Reconstructing Movement History of Frozen Debris Lobes in Northern Alaska Using Satellite Radar Interferometry

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Remote Sensing of Environment 221 (2019) 722–740

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Reconstructing movement history of frozen debris lobes in northern Alaska T

using satellite radar interferometry

Wenyu Gonga,b, Margaret M. Darrowc, , Franz J. Meyerb, Ronald P. Daanend
State Key Laboratory of Earthquake Dynamics, Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100029, China
Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775, USA
Department of Mining & Geological Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775, USA
Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS), Fairbanks, AK 99709, USA


Keywords: Frozen debris lobes (FDLs) are slow-moving landslides along permafrost-affected slopes, and consist of soil, rock,
InSAR organic debris, and areas of massive infiltration ice. Based on their proximity to the adjacent infrastructure, their
Permafrost size, and their flow dynamics, FDLs represent potential geohazards. Eight FDLs (FDL-A, -B, -C, -D, -4, -5, -7, -11)
Frozen debris lobe within the Dalton Highway corridor in the Brooks Range, Alaska, USA are the subject of this paper. We examined
temporal and spatial variation of FDL displacement using medium-resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
images and differential SAR Interferometry (dInSAR) techniques. European Remote Sensing satellite 1/2 (ERS 1/
2) and Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) acquisitions were used to generate co-
herent interferograms to study the displacement history of FDLs for 1995–1996 and 2006–2010. We conducted
an initial assessment of the capability of satellite InSAR to monitor FDL movement depending on data resolution,
season, and vegetation coverage, which also helped us to select useful interferograms. With multi-temporal
interferometric displacement maps, we found that seven investigated FDLs (FDL-7 was excluded from this sub-
experiment due to limited data coverage) demonstrated strong spatial and seasonal variations in their movement
patterns, with maximum displacement rates typically occurring in October and minimum displacement rates
during February or March, which is consistent with previously published field study results. Overall, through this
study we: (1) delineated the active FDLs during the winter period using a wrapped PALSAR interferogram; (2)
analyzed the spatial variation of the deformation field within each FDL body; (3) modeled the seasonal changes
of FDL deformation rates through the analysis of multi-temporal ERS tandem interferograms; and (4) integrated
InSAR-derived deformation rates with those obtained through historical imagery analysis to determine long-term
deformation rates. Results from this study fill the gaps left in the historical imagery analysis and provide im-
portant seasonal and spatial deformation data, which are essential in the development of a mitigation plan as
these features approach infrastructure. We also summarize our research experience studying these moving
features using satellite radar interferometry and believe this can be useful for future studies of similar features.

1. Introduction Simpson et al., 2016). FDLs represent potential geohazards because of

their proximity to adjacent infrastructure, their size, and their flow
Frozen debris lobes (FDLs) are slow-moving landslides along per- dynamics. For instance, FDL-A (the closest FDL to the Dalton Highway,
mafrost-affected slopes, and consist of soil, rock, organic debris, and Alaska) was only 25.6 m away from the toe of the highway embank-
areas of massive infiltration ice (Daanen et al., 2012). We have iden- ment based on our August 2018 field measurements. When it reaches
tified 43 FDLs within the Dalton Highway corridor, and nearly 160 the highway, FDL-A will deposit over 19 m3 of debris on the road each
more throughout the Brooks Range, Alaska, USA (Darrow et al., 2016). day. Thus, it is important to reconstruct the historical movement of
They were initially mapped as flow slides or rock glaciers; however in these FDLs and to monitor their current condition so that we can un-
recent studies, researchers identified that FDLs are different from rock derstand their motion dynamics and predict future movement.
glaciers in their source, movement rate and mechanism, composition, Using historical aerial and satellite imagery, differential Global
and surface coverage (Daanen et al., 2012; Darrow et al., 2016; Positioning System (DGPS) measurements, and subsurface

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.M. Darrow).
Received 8 July 2018; Received in revised form 29 November 2018; Accepted 9 December 2018
Available online 19 December 2018
0034-4257/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
W. Gong et al. Remote Sensing of Environment 221 (2019) 722–740

instrumentation, Darrow et al. (2016) determined the historic and Alaska. In this study, acquisitions from two medium resolution SAR
current displacement rates for eight FDLs. Their results indicate that the satellite sensors, European Remote Sensing Satellite 1/2 (ERS 1/2) and
FDLs moved asynchronously since 1955, with a general increasing Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR), were
trend in their movement rates as well as signs of instability. Although used to generate coherent interferograms to study the deformational
the optical aerial and satellite historical imagery covered the time span history of the selected FDLs. Fig. 1b provides the spatial coverage of
between 1955 and 2014, the sparse sampling led to large gaps in the these acquisitions in the form of color-coded boxes. Data from other
time series (e.g., a data gap from 1993 to 2007), which resulted in less SAR sensors (e.g., TerraSAR-X, Radarsat-1 and 2, and Sentinel-1) were
certain long-term trend estimation. Results from previous field work not used in this study as their acquisition parameters (i.e., temporal
suggested that the FDLs move throughout the winter; however, because baseline, wavelength, resolution) did not warrant coherent data over
the study area experiences a lack of daylight and cold temperatures the FDL features (see Section 3 for more information).
during the winter season (typically November through March), neither The objectives of this paper are to: (1) delineate the active FDLs
DGPS measurements nor optical remote sensing imagery are optimal during the winter period using differential interferograms; (2) analyze
techniques to monitor FDL rates throughout the winter months. Ad- the spatial variation of the deformation field within each FDL body
ditionally, the DGPS device measures displacement at discrete points using ERS data; (3) analyze the seasonal changes of FDL deformation
and can only provide limited information on the spatial distribution of rates through the analysis of time series interferograms; and (4) analyze
FDL displacement fields, which is important to understand before de- the long-term deformation rate change of FDLs via a combination of
veloping a mitigation plan as these features approach infrastructure. InSAR measurements with published rate measurements derived from
Therefore, in this study we conducted research with Differential Syn- historical imagery and DGPS (Darrow et al., 2016). In Section 2, we
thetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry (d-InSAR) techniques and introduce the site conditions and datasets used to study FDLs. Using
satellite SAR images acquired over these eight previously-studied FDLs coherence maps, Section 3 provides a performance analysis of InSAR in
to investigate the variations of their temporal-spatial displacement measuring FDL movement and our strategy in selecting interferometric
fields. Recently, d-InSAR techniques have been recognized as promising pairs. We describe general methods to reconstruct displacement fields
tools for measuring ground deformation with centimeter to millimeter in Section 4. Section 5 is a summary of the InSAR-derived deformation
accuracy (Hanssen, 2001; Massonnet et al., 1994; Rosen et al., 2000). results of the investigated FDLs, and we present our conclusions in
Since the 1990s, d-InSAR techniques also have been applied success- Section 6.
fully to study permafrost features (e.g., Iwahana et al., 2016; Liu et al.,
2014a; Liu et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2014b; Liu et al., 2010; Wang et al.,
2017), as well as to investigate other natural hazards including volcano 2. Study area and datasets
and earthquake deformation, and landslides (Barboux et al., 2015;
Gong et al., 2014; Hu et al., 2016; Lindsey et al., 2015; Lu and Dzurisin, 2.1. Site description
2014; Tong et al., 2010).
Fig. 1a provides the location of the study area and the distribution We studied eight FDLs in a 19 km by 38 km area along the Dalton
of the eight investigated FDLs along the Dalton Highway in northern Highway in the south-central Brooks Range, between Wiseman and
Atigun Pass (Fig. 1a). This area is located in the transition zone between


Fig. 1. Geographic location of FDLs and corresponding topography. (a) Location of the investigated FDLs within Alaska (light green) and along the Dalton Highway
corridor (purple; Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) shown in green). (b) Coverage of SAR images from ERS and PALSAR sensors overlying Google Earth imagery
(Google, 2018); the filled white box is the same area of interest as the inset in (a); red, green, and gray boxes denote descending ERS 1/2 frames with path numbers of
315, 43, and 272, respectively; the blue and pink boxes are for ERS 1/2 ascending frames with path numbers of 178 and 407, respectively; the white box denotes a
PALSAR quad-polarization image pair (in descending orbit with path number 626); the black boxes denote two PALSAR frames (F1360 and F1350) from the same
path (number 255) in fine beam single-polarization mode and ascending orbit. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.)

