel Filling station:

0.8 Acres of land is designated for Fuel Filling station adjacent to the works

J. Idle parking
14.17 acres of land is allocated for idle Parking to park approximately 260
buses with necessary interlock pavers is considered for pavement.
IL Roads And Access:
All the Access Roads, Mofussil bus bay, MTC Bus Terminus, Bus Depot,
Fuel station and Taxi bay are proposed with Pavement Quality Concrete

paving designed for Axel Load as per IRC and MORT&H Specification with
necessary sub bases. RCC Storm water drains and Kerbs are planned along
with roads as per design.
L. Sub Station:
Substation is designed with Ground and First Floor for the built up area of 793
Sqm to accommodate 2 numbers 2000 KVA oil type Transfomer, HT panel
room, DG synchronizing panel and LT panel room. Open space is designated
for .2 nunibers of 1500 KVA DG sets at adjacent to substation.
M. Under Ground Sump

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Two UG Sulnps, one near the Teminal Building and another one near the
MTC Terminus are proposed. UG sump near the Terminal Building consists
of 2 numbers of 2.5 Lakhs liters capacity fire tanks and 2.5 lalchs liters
capacity of Raw water tank and 2.5 lakhs liters capacity Treated Water Tank
with necessary space of Fire pump room and Water treatment plant. Above
the UG sump at Ground level IBMS server room, Maintenance crew room,
Advertisement crew room and Office room is planned.
UG sump near the MTC Bus Terminus consists of 2 numbers of 1.5 Lakhs
liters capacity fire tanks and 50,000 liters capacity of raw water tank and
50,000 liters capacity of Treated water Tank with necessary space of Fire

pump room and Water treatment plant.

N. Sewage Treatment plant:
Sequential Batch Reactor Process (SBR) Sewage Treatment Plant for 650 KL
capacity is proposed considering 20 Hrs operation for 32.5 cum / IIr inflow.
The STP area will be covered on four sides with green Belt having Trees and
Plants to absorb the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

8) Total occupancy 35316 Nos.

Latitude Lontitude
|2°52'27.37"N 8o°4'42.55"E

| 2°52'11.8 I "N 8o°4'36.65"E

I 2°52' 10.6 I "N 8o°4'38.87"E

|2°52'14.03"N 8o°4'40.27"E

|2°52'15.08"N 8o°4'43.62"E

9) Proj ect site coordinators |2°52'10.83"N 8o°4'52.27"E

|2°52'6.58"N 8o°4'54.83"E

|2°52'19.14"N 8o°5'3.21"E

|2°52'20.02"N 80°5' 1.56"E

|2°52'23.22"N 8o°5'3 .29"E

|2°52'23.56"N 8o°4'53.81"E

MEMBE edRii---`R`-
Page 7 of 27 S,.--.-
10) Green Belt 53729.34


11) Total Fresh Water Requirements 456 RID

a)Source from where the water Local Panchayat & met through tankers by

is proposed to be draun contractors

i)Domestic Purposes 421 KLD

ii) Flushing Qecycled Water) 224 KLD

iii) Bus washing 9`T''`^`,``. 35 KLDJ++

}#F 186 KLD

v)oSR@ecycledwat±f¥i?§¥=?f`i 130 KID


vi) Avenue Plantation & Road

34 KLD
: .¥r%"£
12) waste waterg%,ff,` ~atLi
-,a _ `S

572 KLD
35 KLD
Sewage Treatment Plant -650 KLD
1. Bar screen clamber
2. Raw collection tank
3. SBR Basin

4. Filter feed tank

ii)Details of Treatment 5. Treated tank

6. Sludge holding tank
7. Air blower room
8. PMCC & control room
9. Control room

10. Treated water transfer pump room

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~ Letter No. SEIAA-TNff. 6828AIC/ 8(a)/66l#019 dated: 17.09.2019 SEIAA-"

11. Sludge drying beds

10. Sodium Hypo Chloride Dosing Tank

Effluent Treatment Plant- 40 KLD
I. Oil Removal chamber
2. Effluent collection tank
3. Chemical treatment( Flash mixer &
'-'- Flocculator tank)
tTi- i,- J-

