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 Complete las siguientes oraciones con el Presente Simple o el Presente Continuo (Progresivo):

1-Laura sometimes WEARS a skirt, but today she WEARING jeans.

2-At the moment, Yaneth USES the computer, while Ricardo and Andrés IS PLANNING the trip to The USA.

3-WHAT DOES (Lucía/ do) the homework in the evenings while her father IS READING the bible?

4-He HAS to hurry up to the park because he MEETS Daniela in ten minutes.

5-Martín usually WALKS around the park, but he RUNNING right now.

6-___________________ (you/go) to the cinema later, when the game __________________ (finish)?

7-Vilma DOESN´T WORK tomorrow because she IS sick.

8-They DON´T tell the truth, they (lie).

9- Sebastián DOESN´T like spaghetti, but he EATS Macaroni.

10- How is your English? Not bad. It IMPROVES slowly. I it every day.

11- Karen and Angie AREN´T in London, they STAY in Paris with their brother at the moment.

12-Betty TRIES to rest in the afternoons, while her baby SLEEPS

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