03 - 81254722 - Terms of Reference (TOR)

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Terms of reference (ToRs)

for the procurement of

services above the
EU threshold

PMU EE-Cool Project number:

Contract number: 81254722 18.9013.6-001.00

0. List of abbreviations ............................................................................................... 2

1. Context ................................................................................................................... 3
1.1. Impact logic of the project................................................................................. 6

2. Tasks to be performed by contractors ................................................................. 11

2.1. Estimated timeline and estimated level of effort (expert days) .......................... 21

3. Technical-methodological concept ...................................................................... 22

3.1. Strategy......................................................................................................... 22
3.2. Cooperation ................................................................................................... 22
3.3. Steering structure .......................................................................................... 22
3.4. Processes ..................................................................................................... 23
3.5. Learning and innovation ................................................................................. 23
3.6. Project management of the contractor ............................................................ 23
3.7. Further requirements...................................................................................... 24

4. Personnel concept................................................................................................ 24
4.1. Requirements of the personnel concept .......................................................... 24

5. Costing requirements ........................................................................................... 28

5.1. Assignment of personnel ................................................................................ 28
5.2. Equipment ..................................................................................................... 29
5.3. Supplies (consumables) ................................................................................. 29
5.4. Workshops, training ....................................................................................... 29
5.5. Local subsidies .............................................................................................. 29
5.6. Flexible remuneration item ............................................................................. 29

6. Inputs of GIZ ......................................................................................................... 29

7. Requirements on the format and content of the offer .......................................... 29

8. Special agreements .............................................................................................. 30

0. List of abbreviations

AVB General terms and conditions of contract (‘Terms and Conditions’) for
supplying services and work

BAU Business as Usual

BEE Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, Government of India

BMU German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and
Nuclear Safety

BMZ German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

CD Capacity Development

EUR Euro

GEF Global Environment Facility

GHG Greenhouse gas

ICAP India Cooling Action Plan

ICI International Climate Initiative

LCDs Low-Carbon Development Strategies

MoEF & CC Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India

MRV Measurement, Reporting and Verification

NAMAs Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions

NDCs Nationally Determined Contributions

PMU Project Management Unit

ToRs Terms of Reference

WP Work Package

1. Context

The International Climate Initiative (ICI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment,
Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) supports partner countries in developing and
implementing innovative instruments for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in
various sectors, such as transport, urban planning, climate and environmentally friendly
cooling and renewable energy. These include measures for transitioning to a sustainable,
low-emission economic and energy supply and demand structure, implementing Nationally
Determined Contributions (NDCs) and developing Low-Carbon Development Strategies
(LCDS), Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) and systems for the
Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of GHGs and reduction measures. Projects
concerning sustainable consumption and production, circular economy, resource and waste
management as well as sustainable mobility, energy efficiency, financing low-carbon
infrastructure and the carbon market are also supported by ICI.

Cooling of buildings is a growing driver of Indian electricity consumption. Decentralised

individual systems with high energy consumption and climate-damaging refrigerants are
predominantly used. According to a study commissioned by the Indo-German Energy Forum
Support Office (September 2018,
oling_Demand_AEEE.pdf ), currently 7% of India's total annual primary energy production is
used for cooling needs. This corresponds to 209 million tonnes of CO 2 equivalents. The
building sector accounts for the largest share, with 124 million tonnes of CO 2 equivalents,
with 14.5% of these alone being direct emissions from partially fluorinated or partially
halogenated refrigerants. In a Business as Usual Scenario (BAU scenario), the study
forecasts an increase in GHG emissions to a total of 469 million tonnes of CO 2 equivalents in
2027. The Indian refrigeration and climate sector is thus one of the strongest drivers of
increasing electricity consumption and thus also of GHG emissions.

The Indian government has developed an action plan called the India Cooling Action Plan
(ICAP, http://ozonecell.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/INDIA-COOLING-ACTION-PLAN-e-
circulation-version080319.pdf), which aims to provide an integrated approach across all
affected sectors over the next 20 years to reduce direct and indirect GHG emissions related
to cooling. Under the auspices of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change,
Government of India (MoEF & CC), the ICAP was developed in close cooperation with the
Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, Government of India (BEE) in a stakeholder
process with Indian industry, civil society institutions and research institutes.

The BEE, as the national energy efficiency authority, is responsible for implementing the
energy efficiency component of the ICAP. In addition, the BEE is responsible for the
implementation of the National Energy Efficiency Mission under the 2008 Indian National
Climate Action Plan.

The objectives of the ICAP are as follows:

1. Recognition of “cooling and related areas“ as a thrust area of research under national
science and technology programme to support development of technological
solutions and encourage innovation challenges;

2. Reduction of cooling demand across sectors by 20% to 25% by year 2037-38;

3. Reduction of refrigerant demand by 25% to 30% by the year 2037-38;

4. Reduction of cooling energy requirements by 25% to 40% by the year 2037-38;

5. Training and certification of 100,000 servicing sector technicians by year 2022-23,

synergising with Skill India Mission.

The ICAP is a comprehensive and well-written document to initiate a sound decision-making

process among the various actors involved. However, due to the high level of complexity and
the multiplicity of actors, this policy document can only be the beginning of a more intensive
dialogue in the respective subsectors. Further detailed studies and analysis on technical and
economic system requirements and options are needed to develop long-term scenarios and
strategies for developing energy-efficient cooling systems, which can then be used by policy
and expert advisers to shape positive market conditions. The findings and experiences
(national and international) must be continuously documented and regularly reflected with the
political partners. The shift to the best available and affordable technologies requires
substantial public and private sector investment. In order to mobilise them, appropriate
conditions have yet to be created for each subsector (development of a roadmap with clear
framework conditions, assessment criteria and realistic goals).