*ife=-a :: ::I::;nFge:Tack
``-: 4-. ```
a ,,
I+`asia,,. 6. Pressure sand Filter
\`` I
3 , , i>Lk .
i-h---:F-JrS ?* _ - `.{>.±Ji 7. Activated carbonFilter

STP Treated water- 540 KLD

:ia~¥i± :::lee:bFe'[:Shing. i-862:DKLD

iii. OSRArea - 130KLDk#
?r-£ }'-,?
13ETP treated water- 34 KLDi
`jAvenue Plantation & road washing - 34 KLD


Municipal Solid Waste 2215 Kgroay

Mode of Treatment will be through Organic

i)Bio degradable -1329 Kg/day waste Converter

ii)Non Bio Degradable Waste - Sent to Authorized Recyclers

886 Kg/day
iii) Dried sludge from STP: Used as manure for gardening/Green belt.
2 1 0 Kg/day

14) Hazardous waste management

Used oil-1.3 TPA Disposed to TNPCB authorized recyclers.


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I)Electricity B oard 3264 KVA

ii)D.G .Set 1 Nos. of 1500 KVA & i Nos. of500 KVA1500KVA-Stackheightof41mfromGL

iiii)Height of Stack above the

tallest Building 500 KVA -Stack height of41m from GL

16) Proj ect Cost 397 Crores

For Operation Phase:

17) Eun cost Capital Cost - 24o Lakhs,

Operation cost -33 Lams
Annexure 2- Affidavit
The Proponent has furnished affidavit in hundred Rupees stanp paper attested by the
Notary stating that
I / We Sworn that
I . I shall supply the daily fresh water requirement to the tune of 680 KLD during the
entire period of operation as per the letter submitted to Local Panchayat. Based on
the above commitment, I hereby undertake and commit that required water for the
entire operation period will be obtained from the above Authority, before
commissioning the project or before obtaining completion certificate from the
competent authority, whichever is earlier. I shall commission the project, only after

providing required water supply for the whole project as committed by the.
competent authority.

2 . Wastewater generated of 572 KLD out of which 540 KLD will be Treated water and
also 34 KLD Treated water from Bus washing. 540 KLD of Treated water will be
treated in a STP of 650 KLD capacity whereas 34 KLD of Treated water will be
treated in an ETP of 40 KLD capacity. 540 KLD of treated wastewater will be
recycled (186 KLD for green belt development, 130 KLD for OSR, 224 KLD
Reused for Flushing. About 34 KLD of treated wastewater will be reused for Avenue
Plantation & Road Washing. The treated sewage will meet the standards prescribed
by the CPCB. The treated/untreated sewage shall not find any water body / streans.

3. The biodegradable waste (1329 kg/day) will be processed in OWC and the non-
biodegradable waste generated (886 kg/day) will be handed over to authorized


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Letter No. SEIAA-TNIT. 6828AIC/ 8(a)/661/2019 dated: 17.09.2019 SEIAA-TN

recycler. The STP Sludge generated (210 kg/day) will be used as manure for

gardening. The reusable waste such as paper, plants etc., shall be collected by
uncoiled twin bins by providing twin bin in each occupier area and disposed to such
vendors for reuse. I shall. dispose the solid waste as committed above without

polluting the soivground water/adjacent canalsAakesA'onds etc.,

4. We fully assure that Green Belt Area of which works out to be 15.4
% of the Total Plot Area of will be allotted and will not be used for
any other activities.

5. About 1.5 % of the project cost i.e. Rs.5.90 crores will be spend towards CER.
Activities like village road lying, avenue plantation, infrastructure for nearby schools
and construction of community toilets will be done.

6. We fully assure and commit ourselves to SEIAA, Tamil Nadu that maintenance of
common facilities including greening, rain water harvesting, sewage disposal, solid
waste disposal and environmental monitoring will be our responsibility. We shall
consistently monitor the perfomance of the same and eventually the same shall be
maintained for a period of 10 years.

7. I also commit that there will not be any activity carried out in the site and the site is
vacant and proposed site does not encroach nearby. water bodies/reserve

forest/wetlands. In this regard photographs of the site of the project taken on the loth
day of September of the Year 2019 are enclosed. This Photograph has been attested
by me and notarized by an approved notary public. It truly depicts the status of the
site as on this day.

