Chapter 3 - Applied Well Test Interpretation 2013

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Chapter 33


Radial Flow Semilog Analysis

“Seeing there is nothing
nothing ((right
right well
well beloved
beloved Students
Students of
o f Mathematics)
Mathematics) that
that is so
so trublesome
trublesome to mathematical
practice, nor doth
practice. doth more molest
molest and hinder
hinder calculators.
calculators, than
than the
the multiplications.
multiplications, divisions.
divisions, square and
cubical extractions
cubical extractions of
o f great
great numbers.
numbers, which
which besides
besides the
the tedious
tedious expense
expense of o f time
time are
are for
fo r the
the most
most part
subject to 111w1y
subject many slippery
slippery errors,
errors, I began therefore
therefore to consider
consider inin my mind
mind by what what certain
certain and ready
art I might
might remove
remove those
those hindrances."
—John Napier. Canon of Logarithms.
Napier, Canon Logarithms, 1614

3.1 Introduction
Infinite-acting radialradial flow
flow (IARF)
(IARF) is arguably
arguably the the most
most common
common flow flow regime
regime encountered
encountered in pressure pressure transient
analysis. This chapter presents straight-line analysis methods for analyzing data in IARF. The pressure response
This chapter presents straight-line analysis methods for analyzing data in IARF. The pressure response
during IARF
IARF is a linear
linear function
function of the the logarithm
logarithm of time. time. Thus,
Thus, straight-line
straight-line analysis
analysis methods
methods for for IARF
IARF use use either
logarithmic time scales or time plotting functions involving logarithms
logarithmic time scales or time plotting functions involving logarithms or sums logarithms. or sums of logarithms.
Section 3.2
3.2 addresses
addresses the the topic
topic of drawdown
drawdown tests, tests, in which
which the the well
well isis initially
initially shut
shut in.
in, and
and the reservoir is at
the reservoir
uniform pressure.
uniform pressure. The The well
well is is opened
opened to flow,flow, and
and thethe resulting
resulting pressure
pressure response measured as a function
response is measured function of of
time. The
time. The section
section opens
opens withwith a discussion
discussion of analysis
analysis of of drawdown
drawdown tests tests conducted
conducted at at constant
constant rate.
rate. Unfortunately.
it difficult to
it is difficult to maintain
maintain a perfectly
perfectly constant
constant flowflow rate,
rate, and
and even
even small
small changes
changes in flow flow rate
rate over
over the
the course
course of aa
test may
test may radically
radically distort
distort thethe shape
shape of the the pressure response. If
pressure response. If the
the rate changing slowly
rate is changing slowly and and smoothly.
smoothly, and and ifif
the reservoir
the reservoir is infinite
infinite acting
acting for for all times
times of interest.
interest, rate
rate normalization
normalization may may be used used to account
account for changing
flow rate.
In many
In many cases.
cases, there
there isis the
the need
need to testtest wells
wells that
that have
have been
been producing
producing for an an extended
extended period period of of time, where
time, where
the assumption
the assumption of uniform uniform reservoir
reservoir pressure
pressure is is violated. Section 3.3 introduces
violated. Section introduces the buildup test test as aa means
means of of
eliminating the
eliminating the assumption
assumption of of uniform
uniform reservoir
reservoir pressure
pressure at at the beginning
beginning of of the test.
test. The
The section
section thenthen discusses
discusses the
Miller-Dyes-Hutchinson (MDH)
Miller-Dyes-Hutchinson (MDH) and and Horner
Horner methods
methods for for analyzing
analyzing data data from pressure-buildup tests
from pressure-buildup tests following
constant rate
constant rate production.
In Section
In Section 3.4,3.4, we
we address
address the the issue
issue of estimating
estimating average
average drainage area area pressure.
pressure, usingusing methods
methods based based on on
extrapolation of the
extrapolation semilog straight
the semilog straight line.
line. These
These methods
methods include
include the the Homer
Horner method,
method. for for reservoirs
reservoirs that that are
infinite acting
infinite acting from
from thethe beginning
beginning of of production
production to to the
the end
end of the the buildup;
buildup; the the Dietz
Dietz and and Ramey-Cobb
Ramey-Cobb methods. methods,
which assume the
which assume the reservoir
reservoir has has produced
produced at constant
constant rate rate long
long enough
enough to reach reach pseudosteady-state
pseudosteady-state flow, flow, andand the
Matthews-Brons-Hazebroek (MBH) method, which was the most
Matthews-Brons-Hazebroek (MBH) method, which was the most general method available before widespread general method available before widespread
use of personal
personal computers.
Section 3.53.5 first
first discusses
discusses the the effect
effect of flow rate variations
flow rate variations on a subsequent
subsequent buildup.
buildup. The The section
section then
then introduces
the Horner pseudoproducing-time approximation for analyzing buildup tests following multirate flow
Horner pseudoproducing-time approximation for analyzing buildup tests following a multirate flow period
in which
in which thethe last constant-rate flow
last constant-rate period before
flow period before shut-in
shut-in is is much longer in duration
much longer duration than than thethe buildup
buildup test.
test. The
section closes
closes by by showing
showing how how to adjust the flowing
adjust the flowing bottomhole
bottomhole pressure
pressure and and time
time of shut-in
shut-in to account
account for for a
momentary change change in flow flow rate
rate immediately
immediately beforebefore shut-in.

After completing this

After completing this chapter,
chapter, you
you should
should be able
able to
I.1. Estimate
Estimate permeability
permeability and
and skin
skin factor
factor from
from a constant-rate
constant-rate drawdown
drawdown test.
2. Estimate permeability and
Estimate permeability and skin
skin factor for a test
factor for test in which
which the
the rate
rate is
is changing
changing slowly
slowly and
and smoothly.
3. Estimate
3. Estimate permeability
permeability and
and skin
skin factor
factor from pressure-buildup test
from a pressure-buildup test using
using the
the MDH
MDH method,
method, the
the Horner
method, and
and the
the Agarwal
Agarwal equivalent-time
equivalent-time method.
50 Applied
Applied Well
Well Test
Test Interpretation

4. Explain
Explain the
the advantages
advantages and
and disadvantages
disadvantages of thethe Miller-Dyes-Hutchinson.
Miller-Dyes-Hutchinson. Horner.
Horner, and
and equivalent-time
5. Estimate
Estimate average
average drainage-area
drainage-area pressure using
using the
the Dietz.
Dietz, Ramey-Cobb,
Ramey-Cobb, andand Matthews-Brons-Hazebroek
6. Calculate
Calculate the Horner
Horner pseudoproducing
pseudoproducing time.
7. List
7. List the conditions
conditions under
under which the Horner
which the Horner pseudoproducing
pseudoproducing timetime may
may be used.
8. Adjust
Adjust the
the flowing bottomhole pressure
flowing bottomhole pressure and time
time of
of shut-in
shut-in to account
account for a brief change
change in
in flow
flow rate
immediately before shutting
immediately shutting in for a buildup
buildup test.

3.2 Drawdown Tests

3.2 Tests
The constant-rate
constant-rate drawdown test is is the
the easiest
easiest test protocol
protocol to treat theoretically because it most
most nearly
nearly approximates
the "constant
“constant terminal rate" boundary
terminal rate" boundary condition
condition under
under which
which most
most analytical
analytical solutions
solutions have beenbeen obtained.
obtained. In this
section, we will
will first
first present
present the analysis procedure for a constant-rate
analysis procedure constant-rate drawdown test. test. We will
will then
then present an
approximate method
method known
known as rate
rate normalization
normalization to allow
allow us to analyze
analyze drawdown
drawdown tests
tests in infinite-acting
infinite-acting reservoirs
in which
in which the rate varies
varies slowly and smoothly
smoothly with
with time.

