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Full name: Nguyễn Thị Hương

Date of birth: 22-08-2000

Class: 68B
SKILL: Speaking
I. Objectives:
By the end of lesson, students will be able to:
- Remember and use effectively vocabulary related to the topic “Artificial Intelligence”
- Talk about the risks of artificial intelligence
- Express their own opinion to other people about the risks of artificial intelligence
II. Time: 45 minutes

III. Teaching material(s): English 12 Student’s book

IV. Teaching aid(s): realia, projector, video clip, flashcard, handout, pictures …

V. Anticipated problem(s) and solution(s):

- Problems:
o The class is crowed, therefore, speaking lesson may make a bit noise
o Some students distracted and do not pay attention in the lesson
- Solutions:
o Teacher invite students to join the activities and speak more slowly.
VI. Procedures:
Time Stage Steps/ Activities Interaction
5 Warm - Greetings Teacher- students
mins up - Teacher shows a short video about Korea film
trailer: “I am not robot”
- Teacher asks some questions:

- Did you watch this film?”

Do you know what the movie about?”
Do you think aritifical intelligence threat to
- “Today, we will discuss about the risk of artificial
intelligence to humanity”
15 Pre- Activity 1 - Teacher and
mins speaking - Teacher show a photo on the screen students
- Let’s students work in pairs and share their own - Students work
knowledge about the man in pairs
in the photo

- Call some students stand up and share their

knowledge :
“ Do you know the name of this man?”
“ Do you know any information about him?
- Teacher summarizes and add some other
Full name: Stephen Wiliam Hawking
Best known for: His work on explaining the
origins of the universe and black holes
His famous book: A Brief History of Time( 10000
Have to use wheel-bound and depend on
computerized voice system for communication

Activity 2: Teaching vocabulary

- Teacher introduces to students some words in the
reading text by Guessing Game
- List of words: evolution , consequence,  effort,
destruction, form, threat,  technology, mankind,
- Guessing Game:
- Teacher show the scramble words with some
pictures describe words and their definitions, then
students guess the right words
- Teacher give the right words and pronunciation
- Let’s students practice the words twice

Activity 3: Practice the vocabulary by doing exercise

- Teacher asks students to read the text and guess
the words that can be fill in each gap
- After that, let’s students share their answer in
Activity 4. Making mindmap
- Teacher show a short video about AI
- Divide students into four groups
- Based on the text in previous part and the short
video, let’s groups make a mindmap about the
risks of AI

15 While- Activity 4. Complete the dialogue

mins speaking - Asks students to work in pairs to complete the
conversation in Exercise 3
- Ask students to compare the answer with their
- Give the correct answers
Activity 5. Making mindmap and building the
- Let’s student work in groups of four
Based on the text in two previous parts, let’s
groups make a mindmap about the risks of AI to
- After make a conversation between The BBC
news and Professor Stephen Hawking, ask and
- Teacher encourages students add their own ideas
to the conversation
- After that, teacher picks random some pairs to
practice this conversation. 
Activity 6.
10 Post- Activity 6.
mins speaking

VII. Appendix:
- Ảnh chụp phần dạy trong sách
- Flashcards, handout … sử dụng trong giờ

(Format: Times New Roman, 12, line spacing: single)

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