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CHAPTER FIVE Sucker Rod Pumping 5.1. Introduction Asoording to e recent survey, there a 574,000 producing oil wells, of which some 68,000 are 806,000 wells on artificial lift, a vast aaj in the United States, approximately 0100 + 007874, Ry = 0175 +0.00554, bet R= 0.008 — 0.08944, Rye ars + ores, = 0185 + 0.04164, eH Ry = 08582 ~ 9.11104, = 0158 + 00WA, Ry = 0.197 + 0.03844, Re = 0.123 + 0.032545, "is vefora to Towoot section (amallet rods), Ry to next lowest bution, eta. Tongs. Determine the Teng ofeach soto ofthe tapered od ing 208, Sucker Road Pumping ch. Sourtios: y= 3.14253 in. (rom Teble 5.2) Ry = 0.004 — 0.0894 3.142 = 0.883 By = O48 + OUTS X B12 ~ 6831 Ry = 0.85 + 0.0816 X 3142 = 0.285 Ty = LR, + 6050 X 0883 = 2317 ft Ly = ity = 6050 X 0.381 = 2008 18 Tn = Ui, = BO50 X 0.280 — 173016 In 258 ineroments, 2, = 2305 ft Ta = 2080 ft Ly = Vi2s it being used. ‘be done by calculating maximum stress at the top of the tod string, which is the peak polished rod ond divided by the eross- sectional aren of the top section of rods. I the rod stri en designed ‘a6 outlined above, the maximum stress al the top of the string wil the maximum stress which ean possibly ke encountered at any po the top. Example 3.8. ‘The suvkor rods being used in the 4620, of nickel-molybdenurs alloy steel. ‘The pres ‘well uid eases a severe corrosive condition whi 40 22,000 pel, as recommended by the manufacturer. Surface. are expected to be 18 gpm ate stroke length of 54 in. ‘Tho wel gravity of 089, Compare the recommended maximum stress Sireas to be expected under the above operating conditions. Souvrtox: From Table bl, Ay = 0785: Mz = 2:16 to/tt We = Milt Mila} Mela My, = 163 Ib/ft Ay = 2.88 1b/ft 1.63 X 2825 + 2.16 2 2000 + 2.88 X 1725 = 13,078 1b Wy = 0.4836(LA, ~ 02910") n= 0.438 X O.80(6050 X 8.142 ~ 0.294 X 18,078) = 5884 Ib 54X18 8 70507 288 see. 6.9 Design of the Sucker Rod String 209 “The above stress greatly exceeds the recommended maximuts of 22,000 psi, and from the presgnee, in a well fui, of hydrogen the rods described could 5.10. Pump Displacement and Production Rate developed expressions in Sev. 5.7 for effective phinger stroke, we imp displacement as = 0.4844,S,V bbI/day (52) iq, (6.52) js independ- the pump constant, K. Fora given phnger diameter, the term 0.14844, cnt of surface operating coxditions and is eall ‘Then Ba, (6.52) becomes v= KS (5.53) ‘Table 6.2 shows plunger areas and pump constants for all APT pump sizes. Example 5.9. Culeulate the pump constant for « 2-in, plunger. . ‘Souori0n: . K = 0.1484, = 01484(6/4)2 = 0.466 bbl/day in. /spm ‘The ratio between the uid actually handled and the pump displace- ment ig the volumetric efficiency of the pump: B= g/V or q= VE or Va yk (554) ‘where gs the rate of produetion from the w tie efficiency is an extremely important factor in design problems, yet it cannot be known to any degree of certainty until the production rete has been established, and even then the difficulties inerent im the determina- tou of plunger stroke make ealeulation of volumetric efficiency something lees than exact. Volumetric oficiencies, which vary over rather wide ranges, fare affected by many factors, including nature of the fuid produced, type of pump, depth of pump, surface operating conditions, and gus interference icant, For example, wells with gaseous often have efficiencies as low as 25 to 50 per fair separation of formation gas in the hole will 70 per cent. For welle with good separation in the barrels per day. Volumet- ‘have efficiencies of 50 300 Sucker Kod Punping ch. 5 nergener, efficiencies I be of the order 70 to 80 K = 0357 (from Table 52) Vom KS,N = 0.857 x 87.7 X 205 = 422 bbi/day = BAA bb/day B= gf = 344/822 = 0.82 5.11. Counterbalance Design prime mover would carry the seme average loads the downstroke, that is, Wan — Cs = 6: — Wain (6.59) ‘The ideal counterbalance effect is then C5 = 0.50007 pax + Was (6.56) Substituting Eqs. (6.40) aud 6.50), Cy = O81, + 1.0 ~ 0.1276) 67) Figure 5.4 shows that weight of HY, } tee. 6.11 — Cownterbatonce Desion 301 ‘Counterbalance effect of the counternright.. n, which for erank 0 represents the crankshaft and Distances from saddle bearing to spectively. Taking moments about ee, is always P represents the saddle ber rearing and to bridie are fan: Coils 00s B) = (Fp 208 9) 08 8) + (sin) in 8) Fo = Tee SGT 698) ‘Taking moments about point O, We(d sin #) = (F, cosy) sin 8) + {F, sin y)(r 008 8) (5.59) won the eountereight ip can be simplified by assuming the angle 7 to be very small at all times (which is o good as- sumpticn, provided the length of the pitman is very much greater thon 7). ane ‘Sucker Rod Pumping tely zero and the cos-7 is approxima 3} and (5.50) now gives Co = Waldir) t/t) (5.60) In addition to the effect of eounterweights, somo coun Cm OFWs) 6.61) Example 5.11. For the woll of Examples $4 and 6.5, the polished rod stroke length was 64, spec a8 O87, and rod and Aud loads were suriuee equipment includes fa Lufkin C-160D-64-23" por ussembly with 660R" crak and 3CR counterneight. For this equipment the effet of strueturat unbalanes (according to the manufacturer) is +671 Ib, the aeddle hearing is centered between bridle ‘ond tail bearing, und the length of the croak is 59.5 in, I the 5280-Ib 3CR counter ‘weight hus its eenter of gravity 7.06 in. from its outer edge, how should it be positioned in order to obtain the theoretical ideal counterbalanoe effect? Soverion: Ce = Obi, + Wk — 0.1276) = 0.5 X 9911 + 7488(1 ~ 0.197 x 0.87) = 8207 Tb Since b= hy = 6/2 = 64/2 82 in, and thus a= Ma 8) _ esr = We = 6.2in. ‘The distance of outer edge of counterweight from end of erank is 50.5 — 48.3 7.05 » 62. 