Of the 7 thematic areas in the ICAP, BEE covers the topics of space cooling in buildings,
refrigeration and air-conditioning technology. GIZ is currently working with the BEE on
energy efficiency standards in buildings in the German-Indian Energy Program, funded by
the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), for further
details please see http://www.econiwas.com/energy-efficiency-in-buildings.html and there are
already work results from earlier BMU projects in room air conditioners and central cooling
systems (for further details please see https://www.international-climate-

According to the study commissioned by the Indo-German Energy Forum Support Office,
switching to best available technologies could limit consumption across all cooling sectors to
376 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents in 2027 (compared to 469 million CO 2 equivalents in
the BAU scenario, this represents a saving of almost 20%). In the building sector alone, the
reduction potential amounts to 60 million tonnes of CO 2 equivalents in 2027. If thermal
storage systems are used, further positive effects may be possible. These potential savings
would allow India, if necessary, an over-fulfilment of the NDC's energy-intensity goals and, in
the future, permanently limit the growth of GHG emissions in the air conditioning and
refrigeration sectors.

The project supports the BEE and the Ozone Cell, MoEF & CC in the implementation of the
ICAP with regard to energy-efficient centralised space cooling systems, taking into account
the climate effects of partially fluorinated or partially halogenated refrigerants.

Technical, economic and affordable solutions for reducing GHG emissions in space cooling
are analysed and evaluated, the results are known to the target groups and are integrated
into the implementation strategy of the ICAP. The proposed measures are compatible with
multilateral agreements for the protection of the climate and the ozone layer. For the
necessary technical changes of centralised cooling systems in the building sector, a strategic
roadmap will be developed which sets clear political framework conditions and goals and
which will be introduced into the political process by the BEE (Output 1). At the same time,
business models will be developed in cooperation with relevant actors, in particular the
private sector (for example developers of buildings, architects, manufacturers of central
cooling systems, energy service companies) and the framework conditions required for their
successful implementation (Output 2). Under the condition that BEE brings the solutions

developed under Output 1 and 2 into the political process and decides to apply for
international funding (e.g. NAMA Facility, Global Environment Facility) for its implementation,
the project will advise the Indian partners on the application process (Output 3).

As a result of the ICAP project's interventions, the conditions for the dissemination of energy-
efficient central cooling systems using natural refrigerants with low or no global warming
potential are improved (Outcome).

The measures resulting from the implementation of the ICAP (compared to the BAU
scenario) ultimately lead to a significant and sustainable reduction in the relative greenhouse
gas emissions in the space cooling sector (Impact).

When selecting the measures to be supported, i.a. the following criteria have to be applied:

 High climate mitigation relevance;

 Compatibility with multilateral agreements for the protection of the environment, in

particular the climate and the ozone layer;

 Possibility of using natural refrigerants with low or no global warming potential;

 Opportunities to use digital data management solutions, better coordination and


 Opportunities to involve and promote ownership of the private sector.

In addition to the cooling systems themselves, other aspects such as building insulation and
architectural and structural measures to reduce the heat input into the building have to be
taken into account.

1.1. Impact logic of the project


Reduction of cooling related greenhouse gas emissions in the Indian building sector (compared to the BAU


In the implementation framework of the ICAP in the thematic area of space cooling in buildings the
conditions for the application of energy-efficient centralised cooling systems using natural refrigerants with
low or no global warming potential have improved.

Output I Output II Output III

Technical and economic Viable business models for An open application to fund
solutions to reduce GHG disseminating energy-efficient incentives for the dissemination of
emissions in centralised cooling centralised cooling systems in energy-efficient centralised
of buildings using natural buildings using natural cooling systems in buildings using
refrigerants with low or no global refrigerants with low or no global natural refrigerants with low or no
warming potential are known to warming potential are described global warming potential has been
the partners and are brought into (including the political and developed by the partners with
the political process by them. economic frameworks required for the support of the project.
their viability).

Outcome Outcome:
In the implementation framework of the ICAP in the thematic area of space cooling
in buildings the conditions for the application of energy-efficient centralised cooling
systems using natural refrigerants with low or no global warming potential have
project goal with improved.
indicators) Indicator

Outcome Indicator 0.1:

An incentivising measure for the application of energy-efficient central cooling
systems, which use natural refrigerants with low or no global warming potential,
is integrated into the budget planning of the partner organisation BEE.

Unit Baseline Target value and timeline

Incentivising measure Beginning of the 1 by 06/22
Verification sources: BEE draft documents, publications on the BEE website,
Gazette of India etc.

Outcome Indicator 0.2:

Revenue forecasts for manufacturers of centralised cooling systems in
residential buildings using natural refrigerants with low or no global warming
potential in India are at least double at the project's end compared to the
beginning of the project.

Unit Baseline Target value and timeline

EUR (converted) Value needs to be At least 100% above baseline by
determined at the 06/22
beginning of the
Verification sources: Published market forecasts from manufacturers, marketing
agencies, analysts, interviews with manufacturers.
Outputs Output I: Technical and economic solutions to reduce GHG emissions in the
centralised cooling of buildings using natural refrigerants with low or no global
(specific project warming potential are known to the partners and are brought into the political
objectives with process by them.
indicators and work
packages/activities) Indicators for Output I

Indicator I.1:
An international conference on energy-efficient and climate-friendly cooling in
buildings in India has been held with Indian partners (focus on centralised
systems using natural refrigerants with low or no global warming potential).

Unit Baseline Target value and timeline

International Beginning of the 1 by 12/20
Conference project

Verification sources:
Documentation of the conference with participant lists. Conference website.

Indicator I.2:
A strategic roadmap to disseminate energy-efficient centralised cooling options
using natural refrigerants with low or no global warming potential has been
developed with the involvement of Indian partners and stakeholders and has
been published in the partner system.

Unit Baseline Target value and timeline

Strategic Roadmap Beginning of the 1 by 12/21

Verification sources: Link to the partner website where the strategy paper is

Acitivities under Output I

Work Package (WP) I.1.: Analysis and evaluation of the different options for
Activity I.1.1. (A.I.1.1.): Studies on technical-economic system requirements and
Activity I.1.2. (A.I.1.2.): Macro and meso-level policy and technical advice on the
creation of positive market conditions.
Activity I.1.3. (A.I.1.3.): Continuous documentation of insights, experiences and
learning processes as well as reflection with the political partners.