W. Gong et al. Remote Sensing of Environment 221 (2019) 722–740

the Alaska Interior climate and the Arctic climate (Bieniek et al., 2012). (1) Satellite ERS-1 (life span 1991–2000) and ERS-2 (life span
A climate summary from Wiseman, Alaska indicates that the average 1995–2011) have similar configurations, both providing C-band
annual air temperature is −5.2 °C. The maximum snow depth typically SAR acquisitions in a stripmap-type imaging mode. The pixel spa-
occurs in February or March and averages 0.6 m, and the area is typi- cing of the standard Single Look Complex (SLC) product of ERS-1/2
cally snow-free between June and September (data source: https:// is about 8 m in range and 4 m in azimuth with a swath width of Previous mapping efforts about 100 km (ESA, 2018). During October 1995–June 1996, ERS-
indicated that our area of interest is underlain by continuous perma- 1/2 satellites were operated in a tandem mission configuration,
frost (Jorgenson et al., 2006); however, the permafrost in the southern meaning that the same area of the earth was revisited by ERS-1 and
Brooks Range valleys is highly susceptible to degradation and active ERS-2 with only one day offset (Duchossois and Martin, 1995). This
layer deepening, due to the relatively warm and shallow permafrost 1-day temporal separation was ideal for the analysis of FDLs, and
(CADIS, 2016), as well as warmer subsurface temperatures caused by we used these tandem pairs to reconstruct the displacement field of
snowpack insulation (Daanen et al., 2012). FDLs with SAR interferometry techniques.
Daanen et al. (2012) provided an initial description of the FDLs in (2) The L-band PALSAR sensor was flown on board the Advanced Land
this area and compiled a preliminary characterization of their move- Observing Satellite (ALOS). We collected PALSAR SLC products in
ment processes. More recently, researchers conducted field-based sur- fine resolution mode (about 4 m in range and 3 m in azimuth pixel
face and subsurface geotechnical studies at these FDLs (e.g., boreholes, spacing with 70 km swath width) and polarimetric mode (about 9 m
rock samples, etc.) to describe their composition and mechanical in range and 4 m in azimuth pixel spacing with 30 km swath width)
properties (Darrow et al., 2016; Simpson et al., 2016). The study by (ASF, 2018) from the ASF archives. We expected the L-band
Darrow et al. (2016) suggests that FDLs typically form in and flow from PALSAR data to have better performance than the C-band imagery
a catchment (e.g., FDL-A, FDL-B), or in some cases form at the base of a provided by ERS-1/2. This is because the L-band wavelength pe-
slope with the accumulation of loose colluvium (e.g., FDL-C) or from netrates deeper into snow and vegetation-covered surfaces (Rignot
landslide deposits. FDLs are composed of a mix of frozen fine-grained et al., 2001), resulting in higher interferometric coherence (Zebker
soil, rocks, and organic debris, as well as infiltration ice. The term and Villasenor, 1992).
“infiltration ice” was borrowed from the literature on glaciers to de-
scribe ice formed from rain or snowmelt entering into cracks opened at Fig. 1b illustrates the SAR data coverage over our area of interest.
the surface (Darrow et al., 2016). Exposure of massive infiltration ice in The ERS 1/2 sensors provide coverage with three tracks (P43, P315,
retrogressive thaw slumps (RTS) causes various stages of instability that and P272) in descending orbit and two tracks (P178 and P407) in the
lead to morphological differences among the FDLs. Subsurface mea- ascending direction. There are also three ALOS PALSAR tracks covering
surements of FDL-A from 2013 to 2015 indicated an average active our study area: ascending track P255 and descending track P262 (both
layer depth of 2.3 m and an average permafrost temperature of in fine resolution mode), and descending track P626 (quad-polarization
−0.85 °C at depths between 15.0 and 20.6 m (i.e., below the depth of mode).
zero annual amplitude; Darrow et al., 2016). Despite the sub-freezing The rapid movement of FDLs, together with the frequent snow/ice
temperatures, we observed evidence of water pressure during drilling, coverage, can lead to great changes in backscattering mechanisms over
and subsequent piezometer measurements indicated artesian conditions our study area. Thus, as the first part of our study, we evaluated co-
at two depths (i.e., 16.3 m and 26.1 m below ground surface) within the herence conditions with different baseline configurations, which also
lobe (Darrow et al., 2017). helped us to preselect interferogram pairs and develop a strategy for
FDLs are often compared to rock glaciers, which are another type of our InSAR-based analysis of FDLs. Details and results of this coherence
mass movement feature on mountain slopes in many permafrost regions analysis can be found in Section 3.
(Barsch, 1996). Although FDLs resemble rock glaciers in some aspects, We used digital elevation model (DEM) products generated from
they differ in their distinguishable surface coverage (namely mature airborne interferometric synthetic aperture radar (IfSAR) data to pro-
white spruce forest and brushy vegetation), subsurface composition, vide topographic information needed for the formation of differential
and typical movement rates and mechanisms (Daanen et al., 2012; interferograms. The airborne IfSAR images over northwest Alaska were
Darrow et al., 2016). For instance, Daanen et al. (2012) suggest that the acquired in 2012 as part of the Alaska Statewide Digital Mapping
movement rates of FDLs are similar to common glaciers in the Brooks Initiative (USGS, 2013). The DEM derived from these data has a 5-m
Range, which is about an order of magnitude greater than those typical resolution with vertical accuracy of 3 m over 0–10 degree slopes. The
of rock glaciers. A more detailed comparison between FDLs and rock IfSAR DEM only covers an area along the Dalton Highway corridor just
glaciers can be found in Darrow et al. (2016). large enough to include the eight investigated FDLs. Nevertheless, as it
Fig. 2 illustrates the typical appearance and evidence of movement has higher accuracy than other available DEMs in this area, we used this
on FDLs. Because of its recent rapid movement, FDL-D's surface dataset to reduce the topography-induced phase errors in the differ-
(Fig. 2a) is more exposed as the vegetative cover has been ripped apart. ential interferometric phase and to calculate the average slope or-
The downslope movement causes tension and shearing (Fig. 2b), ientation angles needed for the geophysical interpretation of InSAR
forming cracks on the surface that cause trees to lean and split. The deformation measurements. In conjunction with SAR satellite orbit in-
photographic sequence in Fig. 2c–e illustrates the progressive widening formation, we also used DEM data to identify areas affected by SAR
of a split spruce trunk from 2011 to 2017. geometry errors (e.g., shadow) and to compute the local incidence
angle. We used all of these geometry parameters to derive the down-
2.2. SAR imagery and auxiliary datasets slope displacement rates of FDLs, which will be discussed in Section 4.2.
We added DGPS measurements obtained in the field from 2012 to
We chose PALSAR (L-band) and ERS 1/2 (C-band) acquisitions to 2016, to assist in the analysis of the InSAR displacement results. The
study movement rates of FDLs, because these acquisitions covered time purpose was to extract the displacement history at the same geographic
spans during the 1990s and 2000s that were not studied using historical locations, so that movements measured from multiple sources (e.g.,
optical satellite images or DGPS measurements (Darrow et al., 2016). InSAR and DGPS results) were comparable and trackable. We also
We examined all ERS and PALSAR SAR images available in the archives compared the DGPS measurements from the 2010s to the InSAR results
of the NASA Alaska Satellite Facility (ASF) Distributed Active Archive from 1995–1996 to 2007–2010, in order to understand the long-term
Center (DAAC) ( for their suit- behavior of FDLs and gain insight into their year-to-year dynamics. This
ability to measure FDL movement. The details of SAR data from these analysis is presented in Section 5.
two sensors are as follows.

W. Gong et al. Remote Sensing of Environment 221 (2019) 722–740

Fig. 2. Typical FDL appearance and evidence of movement. (a) FDL-D in 2016; (b) shear along the right flank on FDL-7 in 2016; and a leaning, cracked tree on FDL-A
in (c) 2011, (d) 2015, and (e) 2017.

