Immunopathogenesis Copd

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OPINION Immunopathogenesis of chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease
Rebecca A. Holloway and Louise E. Donnelly

Purpose of review
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is defined by airflow obstruction and is associated with
an exaggerated inflammatory response to noxious stimuli, such as cigarette smoke. Inflammation and
recruitment of immune cells drives the underlying pathophysiology; however, the roles of immune cells in
the pathogenesis of COPD are evolving and this review will discuss the latest advancements in this field.
Recent findings
Leukocytes including macrophages, neutrophils and lymphocytes are increased in the airways of COPD
patients. Despite the presence of increased innate immune cells, COPD airways are often colonized with
bacteria suggesting an underlying defect. Macrophages from COPD patients have reduced phagocytic
ability which may drive the persistence of inflammation. Differing macrophage phenotypes have been
associated with disease suggesting that the surrounding pulmonary environment in COPD may generate
a specific phenotype that is permanently pro-inflammatory. COPD neutrophils are also aberrant with
increased survival and motility, but lack direction which could lead to more widespread destruction during
migration. Finally, an element of autoimmunity, driven by Th17 cells, and alterations in the ratios of
lymphocyte subsets may also be involved in disease progression.
COPD pathogenesis is complex with contributions from both the innate and adaptive immune systems, and
the interaction of these cells with their environment mediates inflammation.
CD4þ lymphocyte, CD8þ lymphocyte, macrophage, neutrophil

INTRODUCTION review will highlight our current understanding of

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) their respective contribution to COPD pathology
afflicts 10% of the global population over the age (Fig. 1).
of 40 [1] and will be the third leading cause
of mortality by 2020 [2]. COPD is defined as ‘.... a
common preventable and treatable disease, [that] is
characterized by persistent airflow limitation that is
usually progressive and is associated with an enhanced COPD is associated with a heightened inflammatory
chronic inflammatory response in the airways and response to external stimuli, such as cigarette
the lung to noxious particles or gasses. Exacerbations smoke. This inflammation affects all areas of the
or comorbidities contribute to the overall severity in respiratory system including the central conducting
individual patients.’ [3]. In Western nations, the airways, the small airways and the parenchyma.
noxious particles or gases are related to cigarette
smoking [4], but environmental factors also contrib-
Airway Diseases, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College
ute to disease development. The observed persistent London, London, UK
inflammatory response is a key characteristic of Correspondence to Professor Louise E. Donnelly, Airway Diseases,
COPD and it is the influx of leukocytes and alter- National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, Dovehouse
ations in airway structures that are thought to Street, London, SW3 6LY, UK. Tel: +44 207 352 8121; e-mail: l.don
drive the underlying pathogenesis of this disease.
The leukocytic influx in COPD comprises macro- Curr Opin Pulm Med 2013, 19:95–102
phages, neutrophils and lymphocytes, and this DOI:10.1097/MCP.0b013e32835cfff5

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Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Obstructive, occupational and environmental diseases

damage to the parenchyma, and in particular the

KEY POINTS destruction of elastin fibres and components of the
 Macrophages, although increased in number in extracellular matrix, via uncontrolled proteolysis.
airways of COPD patients, are defective in their ability This process is mediated by an imbalance between
to phagocytose bacteria and apoptotic cells, leading to proteinases, such as neutrophil elastase and matrix
an increasingly necrotic and inflammatory environment. metalloproteinases (MMPs), and their endogenous
inhibitors such as alpha-1 antitrypsin or tissue
 Macrophages display different phenotypes depending
on their environment and it is possible that there may inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) [5]. Neu-
be a pro-inflammatory phenotype unique to COPD. trophil elastase also contributes to mucus hyper-
secretion [6] via stimulation of goblet cells in the
 Neutrophil motility appears to be increased in COPD large airways which, along with persistent inflam-
but directional accuracy is diminished which, along
mation, is a key feature of chronic bronchitis.
with increased survival of neutrophils instigated via
IgLC, may contribute to increased inflammation. Small airways disease is defined by uncontrolled
inflammation together with fibrosis of the airway
 Proteolytic destruction of lung tissue in COPD is walls leading to loss of function, and is also
mediated by increased expression of proteinases, such associated with increases in inflammatory cells
as neutrophil elastase, MMPs and proteinase 3, and
and mediators [7,8]. Taken together, these three
correlates with disease severity.
key features contribute to the symptoms associated
 The presence of Th17 cells suggests that COPD may with COPD.
have an element of autoimmunity. However, the Treg
cells also increase suggesting that an imbalance in
lymphocyte subsets may contribute to CURRENT TREATMENTS
disease progression.
Although COPD is a leading cause of morbidity
and mortality globally, current therapeutic strat-
egies have shown little success at addressing inflam-
COPD encompasses three main pathophysiological mation and disease progression. Unlike asthma,
features: emphysema, chronic bronchitis and small which features reversible airflow limitation [9],
airways disease. Emphysema describes irreversible b2-adrenergic agonists have little effect on the

