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Tao, Sha, et al.

“Food Preferences, Personality and Parental Rearing Styles:

Analysis of Factors Influencing Health of Left-behind Children.” Quality of Life
Research, vol. 25, no. 11, 2016, pp. 2921–2929. JSTOR, Accessed 8 Apr. 2020.
This is a trustworthy source from Jstor and it is a scientific journal. This journal
is talking about the left-behind children’s health from multiple perspectives
including food(physical), personality and parental rearing styles(mental). This
source is useful because it not only talks about one problem from multiple
perspectives, but also has a full set of experiment and different factors in it, at
the same time there are valid data supporting the hypothesis.

GAO, HELEN. “China's Left-Behind.” World Policy Journal, vol. 30, no. 2,

2013, pp. 29–38. JSTOR, Accessed 8 Apr.
This is also a journal article from Jstor which means that it is trustworthy. It is
mainly focusing on the left-behind children in the villages, which is my topic. It
is also talking about the left-behind children’s condition in the local
primary/middle school and their relationship with their guardians(in china, if
the parents go to other cities to work, the guardians are usually the

Zhou, Minhui, et al. “Effects of Parents' Migration on the Education of Children

Left Behind in Rural China.” Population and Development Review, vol. 40, no.
2, 2014, pp. 273–292. JSTOR, Accessed 8
Apr. 2020.
This is another Journal article from jstor which means that it is
trustworthy. This article is pretty different from the two articles
mentioned before, because it is mainly focusing on the effect of
parent’s migration(go to work and temporarily live inn other cities)
on the left-behind children and especially their education because
this might be the most important thing when the children are still at
a young age. So this article could be used to explain the reason why
parents go to other city to work and how they are going to support
their children.

Fan, F., Su, L., Gill, M.K. et al. Emotional and behavioral problems of Chinese left-
behind children: a preliminary study. Soc Psychiat Epidemiol 45, 655–664 (2010).
This is a journal article that has a full set of experiment in it
including hypothesis, procedure, data, analysis and conclusion. This
article is mainly focusing on the problems the left-behind children
having(a whole new perspective). It is talking about both emotional
and physical (behavioral) problems, Such as the left-behind
children’s emotional problem of being introverted or being
depressed, etc.
Anxiety, happiness and self-esteem of western Chinese
left-behind children
This is mainly talking about the mental/psychological conditions of
chiense left behind children. And the experiment is focusing on the
western china left-behind children which means that they normally
have lower average income, which might potentially cause the lost of
happiness(as the stimulus passage said, “less money is associated
with emotional pain”)

Graham, Elspeth, and Lucy P. Jordan. “Migrant Parents and the Psychological Well-
Being of Left-Behind Children in Southeast Asia.” Journal of Marriage and Family, vol.
73, no. 4, 2011, pp. 763–787. JSTOR, Accessed 8 Apr.
An article from Jstor which means that it is first of all
trustworthy, it is also talking about the psychological condition of
the left-behind children, but it is more openly talking about the
whole southeast asia instead of only focusing on china. I can use
this passage as a comparison, to see the relationship between the
psychological well-being of left-behind children and the society’s
structure(might be one of the potential lenses.)

An interview recording by me, with three leftbehind children(two

actually, one is an orphan)
The reason why I want to use this source is because I think talking
about these left-behind children from only the quotes and the
experimental data in the journal articles are not enough. I think I
should listen to what they said and try to comprehend what they said,
after all, my essay’s ultimate goal is to solve their problems, so I
have to understand their feelings and their thoughts.

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