5.12, Calculation of Torque Closely related to the problem of counterbalance design is the matter of ‘Thin designation indicates 5 maximum polished rod stroke of 64 in. and a crank -adivs of approsimately 60) eve. 6.12 — Coleulation of Torque 308 of the surface instal not cansidered (1.0., = by Janoe is noglected) Eq. (5.61) reduces to c= 2.2/8 (5.62) since r + $/2. Tt should be understood that any w caleulations based on Eg. (6.62) are only approxi- mations. Figure 6.5 shows forees acting on the crank at the instant the erank makes an angle 9 with the crank through the pitman, whieh is presumed to be vertical, The net torque about 0 (which is the torque on the gear reducer) is Fig. 3.5 Instantaneous torque on the gear box. T= Wrsing—Weadsin6 (6.68) and from Eq. (6.62) Wad = CS/2 (5.64) Substituting Eq. (6.6) in (6.63), P= W(S/2) sind — COS/2) sine T= OF — CMS/2) sin (6.65) Equation (5.68) is an approximate expression Jor instantaneous torque on ‘the gear box. ‘The highest possible values for variables IY and sin @ are, respectively, peak polished rod load, Face, and sin 90° (= 1}. Peak torque is, then Py = (Paws ~ CMS/2) 5.66) jons of ideal counter- nit ean of the unit may be somewhat bbe counterbalanced to within 5 the counterbaance is predicting peak torque is Ty = (Wane — 0.950)8/2) (657) Sucker Rod Pep = 13,600 tb ‘From vample 5.11, Cy = 8267 Ib 7, = (13,600 — 0.95 x §267)464/2) = 183,000 "The unit described is rated at 300,000 in.tb, and the ge fail i it were subjected to a peak torque to 183,000 5.13. Speed Reduction from Prime Mover to Crankshaft Power ig transmitted from the engine sheave, of diameter d,, to the unit, sheave, of diameter d., by meansof V-belts, Jf the speed of the prime mover engine is NV, revolutions per minute, the belt velocity is ty ed Ny infin (5.68) and the speed of the unit she Nu = tifads = Naldi/d,) rpm (6.69) Hf the gear ratio at the gear reducer is Z, pumping speed is N= NZ = NadZe, (6.70) Example 5:13. 4.1200 rpm electric mo be uscd as the prime mover fora ‘ab 20 spn, The double reduction gear reducer hss a gear ratio of the uit chosve hus piteh diameter of 19.25 in. Calculate the 1e sheave fo be used on the motor. Soutmion: dy Bag(N/N.) = 29.92 X 19.25 x 20/1200 = 94a, 5.14, Power Requirements of the Prime Mover ‘Two power londs must be considered in moving fluid (rom pump to surface, ‘Hydraulic horsepower, Hy, is a statement of useful expenditure of energy. Iq barrels per day of a fluid having specific gravity @ are lifted from @ depth Z feet, the useful power involved is gbbl/day % 3500 Ib/bbl x Ltt THA min/day 83,000 1-16 /enin bp = 7.36 X 10-%GD hp @n) Hy= W240 Thite “The net lift is then given by Ly = L~ (b— D) + (0.4336) = D+ (23ip/G) (6.74) fh anust be considered is the ner veen puinp and pel ieally® that feiesional energy loss per stroke ean be estimated from AW, X 28 = 0.251¥,S inh (5.75) For a pumping speed of A’ strokes = 681 % 10 IF.SN hp (5:76) ed rod horsepower will, of course, be the sum of hy- horsepowers. Brake horsepower for the prime mover.” rod horsepovser und a safety factor to account for un- in the surface equipment. A satisfactory whieh ense the brake horsepower Id be Hy = 15H +H) (6.77) Jn scleeting the prime mover, it must he remembered that the name- plate horsepower rating of the engine mist in many cases be substantially reduced to arrive at the actual engine capacity. as engine ‘gill have reduced capacity when used at higher . For an electric motor the nameplate rating must be reduced to account for horsepower ‘recent invettigeticas reveul that safety Sacto of 1.25 is bolng adopted. imposed by rod Example 3.14 For the well of Examples 54 day of x O87 gravity fluid at a polished rod strok speed of 205 spm. Depth ta the tring was 7438 Ib. Assuming the pum neglecting tubing pressure, calculate the minimus ‘the electrie motor ta be used as the prime mover if 26 per eont roduetio in nameplate rating because of eyelis loading. ‘Soureion: Hy = 7.80 X WEE = 7.80 X 10 X 385 X OST X 4500 = 10.38 hp Hiy = 631 K 1071/SN = O81 X 107 X THB X GL X 20.5 = B15hp Hy = 15s + He) = 1.5(00.88 + 6.28) = 248 bp Motering = 2S = 20h» Example 5:15. What is the et lift for the well of pressure is 60 paig and pump submergence is 250 ‘atmosphere pressure. ‘ous exaraple if tubing ne the easing to be ab Sourtiox: D = $560 — 250 = 481078 Ly =D} 2tpsG = A804 AL X BOOST = 4443 St 5.15. Summary of Design Equations Summarized bere are the equations derived in Secs. 8.6 through 5.14, ‘Also given are 3 umber of other expressions which have been developed for ‘analysis of well problems. More detailed explanations of the latter group ‘of equations ean be found in references cited, ‘Listed below are symbols (with definitions a the derived equations. Ay dy... Cross-sectional arcas of individual sections of a tapered ‘sucker rod string, sq in. Ay Cross-sectional area of plunger, $9 in. Ac Cross-se ¢ ‘Total counterbalance effect, Ce ‘Theoretical ideal counterbatence effect, 1 a Counterbalance effeet duo to structural unbalance, tb ee, SS Summary of Design Equations 307 , bP jor day of produetion per inch of per sp pumping speed ‘Dubinghead pressure, psi Production rate, bbl/day Lengths of in sections of a tapored sucker rod string expressed as fractions of total length of the rod string . Polished rod stroke Tengt Effective plunger stroke Peak torque o gear red Pump displacement, bbl/day ‘Weight of orank eounterweights, 1b “Weight of sucker rod string, 1b Gear ratio of goar reducer Distance along eranik from center of crankshaft to center snce along crank from crankshaft to pitman bearing, Acceleration factor for simple harmonic motion sucker fod stzing ‘Pauation for acceleration factor: a= SN4/70,500 ‘Fquations used in designing tapered rod si OASBA, + RM; _ OAS3A, + RM Rola +. + Kalle Es - An RR. + Reel Equation for eflective plunger stroke: 5-5 4 28s For anchored tubing, A =0. Equations for polished rod loads: = 0.4380(LA, — 0.2041 Waa Wy + WA + 0) =a = 01276) Equations ms for counterbalance and torque: C,= 0.51, + WG ~ 0.1276) Cm C+ Wa Mish) P, = (Woax — CS/2) Equation relating prime mover aud pomping speeds: N= Nede/Zdy ‘Bquations involving power requirements: Ly = D+ 231pd@ Hy = 7.36 X 107 GLx Hy = 831 X 107 WSN Hy = 18 +H) 308 te expression for neger has prox 8/6100) (6.78) be the larger of the values given (79) then be 5/2). 