Neutrophil CXCL1
CXCL8 Macrophage

Neutrophil CXCL11
elastase MMP-9 Small airway
cathepsins disease
Chronic bronchitis

Granzyme B

FIGURE 1. Overview of the contribution of immune cells to the pathophysiology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Cigarette smoke activates macrophages to produce cytokines and chemokines. CCL2 and CXCL1 will recruit monocytes to the
lung and increase macrophage number. CXCL1, CXCL8 and LTB4 will recruit neutrophils and CXCL9, CXCL10, and CXCL11 will
recruit T cells including CD8þ lymphocytes. Once present, macrophages will release matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) that
contribute to emphysema along with neutrophil elastase and other proteinases from neutrophils. Granzymes and perforins from
CD8þ cells will damage the alveolar epithelium and contribute to emphysema. Neutrophil elastase will also stimulate goblet cells
within the airway epithelium to drive mucus hypersecretion and chronic bronchitis. Macrophages will also release factors
including transforming growth factor (TGF)-b that contributes to the fibrotic lesions and remodelling of the small airways.

96 Volume 19  Number 2  March 2013

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Immunopathogenesis of COPD Holloway and Donnelly

irreversible obstruction observed in COPD. Another

mainstay of airways disease treatment are the gluco- Healthy/Smokers COPD

corticosteroids; however, inflammation associated

with COPD has been shown to be largely steroid Bacteria
insensitive [10]. Exacerbations of COPD also con- Apoptotic cells

tribute to disease progression and occur in response
Apoptotic cells
to bacterial and/or viral infections [11,12] together
with noninfectious exposures, such as periods
of increased air pollution and climate changes Necrotic cells

[13,14]. In these cases, patients tend to be treated
symptomatically with antibiotics where appropriate
and/or oxygen therapy. In severe disease, treatment
options are limited to home oxygen therapy and, Airway sterility Airway damage
where suitable, lung volume reduction surgery
may improve gas exchange. The current therapeutic
situation highlights the fact that novel targets FIGURE 2. Defective macrophage clearance in chronic
require investigation and therefore the mechanisms obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In macrophages from
behind the pathogenesis of COPD need to be further healthy controls and smokers, macrophages remove inhaled
elucidated. pathogens and clear apoptotic cells thus maintaining airway
patency and sterility. In COPD, the capacity of the
macrophage to fulfil these tasks is diminished leading to
INFLAMMATORY CELLS IN CHRONIC bacterial colonization and the persistence of inflammation
OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE due to activation of macrophages and other immune cells.
COPD is described as an inflammatory lung The failure to clear and remove apoptotic material leads to
condition; however, the contribution of this inflam- increased necrosis, further driving the inflammatory cycle.
matory environment in the lung to the underlying
pathophysiology and progression of COPD is not
fully understood. The role of specific inflammatory to accumulation of necrotic material in the lung
cells and how they may influence disease patho- and hence perpetuation of inflammation. Adminis-
genesis and treatment efficacy is now emerging and tration of the macrolide azithromycin improves
further dissection of these mechanisms may provide phagocytosis of apoptotic cells [21] but shows no
targets for alternative therapeutic strategies. effect on the phagocytic response of COPD MDM to
common respiratory bacteria [19]. However, more
recently, with low-dose oral administration of this
Macrophages drug to COPD patients over a period of 12 weeks
Macrophages are professional phagocytes that act there is an improvement in the ability of both
in the lung to maintain airway sterility. However, in MDM and alveolar macrophages to phagocytose
COPD patients, the lower airways are often colon- Escherichia coli [22 ] suggesting a longer term effect
ized with both Gram-positive and Gram-negative in vivo. Impaired macrophage phagocytosis [17] is
bacteria and these bacterial infections may contri- now a target for directed therapies in COPD and
bute to disease exacerbation [15]. The number of exposure of macrophages from COPD patients to
macrophages in COPD airways is increased [16] but the antioxidant sulforophane improves bacterial
persistent colonization suggests that bacterial clear- clearance by these cells and is associated with
ance by phagocytosis in COPD is defective [17]. Both upregulation of the scavenger receptor macrophage
alveolar macrophages [18] and monocyte-derived receptor with collagenous structure (MARCO) [23 ]
macrophages (MDM) [19] from COPD patients have (Fig. 2).
a reduced capacity to phagocytose bacteria com- Sulforophane activates the transcription factor,
monly found in the lung (Haemophilus influenzae nuclear erythroid related factor 2 (Nrf2) [24]. This
and Streptococcus pneumoniae) compared with cells transcription factor is activated and expressed
from healthy donors [15]. The mechanism behind following oxidative stress and this mechanism
this defect is yet to be fully elucidated but there may be important in regulating the aberrant gluco-
appears to be little change in the surface receptors corticosteroid response observed in macrophages
that mediate recognition of bacteria and their sub- from COPD patients [25 ]. Glucocorticosteroid
sequent demise [19]. Not only is the clearance of insensitivity is thought to be linked to decreased
bacteria diminished in COPD cells but these macro- expression and activity of histone deacetylase
phages also fail to clear apoptotic cells [20], leading (HDAC) 2. HDAC2 deacetylates histones causing

