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JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards-C.

Engineering and Instrumentation

Vol. 4C, No.1 , Jan uary- March 1960

Formation of Silver Sulfide In the Photographic Image

During Fixation
Chester I. Pope

(October 23, 1959)

. . A photo.graphic s!h:er im~ge is m ade ,Permanent (fix ed) aft~r development by bathing
It 111 a solu tIOn contall1lng thIOsulfate whICh forms a soluble tlllosuifate complex with the
res idual silver halide. Some of the sil ver in the image is sulfided by the thiosulfate durin g
~ xat io~. The p~rpose of this s tudy was to d etermine the a mount of sulfiding of the silver
III t he Image dunng fi xatIOn of film and paper. The amo unt of the silver reacting depends
on the type of t he ligh t-sensitive layer. Also, during bleaching, the residual thiosulfate in
the film or paper r eacts with silver in a potassium dichromate-s ulfuric acid bleach bath to
form silver sulfide. For one p ap er , it was shown that the amo unt of silver sulfide which was
formed in the bleach bath increased with the increase of the concentration of the residual
thiosuifate in the paper. A procedure was developed for t he reduction of silver s ulfid e in
an e mulsion layer to silver so t hat the silver sulfid e may be determined in terms of the optical
density of the s ilv l' dep osit. The use of hypo eliminators was investigated an d a test pro-
cedure was found for testing the effectiveness of hypo eliminators. A smaH amoun t of
potassium iodide add ed to t he fi xing bath was found effec t ive in prevent ing mos t of the
s ulfidin g of the silver image during fi xat ion.