Work Package (WP) I.2.: Review of recommendations for compatibility with
international agreements for the protection of the climate and the ozone layer
and continuous dialogue with the Ozone Cell
Activity I.2.1. (A.I.2.1.): Evaluation of international agreements for the protection of
the climate and the ozone layer with regard to provisions and guidelines for the use
of cooling technologies in buildings together with the Indian Ozone Cell, taking into
account available information and experience of the BMZ financed GIZ sector
programme Proklima.
Activity I.2.2. (A.I.2.2.): Review and evaluate the proposed measures and
technology options for compatibility with international agreements on climate and
ozone layer protection. Recommendations for the use of refrigerants in refrigeration
and air-conditioning systems, as well as for the use of insulating materials in
building insulation, are also explicitly explored for the use of substances without
harmful effects on the climate and the ozone layer.
Work Package (WP) I.3.: Formulate a roadmap based on the results of work
packages I.1-I.3 and Output II together with the Indian partners.
Activity I.3.1. (A.I.3.1.): Development of a detailed GHG mitigation scenario for the
cooling demand in the building sector (based on the results of WP I.1 and taking
into account centralised and decentralised systems).
Activity I.3.2. (A.I.3.2.): Formulation of reduction targets for the cooling demand in
the building sector, taking into account energy-efficient centralised options for space
cooling and use of natural refrigerants with low or no global warming potential
(based on the results of AP I.1.).
Activity I.3.3. (A.I.3.3.): Description of policy instruments, regulatory measures and
standards for the implementation of measures to reduce GHG emissions from the
cooling of buildings, taking into account energy efficient centralised cooling options
and the use of natural refrigerants with low or no global warming potential (based on
the results of AP I .1 and Output II).
Activity I.3.4. (A.I.3.4.): Quantification of financing needs for conversions/measures
in the building sector, taking into account energy-efficient centralised cooling options
and the use of natural refrigerants with low or no global warming potential.
Activity I.3.5. (A.I.3.5.): Analysis of the requirements of various financing
mechanisms with a view to financing incentives to disseminate energy-efficient
centralised cooling systems in buildings using natural refrigerants with low or no
global warming potential.
Activity I.3.6. (A.I.3.6): Merging the results of A I.3.1. – A I.3.5. together with the
partner BEE in coordination with the Ozone Cell.
Work Package (WP) I.4.: National and international exchange of knowledge
and experience
Activity I.4.1. (A.I.4.1.): Conception and implementation of the learning and
exchange formats (study tour, participation in international initiatives and processes,
webinars) for the dissemination of approaches, concepts, findings,
recommendations, etc. for the design and implementation of the ICAP for national,
state and municipal actors from politics, administration, economics and science
using established and / or international platforms and facilities in India.
Activity I.4.2. (A.I.4.2.): Mobilisation of international know-how on technical,
economic or social aspects of the widespread introduction of energy efficient space
cooling concepts, e.g. through network events, action-related exchange of
experiences as well as study tour.

Activity I.4.3. (A.I.4.3.): Preparation and implementation of an international
conference on energy-efficient and climate-friendly cooling in buildings.
Milestones under Output I
Milestone 1 (M.I.1): Thematic areas of the studies are selected together with the
partners (09/19).

Milestone 2 (M.I.2): The Indian partners agree to prepare a strategic roadmap and
set up a steering committee (12/20).

Milestone 3 (M.I.3): A draft roadmap is available (06/21).

Output II: Viable business models for disseminating energy-efficient centralised

cooling systems in buildings using natural refrigerants with low or no global warming
potential are described (including the political and economic frameworks required
for their viability).

Indicators under Output II

Indicator II.1:
An information handbook and planning tools for building developers and energy
service providers for the use of energy-efficient centralised cooling systems in
India using natural refrigerants with low or no global warming potential are

Unit Baseline Target value and timeline

Information handbook Beginning of the 1 by 06/21
and planning tools project

Verification sources: Softcopy of the manual and planning tools, link to website
(s) from which the manual and planning tools can be downloaded.

Indicator II.2:
In a survey of building developers and energy service providers, the business
models described in the project are rated feasible by at least 75% of respondents
(under the political and economic conditions described above).

Unit Baseline Target value and timeline

Respondents (building Beginning of the At least 75% out of at least 10
developers and project respondents by 06/21
energy service 0

Verification sources: Documentation of the survey.

Activities under Output II

Work Package (WP) II.1.: Development of business models
Activity II.1.1. (A.II.1.1.): Analysis of existing business models for the use of energy
efficient centralised cooling systems using natural refrigerants with low or no global
warming potential (internationally and in India), identification of success factors.

Activity II.1.2. (A.II.1.2.): Dialogue with stakeholders in India, identification of
barriers, description of financing institutions' requirements for lending when
investing in energy-efficient centralised cooling systems in India using natural
refrigerants with little or no global warming potential.
Activity II.1.3. (A.II.1.3.): Quantifying the financing needs of business models and
evaluating business opportunities and risks.
Activity II.1.4. (A.II.1.4.): Developing an information guide and planning tool for
building developers and energy service providers for the use of energy-efficient
central cooling systems in India that use natural refrigerants with low or no global
warming potential.
Milestones under Output II
Milestone 1 (M.II.1): Stakeholder workshop is completed (03/20).

Milestone 2 (M.II.2): Analytical evaluation framework available (12/20).

Milestone 3 (M.II.3): Success factors have been identified and are documented in
writing (06/21).

Output III: An open application to fund incentives for the dissemination of energy-
efficient centralised cooling systems in buildings using natural refrigerants with low
or no global warming potential has been developed by the partners with the support
of the project.

Output III will only be targeted by the project if Phase I (Output I and II) has been
successfully completed and, in addition, the political partners have decided to
formulate an application before the start of the activity. III.1.1. (breaking point).

Indicators under Output III

Indicator III.1:
An independent expert will review the application and deems it sufficient for
meeting the requirements of the funding institution.