680) ste the API method terms areas de- oad, whieh, for Wy = OABSGLA, (681) In Exunple 5.12 the peak torque ofa certain unit was calculated to lished rod load as given by the Mills equation. Gatstste poi tongue ung the SPT ete Souvttons yp = 0483 X 0.87 % 4500 X 2.405 = 4181 20 ox = (7438-4 A1BI}KT + OA X 205/580) = 14,88 Ib Wye = 04 X 1,882 = 6752 tb Ty = 8752 64/2 = 184000 ind ‘The investigations of Marsh and Coberly relat stroke took no acc attempt to apply the theory of vibrat developed an expression which ean be Sy = Sco3g + WiBM = 2W,/d = B/D (6.82) Effective plunger stroke S,, polished rod stroke lengih S, and fluid load Wy are used here as previously defined, aud forced vibrations of the rod 4 = aetan [EU] [i = G/F, «where F is the damping factor for the vibrations and 1, and rare periads for sural and forced vibrations, respectively. T depends on the nature of the (5.88) 10 Sucker Rod Pumping che & sanding the vibrating rods, and varies from O.t for wells producing ‘90 per cent water, If the velocity of stress transtnission in the rod string i feet per see rod string is Z feet, then the period of natural vibrat n= alfe 68) be established in See. 8.17, ite, the period of forced vibration is = GO/N see (5.85) Tn Eq, (6.82), I¥is the total disturbing foree acting on the sytem, and Bis the magnification factor for the disturbing force: Wee Wy) +a) + 2Ma ‘The validity of Ha. (84) ing speed is N’ strokes per Again, the zod weight WV, and aceelerati previously. In the last term of (6.82), F is the rod frie be estimated from dy ter tests on completed in generally s completely: rn fuetor in design problems, and must often be neglected. J is the spring constant for the rod string, aud ean be eal- culated from 0.08838 5 1° TAF beat 6s) {E being the snodulus of elasticity, and L aud A being Jongthe and cross ‘eotional areas of the seotions of a tapered string. Other investigntors, notably Langer and Lamberger, have applied vibration theory to solution of pumping well problems." ‘The equations below for effective plunger stroke and peak polished rod load are simplified versions of more complex expressions developed by Langer and Lamberger. s Wa [i 1 Se= SS OMOTENY ~ 2 sala + Fal 689) Wo = We Wat We 4 OTSSMIN7A, tan (O.000SENY? + Ax] (6.80) ‘The only terms in the above equations not previously defined in this section are: Wz, dferential fluid load; A,, eross-sectional area of sucker rods; buoyant force on the rods; and An, net plunger area, ‘The differential Toad is the net fluid head on the full plunger area: Wa = OA33GDA,, a) ‘The buoyant force on the rods is the weight of fluid displaced by the rods: Wey = 62.4G(W",/890) = 0127617 6.82) see. 5.46 Sommary af Design Buations an In terms of full plunger are 92) or and Larabenger S, = Seow ~ 50X10 94) Woes = Wal = 0.1276) + We + O.75SN(I7A, tana + Ax) (5.95) Jd (Kansas) has a pump with ‘Hin. sucker rods. The produc at astrokelength of S4in. and mi, Specifie gravity of the produced Quid is 0.786, and Teot, Compare the values for effective plunger stroke as ‘the Rieniets equation, and the Sound in ste!) to be 15800 fps, Neplet the eect of rod he ‘equation. Soverion: We fest ealeulate the individual terms ofthe ss equations, Ay 4.908 29 i, Bin. plunger) A, = 2.590 9 i. (Bin. tubing) “Ay = 001 eq ing MF = 2.6 Ib /te Gi Water eut = 437/457 + 47.6) ~ 0.002, 1 = 2 = AL = 2.16 % 2650 = 57241 W, = O48G(EA, — OBBANT,) = 0.9418(8,000 ~ 3685) = 9805 tb ca = SN¥/70,500 54 X 21 X 21/70,500 = 0.338 Wee WAL $a) + Beer = D178 + 3809 = 9042 Ib We = O4836DA, = 0.488 X 0.7885 X 1181 x 4.900 ~ 19781) o = O.0008EN = 0.0004 x 2060 X 21 = 22:5" Ay = Sp = Ar = 4900 ~ 0.60 = 4.908 a9 in. Te ot Tyr) | _ oe ontn| 2] fl — (a/r)P + Piss iL — ONS5F + 0.220) ara Sucker Red Punting hed For Sy the equation of Marsh and Coberly gives fa S20GDA.[ lle - a 0 8-840 = BL 3.23 — 430 w 529i, wT, the Rieniets equation, aad the Langer and Lamberger equati iy = See ~ 50X 10 = BB.AB — 587 = 63.0in, Por Wear the Mills equation gives Wwe = Wy +1 = 8806 + 7059 = 11,504 Ib ‘the Slonneger equation, Woe (W, + O0.4880LA,44 + SN/5400) 162 X L210 = 12,900 tb and the Langer and Lamberger equation, Wows = Wl — 03208) + We O.76SNCTA, tanee + Ay) = 5152 + 1078 +} 950.5 x 8.497 = 14,4001b 5.16. Steps in the Design of a Pumping Installation factors to be considered are (1) mass production rate, and (2) net ‘A knowledge of these factors makes possible the determi result in minimum load on the rods and the surface equipment torque on the gear box, and minimum power requirement ior the prime mover. Determination of phunger size allows selection of tubing size, rod sizes and lengths, stroke length, pumping speed, torque rating of the unit, and power rating of the prime mover. The interdependency of these variables would make their selection extremely dif elt if the design problem were approached entizely irom the mathematical standpoint without benefit of previous experience. Wf certain assumptions as to well conditions are made, it becomes charts which simplify the design problem are prosented here as Fig. 8.6 and 2000 PUMP DATA. apr SIZE STROKE é a 4800 o eB 232233 8 * wwa/eo-ivandoviesia anna 200) ‘7000 8000 8000-10000 11,000 PUMP SETTING DEPTH-FEET ‘6000 ‘6000 2000-8000, tooo Fig. 6 Pump unit and stroke length aoleotion chart, (Alor Kelley aad Willis%* The Peroleun: Engine.) | 6.6.6 Decgn of a Pumping Instllation us Table 5.7. Detox BATA FoR AP sizk 30 ONT WITH KaKeH STROKE ") Purp depth, Tod ase, i i, i i a uw a i ii 2 + 2 oH 1 2 i ‘Table 5.8. Dusicy pata FoR Art sue us UNIT WITH s:1NcH ‘Table 5.5, DrsioN DATA FOR API SUX <0 UNtY WITH senxcie ‘STROKE SOKE (After Kelley ond Wain) (After Keley and Witten OO _ ane Pump depth, Phingersize, Tubing eae, Rod aes, ‘Pumping speed, ft in ia. a, strokes/min 1700-1000 2 3 i 28 3900-2100 2 3 i 219 2100-2700 2 2 i 219 roo-2200 2 4 i Be 3300-3900 n 2 a a 3900-100 u 2 HH 5100-6300 a 2 H 5300-7000 L 2 HH s7-16 ‘Table 5.6. Destan Dara oR api site sv UNEe Win 42-IxeH ‘Table 5.9, Desiax para ron APL size 160 uxiT wine si-ucH STROKE, = AAjiter Kelley and Willis") Rip hy Pings Tinie impinged Pump depth, Munger dey Nh Rodsiees, Paring speed, mee = _ ske/an i 2 in io __naakes/nl : Daan ag a6 2 3 ae Pood eas a 4 28 consi aia 2 a we 2 18 sonoma sar 4 : ais ims aut 4 2 ze saan eas u 2 zu sonra Tals he able 5.10. smnoKe Pi Paap depth, i 0S Pump depik, Phuvaer ee, Porping speed, te strokes/in SABO 3500-4000 1000-1700 ‘4700-8700 5700-8600 600-8000 ‘3000-2000 9600~1,000 Considering the manner in whieh the frst fnctors encountered in the di problem are pump and pump setting depth. Pump displacement is caleulated from maximum, see. 5.10 Devin of ipated fluid prod ction and estimated API rating of the ire, select a unit, 4 Calculate the f using the data of Tables 6.2 