1. Introduction silver sulfide formed in the bleach bath for one paper.
A third source of silver sulfide may be traced to the
A photographic silver image is made permanent residual silver thiosulfate complex and thiosulfate
(fixed) after development by bathillg it in a solu tion which have not been removed in the washing process
containing thiosulfate which forms a soluble thio- but have reacted during storage to form silver
sulfate complex with the residual silver halide. sulfide. This silver sulfide is present before and
Some of the silver in the image is sulfided by the after the silver has been bleached. The silver thio-
thiosulfate during fixation . The perman ence of the sulfate complex eventually decomposes Lo forl11
silver image in processed film and paper is I'elated Lo silver sulfide. The residual thiosulfate, because of
the degr ee of sulfiding of the silver in the image which its labile sulfur , r eacts with the silver in Lhe image
takes place during fixation and the amount of silver to form silver sulfide, especially at high relative
thiosulfate complex and thiosulfate which remain humidities. The effect of excessive sulfiding of the
after the washing process. The purpose of this silver image first appears in the areas of low sil ver
study was to determine the amount of sulfiding of density, the highlights, causing the image Lone to
the silver in the image during fixation of film and become brownish. Eventually silver sulfide, itself,
paper. A brown stain or "ghost" image remains may bleach, particularly at high relative humidities
when the silver in an image is removed by most and in the presence of excess salts which have not
bleaching solu tions [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11).1 This stain been removed during the washing process [4].
has been identified as silver sulfide [1, 2, 3]. Levenson and Sharpe [11] made an intensive study
The silver sulfide residue which remains when a of the role of thiosulfate in the formation of silver
silver image is bleached may have three sources. sulfide stains in a bromide emulsion during the
The first is the reaction of the silver in the image bleaching process. They found that the stain was
with the thiosulfate during fixation. The amount produced after the silver image had been in contact
of this sulfiding of the silver depends on the type of with thiosulfate either in the developer or after fixing
the sensitized emulsion. This silver sulfide is in a sodium thiosulfate fixing bath. They exposed
present before and after the silver has been bleached. their samples to a step wedge and plotted the silver
The second source of silver sulfide is the residual density and the stain density against relative values
silver thiosulfate complex and thiosulfate which of the logarithm of exposure to show t he amount of
have not been removed in the washing process and stain produced by the corresponding silver densities
have not yet reacted with the silver in the image to for a bromide fine-grain emulsion. They concluded
form silver sulfide but do react in the bleach bath. that a certain amount of thiosulfate was strongly
This reaction was used to study the effect of different absorbed on the silver of the image as thiosulfate
residual thiosulfate concentrations on the amount of or as a t hiosulfate complex and that it reacted with
silver ions in the bleach to form silver sulfide. This
1 Figurcs in brackets indicate the literature references at the end of this paper. subject is discussed further in section 6.
530231- 60- 5
2 . Processing Procedures The permanganate bleach converted t he silver
sulfide to silver chloride. The potassium bromide
Samples of the photograpbic film and paper were in the clearing bath prevented t he loss of silver in
cut to 1% in. by 10 in. and exposed to a step wedge. the gelatin layer b ecause silver chloride is more
Not more than eight samples were proccssed or soluble than silver bromide. Ther e was a partial
treated at one time. About 2 liters of fres h solu tio n solu tion of the sil ver chloride when sodium chloride
wer e used in each processing operation cmploying was used in the clearing bath. Unfortunately, the
nominal 8- by 10-in. enameled trays. The samples gelatin layer was quite soft afLer treatment in t he
were continuously agitated by hand during process- clearing bath and the high alkalinity of most de-
ing and washed in running tap water. The process- velopers caused the gelatin to break loose from the
ing solu tions are listeu in the appendix, section 8. The support. The amidol developer was found to be
temperat ure of t he processing solution s were at room satisfactory for papers and most films . However ,
temperature (22° to 28° C) . films with a normally soft gelatin layer should be
washed 5 min after treatment in the cloaring bath,
2.1 . Developing and Fixing the Silver Image Lreated 5 min in a 2-p erce nt solution of formald ehyde,
Tho samples wer e devolop ed 3 min, treated 1 and washed 10 min before drying.
min in the short stop bath, and fixed 10 min in two T he r eduction of silver sulfid e in the gela tin
baths (5 min in cach bath). Next t he samples wer e layer to silver appeared to be quantitative. When
rinsed 1 min in tap water , treated 10 min in the t his r educed silver was s ulfided the original silver
hydrogen p eroxide eliminator No.1, bathed 2 min s ulfide densities were again obtained . The silver
in a I-per cent solution of sodium sulfite, washed was sulfided in an atmosphere of hydrogen sulfid e.
30 min , and hun g to dry at room temperature. Two The sample of film or paper was eoaked in water for
fixing bath s wer e used to facilitate tbe removal of 5 min and, after r emovin g the surface water with a
the silver t hiosulfate complex. T ests showed that blotter, it was suspended for 1 hI' in a ?f-ga llon
the amount of silver sulfide formed in the silver bottle above a solu tion oontaining 50 g of sodium sul-
imago during fixation r each ed a maximum in about fide (N a zS· 9H 20 ), 35 g of citric acid (H 3C6H50 7· I-IZO),
3 min in the acid -hardening fixing bath . and 500 ml of water. After this treatment t he
sample was washed for 30 min in r Ullnin g tap water.
2.2. Bleaching the Silver Image
The samples wer e trea ted 5 min in tho dichromate 3. Removal of the Thiosulfate During the
bleach bath, washed 30 min in tap wator at 25 °± Washing Process
2° C, treated 5 min in tho clearing bath , treated ;)
min in th e thiosulfate eliminator No.3, and wash od The thios ulfaLe mu st be removed from processed
30 min in tap water. The operation was performed films and papers when investigating the reaction of
in daylight but not in direct sunl ight. Tho bleach t hiosulfato with the silver of the image durin g
r emov ed tho silver , leaving the silver sulfide which fixation . Solutions which remove the t hiosulfate
formed during fixation. Addit ional silver sulfide from the gelatin layer and paper base are genera lly
was formod when t he silver thiosulfato complex or known as " hypo eliminators." Crabtroe et al. [1 3]
residual thiosulfate was present. The po tassium showed that hydrogen peroxide in an ammo niacal
dichromate-s ulfuric acid bleach oxidized t he sil ver solution elimi nates t hios ulfate from photographic
in the image in 1 to 2 min. The bleach did not materials. The hydrogen peroxide oxidizes the
dissolve the silver-sulfide r esidue when the bleachin g thiosulfate to sulfate . This hypo eliminator was
time was ex tended to 15 min. The clearing ba th , used in th e experim ental ,vork r eported in thi s
which was used to remove t he res idual diohromate, paper and is listed as formula No. 1 in the append ix,
was t he on e employed by L evenson and Sharpe section 8. 1. It is the same hypo eliminator used in
[11] and proved to be quite satisfactory for both an American Standards Association photographic
films and papers. It was found n ecessary to fix the standard [16].
samples after clearing to r emove the last traces of Sal t solutions have proved effective in removing
silver salts which , when present, increased the the thiosulfate from films and papers [12 , 13 , 14 , 15] .
density of the silver sulfide r esidue slightly. Such solu tions are convenient b ecause they can be
prepared and stored before use and no temperature
2.3. Reduction of the Silver Sulfide to Silver control is n ecessary. In the course of this study two
Th e samples wer e treated 2 to 3 min in the pe1'- sal t solutions were developed which proved to b e
manganate bleach bath, rinsed 10 sec in running tap quite efficient in removing the thiosulfa te. On e
water, treated 5 min in the clearin g bath, washed 30 solution contained sodium sulfate and ammonium
min in running tap water, blotted to r emove surface hydroxide and the other sodium sulfate and sodium
water, and dried in the dark. The samples wer e s ulfite. The sodium sulfate helps to prevent undue
then exposed for 10 min to a 100-w tungsten lamp swelling of the gelatin caused by the alkalinity of
at a distan ce of 12 in., developed 5 min in running the sal t solutions . The formulas for these solu tions
tap water, and hung to dry . vVith the exception of are listed as No.2 and 3 in the appendix, section
the drying of the sampl es before exposure the oper- 8.1. Tho two salt solu tions have b een used in
ations were performed in daylight but not in direct experimen tal studies only and have no t been evalu-
sunlight. , ated for use in large-scale production. The sodium
thiosulfate content of single-weight samples of photo- 1.60
copy, contact, and enlarging papers was reduced to
0.005 mg or l ess per square inch when treated in these
solutions. When the hydrogen peroxide hypo 1.20

eliminator No. 1 was used no sodium thiosulfate

could be found in films or papers. Th e r esidual
thiosulfate in photographic papers was determined
by the method of Crabtree et al. [17] and in photo-
graphic films by the method of Crabtree and Ross
[22] .
4: 'oL--O-->L---' ~ ::::- "

4 . Results and Discussion 000 0. 5 0 1.00 1.50 2 .00 2.50 3.00

4.1. Silver Sulfide Formed in Photographic Papers
During Fixation "FIGURE 1. Reflection density veTSUS 1'elat1:ve loga1'ithm of ex-
posure for the silveT image, the silver sulfide 1'esidue, and
The paper sample \vas exposed Lo a sLep wedgc, the silver obtained by the reduction oj the silvel' su lfide, fOT
processed and treated in Lhe hydrogen pCl'oxide one sample of a single-weight photocopy paper.
hypo eliminaLor No. 1 after fixation. The silver
image was remov cd by the potassium dichromate-
s ulfuric acid bl each leaving the silver sulfide image 2.00
or residue which in turn was r educed to silver. A, I moQ e