3. Coherence analysis and strategy of quantitative study perpendicular baseline separation of the 27/03/1996–28/03/1996 pair
(−69.78 m) is similar to that of the 20/10/1995 to 21/10/1995 pair
3.1. Coherence evaluation and interferograms selection (61.98 m); hence, the decorrelation in Fig. 3b is not due to the geometry
decorrelation. As will be discussed in Section 5, we found that FDLs
Limited by the ground coverage, climate conditions, and complex move faster in October than in March. Therefore, we believe the dec-
terrain variations of the study area, we first identified the most ap- orrelation in this short time interval (i.e., 1 day) at FDLs is mainly due
propriate interferometric temporal and spatial baseline configurations to backscatter changes.
to generate coherent interferograms. Coherence is a critical factor in Fig. 3d illustrates an ERS-2 data pair with a 35-day temporal
InSAR processing, indicating two radar echoes at different times have baseline. In this interferogram, all FDLs and surrounding areas show
similar sets of backscattering mechanism (Zebker and Villasenor, almost full decorrelation. Fig. 3e and f are coherence maps produced
1992). We were especially concerned about the impact of temporal with L-band data with 46-day and 92-day temporal baselines, respec-
decorrelation because the fast movement rates of FDLs – typically tively. In these two coherence maps, although the surrounding area
1–10 m/ yr or more (Daanen et al., 2012) – would lead to changes in remains coherent, the three FDLs are decorrelated within 46 days and
geomorphology, and thus decorrelation, over a short period of time. become even worse within 92 days, especially FDL-A and -B. As evi-
Additionally, the spatial extent of FDLs – typically 700–1400-m long denced by the areas surrounding the FDLs in Fig. 3e and f, the longer
and 100–400-m wide (Darrow et al., 2016) – may be too small to be wavelength (L-band) performs better in maintaining coherence. FDL-C
identified using the medium-resolution PALSAR and ERS image pro- demonstrates relatively higher coherence due to its slower movement
ducts, and heavy vegetation and snow/ice coverage of this area in the rate as compared to FDL-A and -B (Darrow et al., 2016). We observed
winter may produce poor results. Thus, prior to the displacement field similar decorrelation behavior for the other five studied FDLs, also
reconstruction, we first analyzed a large amount of ERS and PALSAR showing higher coherence in L-band than in C-band, and a strong de-
coherence maps and corresponding differential interferograms with crease in correlation on FDLs as temporal baselines increase (please
various baseline configurations. refer to Figs. S1–S4 in the Supplement). These decorrelation patterns
can cause difficulties in displacement signal reconstruction.
3.1.1. Temporal decorrelation
The coherence maps were derived from adaptively filtered inter- 3.1.2. Interferogram selection
ferograms with a 5-by-5 window size. Fig. 3 provides representative Based on our interferogram tests, we found that a coherence limit of
examples of the coherence condition over three FDLs (FDL-A, -B, and ~0.4 calculated from spatially filtered data (Section 3.1.1) is generally
-C) with different wavelength and temporal baseline configurations. sufficient to facilitate phase unwrapping and retrieve ground dis-
Each interferogram overlays a Google Earth (Google, 2018) optical placements. A coherence limit of 0.4 also was suggested by Barboux
image acquired in April 2014, when the area was snow-covered et al. (2015). Only the 46-day ALOS PALSAR pairs acquired in the
(Fig. 3a). An ERS 1/2 (C-band) data pair with a temporal baseline of 1- October and March time frames and ERS tandem-mode pairs were able
day shows high interferometric coherence across almost the entire area to produce interferograms that maintained sufficient coherence on
(Fig. 3b). Only small parts of FDL-B and FDL-A demonstrate decorr- FDLs. All available ERS tandem pairs for the study area were acquired
elation. Decorrelation started within parts of the FDLs in the tandem between October 1995 and May 1996. The selected PALSAR scenes
pairs (Fig. 3b–c), but as the temporal baseline increased to 35 days were acquired in October and March of the years 2006 to 2011. Tables
(Fig. 3d), other parts of the image around the FDLs became dec- 1 and 2 summarize the temporal and spatial baselines as well as the
orrelated. Additionally, with the same temporal separation, the same orbit information of the selected ERS and PALSAR pairs, respectively.
area that is decorrelated in Fig. 3b (20/10/1995 to 21/10/1995) is The ERS interferogram 13/12/1995–14/12/1995 (highlighted as bold
again coherent in Fig. 3c (27/03/1996–28/03/1996; all dates pre- text in Table 1) was discarded because it was affected by strong, small
sented in this paper are in dd/mm/yyyy format). Note that the scale turbulent atmosphere signals that severely impacted the analysis

W. Gong et al. Remote Sensing of Environment 221 (2019) 722–740

Fig. 3. Demonstration of coherence change over FDLs with different radar wavelength and temporal baselines. Coherence condition is displayed in the color scale
shown to the right; ideal coherence has a value of 1. (a) Ground coverage of FDL-A, B, and -C (outlined in white) in April 2014 (from Google Earth (Google, 2018));
(b) ERS 1/2 tandem pair (20/10/1995 to 21/10/1995); (c) ERS 1/2 tandem pair (27/03/1996–28/03/1996); (d) ERS-2 35-day pair (14/10/1999–18/11/1999); (e)
PALSAR 46-day pair (07/12/2007 to 22/01/2008); and (f) PALSAR 92-day pair (22/10/2007 to 22/01/2008). All the coherence maps are overlaid on the Google
Earth optical image (the scale is noted in (a)). All dates presented in this paper are in dd/mm/yyyy format.

of FDL displacements. 3.2. General analysis strategy

The perpendicular baselines of the selected interferograms remain
smaller than 230 m for ERS pairs (see Table 1) and < 860 m for As summarized in Tables 1 and 2, these selected interferograms are
PALSAR pairs (see Table 2). Both are far less than the suggested critical mostly disconnected from each other in time. Hence, most time series
baseline values (Sandwell et al., 2008), thus reducing geometry dec- InSAR methods like persistent scatters interferometry (Ferretti et al.,
orrelation. The reported IfSAR DEM accuracy is about 3 m in the ver- 2001; Hooper et al., 2007) or Small Baseline Subset InSAR (Berardino
tical direction (GINA, 2012). We can calculate the maximum DEM-error et al., 2002; Lanari et al., 2004) are not suitable for this study, as both
induced phase in selected interferograms (Ferretti, 2014), which cor- of these approaches require a series of temporarily-connected inter-
responds to one-way range changes of about 5 mm in PALSAR inter- ferogram networks (single-master or multi-master). Therefore, we could
ferograms and 2 mm for ERS interferograms. Hence, DEM errors have only analyze the generated differential interferograms individually.
limited impact on deformation estimates derived from InSAR. Additionally, it should be noted that the selected interferograms were
Seven of the eight investigated FDLs are located on the east side of from multiple orbit paths of two microwave sensors having different
the Brooks Range valley, with FDL-7 located on the west side (Fig. 1a observation geometries. Hence, data from the different InSAR pairs had
inset). Due to the oblique SAR satellite viewing geometry, movement to be converted to the same geometry for integrated analysis and dis-
along FDL-7 was only observable in ERS ascending frames, whereas the cussion. To do so, we estimated line-of-sight (LOS) displacement rates
other seven FDLs on the east side of the valley were observed by des- for FDLs from every individual differential interferogram, converted
cending frames. Thus, FDL-7 was only captured by two available ERS LOS rates to the downslope direction, and then analyzed temporal
ascending pairs, while multiple ERS descending pairs effectively cov- changes of their displacement rates in a multi-temporal manner. In
ered the remaining FDLs (Table 1). All nine listed PALSAR inter- order to achieve our objectives, we designed the following analysis
ferogram pairs covered the eight studied FDLs. strategy:

Table 1
ERS tandem pairs for the movement analysis of eight FDLs grouped by path number.
ID Master Slave B⊥(m) Frame/patha ID Master Slave B⊥(m) Frame/patha

1 04/10/1995 05/10/1995 229.29 F279/P43 8 01/01/1996 02/01/1996 −77.15 F279/P315

2 13/12/1995 14/12/1995 −90.09 F279/P43 9 20/10/1995 21/10/1995 61.98 F279/P272
3 21/02/1996 22/02/1996 141.59 F279/P43 10 24/11/1995 25/11/1995 151.65 F279/P272
4 27/03/1996 28/03/1996 −69.78 F279/P43 11 29/12/1995 30/12/1995 −112.14 F279/P272
5 01/05/1996 02/05/1996 −39.56 F279/P43 12 14/10/1995 15/10/1995 −135.84 F171/P178
6 23/10/1995 24/10/1995 83.73 F279/P315 13 12/02/1996 13/02/1996 139.64 F171/P407
7 27/11/1995 28/11/1995 53.81 F279/P315

F171 is in ascending orbit that covers FDL-7; F279 is in descending orbit that covers the remaining seven FDLs.

W. Gong et al. Remote Sensing of Environment 221 (2019) 722–740

Table 2
PALSAR pairs for the movement analysis of FDL-C.
ID Master Slave B⊥(m) Frame/patha ID Master Slave B⊥(m) Frame/patha

1 04/12/2006 19/01/2007 −384.99 F1360/P255 6 24/01/2009 11/03/2009 781.83 F1360/P255

2 22/10/2007 07/12/2007 297.37 F1360/P255 7 15/12/2010 30/01/2011 744.69 F1360/P255
3 07/12/2007 22/01/2008 643.41 F1360/P255 8 30/01/2011 17/03/2011 857.91 F1360/P255
4 24/10/2008 09/12/2008 348.81 F1360/P255 9 27/10/2007 12/12/2007 520.00 F2230/P626
5 09/12/2008 24/01/2009 662.82 F1360/P255

P626 is in descending orbit; F255 is in ascending orbit.