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Obstructive, occupational and environmental diseases

chromatin refolding and the prevention of the COPD patients, suggesting that removal of an
transcription of pro-inflammatory mediator genes external noxious stimuli drives lung macrophages
[26]. In COPD, HDAC2 expression is decreased and toward a more anti-inflammatory phenotype [34 ].
is negatively correlated with disease severity [27], However, there was no change in inflammatory
but when overexpressed in COPD cells there is mediators from the same samples. This field
restoration of glucocorticosteroid sensitivity [28]. of research requires further investigation into
As a result, HDAC2 is a target for improving the how polarization of macrophages contributes to
response to steroids in COPD patients. Nrf2 and COPD pathogenesis or whether there is a distinct
HDAC2 are closely associated; Nrf2 controls macrophage phenotype unique to the COPD lung
denitrosylation of HDAC2 and restores glucocorti- environment.
costeroid insensitivity in macrophages from COPD
patients [25 ]. HDAC2, however, is not the only
HDAC to be implicated in COPD pathogenesis. Neutrophils
HDAC3 activity is reduced by approximately 30% Neutrophils are also increased in the airways of
after exposure to cigarette smoke, although there is COPD patients and are rapidly recruited to areas
no decrease in mRNA expression [29 ], and changes of inflammation where they become activated and
in activity were associated with a reduction in pro- release inflammatory mediators such as CXCL8,
inflammatory cytokine release but not with reactive oxygen species and proteases [35]. CXCL8
glucocorticosteroid sensitivity [29 ]. This suggests is a potent neutrophil chemoattractant and activa-
interplay between different HDACs may contribute tor and may act in an autocrine fashion to
to COPD pathogenesis. sustain neutrophilic inflammation. Neutrophils,
There is increasing evidence suggesting that unlike macrophages, are short-lived and normally
macrophages display an element of plasticity and become apoptotic and are subsequently cleared
will exhibit different phenotypes, both pro-inflam- by macrophages [36]. However, since COPD macro-
matory and anti-inflammatory, depending on their phages fail to clear apoptotic cells appropriately,
local environment. This concept has given rise to necrotic material accumulates thereby contributing
the M1/M2 hypothesis of macrophage polarization further to the inflammatory environment. Acti-
[30,31]. M1 macrophages are considered pro-inflam- vation of neutrophils has been associated with
matory and are attuned to classically activated cross-linking of the Fc receptors by immuno-
macrophages that are stimulated by mediators such globulins (Ig), such as IgG [37]; however, there
as interferon (IFN)g and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). is recent evidence to suggest that activation
In contrast, M2 macrophages are more closely can also occur via binding and cross-linking by
associated with alternatively activated macro-
phages, and are stimulated with mediators such as
interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-13 [30]. More recently, ‘M2’
macrophages have been further sub-divided to Healthy/Smokers COPD
encompass resolving cells and are activated by
anti-inflammatory mediators such as IL-10 [30].
However, this system may not explain all aspects
of macrophage biology and a spectrum of macro-
phage activation has also been proposed to encom-
pass these different functional phenotypes [31].
COPD macrophages are highly inflammatory
with a low phagocytic capacity suggestive of an


