Mechanical Principles FlyWheel Lab Report

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ENGD1005 Mechanical Principles

Flywheel Experiment

Dr Daniel Paluszczyszyn

Name: Nimi Lawson

P-Number: P2427157

Date: 17th January 2019


 To compare the theoretical and experimental value of moment of inertia for


 Flywheel assembly
 Cord
 Weights
 Stopwatch
 Metre ruler
1. Measure and record the dimensions of the flywheel and axle.
2. Attach the cord around the peg on the flywheel axle and connect a weight on to the
end of the cord.
3. Lift the weight by rotating the flywheel. Stop the weight at a height of 1 metre using
the metre rule.
4. Release the weight so it falls freely. Record the time taken (t) for the weight to reach
the floor and the amount of rotations of the flywheel will need to be recorded till the
flywheel stops rotating.
5. Repeat this procedure three times, to collect 3 sets of results.
6. Repeat step 2 and 5 but increasing the weight by 1kg each time, making sure to
collect three sets of results for each weight (2.5kg, 3.5kg, 4.5kg).
7. Calculate the moment of inertia for the experimental values.
Weights m 1=2.5 kg m1=3 .5 kg m1=4 .5 kg
Measurement 1 N= 33.8 N= 41.6 N= 55
t= 13.72 t= 10.99 t= 9.18
Measurement 2 N= 32 N= 43.5 N= 52.4
t= 13.36 t= 11.15 t= 9.33
Measurement 3 N= 30.8 N= 40.6 N= 50.9
t= 13.65 t= 11.03 t= 9.5
Average N avg =32.2 N avg =41.9 N avg =52.76
measurements t avg=13.576 t avg=11.056 t avg=9.336
Moment of Inertia [ I exp =0.551
I exp =0.538
I exp =0.54

kg m2 ¿
Average moment of Iexp = ( I exp )+ ( I exp ) + ( I exp )/3 = 0.5431
2.5 3.5 4.5

inertia [kg m2 ]
We already know that:
πd 2 t
Density of iron (p) = 7800kg/m3 and the mass of a solid disc = p

mr 2
Polar moment of inertia of a solid disc =

m(R 2+ r 2)
Polar moment of inertia of an annulus =

D= 381mm
d1 =
d2 = 93mm
L1 =
L2 = 39mm
b1 = 17mm
b2 = 18mm
d = 37mm
B = 49mm
h = 1m
m = 1.5kg

Below are calculations we use for the experimental calculations to get the value of Inertia,
there are a few unknowns but using other equations we can find the answer we want:
1 1
mgh= I ω2 + m v 2+ En
2 2
1 2h
h=v 0 t+ at 2 a= 2
2 t
v=v 0 + at=
v v 4h
ω= = =
r d td
1 1
E= I ω2
2 N −n

N 4h 2 1
mgh= I ( ) + m v 2+ En
2(N−n) td 2

Cord length = n . πd and Cord length = 1


To work out the theoretical value of inertia we use the calculations and equations below:

πρ ( L1 + L2 ) d 4

πρ ( L1 + L2 ) d 4

π∗7800 ( 178∗10−3 +39∗10−3 ) ¿(37∗10−3 )4


I AXLE=0.3114∗10−3

πρB D 4
I F+A=

I F + A =π∗7800∗(49∗10−3)¿ ¿
I F + A =0.7907

πρ b 1 4 4
I A 1= (d 1 −d 2 )

π∗7800∗(17∗10−3 )
I A 1= ¿
I A 1=0.0825

πρ b 2 4 4
I A 2= (d 1 −d 2 )
π∗7800∗(18∗10−3 )
I A 2= ¿
I A 2=¿ 0.0874

I =I AXLE + I F + A −I A 1−I A 2

I =0.3114∗10−3 +0.7907−0.0825−0.0874
I =0.6211 kg m2
Experimental Value −Theoretical Value
Percentage Deviation ¿ ∗100 %
Theoretical Value

Percentage Deviation ¿ ∗100 %=−12.55 %

According to the results it shows that with more weight on the cord of the flywheel, the
faster the weight drops to the ground and the more the flywheel turns. The value of Inertia
does not change regardless of the change in weight to the cord; the experimental value had
a percentage deviation of -12.55% from the theoretical value which is not much at all.
There are many things that could have affected the values taken during this experiment, we
call those things errors. Errors such as:

 Systematic error – the stop watch might not have been calibrated properly which
changes the time taken for the weight to hit the floor, thus inertia being slightly
different. Also, a metre ruler was used to make sure the weight was 1 metre off the
floor, but the ruler was rather old and part of it was chipped so it might not have
been exactly a metre. To reduce systematic error by placing more markers on the
flywheel to make it easy to count how many turns easier or to use a machine and
place a chip on the flywheel so anytime the chip passes a certain point it counts it.
For the stopwatch error a sensor could be place on the weight so that it starts
counting when the weight starts falling and stops counting when making contact
with the floor.
 Random error – These errors can’t be predicted but happen almost every time. Air
resistance played a part on the flywheel itself causing it to slow down. If there were
no friction forces the flywheel will never stop spinning. When the flywheel keeps
spinning it creates heat around the axle and the flywheel which means that the
result 5 minutes after your first set of results might be completely different from the
current one.
 The number of turns was counted by 3 of the students, a few times different number
of turns were counted. The flywheel had a white mark on it to make it easier to
count when it passed the point, we ‘think’ it started at which of course was not
accurate, this plays quite a big part to the result.
Of course, there are many ways to reduce the amount of errors in an experiment, the
mostly used method is by taking more measurements, that way you have a better idea of
the what correct value is and can take a more accurate average result.
In conclusion I calculated the moment of Inertia using experimental and theoretical
methods, systematic and random errors which can’t be controlled played a part in the
results. My experimental value for moment of inertia was 0.5231 kg m2, my theoretical value
for moment of inertia was 0.6211kg m2 and the percentage deviation error was -12.55%.

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