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By: Kayla Simms

I don’t know when it happened. I don’t know how it happened. Everything around me

was new. Certain objects looked familiar. There were certain objects I knew what they were, and

how they functioned; but other objects just looked strange. I remember waking up from a deep

slumber. I looked down to find strange sticks like figures attached to me. I looked at them and

they moved. They bent and turned in all sorts of directions. They felt strange. I can only describe

the feeling as a tingling sensation. I decided to call them my micks.

I pressed down on the solid below me. It looked spiky, but when I placed my micks onto

the surface the solid became soft and compressed down. It was an interesting green color. It was

very vibrant and bright. I began to roam the area. Seeing so many creatures like me. This had to

be some mockery. Everyone has the same basic features as me, but slightly different. I was

irritated. What kind of joke is this? It was not a very funny one. One specimen came to me

asking if I was lost. I cried out, “the monster is going to get me!”

I ran for the tall blocks I saw around me. It was quite scary seeing air with wood trapping

it swing out in front of you. The noises in the strange place was a lot to take in. There were loud

and wretched noises coming from the strange machinery. One of the unknown came to me. “I

couldn’t help but notice, you look a little lost.” I was shocked. This thing took the time to look at

me, but that was not enough. The creature had the time to sit, watch, and study me! “What do

you want from me?!” I was annoyed and fascinated. “I think you need help.” The strange thing

looked so deep into my eyes I couldn’t help but stare.

I looked at the creature’s head. There were string-like follicles coming down from the

head. I looked all around and almost everyone had the strings. They were all different shapes and

sizes. Every string is unique from another. I reached out for the creature's strings. I touched

them. They were so silky and smooth. The creature got violent. It reached out and hit my hand. It

hurt so bad. “What was that for?” “You don’t just touch some strangers' hair.” The creature was

becoming very angry with me. “Hair? Stranger?” “Okay, you really have no idea what’s going

on.” I really didn’t. “No, I don’t. What is hair?” “What you just touched.” The response was

kind, but I was still confused “Oh, okay. Next you’re going to tell me these are not called

micks.” I chuckled. “Those are fingers. What is going on?” I spelled the word out in my head.

F-e-e-n-g-e-r-s. “Feengers?” The creature gave me a look. It was boiled up with anger. “Is this

some kind of joke? Am I being pranked?” What is a prank? I couldn’t tell you, but I did not dare


The creature was standing there waiting for an answer, so I shook my head. Why did I

shake my head? That was the question I was longing for, but I like I said, I did not ask. “What is

your name?” I spelled it out in my head. N-a-y-m. Naym? I stood there in silence.“What is your

naym?” I asked. “Well, I did ask first.” I did not know what to say. My heart was beating so fast.

My breath was speeding up. “Okay, no need to get so worried.” The creature pointed towards

something. I looked over to find a piece of wood.The wood had been crafted. Though, I do not

think the crafter was a very good one. There were holes that arrayed across the wood, but

intricate designs all across it. It was painted a dark blue and was slightly arched. “Yes, I see.

What would you like me to do?” I assumed we would stare at the object and point out the flaws
in the making, but instead the creature placed her feengers on my shoulder and walked me over

to the strange thing.

“Sit down if you will. I can get some water if you would like.” I was so confused. Sit

down? What if it breaks? What if I fall through one of the holes? “No, that will be alright.”

I answered. “My name is Christine.” Were nayms markings? Are we all nayms instead of

numbers? “Hello, Christine.” The creature opened her mouth to reveal bones. Christine’s bones

were so pearly. “You have really pretty mouth bones.” I looked at her. My eyes gazing. “My

mouth bones are pretty?” She gave a quiet chuckle. “That’s one way to say teeth.” I think I

understand the game we are playing. I could describe something I saw and she would make up a

name for it. “Does everyone call them teeth?” Christine looked at me in shock. “Yes? I mean,

sometimes you could describe them as a nice smile.”

Suddenly, I remembered. One tiny glimpse of the past. You have a nice smile. Letters on

a paper that made sense. The red font written was so vivid in my mind. “Are you okay?” The

creature stared worriedly. “I think I am fine. Just remembering the past.” Christine looked at me.

Her smile was gorgeous. “The past is a delicate thing. Something that everyone has, but most

people try to forget.” I did not have a past. I could not remember it. I would never try to forget a

thing so delicate. “Everyone?” “Why, yes. Even if it is not a good one.” “I do not have a past.

Certain memories I can obtain, but most of them I do not.” “Tell you what,” Christine said

gently, “I am going to take you somewhere. It will do you much good.” “Where is it Christine?”

I pleaded with her. “Just follow me.”

Christine and I walked on for a while. There was this little thing I saw when we were

walking. It was on all four legs and had its tongue sticking out. I thought the thing looked quite

weird but unique. I would stand and stare at every little detail as Christine urgued me along.

“We are here.” I looked up at the sign. Mental Hospital Institution. “What is this place?”

Christine looked at me with a frown. “Where you will be safe.” I walked into the building.

