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Anual San Marcos



What is Past Simple Tense?
The past simple tense is sometimes called the preterite tense. It is used to talk about actions that happened at a specific
time in the past. We can use several tenses to talk about the past, but the simple past tense is the one we use most often.

There are two types of past tense verbs:

Regular verbs: add “ed” to the simple form - Achieved

Irregular verbs: don’t add “ed” – began

How do we make the past simple tense?

Let us explain the rules for forming the simple past tense sentences. Again we want to remember the general structure
of English sentences before we start. In this way, you can easily understand.

First, let us see the of simple past tense.


• 1. Affirmative (Positive) Sentence

• 2. Negative Sentence

• 3. Yes/No type Question

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• 4.Information Question?

Important Note:

• Verb – past

Auxiliary verb – Did

I, We, You, They, He, She, It – Did

• QW – Question Word

1. Affirmative (Positive) Sentences


• For positive sentences, we do not normally use the auxiliary.

• Simple Past Form of the verb is used after the subject.

Anual San Marcos

2. Negative Sentences

Auxiliary verb (did not) “didn’t” and simple form of the verb is used.
I, We, You, They, He, She, It – Did

Please note that past form of the verb is only used affirmative (positive) sentences.

3. Yes/No type Question

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• The auxiliary verb Did is used in the beginning of the sentences.

• I, We, You, They, He, She, It – Did
• The verb is used in its simple form. It ends with question mark (?).

4. Information Questions


Question words are used in the beginning of the sentences.

I, We, You, They, He, She, It – Did

The verb is used in its simple form. It ends with question mark (?).

When should we use the past simple tense?


Use the Simple Past to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past.
I saw a movie yesterday.
Did you have dinner last night?
When did the train leave?
Tom lived in India


The Simple Past can be used with a duration which starts and stops in the past. Duration is a longer action often indicated by
expressions such as: for two years, for five minutes, all day, all year, etc.
I lived in India for two years.
He studied English for five years.
We talked on the phone for thirty minutes.

Anual San Marcos


William Rosenberg was one of four children growing up in Boston, Massachusetts. His father was a grocery store owner. Because of
the family’s money problems, William left school in the eighth grade to help his father at his store. In his teenage years, he worked
many different jobs and got a lot of experience in the food industry. When he started his own food truck service, he was surprised that
about half of his sales came from coffee and donuts. William had a plan!
In 1948, William opened a coffee and donut shop which he named “Open Kettle” in Quincy, Massachusetts. A coffee was ten cents
and a donut was five cents. At the time, that was very expensive, but his customers loved his products and the store was a big suc-
cess. William, however, was unhappy with the name “Open Kettle” and decided to make a change. He noticed that customers often
dunked their donuts into their coffee. Thus, the name “Dunkin Donuts” was born.

1. Why did William leave school in eighth grade?

A) To make a plan
B) To start a donut shop
C) To help his father
D) He didn’t like school
E) To decide to make a change

2. What observation did William make when he started his own food truck service?

A) He noticed there were no coffee shops

B) He noticed half of sales came from coffee and donuts
C) He noticed only kids liked donuts
D) He noticed that people dunked donuts in their coffee
E) He noticed that he didn’t have a plan

3. The coffee and donuts at Open Kettle was…

A) expensive.
B) interesting.
C) changing.
D) famous.
E) unhappy.

4. What is NOT TRUE about Open Kettle?

A) It opened in Quincy, Massachusetts

B) It became Dunkin Donuts
C) It went out of business
D) It opened in 1948
E) It was a big success

5. What would be a good opposite of “unhappy”?

A) unfortunate
B) sad
C) infelicitous
D) sorrowful
E) satisfied

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The “Old Man of the Mountain” was not really an old man, but a rock formation that resembled the face of an old man in the White
Mountains of New Hampshire. The natural formation was at least 40 feet high and 25 feet wide. It became such a symbol of the state of
New Hampshire, that “he” was featured on the back of the state’s quarter in the year 2000. Old Man of the Mountain was also honored
on a United States Postage Stamp in 1955.
The old man, however, did not last forever. On May 3, 2003, he crumbled to the ground, despite efforts made by the state of New
Hampshire to keep him atop the mountain for the last 75 years! People were so sad that some placed flowers at the base of his moun-

1. To the state of New Hampshire, the Old Man of the Mountain was....

A) important
B) unknown
C) unimportant
D) boring
E) ignore

2. The Old Man of the Mountain was....

A) a real person.
B) a symbol of the state of New Hampshire.
C) never really on the mountain.
D) removed from the mountain by park rangers.
E) made by a famous artist

3. What does “resembled” mean in the sentence below:

The “Old Man of the Mountain” was not really an old man, but a rock formation that resembled the face of an old man in the White
Mountains of New Hampshire.

A) hurt
B) felt like
C) crumbled from
D) looked like
E) honored

4. Why did some people place flowers at the base of the mountain?

A) To make the area more colorful.

B) They were happy to see the Old Man of the Mountain.
C) They were sad that the Old Man of the Mountain crumbled to the ground.
D) Mostly because they saw other people doing it.
E) They wanted to keep him atop the mountain.

5. What happened first?

A) The Old Man of the Mountain was honored on a postage stamp.

B) The Old man of the Mountain was honored on the New Hampshire state quarter.
C) The Old Man of the Mountain crumbled to the ground.
D) The Old Man of the Mountain didn’t last forever.
E) The Old Man of the Mountain felt down.

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