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Renewable Energy 101 (2017) 886e893

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Evaluating high volume blends of vegetable oil in micro-gas turbine

A. Hoxie a, *, M. Anderson b, c
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Minnesota Duluth, 1305 Ordean Ct., Duluth, MN 55812, USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 111 Church St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Milwaukee School of Engineering, 1025 N Broadway, Milwaukee, WI 53202, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Vegetable oil was examined to determine if high volume blends with No. 2 ultra-low-sulfur diesel could
Received 29 May 2015 be successfully utilized in micro gas turbine engines. Property data, and atomization and micro-gas
Received in revised form turbine engine studies were examined for blends of up to 75% by volume soybean oil with No. 2
12 September 2016
ultra-low-sulfur-diesel (ULSD). Kay's and Grunberg-Nissan mixing rules were found to predict specific
Accepted 23 September 2016
gravity and viscosity, respectively, based on composition to a high level of accuracy. For Kay's mixing rule
the AADs were below 1%, while AADs for the Grunberg-Nissan equation stayed under 4%. Atomization
tests showed an increase in cone angle of 18 for a 30-degree nozzle with a mixture of 50% soybean oil/
Vegetable oil
ULSD over that of pure soybean oil. The pour point for blends of V50 and V75 were found to meet the
Diesel ASTM D2880-13b Fuel Oil Specifications for gas turbine engines. For a V50 blend the spray angle was
Biofuel increased by 50% over that of pure SBO. The micro-gas turbine engine performed well for fuel blends up
Micro-gas turbine engine to 75% vegetable oil, with comparable engine efficiencies to that of ULSD. Engine efficiency and thrust
Atomization increase with increasing RPM. The studies indicate that high volume blends of straight vegetable oil with
ULSD are suitable in micro-gas turbine engines.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Alternative fuel mixtures have focused primarily on biodiesel

blends with diesel where the biodiesel is made from various
As concern continues over the effects of carbon dioxide released feedstock. Research has focused on identifying fuel blend proper-
into the atmosphere and the resulting changes to the climate, ties as well as performance data from compression ignition engine
research into the efficient use of biomass-based fuels is vital. Micro tests [1e11] One such study by Alptekin et al. focused on biodiesel-
gas turbine engines offer a conducive environment for researching diesel property data of four edible feedstocks for use in compres-
the effective use of bio-oils in combustion applications; they pro- sion ignition engines. They found the properties of blends up to 20%
vide a constant flow-through combustion environment that can by volume of biodiesel were close to those of pure diesel [12].
handle higher viscosity, lower volatility fuels needing longer re- Studies focused on alternative fuel blends for use in gas turbine
action times. In this study, fuel properties, atomization and com- engines are more limited in numbers and also primarily focus on
bustion characteristics were conducted to evaluate whether biodiesel/diesel blends [13,14]. Sequera et al. examined the com-
refined, bleached and deodorized (RBD) soybean oil (SBO) could be bustion performance of diesel, biodiesel, emulsified bio-oil and
used reliably in micro gas turbine engines. Selection of RBD SBO as diesel/biodiesel blends on a swirl-stabilized burner similar to those
the primary bio-oil to be tested was based on its low metal, ash and in a gas turbine combustor [15]. They document low emissions and
carbon residue content. The initial ignition tests and comparison of blue flames indicative of premixed combustion for all fuels tested.
properties of RBD SBO to diesel fuel, and to ASTM specifications, In a later study Panchasara et al. extended testing in the same fa-
indicated a need to modify the properties of the SBO to allow it to cility to include soybean oil/diesel blends, finding slightly higher
burn in the gas turbine engine. CO levels as compared to pure diesel [16]. A couple of recent studies
have emerged that report gas turbine engine data and fuel prop-
erties of bio-oil mixtures with diesel or alcohols, however none of
* Corresponding author. these studies are of soybean based vegetable oil or extend testing to
E-mail address: (A. Hoxie). high volumes e above 50% e of vegetable oil [17e20].
0960-1481/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Hoxie, M. Anderson / Renewable Energy 101 (2017) 886e893 887

Table 2
Regression coefficients, R2, and AAD values for Kay's Mixing Rule.