Unit Baseline Target value and timeline

Expert report Beginning of the 1 by 06/22

Verification sources: Expert report

Work Package (WP) III.1.: Support of the partners in the application for
funding of incentives

Activity III.1.1. (A.III.1.1.): Preparing a grant application from the partners on the
basis of the outputs produced in Output I and Output II. Possible sources of climate
finance could be: NAMA Facility, GEF.
Milestones under Output III
Milestone 1 (M.III.1): Partner decides to submit an application to a climate finance
institution (12/21).

Terms of reference (ToRs)
for the procurement of
services above the
EU threshold

2. Tasks to be performed by contractors

In order to implement the project outlined in chapter 1, a project management unit (PMU) will be established. This PMU is content of this
assignment and, therefore, to be delivered by the contractor. The role of the PMU in relation to the work packages of the project and the
estimated level of effort for the PMU are described in the table below:

Activities Further information Implemented by Role of PMU Estimated expert days

Work Package (WP) I.1.: Analysis and evaluation of the different options for action

Activity I.1.1. (A.I.1.1.): In total up to 10 Technical experts/ Supporting GIZ and BEE in the Continuously during the
Studies on technical- demonstration projects consultants to be contracted identification of possible implementation of the
economic system might be analysed and through tendering or other demonstration projects, project, 400 expert days.
requirements and options. supported by the project. competitive procedures facilitation and discussions with Travel within India 40 trips
While GIZ will not be able to (tenders and contracts will municipalities, developers and (2 days each, already
bear any of the investment be issued by GIZ). other stakeholders involved, included in the 400 expert
cost it will facilitate the drafting of ToRs for the days).
selection of possible sites technical consultants and
and provide technical supporting in the evaluation of
assistance to the developers the technical bids. Monitoring of
and other stakeholders (e.g. the work done by the technical
feasibility studies). One or consultants, e.g.:
more studies should include
thermal storage. - organising and
conducting a kick-off
- ensuring, that the
consultants and pilot
project partners and
stakeholders involved
understand the scope
of work;
- measuring the progress
of the consultants
against the milestones
Activities Further information Implemented by Role of PMU Estimated expert days
and timelines as per the
- assessing the outputs
of the work of the
w.r.t. the expected
results (quality control);
- report on the status of
the pilot projects to GIZ
and BEE;
Activity I.1.2. (A.I.1.2.): The advice is meant in PMU/GIZ team lead with Drafting of ToRs, identification Continuously during the
Macro and meso-level particular for MoEF & CC support from technical of suitable experts, evaluation implementation of the
policy and technical and BEE (e.g. on investment experts/ consultants to be of the technical bids. Monitoring project, 140 expert days.
advice on the creation of requirements, energy contracted through of the work done by the
services, maintenance and tendering or other consultants, quality control,
positive market
servicing requirements, competitive procedures preparation of discussion
conditions. promotional schemes and (tenders and contracts will papers, briefing notes, drafting
incentive systems, be issued by GIZ). of reports to GIZ and BEE.
standards and labeling,
training needs, etc.).

Activity I.1.3. (A.I.1.3.): People, organisations and PMU Responsible for the continuous Continuously during the
Continuous society must undergo a documentation of insights, implementation of the
documentation of learning process if the experiences and learning project, 120 expert days.
insights, experiences and cooperation system is to be processes as well as reflection
capable of reacting to with the political partners,
learning processes as
change. Learning and preparation of discussion
well as reflection with the innovation are rooted in papers, briefing notes, inputs
political partners. knowledge. A knowledge for reporting. At the beginning
management system in a of the assignment the PMU and
project or organisation the GIZ team lead will jointly
identifies and stores relevant develop a concept for
and experiential know-how knowledge management which

Activities Further information Implemented by Role of PMU Estimated expert days
and prepares this for will be implemented
subsequent exchanges, subsequently during the project.
both with other projects and
within the partner

Work Package (WP) I.2.: Review of recommendations for compatibility with international agreements for the protection of the climate
and the ozone layer and continuous dialogue with the Ozone Cell
Activity I.2.1. (A.I.2.1.): PMU with support from GIZ Compile a list of relevant 40 expert days.
Evaluation of international Proklima and specific decisions of the Executive
agreements for the experts (if required). Committee of the Multilateral
protection of the climate Technical experts/ Fund and the Meetings of the
consultants to be contracted Parties to the Montreal Protocol
and the ozone layer with
through tendering or other and deduct/describe the
regard to provisions and competitive procedures necessary actions for the use of
guidelines for the use of (tenders and contracts will cooling technologies in
cooling technologies in be issued by GIZ). Inputs buildings in a report in
buildings together with from Ozone Cell/MoEF & consultation with Ozone
the Indian Ozone CC. Cell/MoEF & CC; draft ToR for
Cell/MoEF & CC, taking specific experts (if required, to
into account available be contracted by GIZ directly)
information and and incorporate their
experience of the BMZ recommendations/ findings in
the report;
financed GIZ sector
programme Proklima.
Activity I.2.2. (A.I.2.2.): PMU with support from GIZ Review and evaluate the 60 expert days.
Review and evaluate the Proklima and specific proposed measures and
proposed measures and experts (if required). technology options for
technology options for Technical experts/ compatibility with international

Activities Further information Implemented by Role of PMU Estimated expert days
compatibility with consultants to be contracted agreements on climate and
international agreements through tendering or other ozone layer protection based on
on climate and ozone competitive procedures the report compiled under
layer protection. (tenders and contracts will A.I.2.1.; draft ToR for specific
be issued by GIZ). Inputs experts (if required, to be
Recommendations for the
from Ozone Cell/MoEF & discussed with the GIZ officer
use of refrigerants in CC. responsible for implementation
refrigeration and air- individually) and incorporate
conditioning systems, as their recommendations/ findings
well as for the use of in the evaluation. Discussion
insulating materials in and review of the findings with
building insulation, are Ozone Cell/MoEF & CC.
also explicitly explored for
the use of substances
without harmful effects on
the climate and the ozone
Work Package (WP) I.3.: Formulate a roadmap based on the results of work packages I.1-I.3 and Output II together with the Indian partners.