(1) For the first objective of this paper (to delineate active FDLs during 4.1. Differential interferogram processing
the winter season), we used a single wrapped PALSAR differential
interferogram acquired during the winter period to outline the ac- We processed the ERS 1/2 data with a multi-look factor of 1 in range
tively moving areas. As shown in the above coherence analysis, and 5 in azimuth. The fine beam mode PALSAR data was processed
PALSAR L-band data demonstrated better performance than ERS C- with a multi-look factor of 2 in range and 3 in azimuth, and of 1 in
band data for this task. Additionally, the revisit of PALSAR inter- range and 2 in azimuth for quad-polarimetric imagery. These proces-
ferograms was 46 days, which more effectively captured the accu- sing steps were made to reduce speckle noise while preserving spatial
mulated displacement of FDLs, increasing the displacement signal- resolution. We also filtered interferograms with an adaptive spectral
to-noise ratio to isolate the moving FDLs from the relatively stable filter prior to the unwrapping step (Werner et al., 2002). The inter-
background. ferometric phases were unwrapped using a minimum cost flow (MCF)
(2) For the second objective (to analyze the spatial variation of the approach (Costantini, 1998; Werner et al., 2002). For the regions cov-
deformation field within each FDL body), we used unwrapped ERS ering the targeted FDLs, we manually checked for unwrapping errors,
tandem differential interferograms to investigate the 2D displace- or the 2π phase jump between neighboring coherent pixels at FDLs in
ment fields of FDLs; Figs. S5–S9 in the Supplement illustrate all the resulting interferograms. We identified unwrapping errors only at
unwrapped interferogram subsets for eight FDLs. Given that there FDL-7 in the 14/10/1995–15/10/1995 pair and applied appropriate
were only two ascending pairs (one in October and another in phase corrections. Assuming that the displacement field at FDLs to be
February) that cover FDL-7 and in order to discuss all eight FDLs continuous in space, we manually outlined affected pixels and corrected
together, we chose two descending pairs acquired in the same unwrapping errors by manually compensating for the 2π phase jump.
month to analyze and compare all eight FDLs. The unwrapped differential interferometric phase, ϕp, i, of a pixel p in
(3) For the third objective (to analyze the seasonal changes of FDL an interferogram i can be modeled using Eq. (1) (Hanssen, 2001):
deformation rates), we excluded FDL-7 from this analysis and used
ϕp, i = ϕp, i, defo + ϕp, i,topo + ϕp, i, orbit + ϕp, i, atm + ϕp, i, noise (1)
all available descending unwrapped ERS pairs for the other seven
FDLs. To facilitate this multi-temporal analysis, we extracted dis- where ϕp, i, topo is the phase contribution caused by inaccuracy of the
placement measurements at a set of ground control points (GCPs) terrain data, ϕp, i, defo is the projection of ground target movement (FDL
from each interferogram and used the extracted information for motion vector) into the satellite's LOS direction, ϕp, i, orbit is the phase
time series analysis. DGPS locations were used as GCPs. Examples of introduced by inaccuracies in the satellite orbits, ϕp, i, atm is caused by
point-by-point analyses will be provided for FDL-A and -B. The time the atmospheric distortions between two image acquisition times, and
series of spatial average movement rates at GCPs for seven FDLs ϕp, i, noise is the noise term consisting of system thermal noise, decorr-
will be presented and compared for comprehensive analysis. As the elation noise, etc.
selected ERS tandem pairs only covered a portion of a year (i.e., Based on field measurements, we expected excessive deformation
from 1995 October to 1996 May), we used other published data to for the studied FDLs, thus making ϕp, i, defo the dominant contribution to
supplement our analysis. ϕp, i. The ϕp, i, topo term is a function of the perpendicular baseline (B⊥)
(4) For the last objective (to analyze the long-term deformation rate and height difference (also referred as height-error below) between the
change of FDLs), we compared ERS tandem pair measurements to external DEM and real terrain conditions at the time of acquisition. For
historical optical remote sensing results obtained by Darrow et al. our selected interferograms, we minimized the ϕp, i, topo by using small
(2016). We excluded FDL-7 from this part of the study due to the perpendicular baselines together with the IfSAR DEM; however, given
limited InSAR coverage of this FDL. Additionally, we added that FDLs are fast-moving features as introduced in Section 2.1, this
PALSAR interferograms to analyze FDL-C's long-term displacement may still cause tens of meters difference in vertical terrain elevation.
rate. The selected PALSAR interferograms measured cumulative The perpendicular baseline values listed in Tables 1 and 2 correspond to
displacement over 46 days, which is ideal to study FDLs with slower a maximum height-error related phase term (phase per meter of height-
displacement rates, such as FDL-C. As discussed above, rapid dis- error) of about 0.15 rad/m for ERS and about 0.10 rad/m for PALSAR.
placement causes the ground target to move out from the satellite Assume, for example, a 10-m height-error, which may have occurred
imagery resolution, causing decorrelation. More details will be between the 2012 IfSAR DEM and the 1995 real terrain condition. This
presented in Section 5. height difference will impact the ERS data analysis the most, corre-
sponding to about 6.6 mm in one-way distance change in LOS direction
for ERS with about 230 B⊥. Because all interferograms are significantly
4. Methods to reveal the displacement history impacted by the displacement signal at FDLs, we cannot estimate the
height-error to rebuild an accurate DEM model like that presented in Lu
In this section, we discuss the composition of the measured inter- et al. (2012) from these data. Note that this height difference is the most
ferometric phase in order to reconstruct the FDL displacement fields. significant at an FDL's toe with its progressive downslope movement,
InSAR measures the displacement in the satellite-to-ground LOS direc- while the height difference is less for other parts of the FDL. Thus, we
tion. The LOS results need to be converted to the downslope direction use caution in the subsequent analysis.
so that the measurements from different satellite geometries (e.g., in- As we were only interested in the deformation of FDLs, which have
terferograms from ERS 1/2 multiple paths) can be combined for sub- small spatial extents compared to the size of the overall SAR image
sequent combined analysis. frame, the typically large-scale linear phase ramp that consists of ϕp, i,

W. Gong et al. Remote Sensing of Environment 221 (2019) 722–740

orbit and part of ϕp, i, atm were largely removed by subtracting planar presented in Eq. (2):
trends from ϕp, i. The impact from the rest of the ϕp, i, atm contribution,
λ ϕp, i
which consists of troposphere and ionosphere signals, was reduced by ds = − ·
setting up a proper spatial reference area close to the targeted FDLs. A 4π sin(θlocal ) ∙cos(α x ) (2)
spatial reference area is a location that ideally is stable through time
Fig. 4c is an example of the simplified geometry formed by mapping
and corresponds to a set of nearby pixels in SAR imagery. Thus, the
Fig. 4a into the N-E plane, in which ds, g is the result of projecting ds′
spatial reference area also can be used in determining FDL displacement
into the N-S plane. The satellite heading angle α is defined as the angle
rates. Using reference areas nearby the sliding surfaces reduces ϕp, i, atm
between geographic north and the satellite flight direction, thus α
because the typical FDL size is smaller than the correlation length of
∈(−π, π]. The slope orientation angle (or slope heading angle) αs is
atmosphere delay signals. Note that ionospheric distortions have
defined relative to the geographic north direction, αs ∈(−π, π]. The
stronger impacts in L-band PALSAR data than C-band ERS data, and are
symbol αx′ denotes the angle between ds, g and the SAR satellite ground
more significant at higher latitudes (Gray et al., 2000; Meyer et al.,
range direction. The example in Fig. 4 represents InSAR imagery in an
2006). Nevertheless, the spatial scale of ionosphere delays is generally
ascending orbit and the slope oriented in the southwest direction.
large and phase screens are generally spatially smooth (Meyer, 2010).
Mapping the geometry into the up-range plane, Fig. 4b demonstrates
Hence, one can assume that the ionosphere condition of the region near
using the local incidence angle θlocal to convert between dlos and ds′.
FDLs is the same based on their small spatial extents. Similarly for the
Assuming right-looking InSAR sensors (e.g., ERS and PALSAR) and
troposphere phase, the spatial reference zone in near-field is expected
according to the above definitions, satellite heading angles are defined
to be useful in the mitigation, because the troposphere signal is con-
sidered to be spatially correlated at small scales (2–3 km) (Colesanti (π π
as α ∈ − 2 , 0⎤ for ascending orbits and α ∈ −π,− 2 ⎤ for descending
⎦ ⎦
frames. Also, as shown in Fig. 4a, αx′ is the projection of the angle (αx)
et al., 2003). Therefore, we selected an individual spatial reference zone ′
between ds and ds. In order to simplify the equation linking dlos to ds, we
each for FDL-D, -7, and -11, and shared spatial reference zones for the
assume that αx = αx′, which is only a strict relationship in cases were
groups of FDL-A, -B, and -C, and FDL-4 and -5, since these FDLs are
the slope angle (θs in Fig. 4a) is close to zero. Using this assumption, we
immediately adjacent to each other. Each spatial reference zone was
find that cos(αx′) ≅ ± sin (αs − α), with the sign depending on the sa-
located near but not on the FDLs, to separate the relative displacement
tellite heading and slope orientation direction. By analyzing all possible
between FDLs and the surrounding surface and to mitigate the impact
combinations between InSAR satellite heading trajectories (ascending
of the previously mentioned error signals on FDL movement measure-
and descending) and slope directions, Eq. (2) can be rewritten as Eq.
ments. The zones were located in an area near the valley bottom that
was assumed to be more stable (e.g., close to the Dalton Highway).
Overall, with this data processing scheme, we minimized the con-
⎧− λ ·
tribution of nuisance signals on InSAR-based FDL deformation rate es- ⎪ 4π
timates. ⎪ ϕp, i
⎪ (a)
⎪ sin (θlocal ) ∙sin (αs − α )