‘M1’-like classically activated phenotype. However,



Shaykhiev et al. [32] have shown that alveolar

macrophages from healthy smokers show character-
istics of a more ‘M2’ resolving phenotype that
was exaggerated in alveolar macrophages from
patients with COPD. Indeed, Hodge et al. [33]
showed decreased ‘M1’ characteristics in macro- FIGURE 3. Aberrant neutrophil migration in chronic
phages derived from bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Neutrophils from
fluid from COPD patients compared with healthy healthy controls move along a chemotactic gradient in an
nonsmokers, and that the percentage of ‘M2-like’ orderly fashion with minimal damage to tissue. In contrast,
macrophages in BAL fluid from ex-smoker COPD neutrophils from COPD patients migrate in a haphazard
patients is lower than from currently smoking manner, causing damage to tissue as they travel.

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Immunopathogenesis of COPD Holloway and Donnelly

immunoglobulin free light chains (IgLC) leading to neutrophils extended fewer pseudopods in compari-
CXCL8 release from neutrophils [38 ]. IgLC are son to their healthy counterparts and this defect
increased in serum from COPD patients compared could be restored by use of a phosphoinositide (PI)
to healthy controls and this increase correlated with 3-kinase inhibitor [50 ]. In essence, this suggests
disease progression [38 ]. IgLC are produced by B that the defect in cellular movement is due to
cells [39] and so their increase in COPD is suggestive an aberrant signalling fault rather than receptor
of an increase in these cells also. As well as driving expression and as such may present a possible target
neutrophils to release CXCL8, IgLC also promote for therapeutics.
neutrophil survival [38 ,40] and this extended
presence of the neutrophil in the lung may also
prolong the inflammatory response (Fig. 3). Lymphocytes
Activated neutrophils also release proteolytic Macrophages and neutrophils are components
enzymes, such as neutrophil elastase, cathepsin G, of the innate immune system and their increased
proteinase 3 and MMPs, and this may promote numbers in COPD is suggestive of an exaggerated
a discrepancy in the proteinase/antiproteinase innate response. However, cells of the adaptive
balance in favour of proteolysis [41]. The neutrophil immune system are also increased in the lungs
proteinase that has been studied the most exten- of patients with COPD. In particular, there is an
sively in relation to COPD is neutrophil elastase. increase in activated lymphocytes, both CD4þ and
This enzyme degrades many components of the CD8þ T cells [51–53]. CD8þ T cells release numerous
extracellular matrix, in particular elastin [42], and cytokines and may contribute to the Th1-type
increased urinary excretion of elastin fragments inflammation observed in COPD [54,55]. However,
has been correlated with COPD severity [43]. Th2 responses may also be aberrant in COPD.
Degradation of elastin in the lung parenchyma leads Circulating CD4þ cells and IL-2 expression were
to alveolar destruction and loss of elastic recoil, inversely associated with COPD severity [56],
thereby enhancing loss of lung function. Not only with a similar association with IL-17F expressing
does neutrophil elastase cause direct proteolysis of CD4þ cells [57]. Increased cytokine production by
lung tissue, it can also activate MMPs by cleaving the lymphocytes from COPD patients has now been
pro-peptide [44]. MMP-9 is important in the proteo- identified in a number of studies. In BAL fluid from
lytic destruction of human lungs and, along with COPD patients, expression of IL-4 was associated
neutrophil elastase, is increased in the lungs of with TC2 cells [58] and more recently CD8þ cells
COPD patients and released by COPD macrophages isolated from lung resection tissue express high
[41,45]. Normally the actions of MMPs are counter- levels of tumour necrosis factor a, IFNg, granulocyte
balanced by TIMPs but as neutrophils do not express macrophage-colony stimulating facto (GM-CSF)
these inhibitors [46], increased neutrophil release of and perforins following stimulation [59], suggesting
MMP-9 can become uncontrolled leading to further they can also play a role in the pathophysiology of
destruction of the lung parenchyma. Several other COPD. Smoking cessation does not appear to impact
MMPs are also implicated in COPD and can be upon this activation of CD8þ cells [53], indicating
detected in sputum from these patients [47], includ- that once inflammation is established, smoking
ing MMP-8, which is considered a neutrophil- habits do not influence this aspect of disease.
associated MMP. Moreover, levels of these mediators Furthermore, stimulated IFNg release from activated
negatively correlate with FEV1 but positively with BAL fluid lymphocytes is glucocorticosteroid insen-
the percentage of neutrophils in the sputum [47]. sitive [60 ] and may contribute to the steroid insen-
Other neutrophil-derived proteinases implicated sitivity observed in these patients.
in COPD include proteinase-3 that is elevated in Recently, several groups have suggested that
the sputum of stable COPD patients but increases COPD may have an autoimmune component
further during exacerbations associated with neutro- [61–63]. A subset of CD4þ T cells, Th17 cells, has
philic influx [48 ]. been associated with other autoimmune conditions
Migration of neutrophils from the circulation to such as psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis [64], and
the tissue is mediated by chemoattractants includ- their presence in COPD could support an auto-
ing CXCL8 and CXCL1 [49]. However, there is evi- immune hypothesis. Vargas-Rojas et al. [65 ] have
dence to suggest that although neutrophils from shown an increase in Th17 cells in the peripheral
COPD patients can move at a greater speed, their blood of COPD patients, which predicted both the
accuracy in reaching their final destination is greatly presence and severity of airflow limitation in these
reduced compared with cells from healthy donors patients. Th17 cells release IL-17, which can act on
[50 ]. This wayward chemotaxis was not associated epithelial cells, smooth muscle cells and airway
with a difference in receptor expression but COPD fibroblasts to release neutrophil chemoattractants

