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Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education


Home Economics – Beauty Care I

General Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of Personal

Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs), the environment and
market, and the process and delivery of quality products/services
in manicure and pedicure.

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Quarter 1: Basic Manicure Topic: Personal Entrepreneurial Time Frame: 2 days

Competencies (PECs)

Stage 1
Content Standard: Performance Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of Personal The learner prepares, based on PECs, a plan of action that
Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) such as characteristics, addresses his/her areas of development and areas of strength
attributes, lifestyles, skills, traits, etc. in basic manicure basic manicure.

Analysis and interpretation of PECs by achievement, planning

and power clusters.

Essential Understanding(s): Essential Question(s):

Successful entrepreneurs like those engaged in manicure How does one ensure success in a chosen entrepreneurial career
continuously develop and improve their PECs. like manicure services?

Learners will know: Learners will be able to:

• Personal competencies • Analyze the competencies of PECs
- Characteristics • Interpret the clusters of PECs such as achievement,
- Attributes planning and power
- Lifestyles • Prepare a plan of action
- Skills • Improve areas of strength
- Traits
• Cluster of PECs
- Achievement
- Planning
- Power

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Stage 2
Product or Performance Task: Evidence at the level of understanding Evidence at the level of performance
Plan of action, based on PECs, Learners should be able to demonstrate
addressing one’s areas of development understanding by covering the six (6) Assessment of the plan of action based
and areas of strength. facets of understanding: on the following criteria:
Explanation: Describe their PECs
focusing on strengths and development 1. Comprehensiveness
areas. 2. Appropriateness of strategies in terms
Criteria: of addressing personal areas of
a. Clear development and improving one’s
b. Comprehensive areas and strength.
c. Concise 3. Doability

Interpretation: Compare their PECs with

those of a successful practitioner.
a. Objective
b. Focused
c. Conclusive

Application: Apply their PECs in

pursuing a chosen entrepreneurial
a. Appropriate
b. Effective
c. Practical

Perspective: Express their thoughts on

the importance of PECs from the
viewpoint of a seasoned entrepreneur.
a. Valid
b. Relevant
c. Plausible
d. Sensitive
Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Empathy: Express the feelings of an

entrepreneur who finds difficulty in coping
with the PECs of a chosen career
a. Open-minded
b. Objective
c. Sensitive

Self-knowledge: Assess, based on the

results of PECs, their level of confidence
as a prospective entrepreneur in
a. Reflective
b. Insightful
c. Objective

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Stage 3
Teaching - Learning Sequence:

• Ask learners to name people in the community who are successful in basic manicure business.
 Why are they successful?
 Do you wish to be like them?
• Explain to learners the importance of assessing their PECs
• Guide learners in assessing their PECs on the following:
 Character
 Attribute
 Lifestyle
 Skills
 Traits
(Note: Refer to Appendix A for a copy of the PECs. This could be reproduced according to the number of learners in class)
• Assist learners in analyzing and interpreting the results of the assessment of their PECs.
Refer to Appendix B on how to interpret the results of PECs.
• Ask EQ to draw out the initial understanding of learners about how entrepreneurs succeed
in their chosen career. Teacher may distribute meta cards for students to write their answers. These may be posted on the
wall and revisited during the FIRMING UP.

• In order to firm up their understanding, learners may be asked to work individually or in groups in collecting
information about how entrepreneurs engaged in basic manicure succeed. Some suggested activities: interview with
successful entrepreneurs in basic manicure, inviting successful entrepreneurs as resource persons in class, video
documentaries of successful entrepreneurs, web searching, etc.
• Have learners analyze (in the form of a chart, Venn Diagram or Comparison Alley, etc.) the similarities and
differences among successful entrepreneurs engaged in basic manicure, using the following aspects: characteristics, traits,
attributes, lifestyles, skills.
• Have learners reflect/ rethink their understanding of how entrepreneurs such as those engaged in basic manicure
succeed in their chosen field. Refer students to their answers posted on the wall.
• Process learners’ learning and check it against EU.
• Check learners’ understanding against the content standard.

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

• Have learners align their PECs with those of a successful entrepreneur of their choice.
• Have learners reflect on their development areas as well as their areas of strength. Ask what they plan to do with them.
• Ask learners to express the EU.
• Assess learners at the level of understanding. (Refer to the assessment in Stage 2 using the 6 FUs)

• Have learners prepare a plan of action that addresses their areas of development and strength based on their PECs.
• Assess learners’ plan of action based on the criteria provided in Stage 2 (Assessment at the Level of Performance).

Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed
• Textbooks/KAB Modules
• Scripts
• Graphic organizers
• Charts/Pictures/Video/Multimedia
• Questionnaires/Checklists/Handouts/Survey Forms, etc.
• Profile of entrepreneurs

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Quarter 1: Basic Manicure Topic: Environment and Market Time Frame: 6 days

Stage 1
Content Standard: Performance Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of the environment The learner formulates a business idea based on the analysis of
and market: for manicure service as an entrepreneurial career. the immediate environment and market for basic manicure.
• Key Ideas
- Consumer needs and wants
- Existing industry related to manicure service
- Products/services that satisfy the needs and
wants of target customers
• Key Processes
- SWOT analysis
- Formulation of business ideas
- Opportunity seeking and seizing
Essential Understanding(s): Essential Question(s):
The needs and wants of the target market and industry help How does one determine the needs and wants of the target
determine the product to be produced and/or service to be market and industry in the immediate community?

