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Viscoelastic liquid bearing modeling via lattice Boltzmann method

Woo Tae Kim, Haigang Chen, and Myung S. Jhona兲
Department of Chemical Engineering and Data Storage Systems Center, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000
Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213
共Presented on 2 November 2005; published online 26 April 2006兲
As the need for higher areal recording density in hard disk drives 共HDDs兲 requires continuous
reduction of the fly height in head-disk interface, the tribological issues become critical during
operation. In viscoelastic liquid bearing 共VLB兲 technology, thin liquid films instead of air bearing
are used for lubrication. In this paper, we developed a computational tool based on lattice
Boltzmann method 共LBM兲, which is accurate, fast, robust, and highly parallelizable, for the accurate
modeling of a non-Newtonian ultrathin liquid film undergoing extremely high shear rates. We
adopted truncated power-law and the Bird-Carreau models to take into account the shear rate
dependent viscosity via the relaxation time in our LBM scheme. After the feasibility study of the
pressure driven microchannel, the pressure and flow fields under the model slider were calculated
for different constitutive relationships. Together with the order of magnitude analyses, our LBM
simulations, using a physically realistic viscoelastic constitutive equation, will provide accurate
predictions on VLB drive used in HDDs. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.
关DOI: 10.1063/1.2176325兴
INTRODUCTION equation similar to the standard Reynolds equation. In the
magnetic recording area, Elsharkawy6 performed the numeri-
A major thrust in the magnetic storage industry is the cal simulations of the ultrathin hydrodynamic liquid lubrica-
adoption of contact or pseudocontact recording as a means of tion of the slider/disk interface using the finite difference
increasing the storage density on hard disk drives. An alter- scheme. Peck et al.7 provided the important design criteria
native to achieve this is known as the VISqUS 共Ref. 1兲 tech- for viscoelastic liquid bearing 共VLB兲 disk drive with quali-
nology, where the slider is immersed in a non-Newtonian tative analysis using the generalized Newtonian fluid. Hsiao
fluid covering the magnetic media. The drive operation re- et al.,2,8 using the “averaged viscosity across the film” con-
sults in the formation of an ultrathin hydrodynamic liquid cept, evaluated a two-dimensional 共2D兲 isoviscous Reynolds
bearing with a film thickness on the order of nanometers.2 equation with a separate treatment in shear thinning and ther-
Such a liquid lubrication, in principle, can achieve high areal mal thinning effects in the head-disk interface 共HDI兲.
density and has a very “stiff” bearing, high shock resistance In this paper, we present the lattice Boltzmann
and low coefficients of stiction/friction. Furthermore, the method9,10 共LBM兲 to solve a liquid lubrication problem. Our
adoption of liquid bearing extends the life of the head by approach incorporates the characteristics of shear thinning of
suppressing the direct contact between the head and the disk. non-Newtonian fluids. The shear rate dependent viscosity
Although the use of liquid lubrication presents means to was taken into account via the relaxation time. The tempera-
achieve contact recording, many problems remain unsolved ture and pressure effects on viscosity can be taken into ac-
concerning the non-Newtonian behavior of such a liquid lu- count by using the empirical relationship11 together with the
bricant. As one may expect, the shear rate of this liquid lu- energy equation.
brication can easily reach values on the order of 108 s−1 due
to the ultrathin film thickness. In this ultrahigh shear rate LIQUID BEARING MODELING
regime, shear thinning could become extremely important in
The schematic of a HDI used in liquid bearing analysis
addition to the thermal thinning.
is shown in Fig. 1. The slider is free to move about a pivot-
Some preliminary studies on both the characteristics of
ing point 共pp兲 in the vertical direction and can rotate about
non-Newtonian fluids and the effects of the temperature rise
the pitch 共␪兲 and roll 共␾兲 axes, and hm is the fly height of the
have been conducted with various levels of assumptions. For
trailing edge. A non-Newtonian liquid lubricant is fully
example, Zhang et al.3 developed a viscosity modification
flooded between slider and disk interface.
model which can be applied to the thin film lubrication prob-
lems in isothermal and incompressible conditions. Wang and
Zhang4 solved the thermal elastohydrodynamic lubrication
problem for simplified viscoplastic fluid model by using the
perturbation method. Yang and Wen,5 assigning all the non-
Newtonian effects of the lubricant to a set of functions called
the equivalent viscosity, obtained a generalized Reynolds

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; FAX: 共412兲 268-
7139; electronic mail: FIG. 1. Schematic of a HDI with air/liquid bearing.

