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SUBJECT: Physics
Std.: 12th Marks: 50 Marks
Date: 24/12/2017 Time: 1 hr. 30 mins.

(Attempt all questions.)

Q. I) Answer the following. [1 X 15 = 15]

1. Two thin lenses one convex and the other concave of focal lengths
15cm and 20cm respectively are put in contact. Find the focal
lengths of the doublet.
2. What is an isotropic medium?
3. State any two advantage of reflecting telescope over refracting
4. A beam of electrons is used in a double slit experiment. If the speed
of electrons is increased, then what will be the change in fringe
5. What should be the order of the size of obstacle/aperture for
observing diffraction of light?
6. The refractive indices for violet, yellow and red colour are 1.632,
1.620 and 1.613. Find the dispersive power of the prism.
7. Light waves can be polarised while sound waves cannot be, why?
8. State the relation between phase difference and path difference?
9. Two waves have intensities in the ratio of 9:1 produce interference.
Find the ratio of maximum to minimum intensity?
10. A biconvex spherical lens has focal length 20cm. If it is split into
two halves to form two Plano convex lenses, what is the focal length
of each Plano convex lens?
11. The radius of curvature of each face of a biconcave lens of refractive
index 1.5 is 30cm.Calculate the focal length of lens in air?
12. Two waves of amplitude 3mm and 5mm reach appoint in the
opposite phase. What is the resultant amplitude?
13. Why is the aperture of objective lens or mirror of a telescope taken
as large as possible?
14. On what factors does the normal shift through a refracting medium

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15. Why do we prefer a magnifying glass of smaller focal length?

Q. II) Answer the following. (ANY TEN) [2 X 10 = 20]

1. A convex lens has 20cm focal length in air. What will be its focal
length in water?(R.I of glass=1.50,R.I of water =1.33)
2. A glass prism of refracting angle 600 and refractive index 1.5 is
totally immersed in water of refractive index 1.33. Find the angle of
minimum deviation for prism in this situation.(sin 34.30=0.564)
3. The ratio of thickness of the strips of two transparent media A and
B is 6:4. If light takes the same time in passing through both of
them, what is the refractive index of B with respect to A?
4. State Huygen’s principle.
5. A thin convex lens of focal length 40cm is placed in contact with a
thin concave lens of focal length 25cm. Find the focal length,power
and nature of the lens.
6. How can we distinguish between unpolarised, plane polarised and
partially polarised light by using a Polaroid?
7. Distinguish between interference and diffraction.
8. The two slits in young’s double slit experiment have widths in the
ratio 9:4. Find the ratio of the light intensity at the maxima and
minima in the interference pattern.
9. Microwaves of frequency 24,000MHz are incident normally on a
rectangular slit of width 5cm. Calculate the angular spread of the
central maximum of the diffraction pattern of the slit.
10. In Young’s double slit experiment, slits are 0.5mm and screen is
1m away. It is observed that ninth bright fringe is at a distance of
8.835mm from second dark fringe. Find the wavelength of light
11. A slit of width e is illuminated by light of wavelength 700nm.
Calculate the value of e for position of i) first maximum at angle of
diffraction of 300 ii) first minimum at an angle of diffraction of 300?
12. Find the ratio of intensities at two points Q and R on a screen in young’s
double slit experiment where waves from S1 and S2 have path difference
of : (i) 0 and (ii) λ/4

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Q. III) Answer the following. (ANY FIVE) [3 X 5 = 15]
1. A narrow beam of light is incident normally on one face of an
equiangular glass prism of refractive index 1.45. When the prism is
immersed in a suitable liquid, the ray makes a grazing emergence
along the other face. Find the refractive index of this liquid and
draw a diagram showing the path of rays.
2. The focal lengths of the objective and eyepiece of a telescope are
50cm and 5 cm respectively. The telescope is focused for distinct
vision on a scale placed at a distance of 200cm away from
objective. Calculate
a) separation between the objective and eyepiece
b) linear magnification of both the lenses.
3. Two sources of intensity I and 4I are used in the interference
experiment. Find the intensity at points where the waves from two
sources superimpose with a phase difference (i) zero, (ii) π/2 and
(iii) π.
4. Derive laws of reflection using Huygen’s principle?
5. The critical angle between a given transparent medium and air is
denoted by ic. A ray of light in air medium enters this transparent
medium at an angle of incidence equal to the polarizing angle (ip).
Deduce a relation for the angle of refraction (r) in terms of i c.
6. In Young’s double slit experiment, red light of wavelength 6000A0 is
used and nth bright fringe is obtained at point P on the screen.
Keeping the same setting. Source is replaced by green light of
wavelength 5000A0 and now (n+1) th bright fringe is obtained at
point P. Calculate the value of n?
7. A man with normal near point reads a book with small print using
a magnifying glass of focal length 5cm
i) What is the closest and farthest distance at which he can read
through the glass?
ii) What is the maximum and minimum angular magnification
possible using the above glass?

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