As authorized signatory of this project I am aware that I can be prosecuted under

relevant Act and Rules, if I am not ensuring the adherence of the above commitments.

The project activity is covered in 8(a) of the Schedule and is of 82 category. It does not
require Public Consultation as per Para 7111 Stage (3) (i) (d) of EIA Notification, 2006.

The Authority after consideration all the requisite documents with status and data and
based on SEAC appraisal and recommendations for issue of Environmental Clearance in

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its 133'd meeting held on 24.08.2019, SEIAA placed the proposal in the 355th SEIAA

meeting held on 17.09.2019 hereby conveyed Environmental Clearance along with the
conditions containing four parts nanely
Part - A iommon conditions applicable for Pre-coustruction, Construction and
Operational Phases
Part - 8 -Specific Conditions - Pre construction phase
Part - C - Specific Conditions - Construction phase
Part - D - Specific Conditions - Operational Phaseffost constructional
Phase / Entire life of the project.

Ir xp* arir=¥

The Environmental Clearance ii€=H i6?I relaxing the other applicattle rules to


E±<able'i,forpre-construcfiQE Constructionul
P|rt - A - Common__€onditioq!± `,

1. cry appeal against this environmental clearance shall lie with the Hon'ble
National Green Tribunal, if preferred, within a period of 30 days as prescribed
under Section 16 of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010.

2. The construction of STP, Solid Waste Management facility, E-waste

management facility, DG sets, etc., should be made in the earmarked area only.
In any case, the location of these utilities should not be changed later on.
3. The Environlnental safeguards contained in the application of the proponent
/mentioned during the presentation before the State Level Environment Impact
Assessment Authority / State Level Expert Appraisal Committee should be
implemented in the letter and spirit.


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Letter No. SEIAA-TN". 6828AIC/ 8(a)/66l/2019 dated: 17.09.2019 SEIRA-TN

4. All other statutory clearances such as the approvals for storage of diesel from
Chief Controller of Explosives, Fire and Rescue Services Department, Civil
Aviation Department, Forest Conservation Act, 1980 and Wild Life Q'rotection)
Act, 1972, State / Central Ground Water Authority, Coastal Regulatory Zone
Authority, other statutory and other authorities as applicable to the project shall
be obtained by project proponent from the concerned competent authorities.
5. The SEIAA reserves the right to add additional safeguard measures
subsequently, if non-compliance of any of the EC conditions is found and to take
action, including revoking of this Environmental Clearance as the case may be.
6. A proper record showing compliance of all the conditions of Environmental
Clearance shall be maintained and made available at all the times.
7. The environmental statement for each financial year ending 31st March in Form-
V as is mandated to be submitted. by the project proponent to the concerned State
-lf il

er the Environment Q'rotection) Rules,

1986, as amended subsequentlS, be put on the website of the company.

by e-mail.

8. The Regional Office o fi§trviRE€ located at Chennai shall monitor

compliance of the stipulz i±¥niFikit6±i`s=:¥ine project authorities should extend

9. "Consent for Establishment" shall be obtained from the Tamil Nadu Pollution
Control Board and a copy shall be submitted to the SEIAA, Tamil Nadu.
10. In the case of any change(s) in the scope of the project, a fresh appraisal by the
SEAC/SEIAA shall be obtained before implementation.
I I. The conditions will be enforced inter-alia, under the provisions of the Water

(Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the Air Q'revention & Control of
Pollution) Act, 1981, the Environment G'rotection) Act, 1986, the Public

Liability Insurance Act,1991, along with their anendments ,draft Minor Mineral
Conservation & Development Rules, 2010 framed under MMDR Act


Page 13 of 27 giv SEIAA-TN

1957,National Commission for protection of Child Right Rules ,2006 and rules
made there under and also any other orders passed by the Hon'ble Supreme
Cout of India/Hon'ble High Cout of Madras and any other Courts of Law,
12. The Environmental Clearance shall not be cited for relaxing the other applicable
rules to this project.