Fuel blend A B R2 % AAD

V100 0.0005 0.929 0.994 0.044

V75 0.0005 0.911 0.996 0.108
V50 0.0005 0.891 0.995 0.099
V25 0.0005 0.871 0.996 0.03
V0 0.0005 0.853 0.996 0.227

composition of SBO in the mixture.

2. Material and methods

Fig. 1. Engine cut-away of the SR-30.
2.1. Property measurements

All property tests were performed in triplicate for accuracy.

Values are reported as averages with calculated error bars. Tests
were conducted at a barometric pressure of 0.974 atm and at the
following temperatures when applicable: 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80
and 100 Celsius. A Cannon CT-1000 constant temperature water
bath maintained temperatures to within 0.01  C. Specific gravity
and viscosity measurements were carried out in accordance with
ASTM D1298 and ASTM D445, respectively [21,22]. Higher heating
values were determined using an IKA C 200 automated bomb
calorimeter, following ASTM D240 [23]. A certified Cannon AFP-102
in conjunction with a coolant circulator was used to measure the
cold filter plugging point following ASTM D6371 [24]. Pour point
and cloud point were measured according to ASTM D6749 and
D2500 respectively using a Cannon MPC-1021 certified mini-pour/
cloud point tester [25,26]. Flash point of the pure fuels and fuel
blends were determined by the Agriculture Utilization Research
Institute (AURI) using a Stanhope-Seta Mulitflash with a Pensky-
Martens closed cup module model 34100-2.

Fig. 2. Specific gravity dependence on SBO for multiple temperatures.

2.2. Atomization studies

Table 1 Atomization studies explored spray breakup characteristics of

% AAD values for Kay's Mixing Rule. ULSD, and SBO. A 30-degree Hago nozzle was used to examine the
Temperature ( C) AAD (%) affects of fuel blend on atomization. Non-reacting flow conditions e
namely characteristics of the fuel sprays e were studied using a
20 0.011
40 0.011
pulsed laser formed into a sheet and passing through the center
60 0.001 plane of the fuel spray. The nanosecond-scale pulse duration of the
80 0.012 laser allowed for both instantaneous and time-averaged charac-
100 0.156 teristics of the sprays to be evaluated.

2.3. Engine studies

In this study, two methods were explored to augment RBD SBO
fuel properties for successful use in a 30 kW micro gas turbine The SR-30 is shown in Fig. 1. The engine is outfitted with stag-
engine. The methods chosen were preheating and mixing with a nation thermocouples and static and stagnation pressure sensors at
secondary fuel. Heating reduces fuel viscosity leading to increased each stage of the engine: upon entering the engine (1), down-
atomization and thus more complete combustion. Blending with a stream of the compressor (2), downstream of the combustion can
second fuel was also chosen as a strategy to aid ignition and flame (3), downstream of the axial turbine (4), and at the engine exhaust
sustainability. Number 2, ultra-low-sulfur-diesel (ULSD) was cho- (5), as shown in Fig. 1. The sensors allow for a complete thermal and
sen as the primary fuel due to its familiarity with gas turbine engine performance analysis of the engine. Air enters the engine through a
operators and therefore its ease of use. ULSD exhibits properties nozzle, designed to create uniform airflow into the single stage
suitable for gas turbine engines such as adequate flash point, vis- radial compressor. The air is compressed to two times atmosphere
cosity and energy content. before entering the reverse flow annular combustion can. A single
This paper presents pertinent property data for the fuel mix- stage axial turbine follows the combustion can, and leads to a
tures, atomization characteristics and data from a micro gas turbine thrust-producing nozzle. The fuel delivery system on the SR-30 was
engine. Property tests include specific gravity, viscosity, and higher modified to transition between fuels while the engine is running. A
heating value along with cloud, cold filter plugging and pour point switching station was developed to start the engine on ULSD and
data. The pure components were tested as well as blends of 25, 50 then switch to the fuel blend once the engine had stabilized. The
and 75% composition by volume of SBO. The mixtures are referred gas turbine was switched back to ULSD prior to shutdown to flush
to as V100, V75, V50, V25, V0 where the number represents the the system of SBO thus preventing gumming in the fuel lines. After
888 A. Hoxie, M. Anderson / Renewable Energy 101 (2017) 886e893