3.2.1 Drawdown-Constant-Rate
Drawdown—Constant-Rate Production.
Production. In a constant-rate
constant-rate drawdown test.
test, the well
well iis
s initially
initially shut
shut in.
in, and
the reservoir is
is at uniform
uniform pressure.
pressure. The well is
is produced at constant
constant rate
rate q. and
and the flowing
flowing bottom hole pressure
bottomhole pressure
p is measured as a function
is measured function of time
time as the
the pressure draws down.
As we saw in Chapter
Chapter 2.
2. the pressure response
response for a well
well producing
producing at constant
constant rate
rate from an infinite-acting
reservoir may be written as

r., = Pp, --
(t) =
162· 6
log t + log
[1og1 log (-k-,
f * ] 1 4- 0.869s-1.
'-3.13+ 0 86Qc . (3.1)
kh , </)µc,r. - ) _

Comparison of Eq.
Eq. 3.1
3.1 with
with the equation
equation of a straight
straight line.
line, y = mx + b, suggests
=nu:+ suggests that
that a graph of p ,((t)
(t) vs. log(f) for
vs. log(t)
draw'down data
data exhibiting
exhibiting IARF
IARF will be a straight
straight line
line with
with slope
slope m given by

m = ----------—— (3. 2)

and v-intercept b given

and y-intercept given by

bb == p
lr = p,-
P,------- 77— [log
log [-k-,
</)µc,r.,, - J
-3 .2 3 + 0.8695

Because the independent variable

Because the variable is
is log(t),
log(f), they-intercept
the y-intercept is
is read from the y-axis,
y-axis, where log(t) = 0.
where log(f) 0, corresponding
to a time
time of 1I hour.
hour. Thus.
Thus, the
the intercept
intercept bis
b is usually
usually written
written as p11"
lhr for a drawdown test.
Fig. 3.1 shows
shows a graph of
of pressure vs. timetime for
for a drawdown test, showing
showing the straight
straight line
line through the
the data
data in
IARF, the
the slope m, and the
the interceptp
intercept p1h,·
Drawdown Semilog Analysis-Recommended
Analysis— Recommended Procedure. Procedure. The following
following procedure
procedure may be usedused to analyze
analyze a
constant-rate drawdown test exhibiting
exhibiting IARF:

1. Graph the flowing
flowing bottomhole pressure, P.,,
bottomhole pressure, p , vs. the test time,
time, t,f, on
on a semilog
semilog scale.
2.2. Identify
Identify data in IARF. (At this this point.
point, simply
simply find
find the
the data
data that fall
fall on a straight
straight line.
line. We will learn learn how
how to
identify radial flow
identify radial flow and other flow regimes unambiguously
other flow unambiguously usingusing the diagnostic
diagnostic plot
plot in in Chapter
Chapter 6).
3. Draw
Draw a straight
straight line
line through
through the selected
selected data,
data, and find
find the
the slope
slope m and intercept
intercept p11,,]hr..' Note that
that the inter-
cept p ., must be read
cept Pi read from the
the straight
straight line
line or its extrapolation,
extrapolation, not not from the
the measured
measured field field pressure
pressure data.
4. Calculate
Calculate the permeability
permeability k from the the slope
slope m from

k^ =
_ _ \62.6qBp
l 62.6qBµ
_ 162.6qBµ
162.6 qBp
.................................................................. (3.4)
Radial Flow Semilog Analysis 51

Fig. 3.1 —Semilog analysis for drawdown test.

Note that the permeability is conventionally written with the absolute value of the slope. For a drawdown
test, the slope m must always be negative.
5. Calculate the skin factor s from the slope m and the intercept p as

/ k ^
5 = 1.151 Pi-Pu, log + 3.23 (3.5)

6. Calculate the radius of investigation at the beginning and end of the apparent semilog straight line:

r= (3.6)

In practice, wellbore storage almost always distorts the shape of the pressure response at early times. If the test
lasts long enough, boundaries will also affect the pressure response at late times. The most difficult part of semilog
analysis is correctly identifying the data that are in IARF, so that the correct semilog straight line can be drawn.

For semilog analysis of a drawdown test, the slope m of the semilog straight line gives the permeability and
the intercept p u gives the skin factor.

Example 3.1—Drawdown Semilog Analysis. The following example illustrates the procedure for analyzing a
constant-rate drawdown test using semilog analysis.
Problem. Given the rock and fluid properties in Table 3.1, analyze the pressure drawdown test data in Table 3.2
and Fig. 3.2.



Reservoir and Fluid Properties

9 125 STB/D Pi 2,750 psi

0 22% B 1.152 bbl/STB
h 32 ft A 2.122 cp
rw 0.25 ft c, 10.9 x 10~6 p s r1
52 Applied Well Test Interpretation


t Pwf t Pwf t Pwf t Pwf

hr psia hr psia hr psia hr psia

0.0010 2748.95 0.0869 2655.67 0.993 2196.92 10.545 1995.75

0.0021 2745.62 0.0988 2642.29 1.118 2170.70 11.865 1991.15
0.0034 2744.63 0.1121 2627.50 1.259 2148.33 13.349 1988.67
0.0048 2745.49 0.1271 2614.76 1.417 2126.44 15.018 1984.74
0.0064 2741.70 0.1440 2598.79 1.595 2108.50 16.897 1979.34
0.0082 2742.00 0.1630 2582.16 1.795 2090.87 19.010 1981.14
0.0102 2736.69 0.1844 2564.54 2.021 2080.73 21.387 1973.78
0.0125 2737.26 0.208 2545.27 2.275 2066.59 24.061 1970.58
0.0151 2733.72 0.236 2523.21 2.560 2054.29 27.070 1967.59
0.0180 2729.13 0.266 2501.07 2.881 2048.25 30.455 1965.50
0.0212 2724.23 0.300 2475.93 3.242 2039.49 34.262 1961.64
0.0249 2720.57 0.339 2451.83 3.648 2035.32 38.546 1957.61
0.0290 2715.83 0.382 2422.80 4.105 2029.91 43.366 1955.90
0.0336 2710.70 0.431 2397.61 4.619 2025.01 48.787 1951.21
0.0388 2706.63 0.486 2367.50 5.198 2018.87 54.787 1949.05
0.0447 2698.17 0.547 2338.18 5.848 2016.40 60.787 1945.70
0.0512 2692.75 0.617 2309.21 6.580 2011.11 66.787 1942.51
0.0587 2684.56 0.695 2277.84 7.404 2007.46 72.000 1941.14
0.0670 2676.82 0.783 2251.46 8.331 2003.24
0.0764 2665.33 0.882 2222.09 9.373 2000.53

Fig. 3.2—Drawdown semilog analysis example.

Solution. We follow the recommended procedure for the analysis.

1. Graph the flowing bottomhole pressure, p , vs. the test time, t, on a semilog scale, Fig. 3.2.
2. Identify data in IARF. The early data appear to be distorted by wellbore storage. The data toward the end
of the test appear to fall on a straight line, so we select this data for analysis.
3. Draw a straight line through the selected data, and find the slope m and intercept p h . Reading two points
on the straight line (as far apart as possible for best accuracy), we find the slope m to be
Radial Flow Semilog Analysis 53

lo g (0 .0 0 l)-lo g (l0 0 )
_ -3 -2
= - 64 psi/cycle.

We read the intercept p from the extrapolation of the straight line at a time of 1 hour as 2,060 psia.
4. Calculate the permeability k from the slope m using Eq. 3.4:

_ 162.6 qBp

= MM
= 24.3 md.

Note that the permeability is conventionally written with the absolute value of the slope. For a drawdown
test, the slope m must always be negative.
5. Calculate the skin factor s from the slope m and the intercept p using Eq. 3.5 as

5- = 1.151 P, ~ P\i log + 3.23


[(2,7 5 0 )-(2 ,0 6 0 )
= 1.151

- log + 3.23
(0.22) (2.122) (10.9 x 10"6) (0.25)2

= 7.06.

6. Calculate the radius of investigation at the beginning and end of the apparent semilog straight line. The
semilog straight line begins around t = 6 hours, and lasts until the end of the test at 72 hours. At the begin­
ning of the straight line at t = 6 hours, the radius of investigation is given by

U e_

I (948)(0.22) (2.122) ( l0.9 xlO"6)
= 602 ft.

In the same way, we calculate the radius investigation at the end of the test as 602 ft.

3.2.2 Drawdown—Smoothly Varying Rate. In practice, it is often difficult to maintain a strictly constant
rate during a drawdown test. How constant does the rate have to be for the constant-rate assumption to be valid?
To illustrate how sensitive the drawdown analysis is to even small variations in flow rate, consider the following
example. Fig. 3.3 shows the rate profile for a test with a 10% decrease in rate during the test. The resulting
pressure response is shown in Fig. 3.4. Even with a change in flow rate as small as 10%, the pressure response is
increasing by the end of the test. If the last few points of the test data were used to estimate permeability under
the assumption of constant flow rate, and the algebraic sign of the slope were carried through the calculation, the
calculated permeability would be negative.
54 Applied Well Test Interpretation

Fig. 3.3—Slowly decreasing rate—10% decrease during test.





(0 1600
a 1400

1300 Even with only 10% change in rate,

pressure starts increasing by end of test


0.10 0.1 1 10
t, hr

Fig. 3.4—Pressure response for test with 10% decrease in rate during test.