and 8, 5. Calculate (he length of each section of the rod string to the nearast 2 ft. 6. Calculate the acceleration factor, nigth of ench section of the rod string, 10, Caleulate the fuid dead. 8 Sueter Rod Pumping — ch. 5 see, 5:18 Design of @ Pumping Installation a9 11. Determine peak polished vod load and cl From Table 5.2, Ap = S142 sq in. and K = (466, From Table 63, 4s = 1.812 selected sa in. 4. For a} combination, R= 0.664 — 0.0594.1, = 0.665 — 0.281 = 0.388 R= O1BL + OONTRAy = 0.181 -+ 0.150 = 0.331 Ry = 0.155 + 0.0864, ~ 0185 +0181 = 0.286 5, Li = Lik = 4200 X 0.383 = 1609 Le = LR, = 2200 X 0.391 « 1590 ft (1400 $8) Ly = LR, = 4200 X 0.286 = 1200 ft (2200 11) Be = SN'/70,500 = 84 X 19.5 X 195/70,600 = 0.453 ver. 7. Since the working fluid level i lost, it will be assumed that D = E. ‘Taki ‘gear roduetion ratio plo " aes counterweight fo obtai 15, On the assump! out of counterbalan and unit sheave sae for the unit selected, aud the speed of th ° 5,= 5 4i08He 920004, by By be Tom this determine the engine sheave siza to obtain the desired pomping = 54 Pat b, bie speed. 15 x 4200 x 100 x 0488 Tt any ale, Uh unit or ti component ofthe ut is found to be =Ms ae cither undersized oF greatly oversized as to load, torque, or production . 20 089 % uo se 8usf 4200 00 100 1H "1 - z 20nd 1400 1200 capacity, the desiga should be changed according! “a0 x WF [ + pae toe * ®| Bxanuple.18, -vellin the Sominole Tied (Ok provesed siting depth ofthe porp is 4200 ft and bbe puton pump. The ' = 84 X 10.87 — 18.60 Cr ea ata age doncosmmascios%as0 = $5 th pe dy. Th ae ee ycnogen aude. Tic bllved hal se Working fu ave will be esi produetion rate af 500 bb per day can be obtained Jorn The prime mover isto be a two-ylindé gas engine, Sucker rods are to be 1040 " 9, We = Mila Mle + Mals tcavbon elecl, which have a working stiess of 30,000 pai in noncorrsive laid. Select the substrface und gurfsee equipment for the unit and ealculate the brake borse- = 2008 4 9024 + 3456 « 9090 ib power which raust be available at the prime mover. 10. Wy = 04286(E, ~ 029617) Souortox; ‘The steps shown below oorresyond to the suggested steps outlined vs 0.380(18 108 ~ 2008) = $780 b previously. , Betinated volumetre efcieney ~ 80 par cont °'Y = g/ By = 500/080 = 625 DbI/day W,(1 +a) = 8780 + 18,205 = 17,000 Ib thin the allosable limit of 80,000 Ib. 2, L = 4200 fh Figure 5.5 indiontas use of an APY sino 320 uuit with in. ' 12, ‘The masimiom red stress is stroke, An example of « unit which would meet these specications is the Lufkin We _ 1.00010 or s00 pat Gis200 84-30 pupiog unit assembly with SA82R. crank and OR counterwight. : Ja” 0285 sain. pal ‘This unit has a bearn load capacity of 30,000 Ib and, according to manuiacturer ‘which fg within the allowable limit of 30,000 psi. Titerature, a maxiraum countaabolance effet (at the Sthin, stroke) of 21,645-1b Nowable limit of 89,000 ps (without ausiliary weights). 18, C, = OW, + WC — 0.270) = 1890 + 8134 ‘Q, From Table 5.11, the plunger sla is 2 im, the tubing size 2-in, the red sires “= 10,000 16 4}, and Lin, and the pumping speed 19.5 spm (by interpolation). From Table 5:1, | “Ay = 04425q in, Bf, ~ L68Tb perf Theda ousteaane eet an be obtained since « maximum effect of 21,645 Ib ‘A= 0.601 59 in, Mz-= 2161) per ft TH. Tho woigh of the OR counterseight i 13,800 Ib and the center of gravity x ‘Me = 0785 sq in, My = 2.88% per it weight eight is 13,500. 1 sgovity. 38.27 fn, feom the outer edge. Tae erank fongth of the SS82R erankis82in, For the 320 Surkoe Rod Pramping che 3 ‘C-820D-84-90 nit asser and bridle, and the ‘he equation nd r = S/2, so that Cn OHS SIC = 0) _ $410,000 — a 2x 13,500 “The distance frost outer end of crank to outer edge of coursteruch a= = 27.81n be determined directly without ealeulations of th ion, eo Fig. 5.469.) 18. Py = ane — 0.95C)S/2 = 7882, x 42 = 313,000 incl anit hese rating of $20,000 in.b, and so she pen torque i within allowable 1G, Assuming net lift and pump setting depth to be identical, Hy = 7.28 X10 GOL = 7.85 & 10 5B % O89 X 4200 = 142 hp x = G81 X 107 X 9090 X SLX 19.5 = 9.39» Hy = 18a + HA) = 35% 206 = 354m 17, For the C-820D-84 unit, the gear rat pitch diameter of 25 in. The gxs engi 70 epi, "The engine sheave size is NW _ 902 % 98 Xx 195 a= 2a = z = 19.5. “TRAE. tSTODIAG 5.17. Factors in Sucker Rod and Tubing Failure rid Uhe standard sheave has a tad at $5 bp ata continuous speed of Tn many vols, frequent replacement of sticker rods and tubing (necessitated ures of these members) constitutes serious economic nee is generally con is being see. 517 — Sucker Rod and Tubing Paitere aan ‘The stress at which this failure he proportional ‘and molybdenum) as hydrogen sulfide, (@) the range of arizes the grades of steel generally used in sucker rod manufacture, giving compositions and. ‘endurance Emits. Wy instance, data obtained from leboratory studies mist be applied swith extreme caution to field problems. Thisis especially true in the case of imentally determined endurance limits, aud experienee may dictate values imuch lower than those given in Table 5.15, If aboratory tests are to beof any use, the stress reversals must, of course, take place more rapidly than they would occur under field conditions, (At a pumping speed of 20 spm, 347 days would be requized Lo reach 10,000,000 stress reversals.) However, where corrosion ve, 's an important factor, and corrosion fatigue stresses for 2 rod s has boon in contact with corrosive Huid for 347 days would be much lower than those for a laboratory 302 Sucker Rod Punsing eh. 5 Alloy Mn 1335 3,000 40,000 Sled NEC 3310 0,000 NiCr @fayart) 22,000 20,000 20,000 4,000, NiMe 4620 -22,000 30,000 0,000 40,000 NiMo 4621 22,000 30,000 30,000 40,000 NieMo 4800 ‘ares 2,000 Corrosive Huds effectively treated with a chemical inhibitor may be considered. "Stree rauge is given us por coat of maximum operating stow, sample which has been tested at, say, 1750 reversals per minute, and tbere- fore exposed to corrosive agents for only four da . The suckerzod string ean be strength alloys which are more resistant to cotrosi treated chemi the well in such « manner as to reduce substantially ‘the harinful effects of the corrosive agents, The fatter method, of chemical inhibitors, is now generally recognized as the more