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Grade 10

Yining Wang

Outline for Feminism Essay

Instructions: Fill out this entire outline before you begin writing.  Completing this outline
will be 10 points of your grade! Use bullet points, not complete sentences, other than for
your thesis, topic sentences and quotations.

Subject/Relevant context (introduce feminism or perhaps what you thought of feminism
before this unit): 
 I think feminism is a group of women fighting to gain equal rights as men before
this unit

 the two books, “woman at point zero” by Nawal El Saadawi.  and “we should all
be feminists” by Chimamanda 

Big idea (your personal current definition of Feminism): 

 I think feminism is an idea that women gaining freedom of their life and the
freedom of making choices and equal rights as men.

Thesis (the two texts (plus the author’s names) and how they shaped your definition of
feminism): _____The two books, Woman At Point Zero by Nawal El Saadawi and  We
Should All be Feminists by Chimamanda Adichie both shaped my definition and
understanding of the word feminism. The sad story of Firdaus not only showed me the
ugly side of the world, but also showed me that women should have courage to fight for
their freedom and to gain their equal rights as men. The unfair stories of women shared
by Adichie also showed me that the definition of feminism is trying to fix the problem of
gender equality and make the world
Body Paragraph 1: How author/text #1 shaped your view of feminism
Topic Sentence (how author/text #1 shaped your view of feminism): ____
Nawal Saadawi shares the story of Firdaus in the book Woman At Point Zero. This book
shows me that woman should be tough enough to fight for their equal rights and
feminism is all about having the freedom of choices.__
Quote Introduction 1 (speaker + context):
 The speaker is “Sharifa”

 “Sharifa” had a conversation with Firdaus after they got back to Sharifa’s house.

Quote 1 (+page number):

__________”Don’t ask for anything, That’s not your affair. It’s mine.” (P74)

Quote Explanation 1 (Explain what the author is saying in this quote and how this quote
in particular shaped your views on feminism. Be specific!)
 Sharifa makes Firdaus a prostitute and finds men for Firdaus..

 Firdaus has no other options except being a prostitute, she cannot give up the
“new life” given by Sharifa, and even if she can, Sharifa won’t allow that

 This part shows the importance of the freedom of choices, Firdaus became a
prostitute because she has no other option and she has no freedom of choice.

Quote Introduction 2 (speaker + context):

 This is not a conversation

 Between Firdaus and her husband

Quote 2 (+page number):

_____He leapt on me like a mad dog……. I did not turn my face or my nose away this time.
I surrendered my face to his face and my body to his body, passively, without any
resistance, without a movement, as though life had been drained out of it,.....(p 60)

Quote Explanation 2 (Explain how this quote in particular shaped your views on
feminism. Be specific!)
 This quote particularly made me angry and fully changed my understanding of
feminism. In the quote, Firdaus has no freedom of choice at all, and her life is
meaningless and “lifeless” at that moment.

 So feminism should be about women having the freedom of choice.

How do these quotations connect back to your topic sentence?

 The first quote is connecting to the importance of freedom of choices.
 The second quote is connecting to feminism is about freedom of choice.

Body Paragraph 2: How author/text #2 shaped your view of feminism

Topic Sentence (how author/text #2 shaped your view of feminism): _____Adichie
shaped my view of feminism by telling different stories of women being treated
unequally. And this work makes me understand that feminism is about making women
equal to men,

Quote Introduction 1 (speaker + context):

 Said by Adichie,

 Her opinions about the recent US elections.

Quote 1 (+page number):

________”In the US, a man and a woman are doing the same job, with the same
qualifications, and the man is paid more because he is a man. ”___(p17)__

Quote Explanation 1 (Explain how this quote in particular shaped your views on
feminism. Be specific!)
 This quote gives an example for gender inequality in US. and this quote makes
me rethink about “what are these feminists fighting for? “

 And from this quote, i start to understand that there are so many examples of
gender inequalities. Feminism is about reaching gender equality.
Quote Introduction 2 (speaker + context):
 Said by Adichie

 She is talking about her understanding of gender inequality in this world.

Quote 2 (+page number):

____”All over a world, there are so many magazine articles and books telling women what
to do…… There are far fewer guides for men about pleasing women.”

Quote Explanation 2 (Explain how this quote in particular shaped your views on
feminism. Be specific!)
 This quote is another gender inequality  example raised by Adichie, 

 This quote is changing from the perspective of a US law to the world magazines.
It is talking about gender inequality from a bigger view.

 This quote also makes me understand the urge of making gender-equal and it
made me understand that gender inequality is unfair for women.

How do these quotations connect back to your topic sentence?

 Both of these quotes are examples of gender inequalities and they show
the urgency of making genders equal and feminism is all about reaching
gender equality.


Restate your thesis (in a different language!):

____After reading the two books, i had a deeper understanding of the word feminism and
i changed my idea from viewing feminism as a childish play to a serious and important
mission of reaching gender equality and gives women the freedom of choices.
Expand on your idea of feminism. Reflect on what this unit has taught you, why

feminism is important or some other reflection on the idea of feminism.

 Feminism is important because gender inequality problems are getting more

and more serious in modern society, so this problem is urgent to be solved,

 Feminism’s definition and the ways it is practiced is different in places that had

different cultures,etc. 

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