4.2. Converting LOS measurements to the downslope direction ⎪ π
α ∈ ⎛− , 0] and αs ∈ (0, π ]
⎪ ⎝ 2
Because the processed SAR images were from two different satellites ⎪ if or

and multiple paths, it was necessary to convert all the InSAR LOS dis- ⎪ π
α ∈ (−π , − ⎤ and αs ∈ (−π , 0]
placements into a common reference frame in order to compare the ⎪ 2⎦
ds ≅
InSAR results to each other and to the field DGPS measurements. First ⎨ λ
of all, we assumed that each FDL was moving along the downslope ⎪ + 4π ·

vector direction. Based on the geometries of the satellites and the sur- ⎪ ϕp, i
face slopes at FDL locations, the LOS measurement and downslope ⎪ (b)
⎪ sin (θlocal ∙sin (αs − α )
displacement can be connected through projections. Table 3 sum- ⎪ π
marizes the definitions of symbols used in this section. ⎪ α ∈ ⎛− , 0] and αs ∈ (−π , 0]
⎪ ⎝ 2
Shown in Fig. 4a, the downslope displacement ds is projected into a or
⎪ if
plane that is defined by the sensor's LOS direction and the satellite nadir ⎪ π
point, resulting in ds′ (where ds′ = ds· cos (αx), and αx is the angle be- ⎪ α ∈ (−π , − ⎤ and αs ∈ (0, π ]
⎩ 2⎦
tween ds′ and ds). The measured InSAR LOS displacement is the result of
ds′ projected in the satellite LOS direction as demonstrated in Fig. 4b by
dlos (where dlos = ds′· sin (θlocal), as well as dlos = − 4π ·ϕp, i ). Hence, con-
Eq. (3a) is used for (i) ascending geometry and 0 < αs ≤ π (e.g.,
verting dlos to ds can be done by solving the geometric relationship ERS ascending pairs and FDL-7), and (ii) descending geometry

Table 3
List of symbols used in converting LOS measurements to the downslope direction.
Symbol Description Symbol Description

E-N-Up East-North-Up coordinates ds FDL downslope movement

dlos Projection of ds in satellite LOS direction, or InSAR mapped displacement ds′ Projection of ds in the plane defined by satellite range and up direction
ds, g Projection of ds in the N-E plane α Satellite heading angle (from north direction to satellite flight direction (α
∈(−π, π])
αx Angle between ds and ds′ αx ′ Projection of αx in N-E plane
αs Slope orientation angle (or slope heading angle) relative to the north direction θlocal Local incidence angle
(αs ∈(−π, π])
θs Slope angle, between slope and N-E flat surface) Rg Ground range direction
Vs Satellite flight direction Vs, g Projection of the satellite flying direction into the N-E plane.
λ Radar signal wavelength ⎯⎯⎯→
N1 Local surface normal
⎯⎯⎯→ Vector normal to the satellite LOS direction

W. Gong et al. Remote Sensing of Environment 221 (2019) 722–740

Fig. 4. Demonstration of viewing geometry of downslope displacement and InSAR satellite viewing direction. (a) An overview in a 3-dimensional (E-N-Up co-
ordinate) presentation, assuming an ascending orbit; (b) projecting the geometry into the plane of vertical direction-range direction; (c) a view of the geometry
relationship in N-E coordinates, also assuming an ascending orbit. Symbol definitions are provided in Table 3.

and−π < αs ≤ 0 (e.g., ERS descending pairs and FDL-A, -B, -C, -D, -4, 5.1. Delineating the active FDLs during the winter period using ALOS
-5, and -11). Eq. (3b) is used for (i) ascending geometry and−π < PALSAR InSAR
αs ≤ 0, and (ii) descending geometry and 0 < αs ≤ π.
We evaluated these geometry parameters for each image pixel using Fig. 5a contains a segment of the selected wrapped PALSAR inter-
InSAR satellite parameter files and the input DEM for each pixel. The ferometric pair (15/12/2010 to 30/01/2011) covering areas along the
local incidence angle maps and heading angle maps were generated Dalton Highway. Multiple moving features can be identified along the
based on the input DEM data and satellite orbit information. To reduce adjacent slopes, distinguished by their dense (colorful) fringe patterns
noise in the local incidence angle map, we applied a low-pass filter with in contrast to the more homogeneous background; these fringes in-
a pass-band width of 5% of the sampling bandwidth of the original dicate ground movement during this interferogram acquisition period.
DEM. We chose this filter because we were only interested in movement Fig. 5b–e provide a closer look at eight targeted FDLs (outlined with
along the general downslope direction; thus we wanted to keep the yellow polygons). While most FDLs show significant motion, FDL-11 is
overall slope topography rather than the subtle surface features con- an exception, as this PALSAR pair did not record any evidence of its
tained in the high resolution IfSAR DEM. movement during this time of year; its approximate location is denoted
with yellow dotted lines in Fig. 5b. The other 25 FDL-like features
identified via this PALSAR interferogram in this region are outlined
5. InSAR measurements, displacement results, and analysis with white polygons. Also, there is evidence of movement along the
Dietrich River (blue line in Fig. 5). We suspect that this movement is
Based on the interferogram selection and displacement reconstruc- due to winter aufeis and wet snow along the riverbed because: (a) the
tion strategy discussed above, next we discuss the processed ERS and location of this signal overlaps the river bed in the valley bottom; (b) we
PALSAR interferograms that are used to analyze temporal and spatial have observed aufeis formation along the Dietrich River in this area
evolution of the moving FDLs. during multiple winters; and (c) as indicated by (Li Shusun et al., 1997),
aufeis deposits form every year on many rivers in northern Alaska and
their growth causes phase changes in interferograms. InSAR satellite
geometry errors in areas with steep topography are mostly masked out

W. Gong et al. Remote Sensing of Environment 221 (2019) 722–740




(c) (d)




Fig. 5. Outline map of FDLs for a segment of the Dalton Highway from a wrapped PALSAR differential interferogram (a); (b)–(e) correspond to larger scale images of
red boxes in (a). The SAR images were acquired on 15/12/2010 and 30/01/2011. FDLs are outlined by yellow polygons, except FDL-11, whose approximate location
is denoted with a yellow dotted line in subplot (b). White polygons denote the other FDL-like active areas that are not currently studied. All images share the same
color bar and legend. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

in Fig. 5 and appear as white areas. viewing geometry and the DEM. Fig. 6 contains the displacement fields
of the eight FDLs calculated from the ERS tandem pairs. For each
subfigure, we overlaid color-coded displacement maps onto IfSAR
5.2. Spatial deformation patterns on FDL surfaces from ERS interferograms DEMs for visualization. Note that we only show InSAR measurements
for the area with similar slope geometry at each FDL location, and
Following the scheme described in Section 3.2, two descending discard measurements over water bodies (i.e., river or lake) or with
tandem pairs, one acquired on 04/10/1995 and 05/10/1995 and an- significantly different terrain conditions. We calculated the area of the
other on 21/02/1996 and 22/02/1996, were selected for FDLs located outlined moving zone, and the maximum and mean daily displacement
on the east side of the valley (FDL-A, -B, -C, -D, -4, -5, and -11). Two rates for the two acquisition time intervals (Table 4). Red circles (Fig. 6)
ascending ERS tandem pairs, one acquired on 14/10/1995 and 15/10/ denote the local reference zones used for the individual interferograms,
1995 and another one on 12/02/1996 and 13/02/1996, were used for whose sizes are about 50 by 125 m on the ground. Any negative values
FDL-7 located on the west side of the valley. We calculated the down- in the interferometric displacement maps are masked and not displayed
slope displacement following the strategy presented in Section 4.2. in Fig. 6. These negative values were most likely due to an unstable
Table 4 summarizes the slope orientation parameters used in dis- reference zone, or the impact from freeze/thaw processes on the ground
placement reconstruction, which we determined from the satellite

W. Gong et al. Remote Sensing of Environment 221 (2019) 722–740

Table 4
Slope geometry parameters, size measurements, and maximum displacement rates for eight FDLs.
ID Acquisition dates Average θlocal Average α αs Area of moving zone (m2) Maximum displacement (mm/day) Mean displacement (mm/day)

A 04/10/1995–05/10/1995 44.0° −162.1° −116.3° 194,795 27.7 15.1

21/02/1996–22/02/1996 199,426 7.1 2.9
B 04/10/1995–05/10/1995 44.0° −162.1° −116.3° 49,091 56.0 18.2
21/02/1996–22/02/1996 32,307 3.2 1.2
C 04/10/1995–05/10/1995 44.0° −162.1° −116.3° 178,452 11.9 3.1
21/02/1996–22/02/1996 113,201 3.0 0.8
D 04/10/1995–05/10/1995 45.1° −162.0° −130.7° 89,935 37.7 14.6
21/02/1996–22/02/1996 52,407 5.0 1.7
4 04/10/1995–05/10/1995 45.7° −162.0° −135.6° 47,087 15.8 5.6
21/02/1996–22/02/1996 31,491 4.1 1.0
5 04/10/1995–05/10/1995 45.7° −162.0° −135.6° 82,351 33.1 7.0
21/02/1996–22/02/1996 69,075 6.2 2.0
11 04/10/1995–05/10/1995 48.0° −162.1° −101.8° 24,940 14.0 7.3
21/02/1996–22/02/1996 / / /
7 14/10/1995–15/10/1995 41.7° −17.5° −83.4° 83,392 52.3 27.8
12/02/1996–13/02/1996 108,425 16.7 8.2