Durin g the above procedure reflecLion den si ty 2

measurements were made of th e original silvcr image, 1.6 0
the silver sulfide image remainin g aftcr (h e bl each ,
and t h e silver image obLaincd b y r educin g the silvcr ~
sulfide to silvcr. No filter was used in m easu rin g :5
t he den sities of the silvC'r sulfide. T]le d(m sity of /
t he paper base was subLracLed from Lh e den siLy
readings. The dCllsi Lies fOl' Lhe (~ hr C'() images ob- ~, .80 -

tained from a sing le sample were plotLed against "'a-"

relativC' valucs of t il(' logarithm of exposure and (he .4 0
t hree ch aracLc l'isLic curves are s llOwn in fi g ul'es 1, 2,
alld 3, respec Lively, for a photocopy paper, a co ntact
paper, a lld a n enlarging paper. The papcrs were all .00 C>-
0 .50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00
single weight. Thc lowest cu rve ill figures 1,2, and
3 shows t hc dens iLy of t he silver sulfide fOl'nwd ill
th e image durin g fixaLion. Til e middle curve s hows
FIGURE 2. R eflect1:on den sity ve1'S1lS Telative 10gaTithm of
t he d ensity of Lhe silver which is obtain ed by reduc- ex posure JOT the silver image, lhe silver sltl fid e Tesidue, and
ing the silver s ulfide Lo silver. The percentage of the silvel' obtained by the reduction oj the silver w lfide, JOT
the original image s ilver s ulfided during fixation may one sample oj a single-weight contact paper.
be determined from the density r eading in t h e middle
curve and the corresponding density reading in the
highest curve which is that for the original silver 2.00
image. In the region of high-silver densiLies or full Ag Image
exposure the amount of sulfiding of the silver image
is about 25 percent for the photocopy paper, about 1.60
17 percent for the contact paper, and about 28 per- >-
cent for the enlarging paper. At lower silver in
~ 1.20
densities the amount of sulfiding of the silver image o
is about 20 percent for a density of 0.6 for the o
photocopy paper, about 9 percent for a silver density ~ .8 0
of 1.0 for the contact paper, and about 14 percent w
for a silver density of 1.0 for the enlarging pap er.
The percentage of the silver sulfided increases as the .4 0
silver den sity in the image increases up to the hig h
densities. The amount of silver sulfide formed
.0 0 L o--t!"'-<>--"'' - - - ' - - - --'---- - - " - - - - - - ' - - - '
reaches a maximum in the high densities and levels 0.00 0.50 1.00 1, 50 2.00 2 . 50
off as shown by the curve for silver sulfide in figures RELAT IVE LOG EXPOSU RE
1,2, and 3.
"FIGURE 3. R eflection d ensity VeTSllS Telative logarithm of
ex pOSUTe faT the silver image, the silver sul fid e Tesidue, and
the silveT obtained by the Teduction of the silver sulfide, fOT
2 The rcO ection density was measured by the American Standards Association
method [10] . one sample of a single-weight enlarging paper.

The above results demonstrate that an appre- 4.2. Silver Sulfide Formed in Photog raphic Films
ciable amount of the silver in the image of photo- During Fixation
graphic papers is sulfided during fixation. The
silver sulfide cannot b e removed b y washing or the The amount of sulfiding of the silver image during
use of hypo eliminators. If photographic papers arc fixation was determined for two microfilms a photo-
to b e used for permanent records the thiosulfate mechanical film , and an X-ray film by 'the same
must be removed or reduced to the lowest possible procedure as that described for photographic papers
concentration during the washing process to prevent except that the densities were measured by trans-
the formation of additional silver sulfide. R esidual mitt~~ light. No tilter was used in measuring the
thiosulfate in the processed paper reacts with the denSItIes of the silver sulfide. The transmission
silver in the image to form more silver sulfide. densities were plotted against relative values of the
This reaction is slow at low relative humidities but logarithm of exposure. From the characteristic
quite rapid at high relative humidities. Further curves obtained for each film the density of the
sulfiding of the silver image would be especially silver sulfide and silver obtained when the silver
objectionable in areas of low silver d ensities cor- sulfide was reduced to silver were determined for
responding to the highlights of pictures. The various densities of the original silver image. The
amount of the sulfiding of the silver in films and results are tabulated in table 1. The characteristic
papers depends on the type of emulsion . curves for microfilm A are shown in figure 5. The
Transmission density measurements were also results in table 1 show that the amount of sulfiding
made of the silver and silver sulfide in this study on of the silver image in the high densities is about 7
the sulfiding of the silver image in papers during percent for microfilm A and 5 percent for microfilm
fixation. The transmission density of a paper base B. These values compare well with the 5 percent
depends on the optical system of the transmission found by Levenson and Sharpe [11] for a bromide
densitometer; however, if the same densitometer is fine-grain emulsion. This amount of sulfiding of
used in a series of tests useful relative data are the silver image during fixation should have a negli-
obtained. For example, transmission density meas- gible effect on the permanency of the image in
urements were made of the same sample of photocopy microfilm. However, the residual thiosulfate must
paper which was used for figure 1. The densities be removed in the washing process to prevent
were plotted against relative values of the logarithm further sulfiding of the silver image.
of exposure and the three characteristic curves are As in the case of photographic papers , th e amount
shown in figure 4. The density of the paper base of sulfiding of the silver image in films depends on
has been subtracted from the d ensity readings. the type of emulsion . The values for the photo-
The curves in figure 4 show approximately the same
percentage of sulfiding of the silver image for the
highest silver densities as those in figure 1 but in
the lower silver densities the transmission density 3.20

measurements show a higher percentage of silver

sulfided than the reflection density measurements . 2 .80
This was found to be true also for contact and
enlarging papers.