Winestock and Colpitts (1965) showed that, if the rate is changing slowly and smoothly, the pressure response
for a varying flow rate in an infinite-acting reservoir may be modeled as

p , ~ p nf(t) _ 162.6 Bp
log t+ log - 3 . 2 3 + 0.869s (3.7)
? (0 kh

This technique is commonly known as rate normalization. To use rate normalization, we graph the rate-normalized,
pressure change Ap/q = [pi- p„f (t)\/q(t) vs. the test time t on a semilog scale, as shown in Fig. 3.5.
Drawdown Semilog Analysis, Smoothly Varying Rate— Recommended Procedure. The following procedure
may be used to analyze a variable-rate drawdown test in an infinite-acting reservoir, when the rates are changing
slowly and smoothly:123*

1. Graph the rate-normalized pressure change, Ap/q = [p,~ PHf(t)]/q(t), vs. the test time, t, on a semilog scale.
2. Identify data in IARF.
3. Draw a straight line through the selected data, and find the slope m and intercept (Aplq)Ulr- Note that the inter­
cept (Ap/q)u must read from the straight line or its extrapolation, not from the measured field pressure data.
Radial Flow Semilog Analysis 55

Fig. 3.5—Drawdown analysis, smoothly varying rate, with rate normalization.

4. Calculate the permeability k from the slope m' from

162.6 Bn
k=- (3.8)

The slope m must always be positive.

5. Calculate the skin factor s from the slope m and the intercept {Ap/q) as

(__ k _ ^
5 = 1.151 — log + 3.23}. (3.9)

6. Calculate the radius of investigation at the start and end of the semilog straight line:


The rate-normalized pressure change may be used to analyze data for a flow test in which the rate is changing
slowly and smoothly.

Example 3.2—Drawdown Semilog Analysis, Smoothly Varying Rate. The following example illustrates the
procedure for using rate normalization to analyze a test with a smoothly varying rate.
Problem. Analyze the test show in Figs. 3.3 through 3.5. Rock and fluid property data are given in Table 3.3;
pressure and rate data are given in Table 3.4.



Reservoir and Fluid Properties

p, 2,750 psi B 1.15 bbl/STB

<t> 18.5% P 6.5 cp
h 35 ft c, 8.42 x 1 0 -6 psi-1
rw 0.25 ft
56 Applied Well Test Interpretation


t Aplq t Pwf q Aplq

P* <7
psia STB/D psi/STB/D hr psia STB/D psi/STB/D

1759.42 19.998 49.53 0.219 1494.16 19.927 63.02

1748.83 19.998 50.06 0.253 1484.03 19.916 63.57
1738.21 19.997 50.60 0.292 1474.01 19.903 64.11
0.00924 1727.57 19.997 51.13 0.337 1464.13 19.888 64.66

0.01067 1716.90 19.996 51.67 0.390 1454.42 19.870 65.20

0.01232 1706.22 19.996 52.20 0.450 1444.88 19.850 65.75

0.01423 1695.52 19.995 52.74 0.520 1435.57 19.827 66.29

1684.82 19.995 53.27 0.600 1426.50 19.800 66.84

0.01897 1674.10 19.994 53.81 0.693 1417.73 19.769 67.39

1663.38 19.993 54.35 0.800 1409.29 19.733 67.94

0.0253 1652.66 19.992 54.89 0.924 1401.25 19.692 68.49

0.0292 1641.94 19.990 55.43 1.067 1393.68 19.644 69.05

0.0337 1631.22 19.989 55.97 1.232 1386.64 19.589 69.60

0.0390 1620.51 19.987 56.51 1.423 1380.23 19.526 70.15

0.0450 1609.81 19.985 57.05 1.643 1374.54 19.452 70.71

0.0520 1599.12 19.983 57.59 1.897 1369.69 19.368 71.27

0.0600 1588.46 19.980 58.14 2.191 1365.83 19.270 71.83

0.0693 1577.81 19.977 58.68 2.530 1363.12 19.157 72.40

0.0800 1567.19 19.973 59.22 2.922 1361.73 19.026 72.97

0.0924 1556.60 19.969 59.76 3.374 1361.89 18.875 73.54

0.1067 1546.05 19.964 60.31 3.896 1363.85 18.701 74.12

0.1232 1535.54 19.959 60.85 4.499 1367.90 18.500 74.71

0.1423 1525.09 19.953 61.39 5.195 1374.38 18.268 75.30

0.1643 1514.70 19.945 61.94 5.999 1383.70 18.000 75.91

0.1897 1504.39 19.937 62.48

Solution. We follow the recommended procedure for using rate normalization to analyze a drawdown test
where the rate varies slowly and smoothly.

1. Graph the rate-normalized pressure change, Ap/q = [p ,- pwf(t)]/q(t), vs. the test time. t. on a semilog
scale. The graph is shown in Fig. 3.6.
2. Identify data in IARF. All of the test data appear to fall on a single straight line, so we assume all the data
are in IARF.

Fig. 3.6—Example semilog analysis, drawdown with smoothly changing rates.

Radial Flow Semilog Analysis 57

3. Draw a straight line through the selected data, and find the slope in' and intercept (Aplq)l/r. We calculate
the slope as

7 8 -5 1 .5
log(10) - log(O.Ol)
= ' - 1” 2)
= 8.83 psi/(STB/D)/cycle.

4. Calculate the permeability k from the slope in from

, _ 162.6fiu
(162.6) ( l . 15) (6.5)
(8.83) (35)
= 3.93 md.

5. Calculate the skin factor s from the slope m and the intercept (Ap tq ). as

/ k A
s — 1.151 + 3.23
1/77 QHcrJ-

69 (3.93)
= 1.151 -t - log + 3.23
8.83 (0.185) (6.5) (8.42x1 O'6)(0.25)‘

= 4.25.

6. Calculate the radius of investigation at the start and end of the semilog straight line. All of the data fall on
a single straight line, so we calculate the radius of investigation at the beginning of the test, t = 0.006 hours,
as 1.6 ft, and at the end of the test, t = 6 hours, as 50 ft.

3.3 Buildup Test Following Constant-Rate Production

One of the underlying assumptions for Eqs. 3.4 and 3.5 is that the flow rate q is constant during the drawdown.
Even slight variations in flow rate may have a significant effect on the slope of the pressure response. In practice,
it is difficult to maintain a strictly constant flow rate. Another assumption is that the well is shut in and that
the pressure is uniform throughout the reservoir before the test begins. However, we often need to test wells
that have been producing for some time, creating a pressure gradient in the vicinity of the wellbore. These two
considerations led to the development of the buildup test.
In an ideal buildup test, the well has been producing at constant rate q for a time t . The well is then shut in,
and the shut-in bottomhole pressure p is measured as a function of elapsed test time At as the pressure builds up.
The resulting pressure response may be analyzed a variety of different ways. We will consider the classic MDH
(Miller et al. 1950a) and Horner methods (Horner 1951), as well as a method based on the Agarwal equivalent
time (Agarwal 1980).
We can model a buildup as a series of two separate rate changes, the first from zero to rate q, beginning at time
t = 0, the second from q to 0, beginning at time t = tp, as shown in Fig. 3.7. Because the diffusivity equation is
linear, we can calculate the buildup pressure response using the principal of superposition.

• fp " Ar *
- Ip 1zu ►

Fig. 3.7—Ideal buildup rate sequence.

58 Applied Well Test Interpretation

The pressure response caused by production at rate q beginning at time t = 0 is given by

" f )
i +n = - log t + log ■3.23 + 0.8695 (3.11)
kh <S>pcr2
( Tr ' “ /
while the pressure response caused by a rate change -q beginning at time t = tp is given by

162.6qBji / k '
4 p _„ = + - log (A/) + log ■3.23 + 0.8695 (3.12)
kh ^ c ,r ;

where At is defined as At = t - t . The shut-in bottomhole pressure during buildup is then calculated from

Pm (^ 0 = P, + Ap + Ap

162.6qBp A k '
= P ,~ log(rp +Ar) + log - 3.23 + 0.8695
'" J
162.6 qBp
log (At) + log 3.23 + 0.8695 (3.13)
kh <t>Pcrj

where we have replaced t by t + At.