13. Failure to comply with any of the conditions mentioned above may result in
withdrawal of this clearance and attract action under the provisions of the
Envirorment ¢rotection) Act,1986.
14. The proponent shall upload the status of compliance of the stipulated EC
conditions, including results of monitored data on their website and shall update
the same periodically. It shall simultaneously be sent to the Regional Office of
MOEF, Chermai, the re

TNPCB. The criteria ifea±£,:s¥onfic:]y:fpcMp:0:'pB;::5:T02:dN::

or critical sectoral parameters,
(anbient levels as well
indicated for the project --- `-...,..... h .. `.-.

15. The SEIAA, TN may canceiiH€arr¥nmental clearance granted to this project

under the provisions of EIA Notification, 2006, if, at any stage of the validity of

submitted false or misle ading=REi¥-gati on or inadequate data for obtaining the

environmental clearance.
16.The Environmental Clearance does not imply that the other statutory /

administrative clearances shall be granted to the project by the concerned

authorities. Such authorities would be considering the project on merits and be

taking decisions independently of the Environmental Clearance.

17. The SEIAA, TN may alter/modify the above conditions or stipulate any further

condition in the interest of environment protection, even during the subsequent


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_, Letter No. SEIAA-TNIT. 6828mc/ 8(a)/66l/2019 dated: 17.09.2019 SEIAA-TN

18. The Environmental Clearance does not absolve the applicant/proponent of his
obligation/requirement to obtain other statutory and administrative clearances
from other statutory and administrative authorities.
19. Where.the trees need to be cut, compensation plantation in the ratio of 1 :10 (i.e.

planting of 10 trees for every one tree that is cut) should be done with the
obligation to continue maintenance.
20. A separate environmental management cell with suitable qualified personnel
sho`uld be set-up under the control of a Senior Executive who win report directly
to the Head of the Organization and the shortfall shall be strictly reviewed and
21. The project activity should not cause-any disturbance & deterioration of the local
VL Y ILoll/ . `u-` ' , ,.'.. `L.

€ 3 .s. 2t ;

23. All the assessed flora & fauna §-h-6tiid.-b6~-'C¥o''iserved and protected.

24. As per MOEF & CC, Got, Office Memorandum dated 30.03.2015, prior

clearance from Forestry & ding clearance from obtaining

committee of the National B'6 as applicable shall be obtained
before starting the quanying opefajiep,¥f the proj.ect site is located within 10KM
from National Park and Sanctuari
25. The EMP cost of Rs.240 Lakhs shall be deposited in a nationalized bank by
opening separate account and the head wise expenses statement shall be

submitted to TNPCB with a copy to SEIAA annually.

26. Solar energy should be at least 10% of total energy utilization. Application of

solar energy should be utilized maximum for illumination of common areas,

street lighting etc.
27. The project proponent proposed to procure water from the local panchyath and

tankers by contractors. Hence, the proponent has to get necessary permission

from competent authority for the same before obtaining CTO from TNPCB.

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Letter No. SEIAA-TNff. 6828AIC/ 8(a)/661/2019 dated: 17.09.2019 SEIAA-TN

28. The project proponent has to get necessary permission from the competent
Authority for the disposal of the treated Sewage (130 kLD) for the utilizing for
OSR area and 34 kLD of treated sewage for Avenue plantation and road washing
before obtaining CTO from TNPCB.
29. Domestic solid wastes to be regularly collected in bins or waste handling
receptacles and disposed as per the solid waste management rules 2016.

30. All recyclable wastes, including used tyres , batteries and metal scraps, etc to be

properly collected for eventual re-use and recycling as per the hazardous waste
management rules 2016
31. No waste of any type to be gi5posed of in any watercourse including drains,


34. Traffic congestion near the entry and exit points from the roads adjoining the

proposed project s
35. The project prop that adequate Air Pollution Control

measures shall be provided from buses and other vehicles, which will be entering
the bus terminal. Further, rinkling system shall be provided and sane

shall be used at regular interval control the dust emission within the project


36. The proponent should strictly comply with, Tamil Nadu Government Order (Ms)
No.84 Environment and forests ¢C.2) Department dated 25.06.2018 regarding
ban on one time use and throwaway plastics irrespective of thickness with effect
from 01.01.2019 under Environment ¢rotection) Act, 1986.

Part - 8 - St)eeific Condition! - Pro construction Dbase:.