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Obstructive, occupational and environmental diseases

Smokers COPD

Treg Treg

Treg Treg Treg Treg

Treg Treg
Treg Treg Treg Treg


Th1 Th2 Th1 Th2

Th1 Th1

Th17 Th17 Th17

Th17 Th17

Th17 Th17 Th17 Th17

Th17 Th17
Th17 Th17

Th17 Th17

FIGURE 4. Abnormal T-cell responses in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In the healthy lung, T-cell homeostasis
is maintained but in smokers there is an increase in lymphocytes in response to cigarette smoke. These cells are constrained by
the presence of Treg cells, which control the proliferation of the other subtypes including the Th17 cells. In COPD, the
suppressive effect of the Treg cells is lost despite an increase in their numbers. This leads to increased Th17 cells and
potentially increased autoimmune responses.

including CXCL8 [66], leading to increased neutro- investigated T-cell immune responses to elastin,
philia. However, other T-cell subsets may also pro- collagen I and collagen V and have shown that
duce IL-17 and there is an increase in CD8þ T cells there is no response to elastin or collagen I in
that can also produce this cytokine in the lungs of COPD patients. In contrast, there was a response
COPD patients [67]. Other T-cell populations are to collagen V in both smokers and COPD patients.
also skewed in the lungs of COPD patients with
reported increases in the presence of Th1 and Treg
cells also [65 ]. Normally, Treg cells control the Other cell types
proliferation of Th17 cells [68] but since both cell Although macrophages, neutrophils and lympho-
types are increased in COPD, it is likely that this cytes have been considered the main contributors to
mechanism has failed and an imbalance in the T-cell inflammatory COPD phenotypes, the identification
subsets persists, which may be responsible for the of increased numbers of mast cells in the airway
inappropriate inflammation seen in COPD [65 ]. smooth muscle of lung resection tissue taken from
Exactly why there appears to be an increase in patients with emphysema highlights novel findings
lymphocytes in COPD is not clear; however, there that may explain heterogeneity of the disease [72 ].
is an evidence of reduced apoptosis of CD8þ cells This study showed that in sections from patients with
that might account for this accumulation and centrilobular emphysema, there were increased
persistence [69 ] (Fig. 4). numbers of mast cells compared with sections from
Although there is some evidence to suggest an patients with panlobular emphysema and that
autoimmune component of COPD this hypothesis this correlated with airways hyper-reactivity [72 ],
of pathogenesis is contentious. A key feature of suggesting a role for these cells in the pathophysio-
autoimmunity is the presence of antinuclear anti- logy of a distinct COPD phenotype.
bodies as well as the production of ‘self-antigens’. To The role of eosinophils in the pathogenesis of
date, there is contradictory evidence from several COPD is not well understood; however, sputum
groups pertaining to these antibodies. It has been eosinophilia is associated with some exacerbations
suggested that components of the extracellular of COPD [73 ], and both blood and sputum eosino-
matrix such as elastin fragments [70] may be poten- phil counts may be useful predictors for the efficacy
tial targets as auto antigens. Rinaldi et al. [71 ] have of glucocorticosteroid use in these patients [74,75].

100 Volume 19  Number 2  March 2013

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Immunopathogenesis of COPD Holloway and Donnelly

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