Vi 2.00
I 20 0
Vi 1.60
~ AQ Image '!'

"'~ Z
a: 1.20
0 .SO
"'"' .so
Agz S - Ag
'">- A9 z5
a Aq 2 s- Aq

0.00 0. 5 0 1.00 1. 5 0 2 .00 25 0 3.00

Ag 2 5
0.5 0 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50

FIGURE 4.. Transmission density versus relative logarithm of

eX pOS1!re for the silver image, the silver sul fid e residue, and FI GU RE 5. T ransmission density versus Telative logarithm of
the silver obtained by the reduction of the silver sulfide, for exposure for the silver image, the silver 8llifide Tesidue, and
the same sample of single-weight photocopy pap er shown in the silver obtained by the Teduction of the silvel' sulfide, for
figure 1 . one sample of microfilm A.

mechanical and X-ray films are given in table 1 normally IOl'lned dUl'ing fixaLion . This Lype of
to show the difference in types of emulsions in test for r esidual LhiosulfaLe in papers and film s
films . A silver sulfide density of 0.02 was obtained shows Lhe direct effect of Lhe residual thiosulfaLe
for a silver density of 1.8 for one cine fine-grain on the silver in Lhe linage and should sin1l11aLe the
film not shown in the table. r eaction of r esidual thiosulfate with Lhe silver in
the image during storage. The Crabtree et al. [17]
TABJ, E J. Densities of the silvel' image method for d etermining thiosulfate in paper m easures
i n film s and the cOI'1'es ponding densi- the thiosulfate concentration in a clear area of the
ties of the silve1' sulfide residue and
the silve1' obtained by the 1'educti on of paper .
the silve1' sulfide If residual thiosulfate is present when papers are
bleached , some silver sulfide may be precipitated
D ensi ty of th e in the paper base. Reflection density m eaSUl'es
Density of t he Density of sil- sil vCr obtained only the density of silver and silver sulfide in the
s ilver image ver sulfide aftor by Lhe red uc-
bleach tion of t he sil- gelatin layer. For this reason , transmission density
vcr sulfi de
is r ecommended instead of reflection density for
IVficrofi lm A measuring the silver sulfide in papers as a tes t
procedure for evaluating hypo eliminators.
U.50 0.05 0.05 The effect of different residual thiosulfate concen-
1.00 .07 .07 trations in paper on the increase of the d ensity of
1. 50 .OS .10
2.00 . 11 . 14 the silver sulfide is shown in figure 6 . Samples of a
2.50 . 13 . 18
3.00 . 15 .20

200 .-----------------~------------------,
Microfilm B
~ Ag Image

0.50 0.02 0.03

I. 00 .03 . 05 I 60
I. 50 .04 .Ou
2.00 . 06 . O~ ,.
2.50 . U8 . 11 ....
0. 00 . 10 . 14 '"
I 20

Photomechanical nlnl '2
0. 00
. 12
'~" 80
1.50 . 09 . 18 ~
2. 00 . 12 .22
2. 50 . 14 .26 40
0. 00 . 17 .28
3.50 . 19 .30
4. 00 .20 .31
X·ray film 3.00
(2 light·se nsitive cm ulsio ns)

0.50 0. 04 0. 05
1.00 .06 .08 FI GU RE 6. T he e.fJect of the l'esidual sodium thiosulfate
1. 50 . 08 . 12 concentmtion on the amount oJ silver sul fid e f o1'1ned in the
2.00 . 10 . 14
2.50 . 12 .17 bleach bath is shown faT a single-weight contact pape1'.
3.00 . 13 . 19 Oharacteristic curves are given for the original silver imagc and for the silver
4.00 .16 . 23 obtained by t he reduction of the silver sulfid e formed with varyin g concentra-
tions of residual sodi um thiosulfate. The concentration of thc residual sodium
thiosulfate is shown at the end of t he cur ves.