surface. This is especially obvious in the winter time when there is less catchment areas of FDL-4 and -5, both of which are well-defined. Note
displacement signal and potentially active ground deformation through that north of FDL-5, there is a steep slope that created geometry errors
frost heave. This may be improved for future work by adding ground and compromised our InSAR estimation; this area has been masked in
control measurements, e.g., continuous GPS in the study area. Fig. 6e and f.
The reconstructed deformation maps for FDL-A, -B, and -C from Fig. 6g and h contain the displacement field data for FDL-11. For
1995 October and 1996 February are shown in Fig. 6a and b, respec- October, FDL-11's maximum displacement was approximately
tively. Note that these FDLs share the same values of slope orientation 14.0 mm/day (Fig. 6e); however, no downslope deformation was pre-
geometry parameters and spatial reference zone as they are located in sent on FDL-11 in 1996 February. This confirms our finding from Fig. 5
close proximity to each other. The reference zone was located to the that there was no apparent movement of FDL-11 at this time during
west of the Dalton Highway due to FDL-A's close proximity to the east. deep winter.
Movement in the catchment for FDL-A and -B is more obvious than for Finally, the displacement maps for FDL-7 are presented in Fig. 6i
the other FDLs. We outlined the active portions of their catchments for and j. The catchment of FDL-7 is an open slope (Darrow et al., 2016),
these months (dashed blue lines in the figures) based on the measured which did not demonstrate deformation during this period; however,
displacement maps. We did not see similar displacement above FDL-C, the lower tongue-shaped portion of FDL-7 demonstrated significant
which is supported by Darrow et al.'s (2016) supposition that FDL-C is deformation (52.3 mm/day) in October. The displacement pattern
formed from the accumulation of loose colluvium from the above slope. changed significantly in February, when the inner part of the lobe de-
As the spatial extent of FDL-C is the second largest in this study, we monstrated the strongest motion with maximum observed displacement
suspect that its relatively lower movement rate is related to its limited of 16.7 mm/day (Fig. 6j). Similar to FDL-A, the overall size of the
water supply (Darrow et al., 2016). The data indicate that the max- moving area increased from October to February, which may be related
imum displacement occurred in October (Fig. 6a). The largest dis- to its fast progressive downward movement and expansion of its body
placement was near the toe of the FDL-B, with a rate of 56.0 mm/day. coverage. Among the eight studied features, FDL-7 had the largest mean
At the same time, the maximum displacement on the surface of FDL-A displacement rate during this time period.
was approximately 27.7 mm/day and located along its center line. The Overall, the data in Fig. 6 demonstrate that the internal deformation
displacement of FDL-C was much smaller than its neighbors, with a field of every FDL changed spatially from 1995 October to 1996 Feb-
maximum value of about 11.9 mm/day. Fig. 6b demonstrates the one- ruary. FDL-A, -B, and -7 demonstrated greater displacements in October
day displacement of the same region in early 1996 February. The de- as compared to the other lobes. The most active lobe during this period
forming areas of FDL-B and -C shrank significantly whereas the spatial was FDL-7, whereas the ERS tandem data did not record evidence of
extent of FDL-A's deforming area increased slightly from October to movement of FDL-11 in 1996 February. All of these measurements were
February. The movement rate of FDL-A decreased, especially in its the result of a single date. In other words, the displacement mapped
catchment, while FDL-A's toe remained relatively active with a max- using ERS tandem pairs is a spontaneous one-day displacement rather
imum observed displacement of about 7.1 mm/day. The movement rate than an average daily measurement. Thus, the displacement values may
of FDL-B dropped significantly from October to February. vary slightly from date to date, which will be discussed in the next
The same scheme described above was used to calculate the subsection. Additionally, it must be stressed that these values were
downslope displacement of FDL-D (Fig. 6c and d). In October, the upper derived by converting the satellite's LOS direction into the downslope
lobe near the catchment demonstrated a higher rate (maximum of motion and also were relative to each selected spatial reference area,
37.7 mm/day and mean rate of 14.6 mm/day), while in February only potentially resulting in inaccuracy in the absolute movement rates.
part of this area indicated displacement, with its lower extent being Relative rates of deformation produced from this analysis, however, are
more active. As with FDL-A, -B, and -C, the deformation rate decreased valid.
in February with a maximum observed displacement of 5.0 mm/day.
The signal-to-noise ratio in the area surrounding FDL-4 and -5 5.3. Seasonal variation of FDL velocity derived from ERS interferograms
(Fig. 6e and f) was much smaller than for the previous four FDLs. This is
because the overall displacement rates and spatial extents of FDL-4 and With the strategy presented in Section 3.2, we analyzed month-to-
-5 were smaller than those previously discussed. Nevertheless, their month changes of seven FDLs' movement from 1995 October to 1996
deforming areas can be isolated from the background, with mean dis- May; FDL-7 was excluded from this study. We analyzed a set of ERS
placements of 5.6 mm/day in October and 1.0 mm/day in February for tandem pairs acquired in the descending orbit direction and compared
FDL-4, and 7.0 mm/day in October and 2.0 mm/day in February for temporal changes in their displacements. Since this data set covered
FDL-5. With the background DEM, we outlined the deforming two thirds of the year, it captured some seasonal changes in FDL

W. Gong et al. Remote Sensing of Environment 221 (2019) 722–740

(a) FDL-B, -A, -C, 04/10/1995 - 05/10/1995 (b) FDL-B, -A, -C, 21/02/1996 - 21/02/1996

(c) FDL-D, 04/10/1995 - 05/10/1995 (d) FDL-D, 21/02/1996 - 21/02/1996

Fig. 6. Deformation field in the downslope direction reconstructed from ERS tandem pairs for (a and b) FDL-A, -B, and -C; (c and d) FDL-D; (e and f) FDL-4 and -5; (g
and h) FDL-11; and (i and j) FDL-7. The displacement periods are as indicated in each sub-figure title. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

movement. Fig. 7 illustrates the DGPS measurement locations (red dots) in the geocoded displacements maps. Pixels in the north direction were
on top of the DEM. Note that the DGPS measurements at these GCPs averaged, so every merged pixel group used for comparison represented
were collected beginning in 2012 for FDL-A and in 2013 for the other a ground size of about 50 m by 50 m. The standard deviation of these
investigated FDLs, while the ERS tandem pairs were acquired in 1995 three pixels was computed and used as error bounds of the deformation
and 1996. We only used the points inside the FDL outlines based on the measurement at each location. In this way, the averaged measurement
1995 October movement maps as GCPs. Despite the difference in time represented the movement of the corresponding segment of FDLs, as-
between the InSAR and DGPS data, the benefit of using the same GCPs suming that the spatial variation of the displacement field was rela-
was to record displacement conditions at consistent locations. Ana- tively small within every merged region.
lyzing the spatial distribution of these DGPS points, we found that FDL- Time series information was extracted for GCP locations for these
D moved the most downslope from 1995 to 2012, accelerating at some seven FDLs. Fig. 8 contains point-wise time series examples for FDL-A
point after 1995. This is supported by the historical remote sensing and FDL-B. We selected six GCPs with better signal-to-noise ratios for
results, field observations between 2009 and 2012, and DGPS ob- both locations for demonstration. Note that some GCPs (e.g., P1, P2,
servations by Darrow et al. (2016). and P4 on FDL-B) indicated negative displacement from December to
Considering the observed large movement at the toe of FDL-B, we March. This most likely indicates that their deformation rates were too
added two extra GCPs (a1 and a2) in this area for analysis. For each small at that time, leading to substantial noise in the raw estimates.
GCP location, the displacement was calculated by merging three pixels Based on these data, FDL-A moved the fastest in early October, followed

W. Gong et al. Remote Sensing of Environment 221 (2019) 722–740

(e) FDL-5, -4, 04/10/1995 - 05/10/1995 (shadowed (f) FDL-5, -4, 21/02/1996 - 21/02/1996
area denotes a low confidence zone impacted by a (shadowed area denotes a low confidence zone
steep terrain change) impacted by a steep terrain change)

(g) FDL-11 04/10/1995 - 05/10/1995 (h) FDL-11, 21/02/1996 - 21/02/1996

(i) FDL-7, 14/10/1995-15/10/1995 (j) FDL-7, 12/02/1996-13/02/1996

Fig. 6. (continued)
W. Gong et al. Remote Sensing of Environment 221 (2019) 722–740

Fig. 7. Spatial distribution of ground control points (GCPs) at seven FDLs: (a) FDL-11; (b) FDL-B, -A and -C; (c) FDL-D; (d) FDL-5 and -4. The red dots indicate the
locations of DGPS measurements. Red polygons are the FDL outlines based on 1995 October data, which is the same as in Fig. 6. The background image is the color-
coded DEM. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

by a drop in motion with a minimum around late February/early is the largest among those listed in Table 1, we suspect that this toe
March. The temporal change in motion of FDL-B demonstrated some activity at FDL-B maybe related to the height difference between the
similarity, although its rate drop from October was much more rapid. IfSAR DEM and real terrain conditions in 1995 as discussed in Section
Additionally, FDL-B was the most active FDL in October, especially at 4.1. Therefore, we did not include any GCPs at the toe zone for the rest
its toe; however, the displacement rate at the toe dropped faster than of the seasonal variation analysis.
the rest of the lobe (e.g., a1 and a2 in Fig. 8b). Considering the per- We averaged the displacement for all of the GCPs at the seven FDLs
pendicular baseline of the interferogram pair 04/10/1995–05/10/1995 to obtain their average motion time series (Fig. 9). The monthly average

W. Gong et al. Remote Sensing of Environment 221 (2019) 722–740

(a) Example of GCPs for FDL-A (b) Example of GCPs for FDL-B
Fig. 8. Examples of deformation time series at GCPs for FDL-A and FDL-B from the period of 1995 October to 1996 May.