desirable solution, and use of the amore expensive alloys is largely confined to the deeper wells, where large rod loads meke high strength rods necessary. ‘A possible factor in premature rod failure is synchronous pemping specd ‘The idea that synchronous speeds might adversely affect rod performance ‘was first introduced by Slonneger,™ and the idea has since received the attention of many authorities in the field of oif well pumping. The agreo- ‘ment is by no means unanimous as to the effects of synchronous pumping, speeds, and many experienced field men discount it entiroly as a factor in rod performance, However, the subject merits some dise case where frequent or otherwise unex, desirable to compare the pumping speed rod string for possible synchronous co! th the natural frequeney of the tions. Pig. 5.7 Relationships between length of rod string and wave length of impulse for syneionous pumping speed (top) and non-synehro~ nous pumping spoed (botto:n). the stuffing box. Ii an impulse is supplied a point p, i 1¢ speed of sound in the the reflected wave ‘eit, I point bis at nods, the reflected w: h the transmitted wave, and the Il travel te point & al) and be reflected. If point ts natural frequeney, and present would be accentuated and made more cev The simplest case of reinforcement, that is, the first appearance of an antinode, would be for Let or b= 4L (5.98) yf for wave pep or X=0/f (6.07) For the ease described by Eq. (5.96), foal or fm uA 5.98) 324 Sucker Rod Pureping che § of stress transmission in the rod stri 2. the speed __ 15,800 it/see X 60 see - FM LT = 287,000/1, vibration 6.98) y of the wed. ‘Thus, if (6.100) Let the pumping speed, ¥;, be such that time between impulses is 4. Thea, if the rod is vibrating at its natural frequeney, Ny = 287,000/L = 237,000/xt) (6.101) f= 2H, on has waveled = 237,000/ol, = 237,000/2s1, = 237,000/22 (8.102) {In general, N represents a synchronous pumping speed if N = 237,000/nE, (6.103) where n is any integer. ‘The discussion to this point has been confined to the case where the rod is vibrating at its fundamental frequeney, ot first harmonic. The next case of reinforcement oceurs when point bist the second antinade. In this ease, L=BNk or Xm Ab/3 (6.108) ‘The implication of Eq. (5.103) is that resonance will eur if the relationship between the pumping speed and the natural freqneney of the rods is such. thet fa (6.105) and resonance x occur if dm w/a (6.106) ove. 8.47 Sucker Red and Pabing Failure 95 ‘Eqs. (6.108) and (5.106), AL/3 = vin (s.07) = GSN TOO ss ‘The next case of resonance will oeeur when point d falls at the third enti node, in which ease L= Si or k= 4L/5 (6.108) By the tine of reasoning followed in ol 1. (5.105) through 6.108), yy = 28100 ys Garo) ‘Resonance therefore exists if WN = 237,000m/nL, (att) here m is any odd integer. However, damping effects cause the amplitude -y. In this instance m = 1, and Eq, (6.108) snous pumping apecd. If synchronous performance is considered to be factor undesirable pumping speeds are those which make 2 ai expression hw 207,000/NE, Any pumping speed which would not make n an integer would be non- synchronous. However, to keep as far as possible from synchronous speeds, pumping speeds should be selected so as to make 1 = 14, 24, 34, ele. Example 5.19. Frequent sucker rod failures bave occurred in a well which is being pumped at 20 apm with the pump et at 6000 ft. Comment on synchronous pumping speed as a possible factor. Souvtion: nn = 237,000/N'L = 237,000/20 x 6000 = 1.98 A pumping speed of 20 spm is, for all practical purposes, synchronous. If rod loads Lid is noncarrosive (or, Being corrosive, tor), synchronous speed may be given serious eon tion as 8 fnctor in od failuze. ven if other factors ave present, synchronous 326 sspood may be a contributing fe permit use of « dlferont pumping sp demonstrated the important role pl buckling. Methods suggested by these for minimizing the detrimental effects of buckling include use of tension anchors, tail pipe, compression anchors, sucker rod guides, and corrosion inhibitors, In addition to prevention of buckling, the use of tubing anchors eliminates the effect of tubing stretch described in Sec. 5.7, thus increasing the effective plunger stroke. ‘A tension anchor isa tubin cloneation but prevents shor prevents tubing oa the upstroke come out of the tubing, One method of ng tension anchor is to set the anchor on the tubing, and then pick up the tubing at the surface unt tension. Charts for deterinining proper piekup (Vor 2 tubiug) ave been developed by La arn, and ave presented here as Figs. 5.9 and 5.10. : Reference to these figures will show that some know!- Hee, PEN * ecge of well fluid level is noedod to we the charts. Tf Rote, AP stiemecossary to estimate fluid level in the welt at che Fig. 5.8 A tension ‘tubing anchor. (Cour- high rather than too low, If itis necessary to est a future estimated level rather than x present estimated level (the future tovel being lower than the present level) should be used. Adherence to ‘these rules will prevent, the ealenlated pickup from being too small. The pickup given by the chart is effective pickup, to which should be added pickup needed for expansion of the anchor, e value which depends on the type of anchor. Actual pickup should generally be measured in inches rather than pounds, since chart values for pickup in pounds do not consider frictional forees. seo. 517 Sucker Rod and Puding Foslure sar sg gin BT ISD iar ea aor rep-THoos8N0 POUNDS sg fo TewmeRaURe ar Sheraceaowus WEAN EARLY Seurenarde re FETE A TE BREE ieTnousano Feet ye ees Fig. 3.9 Tubing pickup for tension anchor (in. tubing). (Lubinski and Bleakarn,* Trans. AIME) a Sucker Hod Pumping ch. 1 00. 5.17 Suckce Rod and Tubing Patlure 329 rasary for 4 tension anclior being set at obtain: yen penn Tous, ET Fen, ° ‘ Setimated working fluid lovel = 5000 ft LEstimntod fluid level when anchor is se = $000 ft Specific gravity of uid = 0.81 | iu tempore a uae o 10°F ‘Mean yearly surface temperature o GO"F yo seamen 7 Pia 5 3 Sourtion: To delermine pickup for 2in, tubing, use Fig. 89. Fiuld gradient = 0.81 % 0435 = 0.35 psi/ft ‘t= 100 — 60 — 40°F . Enter chart at point A (pump depth = 6800 12). Move horizontally to point # (working fuid level = 5000 1). ‘Move vertically to poist C (uid lovel at time anchor is sat ~ 4000 ft). to point D (interseetion with the horizontal reference tine). Move vertically to point # (Suid gradient = 0.35 psi. ‘Move horizoataly to point F (intersection swith the diagonal reference line). Move vertically to point @ (At = 40°F). 