4 .3. A Test for Hypo Eliminatols

single weight contact paper wer e given the same
The potassium dichromate-sulfuric acid bleach exposure to a step wedge and processed in the same
which was used in this investigation removes the silver manner and at the same time except that, after
from the photographic image, leaving the silver fixation , one sample was treated in the hy drogen
sulfide formed during fixation by the reaction of peroxide hypo eliminator No . 1 and one sample was
thiosulfate with the silver image. Also, any residual washed in tap water for each of the following wash-
thiosulfate reacts with silver ions in the bleach ing times : 120, 60, 30, and 10 min. The samples
bath to form additional silver sulfide. It seem ed were bleached and the silver sulfide was reduced to
feasible to use the latter reaction to determine the silver. The transmission densities of the silver
effect of different thiosulfate con centrations on the image and the silver of the silver sulfide reduced to
silver image by measuring the increase in the silver silver were plotted again st relative values of the
sulfide density above that fOlUld when the residual logarithm of exposure. The density of the paper
thiosulfate is completely eliminated by the hydrogen base was subtracted from the density readings. The
peroxide hypo eliminator No . 1. A concentration lowest CUl've shows the silver of the image sulfided
of 0.005 mg of sodium thiosulfate eN a 2 S2 0 3) pel' during fixation , where all of the residual thiosulfate
square inch in photographic papers gave a m easurable had been removed by the hydrogen peroxide hypo
increase in the silver sulfide density above that eliminator No. L The curve for the original silver
image was ob tained from th e sample which had b een that a small amoun t of the iodide ion in the fixing
treated in the hydrogen p eroxide hypo eliminator bath is quite eff ective in preven ting most of the
No. 1. The other curves fall in order of their residual normal sulfiding of the silver. W118n processed
thiosulfate concentrations which are given in milli- samples of film or paper, which had been fixed in t h e
gram s of sodium thiosulfate eN a2S203) per square acid fixing bath containing po tassium iodide, were
inch at th e end of the curves. The curves show again tr eated in the acid fixing bath containing no
that the silver sulfide increases appreciably as th e iodide ion, th e amount of sulfiding of th e silver was
r esidual thiosulfate incr eases. For a silver image almost as great as t hat normally obtained.
density of about 1.9 the sample containing 0.008 mg The effect of the iodide ion in preven ting the for-
of sodium thiosulfate p er square inch shows a 57 m ation of silver sulfide in the silver image would
p ercent increase in th e sulfiding of the silver above suggest t ha t silver ions were presen t in the fixing
that taking place during fixation and the sample bath. Silver iodide instead of silver sulfide would
containing 0.07 mg of sodium thiosulfate per square be formed because i t is less soluble than silver sulfid e.
inch shows 111 percent in cr ease. It is no t known wha t eff ect any residual silver iodide
The above results show that the efficiency of a or potassium iodide might have on th e stability of
hypo eliminator may b e evalua ted by testing i t the silver image. Small concentrations of the iodide
against the hy drogen peroxide hypo eliminator No . 1 ion in th e fixing bath retards the rate of fixation [20]
used as a standard. This test may b e made b:v and decr eases its fixing capacity.
giving samples of film or p aper from the same roll
or box the same exposure to a step wedge and proc-
essing them at t h e sam e time in the sam e solutions 6. Silver Sulfide Formed During Fixation in
except that, after fixation , one set of samples is a Thiosulfate Fixing Bath
treated in th e hypo eliminator to b e tested and the
other in the hydrogen pero:\.'ide hypo eliminator No .1 . R eindorp [1] postulated that the silver sulfide
The samples are then bleach ed and the transmission was formed during fixation by t he decomposition of
densi ties of th e silver sulfide are measured and a silver thiosulfate complex. L evenson and Sharpe
plotted against relative values of the logarithm of [11] concluded tha,t th e thiosulfate was absorbed as
exposure. For greater sensi tivity the silver sulfide a simple ion or a complex ion on th e silver in the
may be reduced to silver. The characteristic curve image during fixin g and tllat the silver sulfid e was
for the hy drogen p eroxide hy po eliminator No. 1 form ed in th e bleach ba th by the reaction of silver
shows Lhe silver sulfid e formed durin g fixation. The ion s with the absorbed thiosulfate. If t he t hio -
characteristic curve for the hypo eliminator being sulfate is absorbed as a simple ion or as a complex
tested will b e th e same jf all of the r esidual thiosul- ion on the surface of the silver grains it mi gh t be
fate has b ee n eliminated bu t will br higher if residual possible to elimi nate it and prevent the forma tion of
tbiosulfate is presen t. I ts h eig ht will depend on t h e silv er sulfide. Eu t, if t h e silver sulfide is formed
concen tration of t h e residual thi os ulfate as shown during fixation it could not be removed and would
in figurc 6. b e an in tegral part of th e image. This problem was
in vestigated and the experimental results gave strong
5. Effect of Potassium Iodide on the Forma- evidence tha t the silver sulfide is formed during
fixa tion.
tion of Silver Sulfide During Fixation 6 .1. Experime ntal Results
The addition of potassium iodide to the fixing bath a . Removal of the Silver Sulfide From the Silver Image