where S1 is the amplitude of rate fluctuation through a single year, t is

the observation date, ϕ indicates the date when the displacement rate
reaches the maximum for the year, and S2 is the average rate for the
year 1995–1996.
Different to FDL-A, the displacement rates for the other six FDLs
displayed in Fig. 9 reached zero around February to March in 1996.
Thus, we modified Eq. (4), setting S2 = S1 for these six FDLs to force
their minimum rate to zero; we also assumed that the maximum/
minimum rate of these six FDLs occurred at the same time. Moreover,
with the same period length (6 months), the ϕ of these six FDLs is
earlier than that of FDL-A. Note that our ERS results do not cover a full
year cycle and only provide us with ten samples from 1995 October to
1996 May. These assumptions helped us to simplify the non-linear in-
version and to evaluate the estimation quality.
Overall, we conducted parameter estimation by linearizing Eq. (4):
(1) we stepped ϕ through September and October 1995 with a step of
5 days, and (2) conducted the estimation in a grid search manner by
maximizing goodness-of-fit using the Coefficient of Determination (R2).
With each value of ϕ, we estimated the corresponding S1 and S2 and
calculated the R2 value (Fig. 10). This grid search scheme was applied
Fig. 9. Time series of averaged deformation from the period of 1995 October to to InSAR measurements for FDL-A, -B, and -D because they moved
1996 May for seven FDLs, and air temperature data from Wiseman, Alaska faster than the rest (as shown in Fig. 9), and thus likely produced less
( noise. The estimation results indicate that the peak rate for FDL-A and
-B occurred on 25 September 1995 (solid vertical line in Fig. 10), while
temperature from 1997 and the 1981–2010 average temperature from for FDL-D the peak occurred on 5 September 1995 (dashed vertical line
the Wiseman weather station in Alaska (about 70 km south of the study in Fig. 10). For FDL-A, there are several days difference between the
area) is presented at the top of Fig. 9. We displayed both data sets InSAR inverted peak time and strain rate result in Darrow et al. (2017),
because neither 1995 nor 1996 were complete records. which suggests the peak occurred around early October. This incon-
For this time period, FDLs demonstrated minimum movement be- sistency is likely due to the drawback from the short temporal coverage
tween February and March, which occurred after the minimum yearly
temperature by two to three months (Fig. 9). This suggests that there is
a lag in the response of FDLs to air temperature. Additionally, although
the average air temperature in October was already below 0 °C, the
FDLs remained active for another six to seven months, and quickly
became active again as the temperature rose in the spring. Taking into
account the late response of FDL movement to air temperature, we
suspect that the maximum movement rate of FDLs lags behind the time
of maximum air temperature (typically June or July) by a few months,
and the overall rate change cycle has wavelength of 6 months. This
hypothesis is supported by Darrow et al. (2017), who found FDL-A's
peak strain rate to occur in early October, an offset of about 90 days to
the peak air temperature. Unfortunately, the necessary ERS data to
complete the full year of analysis was not available.
Nevertheless, we can still model this seasonal displacement rate
using a modified cosine function:

t−ϕ Fig. 10. Comparison of R2 against the maximum rate date. The solid vertical
D = S1·cos ⎛ ·2π ⎞ + S2
⎝ 365 ⎠ (4) line indicates 25/09/1995, and dashed vertical line indicates 05/09/1995.

W. Gong et al. Remote Sensing of Environment 221 (2019) 722–740

Table 5 cracks open at the surface, and penetrates to the shear zone at depth. It
Summary of estimated seasonal model parameters for FDL-A, -B, -C, -D, -4, -5 takes several months for the water pressure to increase, reaching a
and -11. maximum in October, which corresponds to FDL-A's peak movement
FDL index S1 (m/yr) S2 (m/yr) R2 Model rate. The InSAR data indicate that the area of maximum movement rate
also shifted from the catchment area to the toe from October to Feb-
A 1.84 ± 0.19 3.30 ± 0.14 0.92
S1·cos ( t−ϕ
·2π )+S
2 ruary (Fig. 6a–b), possibly indicating the downslope progression of
B 2.47 ± 0.15 / 0.88 water pressure throughout the fall and winter months. FDL-D fluctuated
S ·cos ( )+S
1 ·2π 1
C 0.8 ± 0.12 / 0.33 365 the most through the year, with the largest estimated amplitude. As
D 2.84 ± 0.23 / 0.77 reported in Darrow et al. (2016), beginning in 2002, FDL-D progressed
4 1.13 ± 0.17 / 0.31 to an advanced stage of destabilization; their study also suggests that an
5 1.91 ± 0.26 / 0.62
11 0.47 ± 0.11 / 0.46
RTS formed in FDL-D's catchment sometime between 1993 and 2001.
We suspect that FDL-D's rapid summer movement rate was caused by
the developing RTS. As the RTS exposed massive ice, it supplied water
and debris to the downslope surface of the debris lobe, further changing
surface conditions and increasing its movement rate. FDL-B and FDL-5
also were active during this study period. Their spatial extents are
smaller compared to FDL-A and -D (as shown in Table 4), which sug-
gests that the size of FDLs is related to the storage capacity for water
within their shear zones. This is also supported by FDL-11, which shows
the minimum movement rate and smallest spatial extent among those
studied. In contrast, FDL-C has one of the largest spatial extents, and yet
it demonstrated small movement rates over the study period. As dis-
cussed previously, FDL-C formed at the base of a slope rather than
flowing from a catchment (Darrow et al., 2016); thus, it has a reduced
water supply at all times of the year.

5.4. Multi-year variation of FDL movement rates

5.4.1. Rate estimation of FDL-C with PALSAR data from 2006 to 2011
Fig. 11. Modeled seasonal displacement rate change. We used PALSAR interferograms to analyze the long-term dis-
placement variation of FDL-C. The selected PALSAR interferograms
of the ERS dataset. We picked the mean value of 15 September 1995 as measured cumulative displacement over 46 days, which is ideal to
the date when these FDLs' displacement rates reached the maximum. study FDL-C with its slower displacement rate. FDL-11 also demon-
Table 5 is a summary of the inversion results of seven FDLs, and Fig. 11 strated a slower displacement rate; however, as indicated in Section
is the modeled seasonal displacement rate change. Based on the R2 5.1, no movement was captured by the PALSAR winter scenes for this
values, the applied model fits the data well for FDL-A, -B, -D, and -5; FDL. The remaining FDLs were decorrelated and encountered un-
however, the goodness-of-fit for FDL-C, -4, and -11 is poor, most likely wrapping errors as a result of excessive displacement during this 46-day
because these FDLs have smaller displacement rates. Residual noise temporal baseline.
from ERS displacement measurements does cause difficulties in the Using the same GCPs for FDL-C (Fig. 7) and the method described in
model parameter estimation, but it does not hamper the discrimination Section 3.2, we calculated its average deformation rate using PALSAR
of the maximum/minimum periods from 1995 October to 1996 May. interferograms acquired from October to March from both descending
Based on the displacement results produced from these ERS tandem and ascending satellite orbits. Fig. 12 is the average displacement rate
pairs, the seven FDLs can be organized into two groups from the most to map from 2006 to 2011, also depicting the deforming zone as indicated
least active during the 1995–1996 period: (1) FDL-A, -B, -D, and -5; and by the brown polygon. As discussed in Section 5.2, negative values are
(2) FDL-4, -C, and FDL-11, which demonstrated minimal movement masked in Fig. 12. The measured active zone of FDL-C was
from November to May (Fig. 9). As suggested by Darrow et al. (2017), ~171,532 m2 with a maximum displacement rate of 5.2 mm/day. The
water pressure and temperature are components contributing to FDL overall size of the active zone during 2006–2011 was similar to that
movement. We hypothesize that (1) the other main component in the measured from 1995 October ERS data (Table 4).
seasonal variation of FDL movement rates is the active layer depth; and Based on the GCPs, the average mean rate of nine PALSAR dis-
(2) most FDLs that experience faster movement demonstrate deeper placement maps from 2006 to 2011 was 3.18 mm/day, which is slightly
active layers due to surface disturbance (forming a feedback loop). As larger than the average of the mean rate from 1995 October to 1996
demonstrated by all of the studied FDLs, the movement rate decreases February (2.54 mm/day) estimated from ERS. PALSAR recorded the
in October as the active layer begins to freeze, providing increased accumulative displacement during a 46-day period, whereas the ERS
frictional resistance along the lateral levees and at the toe. Likewise, tandem pair measurements were daily values; thus, PALSAR data had a
movement rates increase as the active layer deepens, reducing the re- higher signal-to-noise ratio. This observed rate increase between 1995
sistance between the moving lobe and the stable levees in the lateral and 2006–2011 also could be an indication of year-to-year fluctuations
shear zones. in FDL-C's movement rate.
FDL-A was the most active of these features overall throughout the
1995–1996 measurement period; from ERS results, its minimum 5.4.2. Long-term temporal variation of FDLs with measurements from
movement rate occurred about one month later than the other FDLs. It multiple sources
remained active during the 1995–1996 winter, while the other six FDLs We compared our results estimated from InSAR with the measure-
reached stable states in late February 1996. This shows a shift in the ments from historical optical remote sensing images from the 1970s to
movement mechanics for FDLs from active layer instability (seasonal) 2010s published by Darrow et al. (2016), and averaged DGPS yearly
to shear zone movement (annual) deeper below the surface. FDL-A has measurements from 2013 to 2016, in order to achieve a more com-
the largest spatial extent and greatest length (Table 4). As detailed in prehensive understanding of FDL rates and movement dynamics. Note
Darrow et al. (2017), as the snow melts in May, meltwater enters into that for each individual FDL, we averaged ERS results discussed above

