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Introduction to Electrical Systems (ES 103)

Tutorial Sheet – 4
(Steady-state analysis using Phasors)
Date: October 8, 2015

1 (a) A series RL-circuit is energized by a sinusoidal voltage source. Determine the steady-state current
in the circuit. Sketch the variation of input voltage, current drawn from the source, voltages across
inductor and resistor.
(b) How can these quantities be obtained by Phasor analysis?
2 Determine the input impedance between 2 µF

the terminals a and b corresponding to an

angular frequency of 400 rad/s. a

300 Ω
600 Ω 0.6 H

3 In the circuit, the current i C is expressed as 0.08 H

20 e j (40t +30 °) A. Express the source voltage iC

v s (t) as a complex forcing function.
VS 5Ω 0.01 F
j(40 t +53.63 )
Answer: 34.92 e V

4 Using phasors and node-analysis, find V 2. j3 Ω


-j5 Ω
o 590A 3Ω 6Ω 100 A
Answer: 34.34 ∠ 23.6 V

5 Using phasors and mesh-analysis, find I B in IB j3 Ω

the circuit shown.

-j5 Ω
Answer: 13.2 ∠154.2 o A 590A 3Ω 6Ω 100A

6 For the circuit shown, determine the value

of current I B using superposition theorem.

7 Obtain Thevenin equivalent circuit across -j300 Ω

the terminals a and b.
200 Ω j100 Ω

+ +
Answer: 1000V 10090V b
- -
VTH¿ 158 ∠108.4o V
ZTH = j 150 Ω
8 (a) Calculate values for IL, IR, IC, VL, VR, IL j2.5 Ω

VC and VS for the circuit shown. + VL - IR IC

+ +
(b) With scales as 50 V : 1 inch and 25 A : +
2Ω -j Ω
1000V VR VC
- -
1 inch, show all those quantities on a -
phasor diagram. Using this phasor
diagram, verify IL = IR + IC and VS =

9 In the circuit, the currents are II I2

|I 1|=5 A∧|I 2|=7 A .

Find I1 and I2 with the help of compass, 100 A
ruler and protractor.

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