One’s choice of entrepreneurial activity is influenced by the How does one select an entrepreneurial activity to be pursued?
needs and wants of the consumers.

Seeking and responding effectively to a business opportunity How can one respond effectively to a business opportunity?
are the bases for starting and maintaining a successful
business venture.
Learners will know: Learners will be able to:
• Consumer needs and wants • Prepare SWOT analysis
• Existing industry related to embroidery • Formulate an action plan on business opportunity
• Products/services that satisfy the needs and wants of • Formulate a business idea from data analysis
target consumers
• SWOT analysis
• Formulation of business idea
• Opportunity seeking and seizing

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Stage 2
Product or Performance Task: Evidence at the level of understanding Evidence at the level of performance
Formulation of a business idea based on Learners should be able to demonstrate
the analysis of the immediate environment understanding by covering the six (6) Assessment of formulated business idea
and market facets of understanding: based on the following criteria:
• Profitable
Explanation: Explain the importance of • Feasible
the immediate environment and market in • Practical
identifying business opportunities in basic • Responsive to consumer needs
manicure. • Innovative
a. Clear
b. Comprehensive
c. Concise
d. Coherent

Interpretation: Interpret the data

gathered from the immediate environment
and market in identifying business
opportunities in basic manicure.
a. Reliable
b. Accurate
c. Objective
d. Relevant
e. Valid

Application: Generate business ideas

from data analysis of existing industry
related to basic manicure.
a. Appropriate
b. Innovative
c. Practical

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Perspective: Express from the point of

view of a business owner the importance
of scanning the environment and market
in generating business ideas from existing
a. Valid
b. Relevant
c. Insightful

Empathy: Express their feelings when

entrepreneurs offer the same type of
business in a community.
a. Objective
b. Persuasive
c. Sensitive
d. Open-minded

Self-knowledge: Self-assess their level

of confidence in formulating business
ideas related to basic manicure.
a. Reflective
b. Insightful
c. Objective

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Stage 3
Teaching - Learning Sequence:

Entrepreneurs who want to take advantage of business opportunities need to explore the economic, cultural, and social
conditions prevailing in the community. Needs and wants of people in a certain community that are not met may be considered as
business opportunities. Identifying the needs of the community, its resources, available local specialized skills, and appropriate
technology can help a new entrepreneur in seizing a business opportunity.

• Guide the learner in assessing their prior knowledge on environment and market for basic manicure as an entrepreneurial
lens in generating business idea/s through a diagnostic test, K-W-L and other appropriate teaching and learning tools.
• Have learners assess their immediate environment and market for basic manicure to determine the existing industries,
needs and wants of target market with the use of the following:
 Survey questionnaire;
 Interview guide;
 Checklist, etc.
 SWOT analysis
• Ask EQs to draw out tlearners understanding of environment and market in generating business ideas related
to basic manicure.

• Lead learners in analyzing the assessment conducted on the environment and market for existing manicure business in the
immediate locality.
• Assist learners in conducting a community mapping to identify business establishments or industries related to basic
manicure in the immediate locality.
• Guide learners in making a graphical presentation of the information on basic manicure as a result of the data-gathering
activity such as: interview, survey, community mapping, etc.,
• Help the learner in presenting the result of the data-gathering activity reflective of the needs and wants of the target market
for basic manicure.
• Ask learners to do supplementary reading and other compensatory activity to support the information presented.

• Assist learners in conducting an interview with a seasoned entrepreneur to gather salient information as regards the manner
he/she was able to seize a business opportunity relative to basic manicure.

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

• Compare whether the information derived from the interview will complement/harmonize with their skills in formulating
business ideas.
• Assess learners’ level of understanding. (Refer to the Assessment in Stage 2).

• Ask learners to formulate a business idea as a result of the SWOT analysis of the environment and market for basic
• Assess the learner’s business idea based on the criteria provided in Stage 2 (Assessment at the Level of Performance).

Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed:
• Textbooks
• KAB Modules
• Magazines/Journals/Articles on supply and demand and existing industry

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Quarter 1: Basic Manicure Topic: Basic Designs in Time Frame: 35 days

Manicure, Hand Massage
and SPA
Stage 1
Content Standard: Performance Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of the basic concepts The learner executes marketable original/new manicure products/
and principles underlying the process and delivery in manicure. services, following the basic concepts and principles underlying
 Preliminaries the process and delivery in manicure.
- industry background
- personal hygiene and grooming
- use of the different implements, materials,
equipments, cosmetics, etc.
 process flow in manicuring services;
- procedure (step-by-step)
- basic and fancy nail designs
- hand massage and SPA
 project plan
 four (4) Ms (manpower, materials, machine, methods) of
 evaluation of services
 cost of production
 pricing oaf services The learner adopts the appropriate marketing strategies
 packaging and marketing of services

Essential Understanding(s): Essential Question(s):

Applying the basic concepts and principles underlying the Why do we need to understand the basic concepts and principles
process and delivery in manicure is essential in producing underlying the process and delivery in basic manicure?
marketable manicure products/services.