1. The project authorities should advertise with basic details at least in two local
newspapers widely circulated, one of whicb shall be in the vernacular language
of the locality concerned, within 7 days of the issue of clearance. The press
releases also mention that a copy of the clearance letter is available with the State
Pollution Control Board and also at website of SEIAA, TN. The copy of the

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Letter No. SEIAA-TNH. 6828AIC/ 8(a)/66l/2019 dated: 17.09.2019 SEIAA-TN

press release should be forwarded to the Regional Office of the Ministry of

Environment and Forests located at Chennai and SEIAA-TN.
2. In the case of any change(s) in the scope of the project, a fresh appraisal by the
SEAC/SEIAA shall be obtained before implementation.

3. A copy of the clearance letter shall be sent by the proponent to the Local Body.
The clearance letter shall also be put on the website of the Proponent.
4. The approval of the competent authority shall be obtained for structural safety of
the buildings during earthquake, adequacy of fire fighting equipments, etc as per
National Building Code including protection measures from lightning etc before
commencement of the work.
5. All required sanitary and hygienic measures for the workers should be in place
before starting construction activities and they have to be maintained throughout
the construction phase.

6. Design of buildings should be in conformity with the Seismic Zone


7. The Construction of the structures should be undertaken as per the plans

approved by the concerned local authoritiesAocal administration.

8. No construction activity of any kind shall be taken up in the OSR area.

9. Consent of the local body concerned should be obtained for using the treated

sewage in the OSR area for gardening purpose. The quality of treated sewage
shall satisfy the bathing quality prescribed by the CPCB.
10. The height and coverage of the constructions shall be in accordance with the

existing FSI/FAR norms as per Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 201 1.

11. The Project Proponent shall provide car parking and two wheeler exclusively for
the visiting guest in the proposed site as per CMDA noms.
12. The project proponent shall ensure the level of basement shall be above

maximum flood level.

13. The proponent shall prepare completion plans showing Separate pipelines

marked with different colours with the following details

i. Location of STP, compost system, underground sewer line.
ii. Pipe Line conveying the treated effluent for green belt

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iii. Pipe Line conveying the treated effluent for toilet flushing
iv. Water supply pipeline
v. Gas supply pipe line, if proposed

vi. Telephone cable

vii. Power cable

viii. Strom water drains, and
ix. Rain water harvesting system, etc.,. and it shall be made available
to the ouners
14.A First Aid Room shall be provided in the project site during the entire
construction and operation phases of the project.
Lproject site shall not be disturbed at any

point of time.
::;;::::;nbte::arde:Sseh:I:in:i::;i indigenous native trees.

i7. Natural vegetation listed rprygrf e trees shall not be removed during the

constructi on/op eration phdsg.;[n y trees are likely to be disturbed, shall be




20. There should be Fire fighting plan and all required safety plan.
21. Regular fire drills should be held to create awareness among passanger.

Part -C - S|)ecific Conditions -CousJHction pEaL!±i

1. Construction schedule:
i) The Project proponent shall have to furnish the probable date of
commissioning of the project supported with necessary bar charts to

2. Labour welfare:
i) All the labourers to be engaged for construction should be screened for
health and adequately treated before and during their employment on the
work at the site.


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fr,,, SEIAA-TN
Letter No. SEIAA-TNIT. 6828AIC/ 8(a)/661/2019 dated: 17.09.2019 SEIAA-TN

ii) Personnel working in dusty areas should wear protective respiratory

devices and they should also be provided with adequate training and

information on safety and health aspects. Occupational health

surveillance program of the workers should be undertaken periodically to
observe any contradictions due to exposure to dust and take corrective
measures, if needed.
iii) Periodical medical examination of the workers engaged in the project
shall be carried out and records maintained. For the purpose, schedule of
health examination of the workers should be drawn and followed
accordingly. The workers shall be provided with personnel protective
measures such as masks, gloves, boots etc.

