My Name Is . How Are You Today?: Speaking Greeting

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My name is …. How are you today?

Part 1: Interviewing

Now answer my questions.

1. What’s your name?

2. How old are you?
3. ……………
4. ……………
5. ……………

Part 2: Responding to physical prompts

The test taker is given a box in which there is a set of school things (e.g. an eraser,
a pencil, a ruler and a notebook). The examiner tells the test taker to open the box,
taker looks into it and answer the box but does not show the examiner’s what is in
the box. The test taker answers the following questions:

Now open the box. Good. Look into the box and answer my questions.

1. …..
2. ….
3. ….

The examiner gives an instruction and asks follow-up questions.

4. …..
5. ….

Part 3: Describing the picture

Now look at this nice drawing. You have 30 seconds.


Please answer my questions.

1. ….
2. ……
3. ……
4. ……

Follow – up question:

5. …….

That’s the end of the speaking test. You did a great job. Thank you.

Instructions for examiner

To do To say Back-up
1. Getting to know Hello, my name’s … How are
each other. you?
Now answer my questions.
1. What’s your name?
2. How old are you? Choice or yes/no
3. ………………..? questions/ more specific
4. ………………..? questions.
5. ………………..?
Ok, that’s enough, thank you.
2. Responding Now, let’s move to part 2. This is
to physical a box. There are many things in
prompts. it.
Now open the box. Look into it
and answer my questions.
1. How many things are there in Is there a ….? …..? ….?
the box? What are they? Choice or yes/no
2. Look at the ………….. questions/ more specific
3. ………………..? questions.
4. ………………..?
5. ………………..?
Thank you. Please put them back
in the box.
3. Describing Now this is the last part of the
a picture. test.
Look at this picture.
Let’s talk about it.
1. ………………..?
2. ………………..?
3. ………………..?
4. ………………..?
5. ………………..?
It’s the end of the test.
Thank you.

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