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Rebeca 1

Rebeca Zaraí García Hernández.

Professor. Juan piña Atilano.

English 6

01 Mayo de 2020


Holden is the main character in the book and I found him interesting just like his sister but since the whole
book is narrated by Holden, I was able to know what he thought of each situation, so it became more
interesting to talk about him.

Holden is a person who is alone, who criticizes and hates everyone, but at the same time wants to be with
someone talking, he is a teenager who does not know what he wants like many teenagers today, despite
being 16 Years into boarding school, Holden is essentially described as a perpetual failure. Even worse, in his
failings it seems that no one else cares. One of the reasons why I found him interesting is that he considers
himself pathetic, that he is not intelligent, like his brothers and sister, but what is really true is that he is
super intelligent, maybe not in school.

also another thing is that in spite of the fact that he hated people and criticized, he loved his sister a lot and
spoke of her proudly, and also his brother who passed away so young and that it affected him a lot.

I am interested in how the character is narrating his story without having to write as too many writers, if not
as the 16-year-old character, it is in itself, his, and not many books, at least not read a book that he wrote in
such a way. So, it was more interesting for me to be like this, you can better understand the book

Other reasons that I found interesting are the way he takes sexuality when he is just 16 years old, he says
that if you like a girl he would never think of having sex with her, and I found it super interesting since there
are currently no Lots of guys who think that way, but that means Holden has to satisfy his sexuality with
women he doesn't care about, or just not satisfy that need.

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