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Movie’s name.

Me Before You

The plot. (Beginning, knot, ending)

Beginning: William Traynor (Sam Claflin) is a successful young business executive and sport man
who is in a good relationship with his girlfriend Alicia. One morning, Will gets a call telling him to
come into work. While walking to work, he is talking on his mobile phone and inadvertently walks
in front of a speeding motorcycle. As a result of the accident, Will is paralyzed from the neck down
and permanently bound to a motorized wheelchair. Beginning: William Traynor (Sam Claflin) is a
successful young business executive and sport man who is in a good relationship with his girlfriend
Alicia. One morning, Will gets a call telling him to come into work. While walking to work, he is
talking on his mobile phone and inadvertently walks in front of a speeding motorcycle. As a result
of the accident, Will is paralyzed from the neck down and permanently bound to a motorized

Knot: Louisa (Emilia Clarke) after losing her job at a local cafe, she is hired as a companion for
William Traynor. Lou has no experience, but Will's mother believes her cheery personality will help
lift his spirits. Will only spends time with his nurse Nathan (Steve Peacocke), who knows that he
will never regain use of his body due to the damage to his spinal cord. Nathan assists him with
everything physical like movement, exercise, and clothing. Lou learns the truth about why she was
hired: after a previous suicide attempt, Will made his mother promise to take him to an assisted
suicide facility in six months to end his life. Lou's job has actually been to make sure he doesn't
hurt himself before then. Although Lou is shaken by this revelation, she has a plan: she'll take Will
on excursions to show him that life is still worth living. Some of these trips don't go well, like one,
it advised jaunt to the horse races, but some are truly eye-opening, like a romantic night at the
symphony. The big trip comes near the end of the six months: an all-expenses paid vacation to
Mauritius, a small island off the coast of Africa. Lou kisses Will and declares her love for him,
saying that she knows about his plan but wants him to be with her. Although he loves her, too.

Ending: Lou relents and decides to share Will's final moments with him. Lou's mom is furious
about this and tells her to not return home if she decides to go. But that's not going to stop her.
She arrives on time and shares a tender moment with Will before he goes through with the
procedure of euthanasia.

What did you learn about the movie?

The importance of real love, the patiente, and the commitment to help and save the life of the
person who loves.

How did the movie make you feel?

A feeling of sadness at the beginning, for the strong changes that life can give us. Also a great
feeling of love for everything that Lou makes to save the life and give hope to William.
How does the movie relate to the academic program you are studying?

I can listen and practice different verb tenses in the development of the film, which have been
studied, in addition to practice my listening and increase my vocabulary.

Another ending for the movie could be…

That William does not die, and he recovers all your health and finally He marries with Lou.

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