Activity I.3.1. (A.I.3.1.): PMU/GIZ team lead with Drafting of ToRs, identification 40 expert days.
Development of a inputs from BEE/Ozone of suitable experts, evaluation
detailed GHG mitigation Cell/MoEF & CC with of the technical bids. Monitoring
scenario for the cooling support from technical of the work done by the
experts/ consultants to be consultants, quality control,
demand in the building
contracted through preparation of discussion
sector (based on the tendering or other papers, briefing notes, inputs
results of WP I.1 and competitive procedures for reporting.
taking into account (tenders and contracts will
centralised and be issued by GIZ).
decentralised systems).

Activities Further information Implemented by Role of PMU Estimated expert days
Activity I.3.2. (A.I.3.2.): PMU/GIZ team lead with Drafting of the texts/tables for 30 expert days.
Formulation of reduction inputs from BEE and Ozone discussion with BEE/Ozone
targets for the cooling Cell/MoEF & CC Cell/MoEF & CC.
demand in the building
sector, taking into
account energy-efficient
centralised options for
space cooling and use of
natural refrigerants with
low or no global warming
potential (based on the
results of AP I.1.).
Activity I.3.3. (A.I.3.3.): PMU/GIZ team lead with Drafting of the texts/tables for 50 expert days.
Description of policy inputs from BEE and Ozone discussion with BEE/Ozone
instruments, regulatory Cell/MoEF & CC Cell/MoEF & CC.
measures and standards
for the implementation of
measures to reduce GHG
emissions from the
cooling of buildings,
taking into account
energy efficient
centralised cooling
options and the use of
natural refrigerants with
low or no global warming
potential (based on the
results of AP I .1 and WP

Activities Further information Implemented by Role of PMU Estimated expert days
Activity I.3.4. (A.I.3.4.): PMU/GIZ team lead with Drafting of the texts/tables for 40 expert days.
Quantification of financing inputs from BEE and Ozone discussion with BEE/Ozone
needs for conversions/ Cell/MoEF & CC Cell/MoEF & CC.
measures in the building
sector, taking into
account energy-efficient
centralised cooling
options and the use of
natural refrigerants with
low or no global warming
Activity I.3.5. (A.I.3.5.): PMU/GIZ team lead with Drafting of ToRs, identification 40 expert days.
Analysis of the support from technical of suitable experts, evaluation
requirements of various experts/consultants to be of the technical bids. Monitoring
financing mechanisms contracted through of the work done by the
tendering or other consultants, quality control,
with a view to financing
competitive procedures preparation of discussion
incentives to disseminate (tenders and contracts will papers, briefing notes, inputs
energy-efficient be issued by GIZ). for reporting.
centralised cooling
systems in buildings
using natural refrigerants
with low or no global
warming potential.
Activity I.3.6. (A.I.3.6): PMU/GIZ team lead with Drafting of the texts/tables for 40 expert days.
Merging the results of A inputs from BEE and Ozone discussion with BEE/Ozone
I.3.1. – A I.3.5. together Cell/MoEF & CC Cell/MoEF & CC.
with the partner BEE in
coordination with the
Ozone Cell.

Activities Further information Implemented by Role of PMU Estimated expert days
Work Package (WP) I.4.: National and international exchange of knowledge and experience
Activity I.4.1. (A.I.4.1.): PMU/GIZ team lead with Identification of information Continuously during the
Conception and inputs from BEE and Ozone needs, identification of key implementation of the
implementation of the Cell/MoEF & CC with persons to participate in project, 100 expert days.
learning and exchange support from technical learning and exchange formats.
experts/consultants to be Conceptualisation of learning
formats (study tour,
contracted through and exchange formats, drafting
participation in tendering or other of ToR for
international initiatives competitive procedures experts/consultants/service
and processes, webinars) (tenders and contracts will providers, evaluation of the
for the dissemination of be issued by GIZ). technical bids. Monitoring of the
approaches, concepts, work done by the
findings, experts/consultants/service
recommendations, etc. for providers, quality control,
the design and preparation of discussion
implementation of the papers, briefing notes, inputs
for reporting. Participation in
ICAP for national, state
events, accompanying of study
and municipal actors from tour participants.
politics, administration,
economics and science
using established and / or
international platforms
and facilities in India.
Activity I.4.2. (A.I.4.2.): PMU/GIZ team lead with Drafting of ToR for Continuously during the
Mobilisation of inputs from BEE and Ozone experts/consultants/service implementation of the
international know-how Cell/MoEF & CC with providers, evaluation of the project, 120 expert days.
on technical, economic or support from technical technical bids. Monitoring of the Travel within India up to 18
experts/consultants to be work done by the trips (2 days each, already
social aspects of the
contracted through experts/consultants/service included in the 120 expert
widespread introduction tendering or other providers, quality control, days), international travel 4
of energy efficient space competitive procedures preparation of discussion trips (7 days each, already

Activities Further information Implemented by Role of PMU Estimated expert days
cooling concepts, e.g. (tenders and contracts will papers, briefing notes, inputs included in the 120 expert
through network events, be issued by GIZ). for reporting. Participation in days).
action-related exchange events, accompanying of study
of experiences as well as tour participants.
study tour.
Activity I.4.3. (A.I.4.3.): PMU/GIZ team lead with Conceptualisation of the 240 expert days.
Preparation and inputs from BEE and Ozone conference including logistics,
implementation of an Cell/MoEF & CC identification of speakers,
international conference drafting ToR for experts/service
providers, evaluation of bids ,
on energy-efficient and
(contracts will be issued by
climate-friendly cooling in GIZ), follow up with
buildings. experts/service providers,
setting up of a conference
website, collection of
presentations/ papers etc. and
upload on website, preparation
of conference materials etc.

Work Package (WP) II.1.: Development of business models

Activity II.1.1. (A.II.1.1.): PMU Collection of relevant 80 expert days.