3.3.1 MDH Method. If the shut-in time Ar is much less than the producing time t , the second term in Eq. 3.43
may be approximated by

162.6qBp ( i-
K 1
An (t +Ar) + log - 3.23 + 0.8695
kh due r ~
\ ^ 'w J
162.6qBp. ( \

lo g (fJ + log - 3.23 + 0.8695

^ ___


- [/'-/UOJ................................................. (3-14)
Thus, we may approximate Eq. 3.13 as

P,, (A?) = P, + A/T, + *P..q

= P ,-{P ,-P ,f )

162.6qBp ( k X
log (A?) + log ■3.23 + 0.8695
kh Qpc.r,2

162.6 qBp \
= P»f + log (At) + log •3.23 + 0.869.S (3.15)
kh <t>PctrK

where p is defined as the flowing bottomhole pressure at the instant of shut-in. Comparing Eq. 3.15 with the equation
of a straight line, y = im + h. suggests that a graph of p (t) vs. log(A/) will exhibit a straight line with a slope m given by

m= (3.16)

and an intercept h given by

162.6 qBp k
h = Pu„ = P,j + ----- log -3 .2 3 + 0.8695 (3.17)
1 kh _

Eqs. 3.15, 3.16, and 3.17 provide the basis for the MDH method (Miller et al. 1950).
Radial Flow Semilog Analysis 59

Buildup Analysis, MDH Method— Recommended Procedure. The following modification of the MDH
method may be used to analyze pressure-buildup data to obtain permeability and skin factor. If the reservoir is
infinite acting throughout the flow and buildup periods, the MDH method may also be used to estimate the initial
reservoir pressure.

1. Graph the shut-in bottomhole pressure, p , vs. the shut-in time At, on a semilog scale.
2. Identify the data falling on a single straight line, exhibiting IARF. In this method, only data where A t« t
may be used.
3. Draw a straight line through the selected data, and find the slope m.
4. Read p from the straight line or its extrapolation at a shut-in time of 1 hour.
5. Calculate the permeability from the slope m as

A - ' 6 2 - 6 ^ .............................................................................................................................................,3.18)

6. Calculate the skin factor 5 from the slope m. the flowing bottomhole pressure at the moment of shut-in,
p ,r andf V :

5 = 1.151 <1 Pwf - log + 3.23 (3.19)

7. If the reservoir is infinite acting throughout both flow and shut-in periods, extrapolate the straight line to
a shut-in time At equal to the producing time, t , to find the initial pressure, p.. If pseudosteady-state flow
was achieved prior to shut-in, the average reservoir pressure may be estimated from the Deitz method.

3.3.2 Horner Method. Eq. 3.13 may be rearranged to obtain

/ x 162.6qBp t +At \
p m [Atj = p .------ - 2- 1- log (3.20)
kh At

Comparing Eq. 3.20 with the equation of a straight line, y = mx + b, suggests that a graph of p (t) vs.
log [(f + Af)/(Af)] for buildup data exhibiting IARF will be a straight line with slope m given by

m=— (3.21)
kh ’

and v-intercept b given by

b = p ,.................................................................................................................................................................... (3.22)

The group (t + At)/At is called the Horner time ratio (HTR), and the semilog graph of pressure vs. the logarithm
of the HTR is called the Horner graph. Note that the HTR decreases as At increases. The Horner graph may also
be drawn with the HTR values decreasing from left to right, so that time increases from left to right in the
conventional manner.
Fig. 3.8 shows a graph of shut-in bottomhole pressure vs. time for a buildup test, showing the straight line
through the data in IARF, the slope m, and the intercept p
Buildup Analysis, Horner Method— Recommended Procedure. We recommend the following procedure for
analyzing pressure-buildup data using Horner semilog analysis:

1. Graph the shut-in bottomhole pressure, p , vs. the HTR, (f + At)/At, on a semilog scale. If a normal
semilog scale is used (increasing from left to right), time will increase from right to left. A reversed semilog
scale may be used so time will increase from left to right.
2. Identify the data exhibiting IARF.
3. Draw a straight line through the selected data, and find the slope m.
4. Read p u from the straight line or its extrapolation at an HTR corresponding to a shut-in time At of 1 hour,
H iR lh =r(tp+ m .
60 Applied Well Test Interpretation

Fig. 3.8—Pressure buildup analysis, Horner method.

5. Calculate the permeability from the slope m as

162.6 qBp

6. Calculate the skin factor 5 from the slope m, the flowing bottomhole pressure at the moment of shut-in,
P « fandPu,r:

5=1.151 -lo g + (3.24)
to * /*

7. Extrapolate the straight line to an HTR of 1. If the reservoir is infinite acting throughout both flow and
buildup periods, extrapolating the straight line to an HTR of 1 (corresponding to infinite shut-in time)
gives the initial pressure, p . If the reservoir is not infinite acting, the extrapolated pressure at an HTR of
1 is called the false pressure, p*. The MBH (Matthews et al. 1954) method may then be used to estimate
the average reservoir pressure from p*.

3.3.3 Agarwal Equivalent-Time Method. Agarwal (1980) introduced the equivalent time for use in analyzing
buildup tests using drawdown type curves. However, as Agarwal pointed out, the equivalent time may also be used
for semilog analysis.
We may write the flowing bottomhole pressure at the end of the flow period, /? as

P»f {tp) = P - log(tp)+ log { k ] -3 .2 3 + 0.869.? (3.25)
Yh {<i>p p Y J _

Combining Eqs. 3.13 and 3.25, we have

162.6 qBp ( k ^
Pm (Ar) = P,f + - log [tp) + l°g - 3.23 + 0.8695
kh <!>Pc,rw

162.6qBp ' k '

log(r;j + Ar) + log - 3 .2 3 + 0 M 9 s
kh <t>PcrJ

162.6 qBp ^ k '

log(Ar) + log -3 .2 3 + 0.8695 (3.26)
kh QHc,rw
Radial Flow Semilog Analysis 61

Rearranging, we obtain
P„S H = Puf + ~ k h log (Ate) + log - 3.23 + 0.869.r , (3.27)
where we have defined the equivalent time At as

tr At
Ate = (3.28)
t/■+ At'

Buildup Analysis, Equivalent-Time Method— Recommended Procedure. The following procedure may be
used to analyze pressure-buildup data to obtain permeability and skin factor, using the Agarwal equivalent time.
As with the MDH method, if the reservoir is infinite acting throughout the flow and buildup periods, the equivalent­
time method may also be used to estimate the initial reservoir pressure.

1. Graph the shut-in bottomhole pressure. pm, vs. the equivalent time, A/,, defined by Eq. 3.28, on a semilog scale.
2. Identify the data falling on a single straight line, exhibiting IARF.
3. Draw a straight line through the selected data, and find the slope m.
4. Read p ]hr from the straight line or its extrapolation at a shut-in time of 1 hour.
5. Calculate the permeability from the slope m as

kJ ^ L............................................................................................(3 .29)

6. Calculate the skin factor s from the slope m, the flowing bottomhole pressure at the moment of shut-in,
P»r and/V
5 = 1.151 P'-- ^ -lo g + 3.23 (3.30)

7. If the reservoir is infinite acting throughout both flow and shut-in periods, extrapolate the straight line to
a shut-in time At equal to the producing time, t , to find the initial pressure, p.. If pseudosteady-state flow
was achieved prior to shut-in, the average reservoir pressure may be estimated from the Deitz method.

For Horner analysis of a buildup test, the slope m of the semilog straight line gives the permeability. If the
reservoir is infinite-acting from the beginning of flow until the end of the buildup, the intercept p* gives the
initial reservoir pressure. The skin factor is obtained from the pressure at a time of one hour, p , and flowing
bottomhole pressure p .

Example 3.3—Buildup Analysis Example. The following example illustrates the procedure for analyzing a
buildup test using the MDH, Horner, and equivalent-time methods.
Problem. Given the rock and fluid properties in Table 3.5, analyze the pressure-buildup test data given in Table 3.6.
Solution— Buildup Analysis, M DH Method. We follow the recommended procedure for analyzing a buildup
following a constant-rate flow period using the MDH method.



Reservoir rock and fluid properties

q 100 STB/D 2160 hour

<t> 0.20 B 1.17 bbl/STB
h 25 ft A 2.24 cp
rw 0.25 ft c, 10.2x1 O ^ p s r1
A 40 acre
62 Applied Well Test Interpretation


A t t
+A t Pwf’ Pws A t t
+ At Pws A t tp + A t Pws
hr psia hr psia hr A t
A t A t