Fig. 3. Viscosity dependence on temperature for SBO/ULSD fuel blends. Fig. 4. Viscosity dependence on SBO composition for multiple temperatures.

Table 3 Table 4
Regression coefficients, R2, and AAD for viscosity temperature dependence. Flash point and cold flow properties of SBO/ULSD blends.

Fuel A B C R2 AAD (%) Fuel Flash point  C Pour point  C Cloud point  C Cold filter
plugging point  C
V100 6.742 3197 828.585 0.984 1.075
V75 1.524 80.939 454,800 0.985 0.015 V0 71 43 ± 1 23 ± 0.5 22 ± 0.5
V50 5.641 2469 0.181 0.987 1.018 V25 74 38 ± 2 16 ± 0.5 25 ± 1.5
V25 2.36 2731 780,300 0.972 0.263 V50 79 30 ± 1 12 ± 1 8 ± 3.5
V0 5.218 1939 0.783 0.982 2.755 V75 91 15 ± 0.5 7 ± 0.5 4 ± 1.5
V100 217 10 ± 2 0 ± 1.5 2 ± 0.5

the engine was started and stabilized at an RPM chosen by the

operator, the switching station could be used to either run both the
rM ¼ AðTÞ þ B (2)
primary ULSD and the test fuel together or switch completely to the
where rM is the relative density of the mixture, A and B are
test fuel. The return line was also modified to return to the ULSD or
regression coefficients, and T is the temperature ( C). A line was fit
test fuel supply tank or a mixed return tank.
to the experimental data using linear regression. The correspond-
ing R2 values, % average absolute deviation (AAD) and regression
coefficients are provided in Table 2. The linear trend is validated by
the high R2 values and low AAD percentages.
3. Experimental results

3.1.2. Kinematic viscosity

3.1. Property data
As anticipated, the kinematic viscosity of the pure fuels and fuel
3.1.1. Specific gravity
Specific gravity was measured for the pure fuel as well as fuel
blends over a range of temperatures. A plot of specific gravity
versus composition for four temperatures, 20, 40, 80 and 100  C, is
shown in Fig. 2. The specific gravity is linearly dependent on fuel
blend composition. Kay's mixing rule is the primary predictive
equation used to determine specific gravity as a function of
composition [27]. The rule for binary mixtures and in the form of
arithmetic volume averages is shown in Eq. (1).

4m ¼ VV ,4V þ VD ,4D (1)

where the subscripts, V and D, stand for SBO and ULSD respectively.
The mixture property of interest, in this case specific gravity is
indicated by, 4m . AADs obtained using Kay's mixing rule for esti-
mating specific gravity of SBO-ULSD mixtures are shown in Table 1.
The estimated values fall within the ±0.003 error region.
Specific gravity versus temperature for the pure fuels and RBD
SBO-ULSD mixtures was also found to be linear. The predictive
formula for specific gravity as a function of temperature follow the
form shown in Eq. (2): Fig. 5. HHV of SBO/ULSD blends.
A. Hoxie, M. Anderson / Renewable Energy 101 (2017) 886e893 889

Fig. 6. Time integrated laser-sheet images of fuel sprays under comparable delivery conditions: a) diesel; b) soybean oil.