0021-8979/2006/99共8兲/08N106/3/$23.00 99, 08N106-1 © 2006 American Institute of Physics

08N106-2 Kim, Chen, and Jhon J. Appl. Phys. 99, 08N106 共2006兲

The governing equation for the stress distribution under- the probability of finding a particle with the velocity ci at
neath the bearing surface of a slider is derived from the equa- 共x , t兲, defined at each lattice node is updated after each time
tion of motion using the lubrication approximation and con- step ⌬t according to the following evolution equations:
servation of mass. Conventional bearings operate in an
ambient air environment and theoretical modeling is well f i共x + ci⌬t,t + ⌬t兲 = f i共x,t兲 − 关f i共x,t兲 − f eq
i 共x,t兲兴, 共2兲
established, while the liquid bearing drives use a non- ␶
Newtonian liquid for the lubrication layer. The local velocity where 共i = 1 , . . . , 9兲. Here, f eq
i 共x , t兲 is the discrete equilibrium
profile, vx and vy, can be expressed in terms of the normal- distribution function given as

冋 册
ized nth moment of fluidity, ⌫n共z兲 共Ref. 7兲. This velocity
profile can be integrated across the film thickness to yield an 3共ci · v兲 9共ci · v兲2 3共v · v兲
i 共x,t兲 = wi␳ 1 +
f eq + −
equation which determines the pressure or normal stress c2 2c4 2c2
component with w1 = 4/9, w2 = w3 = w4 = w5 = 1/9, 共3兲


⳵␳ ⳵共␳vx兲 ⳵共␳vy兲

dz = 0, 共1兲 and w6 = w7 = w8 = w9 = 1/36,
where c ⬅ ⌬s / ⌬t = 冑3kBT / m is the particle speed moving be-
where ␳ is the fluid density. For Newtonian fluids 共such as
tween a lattice node and its nearest neighbors, v is the fluid
nonconfined air兲, the position-dependent viscosity ␩ is ho-
velocity, ⌬s is the lattice spacing, kB is Boltzmann constant,
mogeneous over the entire film, and the classical Reynolds
T is the fluid temperature, and m is the particle mass. The
equation is obtained. For non-Newtonian fluids, the apparent
nine discrete velocities are given by the D2Q9 scheme. The ␳
viscosity depends on the shear rate, which is a function of
and v are calculated by
position and velocity. This adds an extra complexity to the
␳共x,t兲 = 兺 f i and v共x,t兲 = 兺 ci f i .
formulation of a closed-form Reynolds type of equation.
Moreover, due to a very high shear rate in the HDI, the i ␳ i
viscous heating effects can no longer be ignored and the
energy equation must be examined. Together with an accu- Due to uniformity of the lattice, the standard LBM is
rate specification of thermal boundary conditions, the energy usually applied to simple geometries. However, in our VLB
equation provides heat transfer characteristics. The fluid applications, we need to consider complex slider geometries.
flows are coupled with the energy equation owing to the fact To facilitate the general geometry handling capabilities, we
that the non-Newtonian viscosity, ␩ is temperature depen- adopted the Taylor series expansion and least squares-based
dent, and the viscous dissipation function is dependent on ␩. LBM 共TLLBM兲 共Ref. 12兲 which is a meshless approach for
The increase of temperature leads to thermal thinning. The simulation of flows in complex geometry. TLLBM explicitly
temperature and pressure effects on viscosity can be taken updates the distribution functions at mesh points by an alge-
into account by using empirical correlations 共e.g., Roelands’ braic formulation, in which the relevant coefficients are cal-
relationship11兲. The finite element method is typically em- culated from the coordinates of mesh points before main
ployed to examine complex geometries such as sliders or computation starts. In LBM formulation for the noslip, in-
surface roughness. Although numerical solution of the gov- compressible, laminar flows, ␶ is typically chosen as ␶
erning equations is possible, a simple order-of-magnitude Ⲑ
= ␩ / ␳ m kBT + ⌬t / 2. To incorporate the shear rate dependent
analysis on a load bearing capacity and power consumption viscosity, ␶ was properly calculated from the chosen gener-
in liquid bearing drives can capture most of the essential alized Newtonian fluid model. Via coupling with the energy
dependencies on the operating parameters and fluid proper- equation and incorporation of the temperature dependence, ␶
ties. Though order-of-magnitude equations given by Peck et can also be used for thermal VLB simulation. To illustrate
al.7 appear simple, they can provide qualitative design crite- the non-Newtonian fluid behavior, we adopted the truncated
ria for VLB. In addition to this useful information, we will power-law model,13
pursue a quantitative analysis of VLB problems. ␩ = ␩⬘共␥˙ /␥˙ c兲n−1 for ␥˙ ⬎ ␥˙ c and ␩ = ␩⬘ for ␥˙ 艋 ␥˙ c , 共5兲
where ␩⬘ is the zero-shear-rate viscosity, n is the power-law
exponent, and ␥˙ c is the critical shear rate ␥˙ is the shear rate.
We will introduce LBM to simulate the generalized If n ⬍ 1, the fluid is described as “pseudoplastic” or “shear
Newtonian fluid flows in VLB. The LBM is a versatile nu- thinning” and applicable to VLB technology. The Bird-
merical tool for simulating fluid flows containing complex Carreau model13 is also adopted to take advantage of suffi-
physics phenomena.9 The LBM provides numerous advan- cient flexibility to fit most shear thinning data including the
tages, including clear physical pictures, an inherently tran- perfluoropolyether lubricant,
sient nature, multiscale simulation capabilities, and fully par-
␩ = ␩⬁ + 共␩0 − ␩⬁兲关1 + 共␭␥˙ 兲2兴共n−1兲/2 . 共6兲
allel algorithms. One of the numerical advantages of LBM is
that physically observable quantities can be written in terms Here, ␩0 is the zero-shear-rate viscosity, ␩⬁ is the infinite-
of simple sums that, at most, depend on nearest neighbor shear-rate viscosity, and ␭ is the characteristic time. In our
information. VLB simulations, we adopted a model fluid with ␩⬘
We first introduce the standard LBM for isothermal flow. = 0.1 Pa s, ␩0 = 0.2 Pa s, ␥˙ c = 102 s−1, ␩⬁ = 0 Pa s, ␭ = 2 s, and
The discrete particle distribution function f i共x , t兲, which is ␳ = 1000 kg/ m3.
08N106-3 Kim, Chen, and Jhon J. Appl. Phys. 99, 08N106 共2006兲

