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Documents/ Information required for taking legal action.

Sl No. Particulars
1 Original Client Opening Form/ Customer Evaluation Form mentioning 
Status of Concern  :- Proprietorship/HUF/ Firm/ Company/ Local Bodies/ Association etc
Name of Owner :- Proprietor/ Karta/Partners/ Directors etc
Details Address  of Concern and Residential address of  Owner along with PIN Code, Telephone No,
2 KYC Document of Firms and Owner viz.
PAN Card of Firm/Company  and Owner
GST Registration Certificate or any other Registration Certificate of Firm
Residential Proof documents of Owner
Passport Size Photograph of the Owner (If any)
Address Proof of the Firm
3 Ledger of the Party signed by Accounts Dept.
4 Original Deposit Slip of Cheques. (If applicable)
5 Original Deposit Slip of Cheques.Original Dishonoured Cheques (If applicable)
6 Original Deposit Slip of Cheques.Original Bank Memo of Bank of Opposite Party.(If applicable)
7 Original Deposit Slip of Cheques.Original Debit Advice Memo of Our Bank (If applicable)
8 Any Writing Agreement/ Communication with the Party in Original.
Any confirmation of balance in writing from the party
9 Dispute, if any

Name, and designation of 

concerned  person of the party  who
placed the order and who dealt with
us and who accepted the delivery.

Name and designation of concerned

person of L&T who dealt with the
party and who can give the first
hand information.
12 Original Purchase Order for  the Invoices which Outstanding is Pending
13 Invoices copy which Outstanding is pending with the Acknowledges
14 Original Proof Of Delivery for the Invoices of which payment is outstanding
If Cheque was deposited for two or
more times, then Deposit Slip/ Bank
Memo/ Debit Advice Memo of all
times. (If applicable)
16 If Cheque is issued and bounced then Original Deposit Slip of Cheques. Who has signed the cheque
17 Cause of Dispute
18 Balance Confirmation from the Party, if any
19 Other relevant information depends upon case to case basis
 20 Any thing which you like to share with us which is important for the case 
ocuments/ Information required for taking legal action.

orm/ Customer Evaluation Form mentioning 

prietorship/HUF/ Firm/ Company/ Local Bodies/ Association etc
etor/ Karta/Partners/ Directors etc
ern and Residential address of  Owner along with PIN Code, Telephone No, Mobile No and Email id.
and Owner viz.
any  and Owner
ate or any other Registration Certificate of Firm
ents of Owner
h of the Owner (If any)

d by Accounts Dept.
heques. (If applicable)
heques.Original Dishonoured Cheques (If applicable)
heques.Original Bank Memo of Bank of Opposite Party.(If applicable)
heques.Original Debit Advice Memo of Our Bank (If applicable)
Communication with the Party in Original.
ce in writing from the party

or  the Invoices which Outstanding is Pending

tanding is pending with the Acknowledges
for the Invoices of which payment is outstanding

ounced then Original Deposit Slip of Cheques. Who has signed the cheque (If applicable)

m the Party, if any

n depends upon case to case basis
o share with us which is important for the case 

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