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5.13 CAD for Technicians

Unit Title CAD for Technicians

Unit Code Total Lec. Tut Lab/WS Practice

Credit hours 1 4 0 0 4 0

5.13.1 Aim
This course unit aims to giving students to cultivate basic design ability in preparation and the
interpretation of mechanical drawings for mechanical systems, focusing on understanding 2D
drawings and designing some examples with standard software package (CAD : Computer-Aided
Design) such as SolidWorks.

5.13.2 Introduction
This unit deals with the basic principles of drawing with such elements as diagrams, vertical
projection, auxiliary projection, orthographic projection, sectioning, dimensioning, etc. Based on
these, students will cultivate drawing and 2D design ability by way of software tools. The students
are thereby led to experience the real mechanical parts/system drawing and designing through many
hands-on cases. The learner will be able to draw and design in 2D some mechanical elements
according to industrial standard/specification.

5.13.3 Learning Outcomes

By the end of this unit students will be able to:
 Understand some basic mechanical drawings.
 Interpret 2D drawings as Mechatronics technician.
 Build up 2D designing competency for mechanical examples with Design tools.

5.14 Electric Circuits

Unit Title Electric Circuits

Unit Code Total Lec. Tut Lab/WS Practice

Credit hours 3 6 2 0 4 0

5.14.1 Aim
This unit will give the students’ knowledge and skills of the electric circuits. Another purpose of
this course is to equip students with capabilities designing and analyzing the circuit’s essential to
construct control systems through many techniques with which students can analyze complex circuits


Course description of the second semester

Course Description : Occupational safety and health

1. Course data :
Code : Course Name :Occupational safety
Year / level: 2 / S.Se. 2
Number of credit hours 1 theoretical an exercise Lab my work
The number of hours 3 0 0 0 3
Specialization Autotronics

2. Course Objective :
By the end of teaching the course, the student will be able to provide a safe work environment by
working to prevent and combat fires and the application of general safety instructions for the
prevention of hazards in the working environment and the safe circulation of products and means of
production and knowledge of the causes of accidents and work injuries and first aid as well as the
management of materials and hazardous waste, the work (Risk Assessment) - The application of
general safety requirements in the storage and use of lifting equipment (overhead cranes - Blanco -
hand trucks).
3- The target of teaching the course :
After completing this course, the student must be able to :
A.1 The different areas of work are recognized by Porsche cars, its codes
and rules of operation.
A.2 Understand and know the requirements of the Occupational Safety and
Health Standard OHSAS 18001: 2007 .
Information A.3 Measures to combat and prevent fires.
and concepts A.4 Identify general safety instructions for risk prevention in the
A.5 Understand the causes of accidents, work injuries and first aid.
A.6 Understand and know general safety systems in the storage and use of
lifting devices.
B1 Explain the provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Standard.
B.2 Analyzes and assesses business risks.
Mental Skills
B.3 Explain the implications of the codes of work areas and rules of work.
B.4 Personal protective tasks are classified.
B-5 Explains first aid procedures.
C.1 Performs instructions for the safe circulation of products and means of
production and flammable liquids.
C.2 Fighting fires and preventing them from erupting.
C.3 Performs all necessary precautions for public safety, storage and use
of lifting devices.
C.4 Injured persons are injured in the event of injuries and accidents.
D.1 It applies the rules of occupational safety and health and provides the
working environment.
General skills D.2 Solve problems and make the right decision.
D - 3 Knowledge of environmental laws and their relation to the
organization of work.


4- The contents of the course:

Primary risks and precautions:

 Some potential hazards in factories and workshops.
 Initial reserves in industrial safety.
Defining responsibility in industrial safety
Risks of Metal Works and Means of Prevention:
 Manual number.
 Mechanical presses.
 Gas welding and electric arc welding.
 The machines and the equipments.
The dangers of electricity and how to prevent them:
 Effect of electric current on the human body.
 Causes of Electricity Accidents.
 How to prevent fire accidents.
 Precautions from electricity hazards.
Analysis and assessment of work risks (Risk Assessment) .
Working Conditions:
 working conditions.
 Workplaces.
 Workplace Climate.
 Suitable lighting.
Protective clothing and equipment:
 Protective clothing.
 Safety Shoes.
 Gloves - glasses - helmets.
 Noise-resistant devices.
Safety in material transportation :
 Safety rules for the transport of materials .
 Transport containers .
 Transportation .
 Means of suspension and binding .
Safe driving
- Legislation on safe driving.
- Factors to consider while driving.
General security
- General safety in the storage business.
- General safety requirements for the use of cranes and lifting devices.
Fire and control :
 Fire and control .
 Types of fires .
 Fire extinguishing methods .
 Fire safety precautions .
 Types of Fire Extinguishing Systems and Methods of Use .
 Precautions for fire extinguishers .
Gases and their dangers :
Air Pollution .
Common gases and their dangers .
Symptoms of gas poisoning .
Methods of prevention of gases .


First aid
- First aid for respiratory distress.
- First aid for electric shock injuries.
- First aid for fire injuries.
- First aid for fracture injuries.
- First aid for chemical fluid injuries.
Management of hazardous materials and waste
- Work environment pollutants and disposal .
- Environmental Pollutants measurements.
the noise
- Definition of noise.
- Noise sources and noise exposure hazards.
- Ways to reduce noise risk.
- Noise legislation.
- Calculate the noise intensity.
Personal protective tasks
Standard Specification for Occupational Safety and Health OHSAS 18001: 2007

Course Description : Hydraulics Basics

1. Course data :

Course Name : Hydraulics Basics

Code :
Year / level: 2 / S.Se. 2

Number of credit hours 3 theoretical an exercise Lab my work

The number of hours 4 2 0 2 0
Specialization Car Electronics ( Autotronics )

2. Course Objective :
At Finished From a study This Rapporteur is being the student Able To accommodate and
employ the basics of calculus, matrices and determinants and characteristics of the various
engineering sciences and also introduce students to the basics of statistics and some statistical
measures , which help him to make the appropriate decisions.
3- The target of teaching the course :
After completing this course, the student must be able to :
A-1 Identify the base units and derived units.
A-2 Explains the physical properties of fluids and the basic laws
of hydrostatic and hydrodynamics
A-3 Basic equations are derived in hydrodynamics.
A-4 Identify the functions and properties of hydraulic oils and hydraulic fluid
Information types.
and concepts A-5 Recognizes the basic properties of compressed air as a medium for the
transmission of energy for control and gas laws and the advantages of
air use as an intermediary in the work.
A-6 Know the basics to consider when preparing compressed air, Nano-
energy converters, and Nano-power controllers.
A-7 Recognizes structural structure, pump codes, cylinders, hydraulic
motors, directional control valves and pressure control valves.


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