Analysis of existing information through relevant
business models for the networks and business
use of energy efficient contacts. Analysis of existing
business models for the use of
centralised cooling
energy efficient centralised
systems using natural cooling systems using natural
refrigerants with low or no refrigerants with low or no
global warming potential global warming potential
(internationally and in

Activities Further information Implemented by Role of PMU Estimated expert days
India), identification of (internationally and in India),
success factors. identification of success factors.

Activity II.1.2. (A.II.1.2.): PMU/GIZ team Identification of relevant 90 expert days. Travel within
Dialogue with lead/BEE/Ozone stakeholders and initiation of India up to 6 trips (2 days
stakeholders in India, Cell/MoEF&CC dialogue, organising the each, already included in the
identification of barriers, stakeholder meeting(s) 90 expert days)
including logistics (venue
description of financing
bookings and catering via GIZ);
institutions' requirements moderation of the meetings and
for lending when investing documentation/summary of the
in energy-efficient discussions.
centralised cooling
systems in India using
natural refrigerants with
little or no global warming
Activity II.1.3. (A.II.1.3.): PMU Drafting of the texts/tables for 70 expert days.
Quantifying the financing discussion with stakeholder,
needs of business models BEE/Ozone Cell/MoEF & CC.
and evaluating business
opportunities and risks.
Activity II.1.4. (A.II.1.4.): PMU/GIZ team lead with Developing an information 80 expert days.
Developing an inputs from BEE and Ozone guide and planning tool for
information guide and Cell/MoEF & CC building developers and energy
planning tool for building service providers for the use of
energy-efficient central cooling
developers and energy
systems in India that use
service providers for the natural refrigerants with low or
use of energy-efficient no global warming potential.
central cooling systems in Finetuning of the guide and

Activities Further information Implemented by Role of PMU Estimated expert days
India that use natural planning tool with the
refrigerants with low or no stakeholders identified in
global warming potential. A.II.1.2. and in close
consultation with BEE/Ozone
Cell/MoEF & CC.

It is expected that the contractor will work in a close relationship with the project team in GIZ and the BEE. Therefore, GIZ will provide 2
permanent workstations for the staff of the contractor (additional temporary workstations as and when required) within its own premises in New
Delhi for the duration of the assignment. It is expected that the contractor will avail of these workstations at least 4 days a week (unless traveling
for the project, holidays or similar reasons) so that a frequent exchange with the project team in GIZ and BEE is encouraged. GIZ will ensure that
the staff of the contractor will have access to internet and printer while working in its premises.

2.1. Estimated timeline and estimated level of effort (expert days)

2020 2021 2022

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total
Activity I.1.1. 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 400
Activity I.1.2. 20 20 15 15 15 15 20 20 140
Activity I.1.3. 20 20 20 20 20 20 120
Activity I.2.1. 15 5 5 5 5 5 40
Activity I.2.2. 20 10 10 10 10 60
Activity I.3.1. 10 10 10 10 40
Activity I.3.2. 10 10 10 30
Activity I.3.3. 20 10 20 50
Activity I.3.4. 40 40
Activity I.3.5. 20 20 40
Activity I.3.6. 20 20 40
Activity I.4.1. 20 10 10 10 10 20 10 10 100
Activity I.4.2. 15 20 15 20 15 15 20 120
Activity I.4.3. 40 60 120 20 240
Activity II.1.1. 20 40 20 80
Activity II.1.2. 15 15 15 15 15 15 90
Activity II.1.3. 30 20 20 70
Activity II.1.4. 40 40 80
Total: 125 150 205 210 275 240 260 315 1780

Terms of reference (ToRs)
for the procurement of
services above the
EU threshold

3. Technical-methodological concept

In the bid, the bidder should refer here to the overall programme as described in Chapter 1
and apply these in the sections for which he/she is responsible (see Chapter 2). The bidder
is required to interpret the objectives for which he/she is responsible and to carefully review
the terms of reference. Repetition of information in existing documents should be avoided.
The limits on text length must be observed (see Chapter 7).

3.1. Strategy

Objectives to the bidder

(1.1.1) Please interpret the objectives of the assignment in your words. Additionally, from the
bidder’s point of view: What may be considered as critical?

Suggested number of pages: 2 (DIN A4)

(1.1.2) Not applicable (no inputs required).

Suggested number of pages: 0 (DIN A4)

3.2. Cooperation


Good cooperation is based on trust and the negotiation of appropriate forms of collaboration
with clearly defined partners and roles. Cooperation partners have specific mandates,
capacities and opportunities for exerting influence; specific interests and attitudes with regard
to the change objectives, and specific formal or informal relations to other actors.

Objectives to the bidder

(1.2.1) Please describe the interaction between the bidder and the relevant actors in the
sections the bidder will be responsible for (see Chapter 2). From the bidder’s point of
view: What may be considered as critical?

Suggested number of pages: 2 (DIN A4)

(1.2.2) Not applicable (no inputs required).

Suggested number of pages: 0 (DIN A4)

3.3. Steering structure

Objectives to the bidder

(1.3.1) Not applicable (no inputs required).

Suggested number of pages: 0 (DIN A4)

(1.3.2) Not applicable (no inputs required).

Suggested number of pages: 0 (DIN A4)

3.4. Processes

Objectives to the bidder

(1.4.1) Not applicable (no inputs required).

Suggested number of pages: 0 (DIN A4)

(1.4.2) Not applicable (no inputs required).

Suggested number of pages: 0 (DIN A4)

3.5. Learning and innovation


People, organisations and society must undergo a learning process if the cooperation system
is to be capable of reacting to change. Learning and innovation are rooted in knowledge. A
knowledge management system in a project or organisation identifies and stores relevant
and experiential know-how and prepares this for subsequent exchanges, both with other
projects and within the partner organisation.

At societal level, scaling up refers to a consciously selected, targeted impetus for anchoring
and disseminating experience and knowledge. Vertical scaling-up involves institutionalising
strategies/approaches that have already been successfully piloted. In horizontal scaling up,
the piloted strategies/approaches are transferred directly between comparable organisations.
Functional scaling-up involves transferring strategies, approaches, methods, and lessons
learned etc. to a new context.