has been found to preven t the formation of t he
brown silver sulfide stain which interferes in reversal An investigation was made to determine if the
and reduction operations [7 , 18, 19]. Murray [18] silver sulfide, which formed during fixation, could be
added three-fourths of an ounce of potassium iodide r emoved from the silver image before it was bleached.
to one gallon of th e fixin g bath. Crabtree et al. [7] A solution containing 30 g of silver nitrate and 180 g
found t hat 0.1 t o 1.0 percent of potassium iodide in of anhydrous sodium sulfite per liter was found
the fixing ba th eliminated the brown stain in positive capable of removing all of the silver sulfide from a
film . sulfided silver strip. A similar solution was used by
The eff ect of po tassium iodide in the acid fixing Hickman and Weyer ts [21] in their studies on optical
bath on the sulfiding of the silver image was investi- intensification of silver sulfide images.
gated . One gram of po tassium iodide was added to A brown coating of silver sulfide was formed on
each liter of t he fixing bath. The samples were given silver strips, %-in. by 5-in . and O.Ol-in . in thickn ess,
a full exposure, developed, fixed, treated in th e hydro- by exposing them to an atmosphere of hy drogen
gen p eroxide hypo eliminator No. 1, and bleach ed . sulfid e gas for 1 to 4 hr. The strips were first cleaned
The d ensity of t he silver sulfide ranged from 0.02 to in glacial acetic acid, washed, and then suspended
0.04 for contact and enlarging papers which nor- in an atmosphere of hy drogen sulfide. The silver
m ally yielded a silver sulfide density of 0.2 to 0.25 . nitrate-sodium sulfi te solution removed the silver
The d ensity of the silver sulfid e was about 0.005 for sulfide layer from the silver in 2 to 6 hr at room
two microfilms which normallv vielded a silver sulfide temperature and in diffuse daylight. The time re-
density of 0.10 to 0.15. The deilsities were m easured quired for the r emoval of the silver sulfide layer
by t ransmission without a filter. These results show depended on its thickness and the intensity of the
light. This test shows that the silver nitrate-sod ium sulfate in papers. The solu tion used ilt this test
s ulfite solution dissolves silver s ulfid e. contains silver ni t rate and sulfuric acid and reacts
Processed samples of 2 microfilm s, a contact paper , quantitat ively with thiosulfate to form silve)' sulfide.
and an enlarging paper wer e treated for 2 111' in the Several test wer e made on paper sam.ples wi th high
silver nitrate-sodium sulfite solution in difru se day- silver densities (full exposure) but no in crease in the
light at 25° C, washed for 30 min ill tap wa ter, and dellsityof the silver image could be detected. This
bleached. The densities were measured by trans- indi cated that no thiosulfate was presen t in an
mission without a filter . These samplcs had b een absorbed state on the surface of the sil ver in the
treated in the hydrogen peroxide hypo elimin ator image. These sam e paper samples yielded a silver
No . 1 during processing . For areas of hi gh sil ver s ulfide residue with a den sity of 0.20 to 0.25 when th e
den si ty of almost full exposure t he sil ver sulfide silver wa s r emoved by the bleach bath. These
density in microfilm A was reduced from 0.] 0 to 0.00; results indicated that the silver sulfide obtained after
microfilm B, 0.15 to 0.005; a con tact papcr, 0.20 to bleaching was fonn ed during fixation and not in the
0.07; and an enlarging paper, 0.26 to 0.09 . The first bleach bath by the reaction of silver ions with
value in each case was the normal silver-sulfide absorbed thiosulfate.
density obtained when the silver image was bleach ed.
The silver sulfide image or residue, left in the 6.2. Formation of the Silver Sulfide
gelatin layer of papers after the removal of the silver It is well known that thiosulfate in a fixing bath
by the bleach bath, wa s only slightly dissolved by attacks the silver in a photographic image and the
the silv er nitrate-sodium sulfi te solution under the ra te of attack depend s on several factors such as the
above experimental condition s but, when exposed to composition of the bath, acidity of the bath, temper-
direct sunlight during treatment for 4 hI' at 28° C, ature, and ag itation [23). The silver ion reacts with
JJ1.ost of the silver s ulfide wa s removed . D ensities the thiosulfate anion to form silver sulfide. Experi-
of 0.2 to 0.3 of silver sulfide res idu e in papers were men tal eviden ce in dicates that the silver in the image
redu ced to a den sity of 0.04 . It was n ecessary to is oxidized in the fixill g bath in the presen ce of
reblea ch th e samples to remov'c' th e silver deposited oxygen [3 , 23) and this reaction would be a source of
by the silver nitrate-so dium slllfi te solutioll in th e silver iOlls. Reindorp [1) suggested that s ilver ion s
gelatin laye r and paper base. may be formed in the lixin g bath by a seconclary
The abov e results indica te that silver sulfid e was dissociation of the ani011s of a silver thiosulfate
formed 011 th e silv er image during fixation. complex. :M ore in formation is n ecessary to establish
the exact mechanism of th e forma tion of silver
b. Staining Effect of the Fixing Bath on a Silver Surface sulfide in th e silver image durin g fixation .
Glass plates, 3-in . by 4-in., were coated with silver It is to be no ted that no silve r sulfide residue is
by the Rochelle salts process . The silver coated obta in ed when the silver image is bleached if fixa-
plates were partially immersed in an acid or neutral t ion takes place in a 2-percen t solu tion of po tassium