3. Water supply:
i) The entire water construction phase may be met from

ground water source i_rbfa{^'{

ge°puni:natt:rf ;:t:rc:erfe[#a±#ffi¥3;°t:Coeut?o;:cea:.Pr°Val of the Pve
ii) Provision shall be madeTor the housing labour within the site with all
necessary inlr striLc(ures and faci]]ti s such as fuel for cooking, mobile

toilets, mobile STP safe dmikint, INate•, medical health care, creche etc.
The housing may be of temporary structures to be removed
after the completion
iii) Adequate drinking water and sanitary facilities should be provided for
construction workers at the site. The treatment and disposal of waste
water shall be through dispersion trench after treatment through septic

tank. The MSW generated shall be disposed through Local Body and the
identified dunpsite only.
iv) Water demand during construction should be reduced by use of pre-
mixed concrete, curing agents and other best practices prevalent.

v) Fixtures for showers, toilet flushing and drinking water should be of low
flow type by adopting the use of aerators / pressure reducing devises /

sensor based control.

4. Solid waste Management:

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Letter No. SEIAA-TNIT. 6828AIC/ 8(a)/661/2019 dated: 17.09.2019 SEIAA-TN `~

i) In the solid waste management plan, the STP sludge management plan
for direct use as manure for gardens is not acceptable; it must be co-
composted with biodegradables.
ii) House hold hazardous waste such as batteries, small electronics, CFL
bulbs, expired medicines and used cleaning solvent bottles should be
segregated at source, collected once in a month and disposed as per the
S" rules 2016.

construction activities should be stored

development within the proj ect site.

during construction phase s_hould not

-. .i,r `}

create any adverse `;ffect on the neighboring communities and be


ii) Construction spoils, including bituminous materials and other hazardous

materials, must not be allowed to contaminate watercourses. The diinp
sites for such materials must be secured so that they should not leach into
the adjacent land/ lake/ stream etc.
7. Diesel Generator sets:
i) Low Sulphur Diesel shall be used for operating diesel generator sets to be
used during construction phase. The air and noise emission shall

conform to the standards prescribed in the Rules under the Environment

(Protection) Act, 1986, and the Rules framed thereon.

ii) The diesel required for operating stand by DG sets shall be stored in

underground tanks fulfilling the safety norms and if required, clearance

from Chief Controller of Explosives shall be taken.

8--,,., SEIAA-TN
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Letter No. SEIAA-TNff. 6828AIC/ 8(a)/661/2019 dated: 17.09.2019 SEIAA-TN

iii) The acoustic enclosures shall be installed at all noise generating

equipments such as DG sets, air conditioning systems, cooling water

tower etc.
8. Air & Noise Pollution Control:
i) Vehicles hired for bringing construction materials to the site should be in

good condition and should conform to air and noise emission standards,
prescribed by TNPCB/CPCB. The vehicles should be operated only
during non-I)eak hours.

construction phas?.'j= ±p:`6lL#t.ion abatement measures shall be strictly

` *i\-a

implemented. `6`

iii) Traffic congestion near the entry and exit points from the roads adjoining
the proposed i;±bg¥e¥it¥n%i3^€i sirall be avoided. Parking shall be fully
I should be utilized. Parking plan to be as

per CM)A norms. Tb-€, *=#fic department shall be consulted and any cost
effective traffic re gul+`iji{:?Jia.ili,; shall be met before commissiohing.
iv) The buildings should have adequate distance between them to allow free
movement of fresh air and passage of natural light, air and ventilation.

9. Building material:
i) Fly-ash blocks should be used as building material in the construction as

per the provision of Fly ash Notification of September, 1999 and

amended as on 27th August, 2003 and Notification No. S.O. 2807 (E)
dated: 03 .1 1.2009.

ii) Ready-mix concrete shall alone be used in building construction and

necessary cube-tests should be conducted to ascertain their quality.

iii) Use of glass shall be reduced up to 40% to reduce the electricity

consumption and load on air conditioning. If necessary, high quality

double glass with special reflecting coating shall be used in windows.