Objectives to the bidder

(1.5.1) Please describe your contribution to knowledge management for the project partner

Suggested number of pages: 1 (DIN A4)

(1.5.2) Not applicable (no inputs required).

Suggested number of pages: 0 (DIN A4)

3.6. Project management of the contractor

(1.6.1) Please describe your approach and procedure for coordinating with GIZ and the
partner BEE

Suggested number of pages: 1 (DIN A4)

(1.6.2) Not applicable (no inputs required).

(1.6.3) Contractors backstopping strategy (incl. CVs of the technical and administrative
backstopper(s): Please explain how you intend to mobilise your company’s expertise

beyond the specified staff to the assignment as per Chapter 4 (e.g. quality
assessment of other staff, contractors internal knowledge management, access to
professional communities or other sources of knowledge or expertise)

Suggested number of pages: 2 (DIN A4) plus CVs of the backstoppers

The following services are part of the standard backstopping package, which (like
ancillary personnel costs) must be factored into the fee schedules of the staff listed in
the offer in accordance with GIZ AVB 5.4.

 Service-delivery control
 Managing adaptations to changing conditions
 Ensuring the flow of information between GIZ and field staff
 Contractor’s responsibility for seconded personnel
 Process-oriented technical-conceptual steering of the consultancy inputs
 Securing the administrative conclusion of the project
 Ensuring compliance with reporting requirements
 Providing specialist support for the on-site team by staff at company
 Sharing the lessons learned by the contractor and leveraging the value of
lessons learned on site.

In accordance with AVB (2018), the contractor submits the following reports and

 Deliverables as mentioned in the table in chapter 2

 Contributions to reports to GIZ’s commissioning party
 Monthly overview on expert days used
 Brief quarterly reports on the implementation status of the activities the consultant is
involved in (5-7 pages)

All reports and papers shall be submitted in English language.

3.7. Further requirements

(1.7) Not applicable (no inputs required).

Suggested number of pages: 0 (DIN A4)

4. Personnel concept

4.1. Requirements of the personnel concept

The bidder is required to provide personnel who are suited to filling the positions described,
based on their CVs, the range of tasks involved and the required qualifications.

The below specified qualifications represent the requirements to reach the maximum number
of points.

(2.1) Team leader (national long-term expert)

Tasks of the team leader

- Overall responsibility and point of contact for the advisory package of the contractor
- Ensuring the coherence and complementarity of the services of the contractor with
other services delivered by the programme at local and national level
- Strategy, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of capacity development
measures for local partners as per the objectives of the project
- Consideration of cross-cutting themes (e.g. “Make in India”, gender equality)
- Personnel management, in particular identifying the need for short-term assignments
within the available budget, as well as planning and steering assignments and
supporting local and international short-term experts
- Ensuring results monitoring is conducted
- Regular reporting in accordance with deadlines
- Responsibility for controlling the use of funds and financial planning in consultation
with GIZ’s officer responsible for the commission
- Supporting the officer responsible for the commission in updating/adapting the project
strategy, in evaluations and in preparing a follow-on phase (if required)
- Maintaining contact to other implementing agencies working in the area of energy
efficiency & cooling in India and internationally

Qualifications of the team leader

(2.1.1) Qualifications: Ph.D. in a field related to energy efficiency of buildings, mechanical
engineering, cooling appliances;

(2.1.2) Language: English, C1 or equivalent, Hindi C1 or equivalent

(2.1.3) General professional experience: 15 years of professional experience related to

energy efficiency, out of which 3 years in an Article 2 country of the Montreal

(2.1.4) Specific professional experience: 10 years in energy efficiency of buildings, cooling of

commercial buildings or similar;

(2.1.5) Leadership/management experience: 10 years of management/leadership experience

as project team leader or manager in a company/consultancy/think tank;

(2.1.6) Regional experience: 5 years of professional work experience in India;

(2.1.7) Development Cooperation experience: 3 years of work experience in development

cooperation projects;

(2.1.8) Other: 3 peer review publications on energy efficiency & cooling published 2015 or

(2.2) Expert 1 (national long-term expert)

Tasks of expert 1
- Delivering the advisory package of the contractor (in collaboration with other team
members of the contractor)
- Implementation, monitoring and evaluation of capacity development measures for
local partners as per the objectives of the project

- Consideration of cross-cutting themes (e.g. “Make in India”, gender equality)
- Regular reporting in accordance with deadlines and reporting formats
- Maintaining contact to other implementing agencies working in the area of energy
efficiency & cooling in India and internationally

Qualifications of expert 1
(2.2.1) Qualifications: Master’s degree in mechanical engineering, energy and environment
management, buildings science or similar

(2.2.2) Language: English C1 or equivalent, Hindi C1 or equivalent

(2.2.3) General professional experience: 10 years in energy efficiency or in industry, energy

efficiency in buildings

(2.2.4) Specific professional experience: 5 years in energy efficiency & cooling or green

(2.2.5) Leadership/management experience: not applicable

(2.2.6) Regional experience: not applicable

(2.2.7) Development Cooperation experience: 3 years of experience in development

cooperation projects;

(2.2.8) Other: not applicable

(2.3) Expert 2 (national long-term expert)

Tasks of expert 2
- Delivering the advisory package of the contractor (in collaboration with other team
members of the contractor)
- Implementation, monitoring and evaluation of capacity development measures for
local partners as per the objectives of the project
- Consideration of cross-cutting themes (e.g. load management by electricity
distribution companies, “Make in India”, gender equality)
- Regular reporting in accordance with deadlines and reporting formats
- Maintaining contact to other implementing agencies working in the area of energy
efficiency & cooling in India and internationally

Qualifications of expert 2
(2.3.1) Qualifications: Master’s degree in mechanical engineering, energy and environment
management, buildings science or similar

(2.3.2) Language: English C1 or equivalent, Hindi C1 or equivalent

(2.3.3) General professional experience: 5 years in energy efficiency or industry, energy

efficiency in buildings

(2.3.4) Specific professional experience: 2 years in energy efficiency & cooling or green

(2.3.5) Leadership/management experience: not applicable

(2.3.6) Regional experience: not applicable

(2.3.7) Development Cooperation (DC) experience: 3 years of experience in development

cooperation projects;

(2.3.8) Other: not applicable

(2.4) Not applicable.