0 2605.93 0.1844 11715 2849.77 4.619 469 2970.50

0.001 2160001 2610.68 0.2085 10361 2857.15 5.198 417 2973.92

0.0021 1028572 2615.82 0.2355 9173 2864.01 5.848 370 2977.30

0.0034 635295 2621.38 0.266 8121 2870.4 6.581 329 2980.65

0.0048 450001 2627.4 0.3002 7196 2876.36 7.404 293 2983.97

0.0064 337501 2633.91 0.3387 6378 2881.96 8.331 260 2987.24

0.0082 263416 2640.91 0.3821 5654 2887.24 9.373 231 2990.48

0.0102 211766 2648.43 0.4308 5015 2892.26 10.55 206 2993.66

0.0125 172801 2656.46 0.4857 4448 2897.05 11.87 183 2996.79

0.0151 143047 2665.02 0.5474 3947 2901.66 13.35 163 2999.87

0.0180 120001 2674.09 0.6168 3503 2906.11 15.02 145 3002.89

0.0212 101888 2683.65 0.6949 3109 2910.42 16.90 129 3005.84

0.0249 86748 2693.68 0.7828 2760 2914.63 19.01 115 3008.71

0.0290 74484 2704.12 0.8816 2451 2918.73 21.39 102 3011.50

0.0336 64287 2714.93 0.9928 2177 2922.76 24.06 90.8 3014.19
0.0388 55671 2726.04 1.118 1933 2926.71 27.07 80.8 3016.78
0.0447 48323 2737.36 1.259 1717 2930.6 30.46 71.9 3019.25
0.0512 42189 2748.81 1.417 1525 2934.43 34.26 64.0 3021.59
0.0587 36798 2760.29 1.595 1355 2938.21 38.55 57.0 3023.78
0.0670 32240 2771.70 1.796 1204 2941.94 43.37 50.8 3025.80
0.0764 28273 2782.94 2.021 1070 2945.64 48.79 45.3 3027.65
0.0869 24857 2793.89 2.275 951 2949.29 54.79 40.4 3029.27
0.0988 21863 2804.48 2.56 845 2952.91 60.79 36.5 3030.55
0.1121 19270 2814.62 2.881 751 2956.49 66.79 33.3 3031.56
0.1271 16995 2824.25 3.242 667 2960.04 72 31.0 3032.27
0.1440 15001 2833.33 3.648 593 2963.56
0.1630 13253 2841.84 4.105 527 2967.04

1. Graph the shut-in bottomhole pressure, p ws, vs. the shut-in time. At, on a semilog scale. The MDH graph
is shown in Fig. 3.9.
2. Identify the data falling on a single straight line, exhibiting IARF. In this method, only data where A t« tp
may be used. Since the producing time t is 72 hour, we use only data with At < 7.2 hour, noting that the
data deviate from the straight line for At > 7.2 hour.
3. Draw a straight line through the selected data, and find the slope m. We read p - 1,646 psi at At = 0.001
hour, and p = 1.800 at At = 72 hour. The slope m is then given by

m= P^ !h____= ^ Q 0 - 1’646 =31.7 psi/cycle.

log At, - log At, log 72 - log 0.001

4. Reading p Ur from the straight line or its extrapolation at a shut-in time of 1 hour, we find p lhr = 1,740 psi.
5. Calculating the permeability from the slope m, we have

_ \b2.bqBp
(162.6 )(50) (1.078) (8.36)
= 35.6 md.

6. Calculating the skin factor s from the slope m, the flowing bottomhole pressure at the moment of shut-in,
p and p [hr, we have
Radial Flow Semilog Analysis 63

Fig. 3.9—Pressure buildup analysis, MDH method.

i i -■ i I P \h r Pwf i ' k
1.151 <------ -—- - log + 3.23
(ppc r

1,740-1,685.5 35.6
=1.151* - log + 3.23
31.7 (0.15)(8.36)(7.64 x 10-6)(0.33):

-2 .97.

7. If the reservoir is infinite acting throughout both flow and shut-in periods, extrapolate the straight line to
a shut-in time At equal to the producing time, t , to find the initial pressure, p.. The reservoir is believed
to be infinite acting for the entire test duration, so we read the initial pressure p. as 1,800 psi at a shut-in
time At= 72 hours.

Solution— Buildup Analysis, Horner Method. We follow the recommended procedure for analyzing a buildup
test following a constant-rate flow period using the Horner method.

1. Graph the shut-in bottomhole pressure, p m, vs. the HTR. (t + At)/At. on a semilog scale. To make the graph
more intuitive, we first redraw the Homer graph so the HTR decreases from left to right, as shown in Fig. 3.10.
2. Identify the data exhibiting IARF. The early data are typical for a well that has been stimulated. The data
toward the end of the test appear to fall on a semilog straight line, so we tentatively identify the data at the
end of the test as being in IARF. For this test, the Horner method, in contrast to the MDH method, allows
us to use data through the end of the shut-in period.
3. Draw a straight line through the selected data, and find the slope m. To calculate the slope, we need two
points on the straight line. Best accuracy is obtained if the two points are as far apart as possible. At the
lower left corner of the graph, the pressure on the semilog straight line is 1,640 psia at an HTR of 100,000.
The pressure is 1,800 psia at an HTR of 1, allowing us to calculate the slope nr

m = ---------------------------- = -3 2 psi/cycle.
log (1) - log (100,000)

4. Read p lhr from the straight line or its extrapolation at an HTR corresponding to a time of 1 hour. The HTR
corresponding to a time of 1 hour is

HTR 1hr ',.+ 1 72 + 1 = 73,

1 1

so we read p lhr from the semilog straight line at HTRllu = 73 as 1,740 psia.
64 Applied Well Test Interpretation

Fig. 3.10—Horner graph with the HTR decreasing from left to right.

5. Calculate the permeability from the slope m as

^ _ \62.6qBp

= (32)(65)
= 35.2 md.

6. Calculate the skin factor s from the slope m, the flowing bottomhole pressure at the moment of shut-in,
/ v and/ v ;

5 = 1.151
| Pu,r - Pnf ' k '
• log + 3.23
^^ c,r, 7
f(l,7 4 0 )-(l.6 8 5 .5 )
= 1.151-

-lo g + 3.23
(0.15) (8.36) (7.64 x KT6) (0.33)12

= -2.99.

7. Extrapolate the straight line to an HTR of 1. In this example, the flow period of 72 hours is believed to be
short enough that the reservoir is still infinite acting. The data at the end of the buildup show no deviation
from a straight line that would indicate the presence of a boundary. Assuming the reservoir is still infinite
acting, we extrapolate the straight line to an HTR of 1 to obtain the initial pressure, p., as 1,800 psi.

Solution— Buildup Analysis, Equivalent-Time Method. We follow the recommended procedure for analyzing
a pressure-buildup test following a constant-rate flow period using the Agarwal equivalent time.

1. Graph the shut-in bottomhole pressure, p , vs. the equivalent time, A t , on a semilog scale. The equivalent­
time graph is shown in Fig. 3.11.
2. Identify the data falling on a single straight line, exhibiting IARF. Unlike the very similar MDH method,
with this method we are not restricted to using only data where At « t . Note that the late time data in
Fig. 3.11 fall on the same straight line as the earlier data, whereas the late time data for the MDH method
in Fig. 3.9 deviate from the straight line toward the end of the test.
Radial Flow Semilog Analysis 65

Fig. 3.11 —Pressure buildup analysis using the Agarwal equivalent time.

The remaining steps in the equivalent-time method are identical to those for the MDH method and will not be
repeated here. The Horner method and the equivalent-time method rely on the same assumptions and have the
same limitations.

3.3.4 Final Flowing Bottomhole Pressure. How can we estimate three quantities (permeability k, skin factor 5, and
initial pressure p ) from a single straight line on the Horner plot? It only takes two parameters to define a unique
straight line, so how can we estimate three independent quantities?
Notice that the skin factor equation, Eq. 3.24, includes the final flowing bottomhole pressure p . This final
flowing bottomhole pressure is not part of the buildup; in fact, it is the last pressure during the flow period. If
the flowing bottomhole pressure is not measured, it is impossible to obtain a unique value for the skin factor. This
is true whether the analyst is using semilog methods, type-curve methods, or stimulation/history-matching
In the standard method for using the Horner plot, we find the slope m, the intercept p , and the HTR at a time
of one hour, p . Thus, it appears that we are reading three independent values from the straight line. However,
p Ur is not independent of m and p.. Instead of reading p , it may be more convenient to find the slope m and the
intercept p. in the normal way, then calculate p lhr from

Pu„ = Pi ~ M Iogio (HTRihr).................................................................................................................... (3-3 >)

If the flowing bottomhole pressure is not measured, it is impossible to obtain a unique value for the skin factor,
whether using semilog, type-curve, or history-matching methods.

3.4 Estimating Average Reservoir Pressure

Estimating average reservoir or average drainage-area pressure is a very important aspect of pressure transient
testing that is often neglected, in spite of its importance, and about which there appears to be a lot of confusion
and misinformation. The following sections review extrapolation of the Horner to an HTR of one to get the initial
pressure for an infinite-acting reservoir, then introduce the Dietz, Ramey-Cobb, and MBH methods for estimating
average drainage-area pressure.

