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Vocabularry based on the movie :

1. Age : usia
2. Die : mati
3. Time : waktu
4. Deal : kesepakatan
5. Money : uang
6. Break : istirahat
7. Game : permainan
8. Security : penjaga
9. Kill : membunuh
10. escape : kabur
11. Win : menang
12. Life : hidup
13. Sound : suara
14. Make : membuat
15. Give : memberi
16. Water : air
17. Cold : dingin
18. Low : rendah
19. Offer : menawarkan
20. Without : tanpa
21. Payment : pembayaran
22. Nice : bagus
23. Father : ayah
24. Year : tahun
25. Century : abad
26. Have : mempunyai
27. Understand : mengerti
28. We : kami
29. Me : saya
30. They : mereka
31. You : kamu
32. Worry : khawatir
33. Take : mengambil
34. Rent : menyewa
35. Room : kamar
36. Month : bulan
37. Standard : standar
38. Send : mengirim
39. Delivery : memesan
40. Alone : sendiri
41. Second : detik
42. Minute : menit
43. Hour : jam
44. Borrow : meminjam
45. Broke : merusak
46. Help : menolong
47. People : orang
48. Gift : hadiah
49. Bring : membawa
50. Debt : hutang
Narrative Text
“In Time”
this film tells the life of 2161. At that time someone when he was 25 years old will not experience
physical changes again and a digital clock will appear on his arm that shows the time that is the rest of his
life. They have to work so they can get extra time to stay alive. This was also experienced by a young man
named Wiill Salas. He is a man who lives in a poor family who has to work hard to get time for him and his
mother, whose time is only a few hours away.

When he went to work to get time for his mother he met a time millionaire named Hanry
Hamilton. Hanry, tired of life, gave Will a century of time. He hurried home to give it to his mother, but
seconds before they met her mother died. Then he went to the city to get a decent living. but apparently
the FBI thought he had stolen Hanry's time and then he was wanted. But he was appointed but managed
to escape after the FBI took quite a lot of time. In his fugitive days he met the son of a time bank owner.
They were also attacked by a time thief so that the time thief managed to steal his silvya time because
Will's time had been taken by the FBI. They both struggled to survive with the remaining time. They then
stole at Silvya's father's bank and distributed free time to the poor people. Not only that, the time thief
also chased them and almost killed Will and Silvya. but failed because time hunters had run out of time
and died. they both became dying because time was running low

The time in Will and Sylvia's hands was also dying, less than a minute. Will does not want to
repeat the same mistake when his mother died because of lack of a few seconds, he ran to the
Timekeeper car which still got a savings of time from the time transfer machine. Sylvia was saved from
death. Will and Sylvia have succeeded in extending the lives of poor people and entering the New Grenich
zone. The FBI subordinates of the Timekeeper have surrendered to complete the hunt for Will and Sylvia,
although the media continues to preach about fugitives against Will and Sylvia. They continue to look for
large banks where time is stored as an operating target.

in this film the author tries to convince the reader about the importance of time. as the saying
goes time is money, this is the illustration. so respect the time you have and use it as best you can.

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