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Final English Language Test

- 5th Grade

School year 2016/2017

Reading Comprehension /30

English in Use /50

Total /80
Part I : Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension

Description: The great white shark is the largest predatory shark and is probably the most well-known and feared shark.
The great white shark is gray or bluish above and white below. The largest great whites can reach lengths of 22 feet and
weigh up to 5,000 pounds. Most are between 13 and 16 feet long and weigh 1,500–2,400 pounds. The great white has
massive teeth, which are positioned in rows and serrated. When the great white attacks, it bites its prey and shakes its head
back and forth. The serrated teeth act as a saw and literally tear the victim apart. The great white shark often swallows many
of its own teeth in an attack.

Diet: The great white shark normally feeds on fish, seals, dolphins, porpoises, otters, and turtles. It is thought to
locate its prey by electrosense and by smell. Like all sharks, great whites have special pores called ampullae of
Lorenzini, which enable them to detect the electromagnetic fields radiated by moving organisms. Great whites can detect
voltage as small as one-half-billionth of a volt. Great whites employ several hunting techniques depending on the prey.
Most of the time, the shark will remain still underwater before ambushing its prey from underneath. In the case of hunting
some kinds of seals, the impact of the shark is so powerful that it knocks both the shark and the seal clear out of the water.
With larger prey such as elephant seals, the shark will simply take a huge bite out of it and wait for it to bleed to death.
When hunting dolphins, the shark will attack from above, presumably to avoid detection from the dolphin's echolocation.

Range/Habitat: Great white sharks are most commonly

observed throughout the world's subarctic coastal waters,
though they likely spend most of their time in the open
ocean. The highest concentrations are found in the waters
off the coast of South Africa, Australia, California, and
Mexico. The great white shark is also found in the
Adriatic andMediterranean Seas. They generally prefer
water between 54 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Reproduction: A great white shark has never been

observed giving birth, however, pregnant females have
been caught. It is known to be ovoviviparous (young
develop in eggs within the mother's body). Females give
birth to eight or nine pups that are about five feet in length
upon birth. Great whites reach reproductive maturity when themale is about 12 feet long and the female about 13 feet long.
It is thought that great white sharks live up to 40 yearsin the wild, but this estimate may be too low.

Shark attacks: Despite the fear of great white sharks, at least in part generated by Steven Spielberg's 1975 movie, “Jaws,”
great white sharks do not target humans as prey. Most attacks are attributed to mistaken identity. Sharkscan easily mistake
humans for seals. Many human injuries caused by great white sharks are cases of test-biting. If ashark is unsure about a
floating object, it often gives it a test bite to determine what kind of object it is. While suchbites do little damage to buoys
and other objects, they obviously can inflict serious damage on the human body.

1.) Which of the following is least likely?

a.) Finding a 15-foot-long great white shark

b.) Finding a great white shark hunting a porpoise
c.) Finding a great white shark in 85- degree-Fahrenheit water
d.) Finding a great white shark that weighs 2,000 pounds

2.) The maximum weight of MOST great white sharks is ____________ pounds.
a.) 4,200
b.) 2,400
c.) 24,000
d.) 5,000
3.) Select all of the following that are normal parts of the great white shark's
a.) humans
b.) fish
c.) dolphins
d.) seals

4.) The ___________ are specialized pores that allow a shark to detect magnetic fields of moving
a.) electromagnets
b.) echolocation
c.) ampullae of Lorenzini
d.) serrations

5.) What does “ovoviviparous” mean?

a.) It refers to animals whose young develop in eggs within the mother's body.
b.) It refers to animals that lay eggs.
c.) It refers to animals whose young develop outside the mother's body.
d.) It refers to animals that do not lay eggs.

6.) You would have something in common with the great white shark if you…
a.) spend most of your time near the shore.
b.) located your food by sound.
c.) lived to be 80 years old.
d.) have four brothers and four sisters.

7.) In which of the following places would you have the best chance to see a great
white shark?
a.) Mediterranean Sea
b.) Antarctica
c.) coastal South Africa
d.) Mississippi River

8.) Sharks often mistake humans for _________________.

9.) Which of the following is NOT true?

a.) Great white sharks employ different hunting techniques depending on the prey they are stalking.
b.) Great white sharks can detect prey by smell or by magnetic field.
c.) Great white sharks swallow their own teeth during attacks.
d.) Great white sharks often target humans as prey.