3.4.1 Horner Method. If the reservoir is infinite acting, extrapolation of the Horner straight line to an
HTR of one gives the initial reservoir pressure, p . In an infinite-acting reservoir, the initial pressure is also
the average drainage-area pressure. In the general case, the extrapolated pressure is called p* (pronounced
“p-star”), whether or not the reservoir is infinite acting. [Horner originally called p* the false pressure, but
this nomenclature has fallen out of use (Horner 1951).] There are two points about which there is significant
The reservoir must be infinite acting from the beginning of production through the end of the buildup for the
extrapolated pressure p* to be the same as the initial reservoir pressure. If the production period is significantly
66 Applied Well Test Interpretation

longer than the duration of the buildup, the pressure response may be infinite acting for the duration of the buildup,
giving a straight line on the Horner plot, but the straight line will not extrapolate to the initial pressure unless the
pressure transient was infinite acting from the beginning of the production period through the end of the buildup.
If the reservoir is not infinite acting, the extrapolated pressure p* is not the initial reservoir pressure; it is not
the average reservoir pressure. The extrapolated pressure p* is defined as the intercept of the Horner straight line,
at an HTR of one, whether the reservoir is infinite acting or not. In general, p * is neither the initial pressure nor
the average reservoir pressure.

The reservoir must be infinite acting from the beginning of production through the end of the buildup for the
extrapolated pressure p* to be the same as the initial reservoir pressure. If the reservoir is not infinite acting,
the extrapolated pressure p* is neither the initial reservoir pressure nor the average drainage-area pressure.

3.4.2 Dietz and Ramey-Cobb Methods. The Dietz method and the Ramey-Cobb method are almost identical,
with the Dietz method using the MDH semilog plot and the Ramey-Cobb method using the Horner semilog plot.
Both methods rely on the following assumptions:

1. The well is produced at a constant rate long enough to reach pseudosteady-state flow before the beginning
of the buildup.
2. IARF is present during the buildup test, and it lasts long enough for the correct semilog straight line to be
3. The drainage-area shape and size are known, as is the location of the well within the drainage area.

Dietz Method. If the above assumptions are met, the Dietz method may be used to estimate the average drainage-
area pressure from the MDH semilog plot (or from the Agarwal equivalent-time semilog plot) as follows (Dietz 1965).

1. Follow the recommended procedure for analyzing a buildup test using the MDH method, as described in
Section 3.3.1, to estimate the permeability k.
2. From the Dietz shape factor tables, find the shape factor CA corresponding to the known drainage-area
shape and well location.
3. Calculate the time At-, at which the average drainage-area pressure p can be read directly from the MDH
semilog straight line, from

At- = ----- *:----------- (3.32)

p 0.0002637kCA

4. Extrapolate the MDH semilog straight line to time At-, then read the average drainage-area pressure p
from the straight
line at time At-.

Ramey-Cobb Method. The Ramey-Cobb method may be used to estimate the average drainage-area pressure
from the Horner plot as follows (Ramey and Cobb 1971).123

1. Follow the recommended procedure for analyzing a buildup test using the Horner method, as described in
Section 3.3.2, to estimate the permeability k.
2. From the Dietz shape factor tables, find the shape factor CA corresponding to the known drainage-area
shape and well location.
3. Calculate the HTR [(/ + A t)/At]., at which the average drainage-area pressure p can be read directly from
the Horner semilog straight line, as

0.0002637k C j
_____________ ±p (3.33)

4. Extrapolate the Horner semilog straight line to HTR [(r + At)/At |_, then read the average drainage-area
pressure p from the extrapolated semilog straight line at time At-.
Radial Flow Semilog Analysis 67

3.4.3 MBH Method. Like the Dietz and Ramey-Cobb methods, the MBH method requires that the drainage-area
shape and size, and the position of the well within the drainage area, be known (Matthews et al. 1950). Unlike
the Dietz and Ramey-Cobb methods, the MBH method does not require that pseudosteady-state flow be achieved
prior to the buildup. The flow rate before the build does have to be constant for a period of time equal to the entire
production period or the time to reach pseudosteady-state flow, whichever is smaller. Instead of using a table of
shape factors CA, the MBH method uses a set of charts for different combinations of drainage-area shape and
well location. Each curve on the MBH charts represents a correction factor to be applied to p* to find the average
drainage-area pressure for a particular drainage-area shape and well location.
Figs. 3.12 and 3.13 show the MBH pressure functions for various well locations in a square drainage area and
in a 2 x 1 rectangular drainage area, respectively. All of the MBH pressure curves have certain features in com­
mon. At early times, the MBH pressure functions approach zero asymptotically. When the MBH pressure function
is zero, the reservoir is infinite acting and the MBH method reduces to the Horner method. At late times the MBH
pressure functions approach straight lines with slope ln( 10), or approximately 2.303. These late time straight lines
represent pseudosteady-state flow. The MBH pressure charts may be used to find the time to reach pseudosteady-
state flow for a particular combination of drainage-area shape and well location by finding the dimensionless
time at which the curve reaches the straight line. For symmetric drainage areas having centrally located wells, the
MBH pressure curve increases monotonically; for asymmetric drainage areas with acentric well locations,

0.01 0.1 1 10
(p A D

Fig. 3.12—MBH pressure functions for a square drainage area. Adapted from Matthews et al. (1954).

0.01 0.1 1 10

Fig. 3.13—MBH pressure functions for a 2 x 1 rectangular drainage area. Adapted from Matthews et al. (1954).
68 Applied Well Test Interpretation

the MBH pressure function may curve downward, or even become negative, during the transition from IA R F
to pseudosteady-state flow. When the MBH pressure function is positive, the true average reservoir pressure is
lower thanp*\ when the MBH pressure f unction is negative, the true average reservoir pressure is higher than/?*.
The following procedure may be used to estimate average drainage-area pressure using the MBH method:

1. Follow the recommended procedure for analyzing a buildup test using the Horner method, as described
in Section 3.3.2, to estimate the slope of the semilog straight line m. the permeability k, and the false
pressure p*.
2. Calculate the dimensionless producing time tpAD as

_ 0.0002637A:
toe, A tp'

3. Using the MBH pressure chart and curve for the appropriate drainage-area shape and well location, read
the MBH dimensionless pressure function PMBHD(tpAD) from the curve at tpAD.
4. Calculate the average drainage-area pressure p as

- j. m / \ (3.35)
P~ P ~— PmBHD(tpAD)■

Example 3.4— Estimating Average Drainage-Area Pressure Example. The following example illustrates the
procedure for estimating average drainage-area pressure using the Dietz, Ramey-Cobb. and MBH methods.
Problem. Given the rock and fluid properties in Table 3.7 and the pressure-buildup test data given in Table 3.8,
estimate the average drainage-area pressure using the Dietz, Ramey-Cobb, and MBH methods. Assume the well
is at the center of a closed circular reservoir.
Solution—Dietz Method. We follow the procedure in Section 3.4.2 for estimating average drainage-area pressure
using the Dietz method.

1. Follow the recommended procedure for analyzing a buildup test using the MDH method, as described
in Section 3.3.1. to estimate the permeability k. Using the MDH method, we find the permeability to
be 26 md. The procedure is the same as for the example shown in Section 3.3.4, so the details are not
shown here.
2. From the Dietz shape factor tables, find the shape factor CA corresponding to the known drainage-area
shape and well location. From Table 2.2, we read the shape factor CA for a well in the center of a closed
circular reservoir as 31.62.
3. Calculate the time At-, at which the average drainage-area pressure p can be read directly from the MDH
semilog straight line. Using Eq. 3.32, we find the dimensionless producing time tpAD is

to e A
(0.2)(2.24)(l .02 x 10“5)(40)(43,560)
= 36.7 hr.



Reservoir Rock and Fluid Properties

Q 100 STB/D 2160 hr

0 0.20 B 1.17 bbl/STB
h 25 ft A 2.24 cp
rw 0.25 ft c, 10.2 x 10-6 psi
A 40 acres
Radial Flow Semilog Analysis 69


At t+
p At Pwf’ Pws At tp + A t Pws At tp + At Pws
hr At psia hr At psia hr At psia