(2.5) Not applicable.

(2.6) Short-term expert pool with 4 members (national and/or international short-term

The short-term expert pool comprises of the following 4 specialists:

- Energy efficiency in buildings expert

- Project finance expert
- Cooling expert
- ESCO expert

Tasks of the short-term expert pool

- Provide specific expertise for WP I.1-WP I.4 and WP II. as and when required

Qualifications of the short-term expert pool

(2.6.1) Qualifications:

 Energy efficiency in buildings expert: Master’s degree, energy and environment

management, buildings science or similar,
 Project finance expert: Master’s degree in project finance, business administration,
economics or similar;
 Cooling Expert: Master’s degree in mechanical engineering;
 ESCO expert: combined training of technical and financial subjects, e.g. BS in
mechanical engineering and MBA;

(2.6.2) Language: English C1 or equivalent

(2.6.3) General professional experience: All experts with 10 years of experience in an

assignment related subject;

(2.6.4) Specific professional experience:

 Energy efficiency in buildings expert with 10 years of professional experience in

India w.r.t. energy efficiency in buildings (in particular w.r.t. regulatory and legal
framework conditions);
 Project finance expert with 10 years of professional experience in project finance in
the area of energy efficiency (in particular w.r.t. Indian financial framework
 Cooling expert with 10 years of professional expertise in cooling of large buildings;
 ESCO expert with 10 years of professional expertise related to Energy Service
Companies (ESCOs);

(2.6.5) Regional experience: All experts with 3 years of experience in Article 2 countries of
the Montreal Protocol;

(2.6.6) Development Cooperation experience: not applicable

(2.6.7) Other: not applicable

The bidder must provide a clear overview of all proposed short-term experts and their
individual qualifications.

The use of experts of the expert pool needs to be agreed by the GIZ officer responsible for
implementation in writing.

(2.7) Not applicable.

(2.8) Not applicable.

5. Costing requirements

5.1. Assignment of personnel

Team leader (national long-term expert): in total 300 expert days

Expert 1 (national long-term expert): in total 500 expert days

Expert 2 (national long-term expert): in total 500 expert days

Short-term expert pool (4 national or international short-term experts): in total 480 expert

It is expected that the national long-term experts (Team Leader, Expert 1 and 2) will move to
Delhi anyway so that no per-diem allowance and accommodation costs are paid for expert
days of these experts in Delhi. In case the contractor intends to second additional staff (Short
term expert pool) from other places in India to Delhi for the duration of the project or in case
international short-term experts will have to travel to Delhi for the project daily allowances
and accommodation allowances are to be calculated.

In any case the overall costs for per-diem allowances and accommodation allowances shall
not exceed the total budget of EUR 75.000,00. Please note that all per-diem allowances and
accommodation costs shall only be reimbursed against evidence (actual payment will
depend on the actual travel costs against proper receipts, hotel bills, taxi bills, flight tickets
etc.). Before traveling out of Delhi each travel request will have to be approved by the GIZ
officer in charge for implementation of the project.

All necessary flights and Other travel costs (such as transfer costs to the airport and back,
taxi costs (in home country and abroad) and visa costs) will be reimbursed accordingly
(against evidence). For these cost a total budget of EUR 100.000,00 is foreseen and shall
not be exceeded.

5.2. Equipment

Not applicable.

5.3. Supplies (consumables)

Not applicable.

5.4. Workshops, training

Workshops and trainings will be organized by GIZ, attendance of contractor’s experts is

already foreseen under para 5.1. “Assignment of personnel” (if a workshop is outside of Delhi
travel costs will be paid as mentioned under 5.1).

5.5. Local subsidies

No local subsidies are planned.

5.6. Flexible remuneration item

A budget of EUR 70,000 should be included in the offer as a flexible remuneration item in
accordance with AVB 5.18).

6. Inputs of GIZ

It is expected that the contractor will work in a close relationship with the project team in GIZ
and the BEE. Therefore, GIZ will provide 2 permanent workstations for the staff of the
contractor (additional temporary workstations as and when required) within its own premises
in B5/2 Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi for the duration of the assignment. It is expected that
the contractor will avail of these workstations at least 4 days a week (unless traveling for the
project, holidays or similar reasons) so that a frequent exchange with the project team in GIZ
and BEE is encouraged. GIZ will ensure that the staff of the contractor will have access to
internet and printer while working in its premises. Transport to and from home/hotel to the
GIZ office will not be reimbursed, transport from GIZ office within Delhi for official purpose
will be organised and paid by GIZ. Outstation transport will be covered under travel expenses
(see 5.1.).

7. Requirements on the format and content of the offer

The structure of the bid must correspond to the structure of the ToRs. It must be legible (font
size 11 or larger) and clearly formulated. The bid is to be drawn up in English language.

The total number of pages (excluding cover page, abbreviations etc.) should not exceed 10
pages plus CVs of the experts.

The CVs of the personnel proposed in accordance with Chapter 4 of the ToRs shall be
submitted using the EU format (https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/documents/curriculum-
vitae) and shall not exceed 4 pages each. The CVs must clearly show the position and job
the proposed person held in the reference project and for how long, education and language

8. Special agreements

The bidder must have a registered office in India and be able to receive foreign funds in
compliance with the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act 1976.

Important elements of the measures put out to tender can be continued within the framework
of a follow-on measure:

(1) Type and scope: continuation of described services in similar monthly scope and
extent up to 12 months after finalisation of services under this tender.

(2) Requirements: commission for the follow-on phase by the Federal Ministry for the
Environment Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) or extension of the
ongoing project phase by BMU“.


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