10.) Which of the following may or may not be true?

a.) The great white shark is actually only white on its underparts.
b.) Newborn great white sharks are about five feet in length.
c.) Great white sharks have serrated teeth that act like saws.
d.) Great white sharks have a life span of 40 years.

Part I: English in Use

1. Would you like an______________?
a. Apple b. Lemonade c. Sandwich
2. You can _________ glass, but you can’t ______________ plastic.
a. reuse b. recycle c. refresh
3. ____________ Bob going to go to Spain this summer?
a. Are b. is c. am
4. Oh! What’s wrong? – She ___________________ a terrible headache.
a. 've got b. got c. ‘s got
5. I can’t see really good. Who is standing by the wall?
a. It's Manuel. b. It's Manuels. c. It's Manuel's.
6. Look at him. He is ______________ runner I have ever seen.
a. fast b. faster c. the fastest
7. There were ___________ next to the supermarket
a. schools b. bank c. a lot of houses
8. My brother speaks French quite ___________________
a. Fluent b. Fluently c. More fluently
9. Do you know her? Yes, ________ girl is from England.
a. This b. These c. That
10. Is ________ bed yours?
a. That b. These c. Those
11. What did you say? I _______________ to you. 
a. Was listening b. Didn’t listen c. Wasn’t listening
12. While I ___________________ for English test yesterday, my brotherwas having fun with his friends.
a. Studied b. Was studying c. Studying
13. Would you like _______ cake ?
a. a piece of b. any c. many
14. You can’t cook, ______?
a. can’t you b. can you c. do you
15. Go along ____________ road, then turn left into New Road!
a. along b. this c. left
16. Please, don’t _______________ yur hair more than once a week !
a. tidy b. wash c. clean
17. We can plant these flowers in a ______________!
a. kitchen b. bedroom c. garden
18. Please, _______________ the windows! It is very hot in here.
a. close b. open c. tidy
19. You won’t come, ______________?
a. won’t you b. can you c. will you
20. Are there _________ tomatoes in the fridge?
a. Lot of b. Any c. Some
21. Nice _______ meet you.
a. For b. To c. Of
22. My son has a baby girl. She’s my__________
a. daughter b. granddaughter c. niece
23. He usually __________ soccer every Sunday.
a. plays b. play c. playing
24. The baby _______________ cry a lot.
a. isn’t crying b. doesn’t cry c. not cring
25. I’d like a __________ of cigarettes and a box of matches, please.
a. jar b. packet c. carton
26. What do people __________ in a sushi bar?
a. eat b. ate c. eating
27. Mary is ________________ as her sister.
a. faster b. as faster c. as fast
28. She’s my father’s sister. She’s my__________
a. aunt b. sister c. niece
29. That’s a nice jacket. How much _______________?
a. is costing b. costs c. does it cost
30. Whose are ___________ trousers on the bed ?
a. this b. these c. that
31. They are from the USA. __________ names are Jill and Steven.
a. theirs b. their c. they
32. I get ______________ at about 6.30 in the evening
a. up b. in c. on
33. I’ve been here for a week. I came here ......................... .
a. not b. too c. lot
34. Can I have three__________ of jam, please?
a. packets b. jars c. cans
35. _________ is he going to the mall ?
a. How old b. Whose c. Why
36. Joe and I are vegetarians. ......................... of us eats meat
a. None b. Neither c. Both
37. My cousin ......................... his leg last Saturday
a. break b. broke c. have broken
38. I ......................... feel very well yesterday
a. didn’t b. wasn’t c. haven’t
39. The famous emperor ______ from gold plates and drank from gold cups.
a. eat b. ate c. eating
40. Something you wear round your neck in cold weather.
a. socks b. necklace c. scarf
41. We didn't ________ the soccer at the park last weekend.
a. played b. plaid c. play
42. I’d like to ......................... on this jacket, please.
a. buy b. try c. have
43. Where ......................... last weekend?
a. were b. did you go c. have you been
44. ______________ grows vegetables.
a. firefighter b. postman c. farmer
45. He is ________________ than his sister.
a. older b. old c. oldest
46. There’s ......................... sugar in this coffee. Could I have some more, please?
a. too much b. not enough c. enough
47. _________ Martha go at the library yesterday?
a. did b. was c. am
48. ________ Rick and Sally at the restaurant yesterday?
a. were b. are c. did
49. __________ he like ice cream?
a. does b. do c. did
50. My father loves his old car. ......................... it for 20 years!
a. Has had b. Have had c. Had

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