equation is:

n X
n X
ln mm ¼ xi ln mi þ xi xj Gij (4)
i¼1 i¼1 j¼1

where mm is the mean absolute viscosity of the blend, mi the abso-

lute viscosity of the pure ith component, xi and xj the mole fractions
of the ith and jth components, Gij the interaction parameter (Gij ¼ 0,
for i ¼ j), and n the number of components. For these mixtures the
two components have similar chemical structure, are miscible,
additive and highly non-polar, therefore the interaction parameter
Gij can be neglected. Rewriting Eq. (4) in terms of kinematic vis-
cosity, volume fraction and neglecting Gij, the Grunberg-Nissan
equation becomes:

ln hm ¼ VD ln hD þ VS ln hS (5)

where hm is the kinematic viscosity of the mixture, and V is the

Fig. 7. Oh-Re plot showing different atomization regimes. The atomization of SBO is
shown to improve by increasing fuel temperature, causing it to move down and to the volume fraction. The subscript D is for ULSD and S is for RBD SBO.
right on the Oh-Re plot. Kinematic viscosity versus fluid composition is presented at tem-
peratures of 20, 40, 80 and 100  C in Fig. 4 along with the Grunberg-
blends varied exponentially with temperature. As shown in Fig. 3, Nissan approximation curves. The AAD values between the
the viscosity dependence on temperature decreases with predictive formula and experimental data obtained were 4.54%,
decreasing SBO composition. The kinematic viscosity-temperature 5.10%, 4.38% and 4.72% corresponding to 20, 40, 80 and 100  C,
relationship is well represented by the Andrade equation as respectfully.
shown in Eq. (3).
3.1.3. Flash point
Flash point of the pure fuels and fuel blends was measured by
AþTBþ C2
AURI using a closed cup method. The results are given in Table 4.
The flash point drops off exponentially as RBD SBO content de-
creases. This suggests that simple mixing with a more volatile fuel
where h is the kinematic viscosity (cSt), T is the absolute temper-
should significantly impact the ignition characteristics of SBO.
ature (K) and A, B, and C are regression coefficients. A, B and C are
given in Table 3 for each mixture using the experimental data. R2
values and AADs are also provided for each fuel blend. Fig. 3 shows 3.1.4. Higher heating value
the Andrade equation plotted over the experimental data; the Higher Heating Value (HHV) was measured in triplicate as a
equation shows a close fit to the experimental data. The high R2 function of composition. The experimental results are given in
values and low AADs, given in Table 3, confirm the kinematic vis- Fig. 5. As is expected the HHV decreases linearly with decreasing
cosity is well predicted using Eq. (3) with high accuracy. The SBO content. The average overall uncertainty was found to be
Grunberg-Nissan equation, as shown in Eq. (4), is a predictive ±100 J/g and an AAD of 0.293%.
equation for kinematic viscosity based on the pure component's
viscosity relationship with temperature. Successful prediction with 3.1.5. Cold flow properties
this equation reduces the need for extensive experimental data of Cold flow properties are important for determining the ability to
the fuel mixtures. The Grunberg-Nissan equation is appropriate for utilize the fuel blends throughout the year, including cold winter
use with binary mixtures of non-aqueous liquid mixtures [27]. The months. The pour point, cloud point and cold filter plugging point
890 A. Hoxie, M. Anderson / Renewable Energy 101 (2017) 886e893

Fig. 8. Atomization of SBO with increasing ULSD content.

Fig. 9. Temperature traces of exhaust.

