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The family, education background and professional experience of the CEO

Zhang Xin was born during the Chinese cultural revolution, so her childhood was kind of
hard du to her country’s problems, she said that all was grey,

Well like we should know, the country was becoming a socialist republic, so everything has
to be equal, all received the same paid, and her parents were getting the exact payment as a
university graduate

Her professional experience began at the age of 14 when she moved to Hong Kong, there
she got a job working in a factory, where she spent 5 years working, she saved enough
money and went to England to start her university life, at the time she was studying, she
also got another job to maintain herself there, these time she used to sell fish and chips. She
got graduated with a major in economics at the University of Sossex and after that, she was
able to start a master degree in the University of Cambridge. It is important to know that
she could study because she won some scholarships.

When she was graduate, she moved to New York and started to work in Goldman Sacs,
but She came back to China because she wanted to be part of the trade opening of her
country ,there she met her husband and they starting working together and the idea of
founding SoHo came, nowadays they keep working together.

3. How the entrepreneur builds his /her business.

She always wants to build the best buildings, that’s why she has come with many ideas
which have helped to rase her business and put it in a good place in the real state market,
she has worked alongside many architects to make her business projects the best and get
inspirations from them.

The success of her company is because of her innovating designs, and also it is because her
business offers offices in Beijing and Shanghai where is hard to find one these days, and as
a plus, her building designs are more cosy to the people because it is not related with a
common office building design but they are more modern and charming.

For me, she is a model because she demonstrates the importance of working for our dreams
and never give up, that no matter how many difficulties can appear we always have to keep

talking about her as a businesswoman she turns out to be a biggest role model for me
because she breaks stereotypes that only men can be successful in this regard, she reflects a
visionary and a creative woman, who always goes for the best, and she never is satisfied
for anything that is not the best. And for me if we think and work according to this, we are
going to be successful.

Finally, I admire her humbleness because even she is one of the richest people around the
world, she is always willing to help.

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