fixing bath for 1 min alld washed. A brown stain cyanide bu t, if a silver image whi ch I as b een fixed
was clearly visible on the surface of the silver in that in potass ium cyanide is exposed to an atm.osphel'e of
area treated in the fixing bath. The brown stain h ydrogen sulfide gas for a few minutes, a silver
was more pronoun ced when wet hut still vis ible sulflde residue is obtailled whell the silver is removed
III thc blcach bath .
when dry .
Silver strips, %-i11. by 5-i11 . and O.OI-in . in thick-
n ess, were treated in a solution containing 60 ml of 7. Summary and Conclusions
distilled water and 40 111.1 of concen trated nitri c acid, Silver sulfide forms in the silver image of photo-
and wa shed. This operation produced a fine white, graphic materials durin g fixation . The p erce ntage of
mat surface on the silver strip. The silver strips, th e silver sulfide in the image is small in microli.lms
wet or dry, were partially immersed in an acid or bu t is quite large in photographic papers as shown in
neutral fixing bath for 10 sec and washed . In each section 4. The thiosulfate which is not removed by
case a brown stain was clearly visible on that portion the washing process causes further sulfiding of the
of the strip treated in the fixing bath. The brown image. The extent of th e sulfiding dep ends chiefly
stain was assumed to be silv er sulfid e. These tests on th e concentration of the residual thiosulfate and
show that the thiosulfate in the fixing bath reacts the storage conditions. If th e photographic image is
rapidly to stain mirror and fine mat silver surfaces to be used for permanent or archival r ecords, the
and it would be expected that the silver in a photo- thiosulfate must b e removed as completely as pos-
graphi c image would react in a like manner with sible during the washing process. If the thiosulfate
thiosulfate in the fixing bath to form silver sulfide is not sufficiently remov ed by the wash water, it
during fixation . may be necessary to use a h ypo eliminator.
c. Conversion of Absorbed Thiosulfate to Silver Sulfide
Hypo eliminators may be evaluated for th eir effi-
ciency by comparing them with the hydrogen per-
It should be possible to increase the density of the oxide hypo eliminator No. l. A solution of sodium
silver in the image by convertin g any thiosulfate sulfate together with either sodium sulfite or am-
absorbed on the silver to silv er sul1ide. Contact and monium hydroxid e will reduce the hypo (sodium
enlargin g papers were subjected to the Crabtree et thiosulfate, N a2S20 3) con tent of single-weight papers
a1. [17) hypo test used for determining residual thio- to 0.005 mg or less pel' square inch.
The effect of different residual thiosulfate concen- After fixation the sample of film or paper is rinsed
trations on the sulfiding of the silver image can be 1 min in running tap water, treated for 10 min in
determined by measuring the density of the silver the above solution, bathed for 2 min in a 1 percent
sulfide formed when the image is bleached. The solution of sodium sulfite to remove the excess
thiosulfate reacts with the silver ion in the bleach hydrogen peroxide, and washed 30 min in running
bath to yield silver sulfide and the density of the tap water.
silver sulfide increases as the residual thiosulfate No. 2
concentration increases. This method would be
more rapid than the oven aging tests used by Crab- Sodium sulfate, anhydrous _____________ 140 g.
tree and Ross [22] and in an American Standards Ammonium hydroxide (28 %) _ _ _ _ __ ___ 2 ml.
Association specification [16] to determine the effect Water to make__ _____________________ 1 liter.
of residual thiosulfate on th e silv er image.
Silver sulfide, which remains in the gelatin layer No.3
after the silver is bleached, may be reduced to silver
by the procedure outlined in section 2.3. The per- Sodium sulfate, anhydrous ____________ _ 71 g.
centage of silver sulfide is calculated from the den- Sodium sulfite, anhydrous __ ___ ______ _ _ 63 g.
Water to make ___ ________________ ___ _ 1 liter.
sities of the reduced silver and the silver in th e
original image.
The addition of potassium iodide to the fixing When hypo eliminators No . 2 and 3 are used, the
bath will prevent most of the sulfiding of the silver sampl e of film or paper, after fixation, is rinsed
image which takes place during fixation. The iodide 1 min in running tap water, treated for 10 min in
ion increases the fixing time and decreases the fixing the hypo eliminator, and washed 30 min in running
potential of the bath. tap water.
Experimental evidence is presented to show that
silver sulfide is formed in the silver image during
fixation. However, more information is necessary to 8 .2 . Formulas for the Bleaching Process in Which
es tablish the exact mechanism of its formation. the Silver of the Photographic Image Is
Removed and the Silver Sulfide Is Left as a
8 . Appendix Residue in the Emulsion Layer
8.1 . Formulas for Developing and Fixing the Silver
Image in Films and Papers Bleach Bath
Potassium dichromatc ________________ _ 5.0 g.
Developer Sulfuric acid (95%) ________________ _ 5.0 ml.
Monomethyl p-aminophenol sulfate ____ _ 3.1 g. vVater to mal,c _________ _____________ _ ] liter.
Sodium sulfite, anhydrous ____________ _ 45.0 g.
H ydroquinone _ _____________________ _ 12. 0 g. Clearing Bath
Sodium carbonate, anhydrous _________ _ 67.5 g.
Potassium bromide __________________ _ L 9 g. Sodium sulfite, anhydrous _____ _ 50. 0 g.
Water to make __ _______________ _ 1 liter. Sodium hydroxide _ ___ __ _ _ _- -- l. 0 g.
Dilutc 1 to 1 before use. 'iVater to make _____________ _ 1 liter.