W. Gong et al. Remote Sensing of Environment 221 (2019) 722–740

6. Conclusion

In this study, we used ERS and PALSAR interferograms to study the

deformation history of eight frozen debris lobes (FDLs) along the Dalton
Highway within the Alaskan Brooks Range. Small-baseline inter-
ferograms were carefully processed and analyzed to retrieve the dis-
placement fields of the selected FDLs. From our data analysis, we can
draw the following conclusions:

(1) The existence of significant FDL winter movement was suspected

based on field observations, a few DGPS measurements, and sub-
surface instrumentation data (Daanen et al., 2012; Simpson et al.,
2016; Darrow et al., 2017). In this study, we confirm that FDLs
move throughout the winter period. FDL-11, however, demon-
strated little movement during the study period.
(2) Using ERS tandem pairs, we delineated actively-moving portions of
the FDLs and their catchment areas during 1995 October and 1996
February. The spatial characteristics of the deformation field of
every studied FDL changed significantly during this time frame.
FDL-A, -B, and -7 demonstrated greater displacements in October
than the other FDLs.
(3) Also using these ERS tandem pairs, we analyzed the seasonal var-
iation of FDL surface movement and determined that their de-
formation rates are at a maximum in October and reach a minimum
during the February or March time frame. Our results indicate a lag
Fig. 12. Average displacement rate map for FDL-C, measured from PALSAR of two to three months between the minimum annual air tem-
interferograms and overlaid on the DEM. (For interpretation of the references to perature and the minimum observed movement rate in spring. This
color in this figure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) is consistent with subsurface strain data acquired from FDL-A,
which demonstrated a lag of about 90 days. A cosine function can
to represent their corresponding overall rate conditions for the year be used to model the seasonal displacement of these FDLs. Seven
1995–1996. Therefore, the multi-source dataset used in this study is FDLs for which we had sufficient ERS tandem pair coverage can be
dominated by long-term rate change trends. Fig. 13 contains graphs of grouped from the most to least active during the 1995–1996 period
FDL rates from historic imagery, DGPS measurements, and InSAR according to their movement rates: (i) FDL-A, -B, -D and -5; and (ii)
analysis for the investigated FDLs. FDL-7 is not included due to InSAR FDL-4, -C and FDL-11, which demonstrated minimal movement
data limitation, but PALSAR measurements are added for FDL-C. We during the winter. The modeled amplitude of FDL-D is the largest
also estimated the overall long-term linear trends (gray lines in Fig. 13) among those studied, which may be the result of progressive RTS
of these seven FDLs by integrating all of the different types of mea- development in FDL-D's catchment sometime after 1993. We hy-
surements. In the linear models summarized in Table 6, P1 denotes the pothesize that the seasonal variation and magnitude of movement
annual change in rate, and P2 denotes the movement rate between 1955 rate is tied to the presence of liquid water pressure in a basal shear
and 1970 (or when the first historical imagery for the study area was zone and active layer depth. Larger lobes, like FDL-A, continue to
collected). move with significant movement rates throughout the winter;
The R2 values for FDL-A, -C, and -11 are larger than 0.5, indicating whereas a small lobe, like FDL-11, has insufficient storage capacity
that their long-term movement rate changes have a better linear fit than for liquid water, greatly reducing any movement in its shear zone.
the remaining FDLs. For all of the FDLs, however, the 1995 movement As a result, it demonstrates negligible movement during the winter.
rates derived from the InSAR analysis fit the long-term trends. There is Our PALSAR and ERS InSAR results indicate that FDL-C has moved
a general increasing movement rate trend based on this multi-source at a similar rate since 1995.
analysis, except for FDL-11 and FDL-C; however, recent DGPS mea- (4) Integrating InSAR, historical remote sensing images, and DGPS
surements indicate an increase in their short-term movement rates. For measurements, we conducted an analysis of the multi-year de-
FDL-C, both ERS and PALSAR InSAR measurements agree with the es- formation rates of seven of the FDLs. The 1995 movement rates
timated linear model. The plots also demonstrate some amount of derived from the InSAR analysis fit well into long-term trends,
scatter for the historic imagery, which is most likely due to the lack of suggesting that the methodology presented here is reasonable to
temporal resolution. Notable among the plots is the nearly linear in- derive slope movement rates. The InSAR-derived rates also help to
creasing trend for FDL-A since 1970, with an R2 value of 0.76. The bracket when FDL-D began to destabilize within its catchment and
recent DGPS measurements demonstrate an increased rate for FDL-A, move rapidly downslope.
which may indicate deviation from the long-term linear trend or they
may be demonstrating some of the year-to-year variability that is not Through this study, we have gained experience studying these
captured by the other data sets. Also notable is FDL-D's rapid accel- moving features using satellite radar interferometry. The main limita-
eration since 1995, causing its movement rate to increase in a non- tion we identified in reconstructing displacement maps is that FDLs are
linear manner. Since leaving its catchment, FDL-D has undergone de- susceptible to decorrelation. This is because they are fast-moving tar-
stabilization as is evident even to the casual observer driving along the gets, moving at one to tens of meters per year. The significant motion
Dalton Highway (Fig. 2a). It must be stressed that although the InSAR affects the quality of results in three ways:
values were converted into the FDL motion directions from the sa-
tellite's LOS, uncertainty still remains in the calculation of absolute • First, it leads to localized mis-registration between the two InSAR
rates. Despite this uncertainty, the resulting values seem reasonable and partner images that are hard to remedy due to the limited extent of
in good accordance with measurements from other sources. the affected area, resulting in decorrelation.
• Second, strong motion and related surface slumping leads to

W. Gong et al. Remote Sensing of Environment 221 (2019) 722–740

(a) FDL-11 (b) FDL-B (c) FDL-A

(e) FDL-D
(d) FDL-C (f) FDL-5

(g) FDL-4 (h)

Fig. 13. Integrated FDL rates and modeled linear trend from InSAR analysis, historic imagery, and DGPS measurements. Rates are listed for FDLs north to south: (a)
FDL-11, (b) FDL-B, (c) FDL-A, (d) FDL-C (with both ERS and PALSAR results), (e) FDL-D, (f) FDL-5, and (g) FDL-4. Sub-plot (h) is the detailed PALSAR results for FDL-
C. FDL-7 is not included due to lack of InSAR coverage.

Table 6 duration, it is unlikely that there will be similar C-band data pairs for
Summary of estimated linear trend parameters for seven FDLs. future FDL monitoring. As mentioned in Section 3, Time Series InSAR
FDL index P1 (m/yr2) P2 (m/yr) R2 Model
analysis methods (e.g., Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) and Persistent
Scatterer (PS) Interferometry) are not suitable here, because the co-
A 0.08 ± 0.04 1.64 ± 1.44 0.72 P1 · t + P2 herent interferograms are not enough to build multi-master or single-
B 0.02 ± 0.34 2.04 ± 1.94 0.08 master networks that are needed in these solutions. In the future, if a
C −0.05 ± 0.03 2.98 ± 1.17 0.61
D 0.47 ± 0.33 −2.47 ± 11.66 0.54
satellite SAR sensor could revisit these FDLs within only one to a few
5 0.01 ± 0.07 1.20 ± 2.62 0.29 days allowing the development of a single or multiple interferogram
4 0.07 ± 0.10 0.35 ± 3.54 0.02 networks, one may be able to apply multi-master SBAS approaches to
11 −0.16 ± 0.07 7.49 ± 2.62 0.76 investigate FDLs. Also, advanced unwrapping solutions (e.g., 3D) is
required to reconstruct the deformation field properly. Additionally,
given that the FDLs' geomorphology change with their progressive
changes in ground cover, exacerbating coherence loss.
movement, deploying targets in the field may be useful as artificial PS
• Third, the fast deformation will change the terrain thus causing targets, which also may help with the offset tracking method to monitor
DEM differences that further contribute to phase errors in InSAR
FDLs continuously. Moreover, using an up-to-date DEM is important in
measurements. This can be reduced by minimizing the perpendi-
the accurate estimation of FDL displacement condition with inter-
cular baseline or using an updated DEM.
ferometry approaches.
We also faced difficulties in processing and analyzing FDLs due to
The study area is in an Arctic environment with fast-changing
their small spatial extents. Thus, InSAR techniques using these medium-
ground coverage, which is especially impacted by snow/ice and freeze/
resolution images (e.g., PALSAR and ERS) are ideal to study FDLs with
thaw processes. In our study, we took advantage of the ERS tandem
larger sizes (e.g., FDL-A and -C). For those FDLs with similar sizes and
missions; however, given this was a scientific experiment of limited
similar or smaller displacement rates to FDL-C, PALSAR interferograms

W. Gong et al. Remote Sensing of Environment 221 (2019) 722–740

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