2a, 3 rex -THuai Poms 0 q Move horizontally to point M (intersection with pickup avis), Read pickup = i 9000 1b. 8,00 eure inter chart at point F (anchor depth = 6500 fiaoenarine AT Move vertically to point J (intersection with line GH), Read pickup = 18 ie is simply pipe suspended below the pump in nonanchored _ which is of aufiicient weight to have a straightening effect and thus above the pump. The weight may be obtained by an self, of, if the depth of the hole will not permit Jy short Jengths of heavy-walled pipe (for example, Pou" oferit—fnotsetn Feet cellars) inckl and Blenkarn, in Reference 21 cited previously, have shown " Tonos which eateos buckling in tubing ean be given by 50 ‘Tubing pickup for tension anchor (in. tubin) : (abies and Blenkara,* rons. AINE.) * R= Asap (5.113) sheve Ap ia the presgure differentiat across the plunger, as defined ty Ba. G.t7)._ If AL, is unit weight (pounds per foot) and Z, is length (Geet) of the tail pipe, the weight f the tall pipe is We = Moly (ald) 330 Suehur Rod Pumping — oh 5 In See. 3.8, it was shown th: in.a fluid of specific gravity G buoyant force on ion submerged fore = 0.1270 5.118) ‘Qo prevent bu well Suid must be at least equal ~ 0.1276) (5.116) Substituting Eqs. (6.17) and (5.i14) into (5.116), O4936D4, = Myb,(i — 0.1276) (uy) caleulate the length of tail pipe consisting of an est Souvrtos: Ap = 1.767 sq in, (Cable 5.2) A, = 4.70 Ib/ft (Table 5.3) 0.493 x 081 % 5000 x EHO — 0197 X OSI Las tubing is fare used primarily to increase the effective plunger stroke by the offect of tubing stretch. A compression anchor will not, by itself, ‘eliminate buckling (since it permits shortening), and for prevention of it must be used in eonjunction with tail pipe, th e compression anchor at the pump, & groater weight of tai is required than for freely suspended tubing. ‘This resus fzom th subject tubing to more tension at anchor sctting time if future buckling (when the tubing is heated by hot formation rude) is to be ing au espression for the amount of tail pipe needed ‘assumed that at the time the anchor is set, tubing early with depth as shown by Ti thermal equilibrium with surround gradient is Sinear. (Gcasonal surface changos A negligible longth of tubing.) Tt is further assume tubing temperature varies linearly with depth as show ‘Thea AC, designated af, is the temperature change of ( near the see, 6.17 Sueher Rod and Tubing Failure 3a ‘Tyatke TEMPERATURE Effect of Fig. temperature, (After ‘Lubinski and Blenkar surface between the time the anchor is set and a later time when the well isheing pumped. is the average temperature change ‘of the tubing between these times. If the average temperature of tubing ‘of length L, is inereased by Ai/2 and the tubing is permitted to elongate freely, then its elongation «is es Liat? G19) where & is the thermal coefficient of expansion of the tubing. The force F, required to restore the tubing to its original length is relsted to the ‘lonestion «, the length L,, and the cross-sectional ares of tubing wall Ay by Pldt Fula OR BaD, ~ Absa? ~ BBL G20) For stosl, H = 30 X 10F and 5 = 6.9 X 10°*, Solving for Fe, - EAM. XU KOS XIE oigar 121 ‘he farce defined by Eq. (6.121) must be added to the force to prevent buckling, in order to obtain the minimum effective weight of tailpipe in fluid when a eampression unebor is used: MMyLj(l — 0.1276) = O488GDAy + 10AE — (5.122) O4IIODA, + Ty = M0 — OTT) Ga) . With reference to Examples §.20 and 9:21, determine the length of “vobing) necessary to prevent buckling fa compreseion anchor is tobe set at the pump. * Souetrax: Ay = 1.30459 in, (Table (0498. OBL X 5000 X 1-767 + 10K X 1,904 X40 fy = SAB O81 X 800 Xe ‘@TO(l — 0127 X08) = 2000 SUCKER ROD GUIDES SPACING, FEET 2s 3038 8 2 iNCH TUBING i 2 INCH TUBING gE DISTANCE BELOW THE NEUTRAL POINT, FEET ‘3000 Fig. 5.12 Spacing of sucker rod uides, {Labinski and Blenkarn,* Trans. AIMEE) the distance between two successive guides in terms of the distanee of the ower of the two guides below the neutral point of the tubing. For our purposes, the neutral point may be taken to be the point in the (ubing below which buckling ean oceur. Lubinski and Bleuka the distance of the neutral point above the pump ean be Le = FulQ where @ is the weight (in pounds per feot) of sseight of tubing in air is Q, pounds per foot, thon @ = Ql — 0270) 6.128) “The buckling force bas previouly been defined as Fy = Ayip = 0499004, 6.228) Ti Tis depth to the neutral point, then Le Lethe (5.127) Combining Bas. (6.124) through (5.127), . see. 547 Sucker Rod and Tubing Feilure 283 |. For the well of Examples §.20 and 5.21, a sucker rod guide is act ‘pump. What should be the spacing between this guide and the next ‘up the rod string? Sonorsow: Ly = 6800 — 795 — S705 ‘Tho depth to the lower guide is . 46500 — 140 = 6360 ft ‘The distance of the lower guide below neutral point is 6360 ~ 5765 = 595 ft Prom Fig. 5.12, the spacing is 27 ft. 5.18, Use of the Recording Dynamometer in Well Analysis ‘As shown in Fig. 5.18, the proving ring (bebind the instrument case) pression between eazrier bar and polished rod clamp, ‘The jected to total polished rod load, and it defection clamp, When a dynamom- sped to a stationary. object law the carrier bar, for exas 1g box ¢ carrier bar, follows the up-and-down motion of the polished rod, the drum rotates fernately clockwise and counterclockwise. As a result, the figure in- scribed on the waxed chart by the main stylus is a plot of polished rod load 834 Sucker Rod Puonping ch. 5 ‘used in determining instantaneous polished rod vel ‘The dynamometer is placed in service in the second (lower) clamp is placed on the polished rod just above the stulfing 282, 6.28 Use of the Recording Dynamometer 835 ved until there is enough space between shed rod clamp (o accommodate the clamp, at which time the lower clam: js mow the polished rod load, and the po: reference to the zero load line can be used to ea the ring above the ished rod clamp