were measured and the results are shown in Table 4. The cold filter show the atomization behavior of both pure ULSD and RBD SBO
plugging point of the pure SBO is referenced from literature [28]. at room temperature. Fuel was supplied to the nozzle at nominally
Each of the cold flow properties varies nearly linearly with percent identical conditions. The images document qualitatively the chal-
SBO content. Fuel blends up to V75 meet the ASTM D2880-13b lenges of using biomass-derived fuels. ULSD produces a uniform
Grade No. 2-GT fuel standard for pour point, while blends up to droplet distribution, as seen in Fig. 6a. This is the type of atomi-
V50 meet the Grade No. 1-GT standard [29]. zation needed for efficient combustion. In contrast RBD SBO re-
mains a liquid column under the same conditions; a situation that
3.2. Atomization-flow visualization is clearly unsatisfactory for efficient fuel-air mixing and combus-
tion. A comparison of fuel properties between ULSD and SBO in-
3.2.1. Pure fuels dicates nearly constant densities (4% higher for SBO) and
Rapid atomization is a necessary precursor for efficient com- comparable surface tensions (23% higher for soy), but considerable
bustion in a gas turbine engine. The atomization of pure RBD SBO differences in viscosity where the dynamic viscosity of SBO is 25-
was investigated; methods for improving atomization, such as times greater than that of ULSD.
elevating the fuel temperature, increasing fuel pressure, and mix- The dynamic effect of increased viscosity is to significantly
ing with a less viscous fuel were examined. The images in Fig. 6 reduce the Reynolds number, Re, of the SBO jet, leaving the nozzle,

Table 5
SR-30 engine parameters and efficiency for SBO-ULSD blends as compared to pure ULSD.

Fuel type Mass flow rate air (kg/s) Mass flow rate fuel (kg/s) Air/fuel ratio Enthalpy flux (kW) Kinetic power (kW) Engine efficiency (%)

ULSD 0.267 0.00428 62.36 150 9.7 59%

V25 0.257 0.00403 63.73 153 9.3 65%
V50 0.258 0.00393 65.72 152 9.3 67%
A. Hoxie, M. Anderson / Renewable Energy 101 (2017) 886e893 891

Fig. 10. Engine efficiency for increasing RPM for V25 as compared to ULSD.

relative to that of ULSD. In general, atomization of a liquid spray is also have the added benefit of enhancing the ignition and combus-
governed by its fluid properties, density, viscosity and surface tion characteristics of SBO. Blends ranging from pure SBO to pure
tension as well as the inertial forces created by the delivery setup. ULSD were examined with Hago precision nozzle similar to that
Two non-dimensional numbers describe the development of jet- used in the SR-30 microturbine. Fig. 8 shows instantaneous images
breakup. The Ohnesorge number, Oh, is a ratio of the viscous to of the spray for pure SBO, V100, along with 75% and 50% by volume
surface tension and the Reynolds number is the ratio of inertial to mixtures with ULSD. The fuel flow rate supplied to the nozzles was
viscous forces. Fig. 7, provides the different breakup regimes kept constant, at 48 ml/min, for each case. The fuel pressure varied
possible for a liquid jet as described by the governing parameters, from 380 to 550 kPa, in order to keep the flow rate constant. This
originally from Lefebvre, together with the experimental data from variation in pressure does not have a significant impact on the spray-
this study [30]. The ULSD spray shown in Fig. 6a is shown in Fig. 7 as spreading angle. However, the fuel blend composition does have a
an inset with the dark circle marking its position on the Oh-Re plot. large impact on atomization. A significant change in atomization
The spray pictures in Fig. 7 are at fuel pressures that replicate those characteristics is clearly seen in Fig. 8. Simple mixing increased the
typical in the SR-30 microturbine and combustion test rig, leading cone angle by 16 for a 50/50 mixture over pure SBO.
to an Oh z 0.1 and Re z 10,000 for ULSD fuel. At these conditions
the ULSD readily breaks up into small droplets at the nozzle exit,
thus experiencing rapid atomization. In general moving toward the 3.3. Engine testing: the SR-30
lower-left, on the Oh-Re plot, inhibits atomization, while moving to
the upper right promotes atomization. Pure ULSD along with blends up to 75% SBO by volume were
For the more viscous SBO, at room temperature, the Reynolds tested in the SR-30 turbojet at an RPM of 78,000. The engine was
number is much smaller, on the order of 10. This prevents breakup started on ULSD and then transitioned to a SBO/ULSD blend. The
and leads to a smooth column of fuel issuing from the nozzle. As the ULSD flowrate was determined via a calibration of the specific
SBO is heated the viscosity decreases moving the fuel into a new gravity and fuel pressure at the injector. The SBO flow rate was
atomization regime. At an elevated temperature of 60  C, a 40- determined gravimetrically by weighing the fuel tank before and
degree increase, the Reynolds number increases by two orders of after the test run. All temperature and pressure measurements
magnitude and the Ohnesorge number drops by one order of were automated for real time data capture. At each stage of the
magnitude. The result is a shift into a more advantageous breakup engine, temperature and pressure were captured at a rate of 2
regime. The two light circles, in Fig. 7, represent measurements samples per second. This allowed for monitoring the transient
made using SBO, where moving to the lower right on the figure was start-up process as well as determining the onset of thermody-
achieved by preheating the SBO. Preheating effectively reduces the namic equilibrium. A thermal analysis of engine performance for
oil viscosity and increases the Reynolds number. The accompanying both the straight ULSD and SBO/ULSD test runs was conducted. The
picture shows the liquid column widens and waves form on its engine was analyzed burning pure ULSD as the baseline condition.
surface, which eventually leads to a break down to droplets. The engine ran smoothly with fuel blends up to 75% SBO by
volume. There was little visual or audible difference in engine
operation. During one of the tests at V75 the engine experienced a
3.2.2. Blended fuels flame out upon transition to a SBO/ULSD blend. This occurred
Simple mixing was also investigated as a low cost, low energy during the first test of V75, however subsequent transitions to V75
method for reducing viscosity. ULSD was chosen for blending due to occurred smoothly and without incident.
its familiarity and mainstream use. Mixing with ULSD fuel should A thermocouple and pitot probe was traversed across the
892 A. Hoxie, M. Anderson / Renewable Energy 101 (2017) 886e893