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Letter No. SEIAA-TNff. 6828AIC/ 8(a)/661/2019 dated: 17.09.2019

10. Storm Water Drainage:

i) Storm water management around the site and on site shall be established
by following the guidelines laid down by the storm water manual.
ii) Stom water management plan shall be obtained by engaging the services
11. Energy Conservation Measures:
i) Roof should meet prescriptive requirement as per Energy Conservation
Building Code by using appropriate thermal insulation material, to fulfill
the requirement.
ii) Opaque wall should meet prescribed requirement as per Energy
Conservation Building Code which is mandatory for all air conditioned
spaces by use of appropriate thermal insulation material to fulfill the
iii) All noms of Energy Conservation Building Code q3CBC) and National
Building Code, 2005 as energy conservation have to be adopted Solar
lights shall be provided for illumination of common areas.
iv) Application of solar energy should be incorporated for illumination of
common areas, lighting for gardens and street lighting.
v) A report on the energy conservation measures conforming to energy
conservation norms prescribed by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency shall
be prepared incorporating details about building materials & technology;
R & U factors etc and submitted to the SEIAA in three month's time.
vi) Energy conservation measures like installation of CFLSITFLs for lighting
the areas outside the building should be integral part of the project design
and should be in place before project commissioning.

12. Fire Safety:

i) Adequate fire protection equipments and rescue arrangements should be
made as per the prescribed standards.
ii) Proper and free approach road for fire-fighting vehicles upto the
buildings and for rescue operations in the event of emergency shall be

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Letter No. SEIAA-TNAI. 6828mac/ 8(a)/661/2019 dated: 17.09.2019 SEIJIA-TN

13. Green Belt Development:

i) The Project Proponent shall plant tree species with large potential for
carbon capture in the proposed green belt area based on the
recommendation of the Forest department well before the project is

ii) The proponent shall develop the green belt as per the plan furnished and
area earmarked for the greenbelt shall not be alter at any point of time for
any other purpose.
iii) The purpose of Green belt around the project is to capture the fugitive
emissions and- to attenuate the noise generated, in addition to the
improvement in the aesthetics. A wild range of indigenous plants species
should be planted in and around the premise in consultation with the

types of trees at very close.escapement may be tried which will give a

in between blocks in an organized manner.

layout out plan to be submitted for CMDA/DTCP approval.

14. Sewage Treatment Plant:

i) The Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) installed should be certified by an
independent expertl reputed Academic institutions for its adequacy and a
report in this regard should be submitted to the SEIAA, TN before the

project is commissioned for operation. Explore the less power consuming

systems viz t)affle reactor, etc., for the treatment of sewage.
ii) The Proponent shall install STP as furnished. Any alteration to satisfy the
bathing quality shall be informed to SEIAA-TN.

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iii) The project proponent shall continuously operate and maintain the
Effluent Treatment plant and Sewage treatment plant to achieve the
standards prescribed by the CPCB.
iv) The project proponent has to provide separate standby D.G set for the
STP & ETP proposed for the continuous operation of the STP & ETP in
case of power failue.
15. Rain Water Harvesting:
i) The proponent shall ensure that roof raln water collected from the
covered roof of the buildings, etc shall be harvested so as to ensure the
maximum beneficiation of rain water harvesting by constructing adequate
sumps so that 100% of the harvested water shall be reused.
ii) Rain water harvesting for surface rurmff, as per plan submitted should be
implemented. Before recharging the surface run off, pre-treatment with
screens, settlers etc. must be done to remove suspended matter, oil and

grease, etc.
iii) The Project Proponent has to provide rain water harvesting collection

tank to the capacity of atleast 200 m3 in order to recover and reuse the

rain water during normal rains.

iv) The project activity should not cause any disturbance & deterioration of
the local bio diversity.

16. Building Safety:

Lightning arrester shall be properly designed and installed at top of the
building and where ever is necessary.

Part -D -S|}ecific Conditions -Ot)emtional Phase/Post___ constmctiom]

Phase/Entire life of the Droiect:

I. There should be Fire fighting plan and all required safcty plan.
2. The building should not spoil the green views and aesthetics of surroundings and
should provide enough clean air space.
3. The project proponent has to furnish the certificate stating that the proposed site
had not encroached any water body (rivers, canals, lakes, ponds, tanks, etc) from

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Letter No. SEIAA-TNIT. 6828AIC/ 8(a)/661/2019 dated: 17.09.2019 SEIAA-TN

its original boundary shall be obtained from the competent authority before
obtaining CTE from TNPCB.
4. The commitment made for utilization of 10 % of solar for the project should be
strictly followed.

5. The height of the stack of DG sets shall be provided as per the CPCB norms.
6. CER activities should be carried out for Rs. 5.9 Crores for the restoration of the
Madurantakan Eri. The said CER amount of Rs. 5.9 Crores shall be paid in the
form of DD favoring Environmental Management Authority of Tamil Nadu"

(EMAT) before applying for CTO from TNPCB.