and placed above the ring. loosened, cqusing ed rod can be determined in the 1g manner. The puniping unit is stopped at the position where the iterbalance effect is greatest, i.e, the point at which the crank is horiaon- tal on the upstroke. A polished rod elamp is then placed a few inches above the stuffing box. A chain is placed above the clamp jus wrapped around the polished rod, and attached to the flo leased, the load on the ring resuits only from the eounter- i pulled, the main stylus wil 1 line representing counterbalance effect. If azeater than the counterbalance effect, the rods released. Tn this case no chain is needed and the low put directly above the stuffing box (with erank horizontal) before the counterbalance effect is recorded. ‘After the zero load line and the line representing counterbalance effect have boon obtained, the chain and the Jower polished rod clamp are removed, and the well is then pumped at its normal pumping speed. ‘This, cycle, thus climinating the confusion which would result from several dynamometer cards superimposed on each other. ‘The appearance of a typical dynamometer card and the analysis of such cards will be treated in subsequent sections. However, it should be Shaker tod Pry Fig. 5.14 Dynamometer eatd for a eal pumping system. (Sitar fod Handoo) ‘Therefore, cight load fi .. From point D load decreases as rod velocity decreases to the ond of the upstroke and the beginning of the the traveling valve opens and the standing - valve closes. At point F the nd there is u marked decreas Fig. 5.16 Development of a theoretical dynamometer ard for a ed (second ede Js superimposed 388 Sucker Rod ig. 5.17 synebzonous speed (second order). ( Slonneger,® by a theoreticel sppraach, ns high degree of accuracy, the shapes of dy pumped at synchronous epeeds. Figures and setusl second-order cards; that is, card: n= Din Ea. 6. Figure $18 shows theoretical and actual third-order cards, oF ear Wikich n= 2, Likewise, Fig. 5.10 shows fourth-order ards. Tt cau be Fig. 5.18 Theoretical (eft) and cotual (ci order cards. (Gkouveger?* Drilling and Production Proaice, APL and Sucker Rod CAS Fig. 5.19 Theoretical (lft) and actual (right) fourth order cords (Gloonegen,® Drilling end Production Practice, API and Sucker Rod Hanaboak.”) seen that cards of each order have definitely recognizable characteristics, fand that synchronous pumping speeds are casi fied by mens of dynamometer cards. ‘Of course, in any system involving contact between energy must be expended to overcome frietion. Tn a pumpit however, excessive friction may occur for any one of several rensons. ec, 6.49 Interprelation of a Bynamomcier Card 330 ee rod stri instance ‘polished rod and uoting the jerky mx ‘other cases of excessive fri ere the dynamometer card shows @ lange area. (i indicating Jaege amount of work per eylc) with Kittle to how for the work by way of uid production, and Several other we F 2 Es ae i $7 a = Ba ERE ¥ 3 a LE HF 5 Z "E Fee BE f ik Hs 4 coo Fapean ony | | [ohon eee Saag vv ane Teas | | | Reta] Seen coon pectvanai oh wereatingion) | Sots treiras | | [Seer ‘ af vibe mae en ® i aa| lt : t 22) | 5 e3| ||2 Flak ve : e3) i/2 See oe @ i z qi] [lz 33 i i ; aE 3. 3 HE iE ay Guan] (Roa e 5 i see er ts, |_| ants oa et Eis f te eden on Seon 28] |£)||4 a é trac pone : Ane i i JU elias | mit . ey ase | |e = i ai Sall\hez | 12 ape | PRET i setried | |e meade ee al lil}ie] Heel) GEHaee) Pb Ea BE iaresed| 2 : alls) EAN iets] Ee 2| |2 : Fy le) 8 a] |k i : 1 yo 8 : WA bae ap 0 hd proses "Bl wl bud up or old pra : — 3 No bin no nt eect, 34 & ona i aL : i represses ae | ts £ ‘adn valve ot laves opm, ae soaece i a a —__ ta ay Bae ts “Will nat pressure up, Low tud- t 8 9) i855 ad ig t tirlea tb eeu, thor pepe agt) [eeP 3 i & Siete cane Ha) (fe a} ih) Ue less Wess i : asi Ee ste, (Mate: Bent jist f abe FE Bay Ing above seating aiple 20) a jes Fig. 5-44 Analytical procedures for Type D weils. not poss pam, Dut may pats 2a wes (Alter Merryman and Lawrence,” Pumping Well ting valve snd Protlen Anal) Spence) 387 Fig. §.45 Analytical procedures for Type E wells. (After Merryman and ELawrence* Pumping Wet Problem Analysis) Sucker Rod Pumping oh. 6 card. (Marsh and W Production Practice, API.) input of § low, With this information, eo per rwexnnma polished rod To2¢ rect counterbalance effet for he unit, aud (8) the averalleficienoy of the instalation. Souvvion: The card dimensione are shown in Fig, 5.48. (8) Maximum load = 1.20 in. X 6000 Ib/in, = 7200 Tb ‘Minimum Toad + 0.63 in, X 0000 1b/in, ~ 8780 Ib 7200 = 8780 7300 Load range = = 87.5 per cent (@) On the upstroke, the area between the load curve and the zero load Tin is 114 42.0 = 324 3q in, and the average height of the load curve is Area _ 821 engin 7 Baz = 19% ‘Therefore the average upstroke load is 1.09 n. x 6000 Ib/in. = 6540 Tb ‘on the dovnatroke, the ares between load curve and zero load Hine io 210 34 in. and the average height of the load carve is Awa 220 yr Eengt "3:97 ~ 0721 ‘Therefore the average dowasizake load is (071 im, % 6000 bin. = $260 Tb ‘The correct counterbalence is the mean between the averege upstroke and dows stroke loads, (0,5(6540 + $260) = 5400 Note: Designating the upper arca Joop) ns A, the length of the ley ‘yrite the ideal eounterbalanee ef oasfytts ert] -Haeé] cam ea, 5.22 Determination of Pumping Eficiensies 359 3 8k _ saa (@) Power input = sre tarp = 1078 BP Power output = Hydraulie horsepower = 7.86 x 10*g6Ls = 7.86 X 10-7 X 200 085 X 3800 = 488hp output | 4.38 Bak 6 2S = 409 percent rd the work dove at the e238) For this example, jpn BE OMKLMAD | 6995p sega aT sores ieng = BIB = sae cnt veteran efinny = 28 = 607 pers Overall efiieney = 0.586 X 0.697 = 40.9 por cent PROBLEMS ole: Esoebt here othervise problems, that pump setting and that tabing pressure cated, fb can be assured, in ing fvid evel, and net li Thorsepower, ln, 84 per eon 6. Assuming the well of Prob. 6.5 ta be idee torque of the gear reducer, using the der tongue as calealated by the 5.15, For the well of Prob. 5.14, the pumping 1 A dywamometer test was run 00 resulting dynamometer card sho plished rod load of 3800 Ib, results of the dynamometer test, ca From dynamometer dst for (ab the top of the sucker rod string) expressed 8.9. Caloulate synchronous purnping