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English I - Test 1- AGH – Time 24 Hours, from 18th to 19th May 2020

Name: Egidio Daniel Bomba


Farming in Mozambique
Mozambique has about 36 million hectares of land that can be used for farming,
but only 10 percent is presently being used. On the land that is being used, crop
and animal farming takes place.

The country has many different kinds of soil and many different climate
patterns. This means that many different crops can be grown. These include
coconut, cashew nuts, sugar cane, cotton fiber, tea, sisal, tobacco, mafura and
sunflowers. Mozambique also farms cattle, goats, rabbits, pigs and poultry.

Fish farming is very important, too. It provides work for more than 100.000
people. Many of these people catch the fish or work in fish processing and
marketing activities. The main export species include crayfish, shrimps, fish
and langoustine.

Answer the questions

Write T (True) if the sentence is true or F (False) if the sentence is false

1) Mozambique has about 36 million hectares of land…… True

2) Mozambique can grow many crops, including sugar cane………… True

3) Less than 100.000 people get work in fish farming………………… False


4) One of the main export species of fish is shrimps. ………… True ………….

5) 15% of Mozambican land is used……………………… False



Please identify proper and common nouns in the following sentences by

choosing the correct affirmative among (A, B or C)

1) The boys were flying kites on the beach

B) Kites is a common noun

2) Joana, my sister, wants to go a hair salon

A) Joana is a proper noun and hair salon is a common noun

3) She forgot her umbrella in the bus

A) Umbrella and bus are common noun

4) Mozambique is one of the most undeveloped countries in the world

B) Mozambique is a proper noun

5) Agra is on the banks of river Yamuna

A) Agra and Yamuna are proper nouns

6) The coach was angry when the team lost the championship
B) Coach and team are common nouns

7) Titanic is the name of the ship that sank on its maiden journey

A) Titanic is a proper noun and ship is a common noun

8) There was cyclone in Beira

B) Cyclone is common noun

9) Marcos bought a bicycle for her brother

A) Marcos is a proper noun and bicycle is common noun

10) India is the seventh largest country in the world

A) India and world are proper noun

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