FIG. 2. Velocity profiles in the pressure driven channel flow.

FIG. 4. Shear stress profiles for a 2D slider geometry.


the advantages of present algorithm is the direct calculation
To illustrate the capabilities of our LBM methodology, of stress field. The wall shear stresses that determine the
we simulated the 2D microchannel flow which is formed by friction force or power consumption of drives are of critical
two parallel plates and driven by the pressure difference be- importance in liquid bearing. Figure 4 shows the isothermal
tween the inlet and outlet. The length and height of the chan- shear stress profiles. As the spacing decreases from leading
nel is chosen as 250⫻ 25 nm2. The upper and bottom solid to trailing edge, the shear rate increases rapidly. For the case
wall and pressure boundaries at the inlet and outlet are im- of the truncated power-law fluid, the shear stress is an order
posed using the method proposed by Zou and He.14 Figure 2 of magnitude less than the Newtonian case due to the shear
shows the normalized velocity profiles for various n with the thinning property. However, the shear strain values at both
pressure ratio, Pr = 1.01, between the inlet and the outlet. Our disk surface and slider surface did not show any difference
model predicted the shear thinning behavior accurately for due to the simple converging geometry of the given liquid
generalized Newtonian fluid models. bearing.
Although our LBM is suitable for sliders with various
geometries, we only examined a 2D slider in this paper for
the feasibility study. Note that extension to three-dimensional CONCLUSION
共3D兲 geometry is a straightforward procedure via using the We illustrated a feasibility study of the LBM which can
various merits of TLLBM scheme. The dummy slider geom- predict the liquid bearing performances. TLLBM, which is
etry is chosen as a length of L = 4 mm and hm = 25 nm. The suitable for the study of complex geometries, was adopted to
disk is operated at angular velocity of 3600 rpm and the analyze the viscoelastic liquid bearing. Our approach can be
velocity at pivoting point is 15 m / s, i.e., Vx = 15 m / s. The extended to the advanced liquid bearing design or hybrid
slider has a pitch angle of 80 ␮rad. Figure 3 shows the nor- bearing 共air and lubricant兲 by considering complex geom-
malized isothermal pressure profiles for the Newtonian fluid etries, thermal thinning effects, and multiphase modeling.
which has a viscosity of 0.1 Pa· s and truncated power-law The LBM can enhance accuracy and numerical efficiency of
fluid with n = 0.9. Only a slight amount of non-Newtonian the advanced HDI modeling since it has a capability of cal-
reduction in the pressure occurs near the inlet. The influence culating stress profile directly and can naturally implement
of shear thinning on the pressure profile is not so strong for boundary conditions such as air and lubricant.
this selected non-Newtonian fluid. Without the taper region
near the inlet, there appears to be a relatively high-pressure 1
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