speeds for « 5000- 3rd, dth, and th orders of synchronization. Ins. 474; 28.7; 2, caleulate peal polished rod load using the Mills ‘and the Langer and Lamberger equation. Ans, lop of a cortain dynamometer card is 2.97 9g in. and the “ind the 2¢vo load Fie is 9.82 sg in, The length of the Joop is 4.5 erin, Caleulate the correct counterbalance: 4ABin, Caleulate the above-ground elliciency if the wattmeter (on th Wg used as the pelme mover) shows an average BOWE ns. 45 per : input of 14.5 Jn the design ofa certain wel per day with a pump set ‘effcieney of 75 per cent for the jon of the taperad arin 2926 £1 of f-in. rods; ticipated that production will be 875 bbT depth of 6500 ft, Assuming a volumetric catealate the vod size und the length of jacker rods are available in lengths of 25 « 1690 ft of Lin, rods, Sher tod string consists of lve test on tbe ne effective specifi gravity 5.18, For the well of Prob. 5:17, plunger sive is f-in. Ifa traveling valve test chows om produetion is 200 BOI per day of fuid ‘a load of 14,725 tb, what pumping boltoin-hole pressure is indiested? Ans 590 psi. What is the net lift for the well of Probs. 5.17 and 6.182 Ans. $840 ft, ‘A-dynamometer card for a pumping well in the John Field (Louis ‘Stroke length for the unit is 44 in., and pumping ‘Usuamometer used for the measurements hus ao “3000 Ib per in. Caleulste the torque on the gear has turned through as angle of 330° from the begin hing of the upstroke, Ans. 38,500 inl. - 5.21. For the well of Prob. 6.20, the depts to the plunger is 3000 ft, snd production 29, Construct the torque curve over a complete pemping js 205 bol per day al the pumping speed of 19.5 pm, Because of an increase jn water cut, ite desired to obtain more production by inereasing pumping spool toa vaiue greater than 19.5 pm, Ab what approsimate produetion rate srould a synchronous pumping speed be encountered? Ans. 273 bbl per day. le for the well of Prob. 8.20. 362 Sucker Rod Pumping oh. 5 Fig, 547 Dynamometer eard for Problem 8.20. 45.2%, Construct the approsimate forgue curve which would res ‘Prob. 5.20 were counterbalanced ideally ou the basis card. What approsimato reduction in pesk torque 3 tehange in eounterbalaneo? Ans. 66,000 in—lb. sn from the center to seduce punping mee 5.25. problem wells. State the ne. (A) fluid pound; (B) fretion; (C) overtrav synchronous pumping speed. 8.26, The overall efficiency of a eortin pt the prime mover) is 89 per cent. te the cost (for power ie power costs $0.03 per Kilowett- y) of lifting a bareel of uid of specific 1855 from a depth of S400 it, Ans. 0.017, jn the Steamboat Butte ‘Guid having 4 specific pumping fvid fevel is 3200 ft, and tubing pressure is $0 psi. What is the net fe fluid? Ans. $330 ft 3m, 5.28. 5.9. 3 nine has a the pumping speed is 28 spm? Ans. 938 rpm. Probleme Fig. 3-48 Dynamomeler cards for Problem 6.25. sng 8 fo SPE 8 onsite °g—— pa00" 09 Prrecrive COUNTERBALANCE AT POLISHED ROD (POUNDS) Fig. 5:49 Counterbalance chart for Problem 5.0. (Courtesy of Liskin Foundry and Machine Company, Lofkin, Texas.) ( 1 ¢ a as Problems 365 5.20, The chart of Be 8 4D A48-14 pomnplng weit ese sign the socor ro song, usu ar oe toe aval ‘vi SAO erat Rerbalanae fie! ne a aarnee 4725 fk of $n. ro, 1479 Fea {nro 1300 fF of reds. Galette the ae auction for Uhe assumed volumetric eficienay cae morating enuitis of park (B). na. 151 Dbl per day. i {fo Anesemape of ‘eerily which meets the requirements of vgn and distance from bride tas parts ©) "pethichean 160D-208-04. ‘This unit has a beam losd ene ary eounterseight, the weight and ehe dst rating of revit to te outer edge. sin 3570 Noy 494 ine fcumlerceights) of se 8 pum Gane those valves with exiulaed value of es 3. A puning 1 A ep torque sade the sssted operating tthe surface is S5°P and the ap 7520 fb) 285,000 n= i ihe 380 fe eepiun sucker rod stss under the selected operating yo be OS ald be asd tthe wel fd entains hydrogen Kor od failures believe to result from {Or (Mayne) or NiMo alloy ee rt, ves baie nhc he ta fi el sa ctemine the minimum ba brsepomer rating fr the ele’ mer sa Ae 2 in Oe teed as the prime mover. Ans. 20 hp, " " (h) The standerd unit sheave he Bethlehem 160D-203-64 pumping 45.82. Conterring Prob. 5.31, whet extension of 0 a ea pitch damsser of 2 in andthe double euction ges N08 ips) would be meceassry to prevent bucky haut use of 8 sesuntion ratio of 26:4. Jf motor speed is 1200 rpm, wt should be the pital Fibs) wo ete necessary 1fa-eompresson anchor were toesehl Ans: reat a 12 Hetero bua the dosed yamine well 1090; 1910 tt. “tna, 10.5 in 4:39, For the well of Prob 3, the total depth s 08004 and oe ing the anchor on Use tubing iis meewary wo provide auto Fee be to use tape of ength as peat a that el : Oa vervetatin of bucking. Detainee ects sik for svelase Snppose that worn 3) 50 ot | fii oanperetares of 31 08 OOF, sing, 15, 13, 1132. Seallable for use ax tailpipe. What length (Greight r= 601 per ft) would be necessary «insulation, the pump setting depth ie 8125 amd the Ans. 207 ft god fe, The well is making 990 Dbl per day of e Auld £.84, Caleslate the depth to the neutral point vaesuming uegiaible tubing pressure, caleulato the Ulitions: epesifc gravity of well fluid = 0.625; eu ove inaallation if the watimter on the line to the electric Over end as he pine mover showsan average Power input of 28 kilo- size = 1 ing purmp depth = 6000 watts, Ans, 40 per cont, Too tt ‘538, At what points sbould sucker rod guides be placed fe Ring in the well of Prob. S47 ine, $7605 48005 4857s 18095 4905; 4968; 6000 ft. 15.36. This dasired to pat on pump & Gulf Coast wel statie uid level of Tooo ft, ‘The well fuid bas e 40 per cent water cut gravity 40° ‘working fd level = counterbalance eset to (according to the pu ean be counterbalanced ‘anil production of 125 ‘to set a tension anchor ‘bbl per day. ‘Ro prevent ‘nt the pump depth of 4500 ft ‘API sive 228, rage ung speed fora wel being pumped at 20 spm if Uae jer stroke is 6B in.” lus. 3.22 fps. . cio, Hei desired o design « purpingiastllaton la obiin production of 360551 sesae at a pump eeting depth of 3000 FE and an assumed vlumdsig Fe any orn poreont. ‘The appropriate design data (Eable 89) shows te (@) Determine, contimum plunger siz,

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