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Event will be beginning tomorrow 11 AM, we will be posting

the link of first Puzzle.

You all are requested to go through all instructions, format ,

scoring criteria, rules and regulations


1) Team members have to make an account on Discord and join the server before the
competition begins. Install the app or use it directly on the website(
2)Only team leaders are allowed to submit the answers.
3)Format for username is TeamName_StudentName
4) If no team can pass a level in the given frame, we might post clues on our discord
5) Details of discord server will be shared as soon as you register.
6) Spamming at the server may lead to disqualification.

Format and Scoring Criteria

1) Answer to each puzzle will be the key to the next puzzle.
2) Only UPPERCASE answers will be accepted.
3) If the answer includes two or more words use underscore(_) as a separator. Eg: If
the answer is GOOGLE MAPS, it would be accepted as GOOGLE_MAPS
4) You need to change the URL of the website with the previous answer to visit the next
level. Eg: If the answer is GOOGLE MAPS, the URL to proceed should be
5) An image (of an Easter Egg) will be provided after completion of each level.
6) You need to send the image of each easter egg to moderators (via Discord) for
verification and to update your score in leaderboards.
7) The maximum score for level-n will be n*100. Eg: The maximum score of level 3 will
be 300.
8) The score received by a team will depend on which place they complete the puzzle.
9) If the team solves level-n at k-th position it will get the score of n*100-n*(k-1)*10. Eg:
If the team solves level-6 at 5th position the score will be 600-240=460
10)Teams post 10th team will get a zero for completing the puzzle but they'll have
another chance to increase their score to the next level.
11)The first person to solve the last puzzle will be declared the winner and the next two
runners - up will be decided based on the leaderboards.


1. Eligibility criteria: Students presently studying in class 11th or 12th can participate.
2. Teams should not contain more than 5 members.
3. Co-operation among teams is not allowed. If any evidence suggests co-operation,
the teams involved will be disqualified.
4. Use of the internet and other resources is allowed, but asking answers at any forum
might lead to disqualification.
5.No student is allowed to be a part of two or more teams.

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