0 2605.93 0.1844 11715 2849.77 4.619 469 2970.50

0.001 2160001 2610.68 0.2085 10361 2857.15 5.198 417 2973.92
0.0021 1028572 2615.82 0.2355 9173 2864.01 5.848 370 2977.30
0.0034 635295 2621.38 0.266 8121 2870.4 6.581 329 2980.65
0.0048 450001 2627.4 0.3002 7196 2876.36 7.404 293 2983.97
0.0064 337501 2633.91 0.3387 6378 2881.96 8.331 260 2987.24
0.0082 263416 2640.91 0.3821 5654 2887.24 9.373 231 2990.48
0.0102 211766 2648.43 0.4308 5015 2892.26 10.55 206 2993.66
0.0125 172801 2656.46 0.4857 4448 2897.05 11.87 183 2996.79
0.0151 143047 2665.02 0.5474 3947 2901.66 13.35 163 2999.87
0.0180 120001 2674.09 0.6168 3503 2906.11 15.02 145 3002.89
0.0212 101888 2683.65 0.6949 3109 2910.42 16.90 129 3005.84
0.0249 86748 2693.68 0.7828 2760 2914.63 19.01 115 3008.71
0.0290 74484 2704.12 0.8816 2451 2918.73 21.39 102 3011.50
0.0336 64287 2714.93 0.9928 2177 2922.76 24.06 90.8 3014.19
0.0388 55671 2726.04 1.118 1933 2926.71 27.07 80.8 3016.78
0.0447 48323 2737.36 1.259 1717 2930.6 30.46 71.9 3019.25
0.0512 42189 2748.81 1.417 1525 2934.43 34.26 64.0 3021.59
0.0587 36798 2760.29 1.595 1355 2938.21 38.55 57.0 3023.78
0.0670 32240 2771.70 1.796 1204 2941.94 43.37 50.8 3025.80
0.0764 28273 2782.94 2.021 1070 2945.64 48.79 45.3 3027.65
0.0869 24857 2793.89 2.275 951 2949.29 54.79 40.4 3029.27
0.0988 21863 2804.48 2.56 845 2952.91 60.79 36.5 3030.55
0.1121 19270 2814.62 2.881 751 2956.49 66.79 33.3 3031.56
0.1271 16995 2824.25 3.242 667 2960.04 72 31.0 3032.27
0.1440 15001 2833.33 3.648 593 2963.56
0.1630 13253 2841.84 4.105 527 2967.04

4. Extrapolate the MDH semilog straight line to time A t- then read the average drainage-area pressure p
from the straight line at time A t- From Fig. 3.14, we read the average drainage-area pressure p as 3,035
psi from the straight line extrapolated to a time At- of 36.7 hour.

Solution—Ramey-Cobb Method. We follow the procedure in Section 3.4.2 for estimating average drainage-
area pressure using the Ramey-Cobb method.

1. Follow the recommended procedure for analyzing a buildup test using the Horner method, as described
in Section 3.3.2, to estimate the permeability k. Using the Horner method, we find the permeability to
be 26 rnd. The procedure is the same as for the example shown in Section 3.3.4, so the details are not
shown here.
2. From the Dietz shape factor tables, find the shape factor CA corresponding to the known drainage-area
shape and well location. From Table 2.2, we read the shape factor CAfor a well in the center of a closed
circular reservoir as 31.62.
3. Calculate the HTR [(/ + At)/At]-, at which the average drainage-area pressure p can be read directly from
the Horner semilog straight line. Using Eq. 3.33, we find

f t + A t) 0.0002637kt C\
At due A
V h 1

(0.0002637) (26) (2160) (31.62)

(0.2) (2.24) (l .02 x 10-5) (40) (43,560)
= 58.9.
70 Applied Well Test Interpretation

Fig. 3.14—Estimating average drainage area pressure using the Dietz method.

Fig. 3.15—Estimating average drainage area pressure using the Ramey-Cobb method.

4. Extrapolate the Homer semilog straight line to an HTR of [(tp + At)/At] , then read the average drainage-
area pressure p from the extrapolated semilog straight line at an HTR of [(f + At)/At]-. From Fig. 3.15,
we read the average drainage-area pressure p as 3,035 psi from the straight line extrapolated to an HTR
[(tp + Ar)/A/]_ of 58.9.

Solution— M BH Method. We follow the procedure in Section 3.4.3 for estimating average drainage-area
pressure using the MBH method (see Fig. 3.16).1

1. Follow the recommended procedure for analyzing a buildup test using the Horner method, as described in
Section 3.3.2, to estimate the slope of the semilog straight line m, the permeability k, and the false pressure
p*. Using the Horner method, we find the slope to be 65.5 psi/cycle, the permeability to be 25 md, and the
extrapolated pressure p * to be 3,146 psi. The permeability calculation is not shown.
Radial Flow Semilog Analysis 71

Fig. 3.16—Estimating average drainage area pressure using the MBH method—extrapolating the semilog straight line.

2. Calculate the dimensionless producing time tpAD as

t m = ~ ----------------------1
pAD (pile A p
(0.0002637) (26)
(0.2)(2.24)(1.02x1 O'5) (40)(43,560) ^ ’ ’
= 1. 86.

3. Using the MBH pressure chart and curve for the appropriate drainage-area shape and well location, read
the MBH dimensionless pressure function pmHD(tpAD) from the curve at tpAD. The MBH charts given in
the text do not have a curve for a well at the center of a closed circular reservoir, so we use the curve for
a well at the center of a closed square reservoir (see Fig. 3.17).

Fig. 3.17—Estimating average drainage area pressure using the MBH method—finding pMBHD from the MBH pressure
function chart.
72 Applied Well Test Interpretation

4. Calculate the average drainage-area pressure p as

= 3,029 psi.

3.5 Flow Rate Variations Before Shut-In

The flow rate before a buildup test is usually not constant. If the flow rate history is known in sufficient detail, the
Agarwal multirate equivalent-time method or the superposition-time-function method discussed in the previous
section may be used. It is often the case, however, that the flow rate history is not completely known. In this sec­
tion. we will first look at the impact of rate changes immediately before shut-in for a buildup test. We will then
introduce the Homer pseudoproducing time method (Horner 1951) and discuss the conditions under which it is
applicable. Finally, we will discuss the problem of determining the correct flowing bottomhole pressure at the
moment of shut-in.

3.5.1 Effect of Flow Rate Variations Immediately Before Shut-In. When first faced with a buildup following
a multirate test, the natural inclination is to analyze the buildup as if it were a buildup following a constant-rate
flow period, using the average flow rate and the actual producing time, as shown in Fig. 3.18.
However, if the duration of the final flow period before the buildup is much longer than the buildup, the last
flow rate before the buildup has a much more important effect on the subsequent buildup pressure response,
as we will discuss in Chapter 8. Thus, the last flow rate before the buildup controls the magnitude of the pres­
sure response during buildup for times much shorter than the duration of the final flow period. Honoring both
the cumulative production and the final flow rate before shut-in leads to the Horner pseudoproducing time

3.5.2 Horner Pseudoproducing Time Approximation. If the rate is constant during the final flow period before
shut-in. and if the duration of the buildup is much smaller than that of the last flow period, the Horner pseudopro­
ducing time may be used to approximate the rate history before buildup. The Horner pseudoproducing time t is
defined as

24 iVp
p (3.36)

Actual rate history

Constant average rate


Fig. 3.18—Approximating a varying rate history with average rate does not honor the last flow rate before shut-in.
Radial Flow Semilog Analysis 73

Fig. 3.19—Horner pseudoproducing time approximation honors both the last flow rate before shut in glast and the
cumulative production Np.

where N is the cumulative production before shut-in and qUp is the flow rate during the final flow period before
the buildup. The buildup test is then analyzed as if the well had produced at constant flow rate g for a producing
time tp given by Eq. 3.36.
The Horner pseudoproducing time defined by Eq. 3.36 honors the last flow rate, which controls the shape of
the buildup at shut-in times much smaller than the duration of the last flow period. Eq. 3.36 also honors the total
cumulative production, thereby preserving material balance. In effect, the Homer pseudoproducing time approxi­
mation replaces the actual variable-rate history with an equivalent constant-rate history of duration / and rate qHt,
as shown in Fig. 3.19.
The Horner pseudoproducing time approximation should not be used when the duration of the last flow period
is less than ten times the duration of the buildup period. Instead, one of the more rigorous methods based on the
superposition principle, such as the multirate equivalent-time method, must be used.

The Horner pseudoproducing time, defined as / = 2ANJqVi^, honors the cumulative production and the last
flow rate before shut-in. The Homer pseudoproducing time should only be used when the duration of the last
constant-rate flow period is at least ten times the duration of the buildup period.

