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1(a) The depth of water in a well is 3m.

Below the bottom of the well lies a layer of sand 4m

thick overlying a clay deposit. The specific gravity of the solids of sand and clay are respectively
2.65 and 2.68. Their water contents are respectively 26% and 21% in sand and clay. Compute the
total pressure, pore pressure and effective pressure at
i) 2m above and 2m below the bottom of sand layer.
ii) Top surface of sand layer
iii) Top surface of clay layer
b) Classify the inorganic soils given in the table below as per IS classification if soil sample taken for the
test is 1000gms. Write steps for classification.
Soil Liquid Plastic passing 75μ passing 4.75mm D10 D30 D60
limit Limit
mm mm mm

A 38% 20% 450 gms 790 gms 0.002 0.06 0.4

2. (a) The water table is lowered from a depth of 3.0m to a depth of 6.1m in a deposit of silt. Its
water content is 27% and specific gravity of soil solids is 2.65. Estimate the total, effective and
pore pressure at a depth of 10 m before and after lowering the water table. Plot the effective
stress distribution after lowering of water table.
b) Classify the inorganic soils given in the table below as per IS classification if soil sample taken for the
test is 1000gms. Write steps for classification.
Soil Liquid Plastic passing 75μ passing 4.75mm D10 D30 D60
limit Limit
mm mm mm

A 45% 34% 600 gms 750 gms 0.001 0.008 0.075

3. (a) The water table is located at a depth of 2.5m below the ground surface in a deposit of sand
7m thick. Below the sand layer there is a clay deposit of 9m thick. The saturated unit weight of
clay is 19.7kN/m3. There is a capillary rise up to 1.2m below the ground surface. The dry unit
weight of sand is 16.2kN/m3 and the saturated unit weight is 18.92kN/m3. Plot the total stress,
pore pressure and effective stress variation with depth.
b) Classify the inorganic soil sample as per IS, if total sample taken for test is 1000gms. Write steps for
Soil Liquid Plastic passing 75μ passing 4.75mm Cu Cc
limit Limit
A 30% 12% 100 gms 400 gms 3 1.2
4. (a) A clay layer 3.8m thick rests beneath a deposit of submerged sand 7.2m thick. The top of
the sand is located 3m below the lake surface. Given: G SAND = 2.62; GCLAY = 2.71; eSAND = 0.6;
eCLAY = 0.55. Compute the total stress, pore pressure and effective stress at
i) Mid height of sand and clay layer.
ii) Top surface of clay layer
iii) Top surface of sand layer
(b) Classify the inorganic soil sample as per IS, if total sample taken for test is 1000gms. Write steps for
Soil Liquid Plastic passing 75μ passing 4.75mm Cu Cc
limit Limit
A 40% 36.4% 250 gms 400 gms 5.4 1.6

5. (a) The depth of water in a well is 3m. Below the bottom of the well lies a layer of sand 5m
thick overlying a clay deposit. The specific gravity of the solids of sand and clay are respectively
2.63 and 2.69. Their water contents are respectively 24% and 21% in sand and clay. The water in
the well is pumped out up to the bottom of the well. Determine the total, effective and pore
pressures at 2.2m above and 1.8m below the bottom of sand layer before and after pumping out
the water.
(b) Classify the inorganic soil sample as per IS, if total sample taken for test is 1000gms. Write steps for
Soil Liquid Plastic passing 75μ passing 4.75mm D10 D30 D60
limit Limit
mm mm mm

A 40% 34% 465 gms 870 gms 0.002 0.06 0.4

6. (a) A surface of a saturated clay deposit is located permanently below a body of water
(Consider water level at top of clay layer). Laboratory tests indicated that the average water
content of the clay is 45% and that the specific gravity of the solid solids is 2.72. What is the
total, effective and pore pressure at a depth of 4.0m and 11.0m below? If the water level remains
unchanged and 3m thick layer of fine sand (S = 0.7, w = 18%, G = 2.69) is laid on saturated clay,
what will be the increase in total, effective and pore pressure at top of clay layer and at 6m below
the clay surface?
(b) Classify the inorganic soil sample as per IS, if total sample taken for test is 1000gms. Write steps for
Soil Liquid Plastic passing 75μ passing 4.75mm D10 D30 D60
limit Limit
mm mm mm

A 35% 20% 30 gms 650 gms 0.1 0.4 1.0

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