Stop Bath Fixing Bath

Acetic acid, glaciaL _________________ _ 12 m1.
Water to make __ ____________________ _ 1 liter. Sodium thiosulfate, N a2S20 3·5H20 __ ____ 240 g.
Sodium sulfite, anhydrous _ _ __ __ __ __ __ _ 15 g.
Fixing Bath Water to make__ ___________ ___ _____ __ 1 liter.
Sodium thiosulfate, N a2S20 3' 5H zO ____ _ _ 240.0 g.
Sodium sulfite, anhydrous ___ __ ____ __ _ 15.0 g . Hypo eliminator
Acetic acid (28%) __ ____ _____________ _ 48 ml.
Boric acid _______ _____ ___ ___ _____ ___ _ Use hypo eliminator No.3 which is listed in section
7. 5 g. 8.1.
Potassium aluminum sulfate, KAl(S04)Z
' 12H zO ___________ __ ____ _________ - - 15.0 g.
Water to make ________________ _ 1 liter.
8.3 . Formulas for Reducing the Silver Sulfide Residue
Hypo eliminators in the Gelatin Layer to Silver
No.1 Bleach Bath
Water ______________________________ _ 300 mI .
Hydrogen peroxide (30%) ___ _____ ____ _ 50 ml. Potassium permanganate ______ _- - _- - -- 5. 0 g.
Ammonium hydroxide (28 %) _________ _ 10 ml. Sodium chloride __ _________ - - _- - - - - - - - 10.0 g.
Potassium bromide _____ ____ _________ _ l. 0 g. Acetic acid, glaciaL ___________ - - - _- - - - 50 illl.
Water to make ______________________ _ 1 liter. Water to make ____ __________________ _ 1 liter.
Clearing Bath [6] A . and L. Lumiere and A. Seye\\'etz, T he composition
of the developed image, Brit . J . Photo 59, 61 (1921).
Sodium bisulfite ___ __________________ _ 50 . 0 g. [7] J . 1. Crabtree and L. E . Muehler, Reducing and in-
Potassium bromide _______________ ___ _ 12. 0 g. trn~ ifyi n g solu t ions for motion picture film, J. Soc.
Water to make ___ __ ______ _____ _______ Motion Pictur(' Engrs. 17, 1025 (193 1).
1 liter. [8] J . 1. Cra btree, G. T . E aton, and L. E. Muehler, The
rem oval of hypo and silver salts from photographic
D eveloper materials as affected by t he composition of the proces-
sing solutions, J. Soc. Mot ion Picture Engrs. 41, 47
Amidol, 2,4-Diaminophenol Dihydro- (1943). .
chloride ___ _______________________ _ [9] C. Lighton, Notes on the bleaching and local red uction
5. 0 g. of bro mide prints, Brit. J . Photo 73, 6'13 (1926).
Sodium sulfite , anhydrous ___ _________ _ 30.0 g. [10] Ameri can Standard Sensitometry and Grading of Photo-
Water to make ___ __ ____ __ __ _________ _ 1 liter. graph ic P apers, PH2 .2-1953 (America n Standards
ASSOCiation, I nc., 70 East 45th St., New York 17, N.Y.)
[11] G . 1. P . Levenso n a nd C. J . Sharpe, The role of thio-
Stop Bath s ulphate in t he formation of s ulphide stains during
bleachillg, J . Pho t o Sci . 4, No.4, 89 (1956).
Citric acid, H 3C 6H 507-H ZO --- ---- --- -- - 35 g. [12] H . L. Scott and W . F. H yatt, U.S. P atent 2,688,546
Water to make ___ ___ __ ______ ___ ______ 1 liter. (1954).
[1 3] J . 1. Crabtree, G. T . Eaton , and L. E. Muehler, The
eliminat ion of hypo from photographic images, Am.
8.4. Quality of the Chemicals Used for the Formulas Phot o 35, No.4, 272 (1941).
Listed in This Appendix [14] J . 1. Crabtree, a nd R. W . H enn, IncreaSing the washing
rate of mo tion picture films with salt solutions, J.
All of Lhe solutions were made up with distilled Soc. Motion Pict ure & T elevision Engrs. 65, 378 (1956) .
water. The followin g ch emicals were of r eagent [15] R . W . H enn, N. H . King, and J . 1. Crab tree, The effect
of salt baths on hy po and silver elimination, P hoto
quality m eeting ACS specifica tions: sodium sulfite, Eng . 7, No.3 and 4, 153 (1956).
sodium sulfate, ace tic acid, boric acid, potassium [16] American Standard Method for Indicating t he Stability
bromide, sodium carbonate, citric acid, sodium of the Images of Processed Black-and-Whi te Films,
chloride, potassium permanganate, sodium hydroxide Plates, and P apel'R, PH4.12-1954, p . 8 (American
Standards ASSOCiation , I nc., 70 East 45th St. New
potassium dichromate, ammonium hydroxide, and York 17, N. Y.).
sulfuric acid. T he monomethyl p-aminophenol [17] J . 1. Crabtree, G. T . Eaton, and L. E. Muehle!', The
sulfate, hydroquinon e, sodium thiosulfate, and po- qua n t itative determ ination of hypo in photogra phic
tassium aluminum sulfate conformed to American prints wit h sil ver nitrate, J . Franklin I nst. 235, No.
4, 351 (1943).
Standard Specifications for Photographic Grade [18] A. Murray, New control methods in chemical retouching,
C h emicals. The Amidol \vas Eastman Kodak Cat. Brit. J . Phot o 77, 121 (1930).
No. P- 614. Th e sodium bisulfite was Mallin ckrodt [19] A. Murray, Chemica l r etouching, The I ational Lit hog-
a nalytical r eagen L grad e. ra pher 36, No. 11,29 (1929).
[20] L . P . Cler c, Photography t heory a nd practice, p . 30 3
(Pitman Publishin g Corp., New York, N. Y., 1954).
9 . References [21] K . Hickman a nd W . Weyer ts, Optical intensifi cation,
Brit. J . Photo 80, 482 (1933) .
[1] J . I-I. R eindorp, A co ntribut ion to the chemistry of [22] J . 1. Cr abtree and J . F . Ross, A method of testing for
residu al imagcs, Brit. J . Pho t o 82,244 (1935). the prese nce of t hiosulfate in motion pict ure film, J .
[2] L. P . Cler c, Ph otograp hy t heory and practice, p. 298 Soc. Mot ion Picture Engrs. 14, 4 19- 426 (1930).
(Pitma n Publishing Co rp ., New York, N.Y., 1954). [23] I-I. D. Russell a nd J . 1. Crabtree, The reducing action
[3] C. E . Ie M ees, The th eo ry of t he photographic process, of fixin g baths on t he silver image, J. Soc. Motion
p. 715 (The M acmillan Co ., K ew York, N. Y. , 1954). Pi ct ure Engrs. 18, 371 (1932).
[4] Ie C . D . Hickman a nd D . A. Spencer, The washing of
negatives and prints, Brit. J . Photo 69, 387 (1922).
[5] Dr. Liippo-Crame r, Zur konstitution del' negativsubstanz
Pho tograph ische Korrespondenz 49, 121 (1912). W ASHINGTON , D.C . (Paper 6401- 26)

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