3.5.3 Determining Final Flowing Wellbore Pressure Before Shut-In. Often, for various reasons, the rate
decreases in the last few minutes before a buildup test [compare Fig. 18 in Ramey (1965)]. While the rate during
this interval is often unknown, it is obvious from the pressure response that the rate has changed. If the duration
of the rate decrease is small (less than the time to end of wellbore storage), then the final unknown rate may be
ignored. However, the flowing bottomhole pressure must be adjusted to account for the change in pressure during
the final brief flow period.
Fig. 3.20 shows the pressure response for a well produced at 40 STB/D for 168 hours. The rate dropped by
approximately 10% for three minutes before the well was shut in for a buildup. If the rate were known during the
three minutes before shut-in, the Agarwal multirate equivalent-time method or the superposition-time-function
method could be used to account for the rate change. However, in this case, the rate is not known.
Wellbore storage is estimated to last 20 to 30 minutes. From the discussion in Section 3.5.1, it is evident that the
influence of the three-minute flow period on the buildup pressure response will be negligible by the time wellbore
storage ends at 20 to 30 minutes.
The flowing bottomhole pressure p may be found as shown in Fig. 3.21. Instead of taking p to be the pressure at
the end of the brief flow period. Point A, we readp at Point B, the intersection of a straight line through the last few
points of the extended flow period and a straight line through the first couple of points in the buildup. The intersection
of the two lines gives the flowing bottomhole pressure,/? as 1,836.3 psi, and the time of shut-in as 168.041 hour.
Semilog analysis (not shown) of the buildup assuming a constant flow rate of 40 STB/D before shut-in, and
using p from Point A gives a skin factor of 3.9, while analysis using Point B gives a skin factor of 5.7, much
closer to the actual skin factor of 6.
74 Applied
Applied Well
Well Test
Test Interpretation



1900 .. ··························· ...
"iijS 1880
'5 1880
£ 1870
~£ 1860
1850 ....
.. ···

1820 ..-J
167.8 167.9
167.9 168
168 168.1
168.1 168.2
168.2 168.3
Time, hr

Fig. 3.20—Pressure
Fig. 3.20-Pressure response rate decreases
response when rate decreases briefly
briefly before
before shut in.



1900 .. ······················ ...

1890 .. ···
"iij 1880
::, 1870
a, 1860
1850 LE)
1840 1,836.3
167.8 167.9 168 168.1 168.2 168.3
Time, hr

Fig. 3.21—Finding Pwr

Fig. 3.21-Finding p^w when
hen rate decreases
decreases briefly
before shut in.

3.6 Summary
The following
following points summarize this chapter:
points summarize chapter:

1. A semilog
semilog graph
graph ofof pressure
pressure vs. the logarithm
logarithm of of time
time is used
used for straight-line
straight-line analysis
analysis for infinite-acting
radial flow.
2. In analyzing
analyzing a constant-rate drawdown test, the flowing
constant-rate drawdown flowing bottomhole
bottomhole pressure
pressure is graphed
graphed vs. the producing
time on a semilog graph. The permeability
semilog graph. permeability is calculated
calculated from
from the slope
slope and the skin factor
factor from
from the intercept.
3. Variation
Variation in flow rate of as little
rate of little as 10%
10% may distort the pressure
may distort pressure response
response for a drawdown
drawdown test to the point
where analysis
analysis assuming
assuming constant
constant flow rate
rate is impossible.
4. IfIf the flow rate
rate is changing
changing slowly
slowly and smoothly
smoothly andand the reservoir
reservoir is infinite
infinite acting,
acting, rate
rate normalization
normalization may
used to estimate
be used estimate permeability
permeability and skin factor.
Buildup tests may
5. Buildup may be used
used to estimate permeability and
estimate permeability and skin
skin factor
factor for wells that
for wells that have been producing
have been producing and
reservoir pressure
the reservoir pressure is not uniform
uniform at the beginning
beginning of the test.
6. In analyzing
analyzing a buildup
buildup test
test using
using the Miller-Dyes-Hutchinson
Miller-Dyes-Hutchinson method,
method, the shut-in
shut-in bottomhole
bottomhole pressure
pressure is
graphed vs. the shut-in time on a semilog
shut-in time semilog graph.
graph. The permeability is calculated
The permeability calculated from
from the slope
slope of a straight
line through
line through the data,
data, and
and the skin factor
factor is calculated
calculated from
from the intercept.
Radial Flow Semilog
Semilog Analysis
Analysis 75

7. When
When using
using thethe Miller-Dyes-Hutchinson
Miller-Dyes-Hutchinson method, method, only
only buildup
buildup data suchsuch that
that the
the shut-in
shut-in time
time isis less
less than
0% of the duration
of the duration ofof the
the preceding
preceding flow periodperiod should
should be included
included in thethe analysis.
8.8. In
In analyzing
analyzing a buildup
buildup test
test using
using the Homer
Horner method.
method, thethe shut-in
shut-in bottomhole
bottomhole pressure isis graphedgraphed vs. vs. the
Horner timetime ratio on a semilog graph. graph. The The permeability
permeability is is calculated
calculated from the slope of of a straight
straight line
through the data. data. For
For an infinite-acting
infinite-acting reservoir,
reservoir, extrapolating
extrapolating the straight
straight line to an an Horner
Horner time
time ratio
of one
one gives
gives an an estimate
estimate of the initial pressure.
of the pressure. TheThe pressure on the the straight
straight line
line at an Horner
Horner time
time ratio
corresponding to a time of P,.,.,
of one hour, p , is is used
used along
along with
with the flowing
flowing bottomhole
bottomhole pressure
pressure to calculate
the skin factor.
9.9. The Horner
Horner time
time ratio
ratio decreases
decreases as time increases. If the
time increases. the data are graphed
graphed so the the Horner
Horner time
time ratio increases
from left to to right.
right, time increases
increases from right right to left. The
The x-axis
x-axis maymay be flipped
flipped so so the Horner
Horner time ratio ratio
increases from
increases from right
right to left and
and time
time increases
increases from leftleft to right
right as is the usual
usual convention.
0. TheThe Horner
Horner method
method may may be used
used to estimate
estimate initial
initial reservoir
reservoir pressure only only in a reservoir
reservoir that is is infinite
acting from the the beginning
beginning of of production
production through
through thethe end
end ofof the shut-in
shut-in period.
I I. The Dietz
11. Dietz and Ramey-Cobb
Ramey-Cobb methodsmethods may may be used
used to estimate average
average drainage-area
drainage-area pressure
pressure ifif the well
has produced at constant
has produced constant rate long
long enough
enough to reach
reach pseudosteady-state
pseudosteady-state flow flow before
before shut-in.
12. The The Matthews-Brons-Hazebroek
Matthews-Brons-Hazebroek method method may may be used
used to estimate
estimate average
average drainage-area
drainage-area pressure
pressure for a
constant-rate production
production period of of any duration.
13. The last flow flow rate
rate before shut-in
shut-in controls
controls the shape of the buildupbuildup pressure
pressure response
response at shut-in
shut-in times
times much
smaller thanthan the
the duration
duration ofof the
the last
last flow
flow period.
14. Under
Under certain
certain conditions,
conditions, the Horner
Horner pseudoproducing
pseudoproducing time time allows
allows buildups
buildups following
following variable-rate
production to be analyzedanalyzed as if thethe production
production before
before shut-in
shut-in were
were constant.
15. The Horner pseudoproducing
The Horner pseudoproducing time honors honors the last
last flow rate andand preserves material
material balance.
16. The Horner
16. Homer pseudoproducing
pseudoproducing time time method
method should
should not be used
used if the
the duration
duration of of the last
last flow period
period before
shut-in is is less
less than
than IO10 times the duration
duration of of the buildup.
17. A rare rate change
change of shortshort duration
duration immediately
immediately beforebefore shut-in
shut-in may
may be ignored
ignored if the flowing bottomhole
the flowing bottomhole
pressure and and shut-in
shut-in time
time are taken
taken from
from the intersection
intersection of of a straight
straight line through
through the last few points
the last points ofof
the extended
the extended flow flow period
period andand the first
first few points
points of the shut-in.

b =- intercept.
intercept, psi
b' =
b' = intercept.
intercept, psi/STB/D
B == formation volume factor.
formation volume factor, bbl/STB
c\ =
c, = total
total compressibility,
compressibility, psi:'
h = = net
net pay thickness,
thickness, ft
jj = summation
summation index
= index
k = permeability. md
= permeability,
in =
111 = slope
slope ofof straight
straight line.
line, psi/cycle
m =
m' = slope
slope ofof straight
straight line,
line, psi/STB/D/cycle
N,. =
= cumulative production, STB
cumulative production, STB
p = = pressure,
pressure, psia
pP = = pressure read from
ih, from the semi log straight
semilog straight line
line at a time of
of I1 hour. psia
hour, psia
p = 1= initial
initial pressure,
pressure, psia
q = = flow
flow rate, STB/D
q, =
q = last
1,,,last flow
flow rate before shut-in.
shut-in, STB/D
t = = time.
time, hour
At =
flt = shut-in
shut-in time,
time, hour
t =
,, = production
production time,
time, hour
t = Horner pseudoproducing time, hour
Horner pseudoproducing hour
r = = wellbore
wellbore radius,
radius, ft
s5 == skin
skin factor,
factor, dimensionless
µp viscosity, cp
= viscosity,
0 == porosity,
porosity, fraction

wff == flowing
w flowing wellbore
wellbore conditions
ws = shut-in
shut-in wellbore
wellbore conditions

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