7. The EMP cost of Rs. 240 Lakhs shall be deposited in a nationalized bank by
opening separate account and^--the head wise expenses statement shall be
submitted to TNPCB with a`'Lct] anually.
8. The Project proponent shall* from the wetland Authority

Forest Department, PWD and support lake restoration cum improvement,

restoration programme contemplated to
strengthen the open spaces shall=,!=Prffi€rably include native species along with the

financial forecast for planting and maintenance for 5 years.

12. "Consent to Operate" should be obtained from the Tamil Nadu pollution Control
Board before the start of the operation of the project and copy shall be submitted
to the SEIAA-TN.
13. Raw water quality to be checked for portability and if necessary RO plant shall
be provided.

14. The ground water level and its quality should be monitored and recorded
regularly in consultation with Ground Water Authority.
15. Prior clearance from Forestry & Wild Life angle including clearance from
obtaining committee of theLNational Board for Wild life as applicable shall be

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obtained before starting the quarrying operation, if the project site is located
within 10km from National Park and Sanctuaries.
16. Treated effluent emanating from STP shall be recycled / reused to the maximum
bathing quality laid dour by. CPCB irrespective of any use. Necessary measures
should be made to mitigate the odour and mosquito problem from STP.
17. The Proponent shall operate STP continuously by providing stand by DG set in
case of power failure.
18. It is the sole responsibility of the proponent that the treated sewage water
disposed for green belt development avenue plantation should not pollute the
soil/ ground water/ adjacent canals/ lakes/ ponds, etc

processing plant and STP.

20. The e - waste generated should be collected and disposed to a nearby authorized
e-waste centre as. per E- waste (Management & Handling), Rules 2016 as

21. Diesel power generating sets proposed as source of back-up power during
operation phase should be of enclosed type and confom to rules made under the
Environment q'rotection) Act,1986. The height of stack of DG sets should be
equal to the height needed for the combined capacity of all proposed DG sets.
22.The noise level shall be maintained as per MOEF/CPCB/TNPCB

guidelines/norms both during day and night time.

23. Spent oil from D.G sets should be stored in drums in an isolated covered facility
and disposed as per the Hazardous & other Wastes (Management &
Transboundary Movement) Rules 2016. Spent oil from D.G sets should be
disposed off through registered recyclers.
24. The proponent shall ensure that storm water drain provided at the project site
shall be maintained without choking or without causing stagnation and should
also ensure that the storm water shall be properly disposed off in the natural
drainage / chamels without disrupting the adjacent public. Adequate harvesting
o-f the stomi water should also be ensured.

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- Letter No. SEIAA-TNIT. 6828AIC/ 8(a)/661/2019 dated: 17.09.2019 SEIAA-TN

25. Used CFLs and TFLs should be properly collected and disposed off/sent for

recycling as per the prevailing guidelines/rules of the regulatory authority to

avoid mercury contamination.

26. A copy of the Envir;ninental clearance (EC) letter shall be made available to all
the allottees along with the allotment order / sale deed.

27. Failure to comply with any of the conditions mentioned above may result in

withdrawal of this clearance and attract action under the provisions of the

Environment Q'rotection) Act,1986.


COPY to:-

1TheprincipalsecretaytoGovei¥gi.€¥I 6rment & Forests Dept,

Govt. of Tamil Nadu, Fort St. George.,i Ghennai - 9.


2. The Chairman, Central Pollution Cditibl Parivesh Bhavan,

CBD Cur-Office Complex, East Arjun Nagar, New Delhi 110032.

3. The Member Secretary, Tamil N ion Control Board'

76, Mount Salai,.Guindy, C

4. The APCCF (C), Regional Office, Ministry6TBnvirorment & Forest (SZ),

34, HEPC Building, |St& 2nd F|% athedral Garden Road, Nungambakkam,

Chemai - 34.
5. Monitoring Cell, I A Division, Ministry of Environment & Forests,

Paryavaran Bhavan, CG0 Complex, New Delhi 110003.

6. The Commissioner, Greater Chemai Corporation, Chermai

7. Stock File.

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