Everyone greeted me with a happy face and beautiful smile. I was starting to feel happy. “I can

help who is next!” The other creature sitting behind a desk yelled out. Christine walked to the

desk and I followed. “Hello, my name is Margret. How may I help you?” “Hello! My name is

Christine, and I would like to check someone in.” Christine glanced over at me and insisted,

“you are going to be taken care of.” “Okay.” I responded softly. “Here is some paperwork you

can fill out. Just bring it back when you are done.” Margret gave me a smile and handed the

paperwork to Christine. “Thank you.” Christine gave Margret a smile and then sat down. “Okay,

what is your name?” “I do not know. I do not think I have a naym.” “Everyone has a name. Look

at her sticker. It says ‘Hello, my name is Margret’ on it. That is how I know to call her Margret.”

Oh, name. I spelled it wrong. Christine wanted an answer that I could not give. I shrugged my

shoulders. “How about Alex?” “Sure.” “I like Alex, it suits you.” What was I supposed to say. I

did not know a name had to suit anyone.

Christine asked me a bunch of questions like preferred pronouns and address and

relationship status. I learned a lot. We went back to see Margret. “Here you go.” Christine

handed Margret the paperwork. She scanned the paper in this scary looking machine. Margret

came back and sat down at the desk. “Let me just make sure this information is correct.” She

turned something towards us. It was very bright. The object had a bunch of words and boxes on
it. On the bottom of it there were a bunch of letters and numbers. I looked closer and all the

questions Christine asked me were there. I was mind blown. “What? How? Wh-” I was stuttering

and stammering.

“Alex, are you okay?” Margret was looking at me. I could not speak. I could not move

for that matter. “If you could just get Alex a room as soon as possible, that would be great.”

Christine was rapidly talking. Room? Where am I going? What is happening? “Yes, of course.”

Margret picked up an instrument. It was weirdly shaped. It was very curvy. The instrument was

black and double sided. Margret pressed some buttons and then started talking into it. “Nurse

could you please come to the desk straight away. We have a patient that needs to be directly

taken to room 13.” I suggested the instrument was used for communication. There was some

quick squabbling on the instrument which led me to think my hypothesis was right. “Thank

you.” Margret put the instrument down.

“Thank you for waiting. I just talked to the nurse on the phone.” Margret eyed the

instrument. “The nurse should be out in a giffy!” “Thank you so much,” Christine replied.

Margret gave her a smile. “My pleasure.” Then, she looked at me and gave me a really big smile.

I slightly waved and then drifted away. We went back and sat down. I started tapping my feet on

the floor. “Hey, no need to be worried. They are going to take good care of you.”

“Will you stay with me?” “I wish, but I have to get home soon.” “Please!” I begged. “Not

today.” I could tell she was getting annoyed. “Can you come tomorrow?” She looked at me with

a sympathetic look. “I am not going to say yes.” I touched her hands with my feengers. “Just do

not say no.” I looked deep into her eyes. “For me?” “We will just leave it at maybe.” I felt

myself inching closer and my eyes staring deeper.

“Alex?” The nurse called out. Christine tapped me. “That is you.” She whispered. “Oh,

right.” I stood up and Christine held out her hand. “Shall we shake till the next encounter?” She

giggled. Her giggle was like a harmony of the angels. “Um I do not unders-” She grabbed my

hand and placed it in her hand. She folded her hand around mine. Then, she gently swayed my

hand up and down. “Thank you,” I spoke, “for everything.” “It has been my pleasure. It is

something new and I can not wait to see where this road leads.” She giggled one last time. Then,

she slowly turned and skipped out the door.

The nurse led me down a hallway. He stopped and pointed to another wooden frame that

had trapped air in it. “When you open your door, you will find your room. Lucky you, you do not

have a roommate.” “Okay, um, thank you I guess.” I stumbled over to the so-called door. I

pressed down on the handle and it creaked open. The room was so cold and bare. It sent a shiver

down my spine. I looked all around.

There was an interesting little contraption to the left. It was slick and black. It looked as if

it was just a metal box with no purpose. Then I saw hinges on the side of it. I reached out and

there was no handle. I pushed on it and nothing happened. I pulled and the contraption opened. I

was blinded. There were metal rods and plastic thrown into it. I assumed it was used for growing

plants or creating a light source at night. I had to push hard to close it. Then, I walked over to

another door. There was a handle this time. It was circular though. I tripped over myself and

slammed against the door. Instead of it staying closed, it ran across the room.

“Ouch.” There was a vacant space. A space used for torture. All the strangling devices

are stored in there, along with all the beating equipment. I exited the space immediately. I

creeped over to the last door. I opened it up to find a bowl, a box, and an oval. The bowl had
arched tubing directly over it. The bowl was white and had a few chips in it. The tubing had

minor holes in it and was mostly silver. The box was indimadating at first. It was very tall. There

was a structure coming down from the ceiling with a long slinky rope attached. The ground was

different from the rest of the place, and it had teeth like structures towards the bottom.

The oval was like a magic trick. It was floating in mid air. There were two flaps. I think

the second one was a mistake. There was a giant hole right in the middle of it. I looked down and

saw water. I was feeling thirsty. I cupped my hands together and scooped some water into my

hands. The water was a little funky tasting, but I was not going to complain.

There was a button right on top of the oval. I pressed it and the water squirted

everywhere. There was a loud and hideous noise. I shrieked and ran out. I slammed the door

shut. Never would I have to go back there again.

I lie down to comprehend what is going on. I try to think. I try to understand. I felt my

eyes getting heavy. I smiled though. Knowing that Christine would be there. Knowing that if I

made it through the night, I would get to see her smile and hear her laugh.

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