Fig. 11. Thrust and EGT versus engine RPM for V25 as compare to ULSD.

exhaust stream to measure thrust, kinetic energy and enthalpy flux struts likely interfere with the exhaust stream leading to increased
leaving the engine. Fig. 9, shows the temperature traces across the swirl and turbulence.
exhaust stream for pure ULSD, V25, V50 and V75 at an RPM of As mentioned, the SR-30 is a turbojet engine built for educa-
78,000. It can be seen in Fig. 9 that the average exhaust stream tional purposes. Its thermal efficiency is extremely low, generally
temperature is similar for all the fuels tested. However, the SBO/ around only 4 or 5%. This is in large part due to the poor nozzle
ULSD blends show more variation across the exhaust compared to design. As a result, the engine efficiencies reported here are based
pure ULSD. This may be a result of the decreased atomization that on a total thermal analysis of the engine. Energy entering the en-
occurs with higher levels of SBO in the mixture as shown in this gine via the air and fuel intake was compared to the energy leaving
paper. The variation in temperature across all the fuels tested is the engine via kinetic energy and enthalpy flux. The kinetic energy
partly due to the construction of the engine. The SR-30 was built as and enthalpy flux was calculated based on temperature and pres-
an educational engine and as such was not designed for high effi- sure measurements traversed across the exhaust gasses. As such
ciency. Three struts exist in the nozzle section for support. These the efficiency represents combustion efficiency rather then a
A. Hoxie, M. Anderson / Renewable Energy 101 (2017) 886e893 893

measure of the thrust producing capabilities of the turbojet. Table 5 the Environment, for the partial financial support received for the
provides the experimental parameters leading to the resulting ef- work described herein.
ficiency at an RPM of 78,000 for each fuel tested. The efficiency of
the engine is shown to slightly increase with the SBO blends over
the baseline ULSD. However, based on the error estimates, the in-
crease does not appear to be significant. References
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The authors wish to thank the Initiative for Renewable Energy [29] ASTM, D2880-13b, Nov. 2013. D2880-13b.
and the Environment at the University of Minnesota's, Institute on [30] A. Lefebvre, Atomization and Sprays, CRC Press, 1988.

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