Learners will know: Learners will be able to:

• History and background of basic manicure • Trace the history and background of manicure.
• The Nails • Identify the nail parts, shape and disorders/illnesses
 Parts

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

 Shape
 Disorders/ Illnesses
• Kinds, uses/functions of implements, supplies and • Use appropriate implements, supplies and materials in
materials used in manicure manicure
• Step-by-step procedure in manicure • Apply the procedure (step-by-step in basic manicure)
 Cleaning - Cleaning
 Shaping of nails - Shaping of nails
 Trimming of cuticle - Trimming of cuticle
 Application of nail polish - Application of nail polish
• The fundamentals in manicure designs • Execute the fundamentals of manicure design
- Basic designs: half moon, half moon with tip,
 Creating a nail polish designs
V-shape, elephant tusk, tip design, etc
 Basic designs: half moon, half moon with tip, V-shape,
elephant tusk, tip design, etc
• Execute the fundamentals of basic hand massage
• Fundamentals of basic hand massage
• Prepare a project plan
• Project planning
• Apply the 4 M’s of production (manpower, machine methods
• Principles of 4 M’s of production (manpower, machine
and materials) in manicure
methods and materials) in manicure
• Execute basic manicure designs, hand massage and SPA
• Render basic manicure designs, hand massage
and SPA • Evaluate accurately the basic manicure
• Evaluation • Use appropriate formula for costing manicure services
• Cost of production/services • Compute the price for product services
• Pricing of products/services • Market and deliver quality services in basic manicure
• Manner of service and delivery
 Strategies
 Advertisement

Stage 2
Product/Performance Task: Evidence at the level of understanding Evidence at the level of performance

Marketable original/new services following Explanation: Explain the basic concepts Assessment of manicure
the basic concepts and principles and principles underlying the process and products/services based on marketability
underlying the process and delivery in delivery in basic manicure. (quality, appearance, price) and originality
basic manicure Criteria: (value-added uniqueness)
a. Clear
Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Demonstration of the process in the b. Comprehensive Assessment of performance

application of marketable basic manicure c. Scientific basis • Compliance of standards (tools,
products/services equipment, materials)
Interpretation: Show the significance of • Application of procedure
the process and delivery in providing • Observance of work habits
manicure products/services. • Speed/Time
a. Original
b. Creative

Application: Design product/service

based on the process and delivery in
a. Appropriate
b. Creative
c. Cost-beneficial

Perspective: Compare and contrast the

different styles and designs in manicure.
a. Clear
b. Concise
c. Appropriate

Empathy: Share their thoughts on how it

feels to have gainful returns in manicure
services/ products.
• Profitable
• Quality

Self-Knowledge: Self-assess their

knowledge in producing/providing
marketable manicure services/ products.

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

• Clear
• Self-Confidence

Stage 3
Teaching - Learning Sequence:

• Guide learners in assessing their prior knowledge on the history and background of manicure
-Paper and pencil test
-Performance Test
• Orient learners on the following:
-Beauty Care
-Assessment tools and criteria
 6 Facets of Understanding/Performance
 Scoring Rubrics
• Guide learners in understanding the concepts and underlying principles of process and delivery in manicuring through
video presentation.
• Assist learners in tracing the history and background of manicure using slides and transparencies.
• Guide learners in observing the process flow in manicure service through picture illustration knowing the nails:
• Guide learners in the proper uses/functions of implements, supplies and materials used in manicure through the use of
actual devices, teaching aids.
• Assist learners in observing accurately the step-by-step procedure in manicuring through demonstration as follows:
-Shaping of Nails
-Trimming of cuticle
-Application of nail polish
• Provide learners on how to apply the fundamentals in manicure designs showing needed samples in basic nail polish
designs namely: half-moon, half-moon with tip, V-shape, elephant tusk, tip designs, etc.
• Acquaint learners in applying the fundamental steps of hand massage and spa through lecture and demonstration.
• Provide learners the guide in basic manicure design using of Project Plan by distributing samples.
Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

• Present though video clips the basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in manicuring.
• Have learners view through video the 4 M’s of production (manpower, machine, methods, materials) in manicuring.
• Have learners use template in the application of simple manicure designs.
• Guide learners in demonstrating the actual procedure of hand massage and spa.
• Guide learners perform a computation on the costing of production and services that will include pricing of services.
• Assist learners on the manner of service and delivery using different strategies and advertisement.

• Encourage learners to perform basic manicure design to their classmates and volunteer patrons
• Have learners perform basic manicure design with hand massage to outsiders with assessment on the quality of job
• Guide learners in using a project plan.
• Guide learners in creating their own designs in manicuring.
• Assists learners in tracking their progress using accomplishment chart and score card.
• Have learners assess their level of understanding. (Refer to Stage 2, Assessment at the Level of Understanding)

4. Transfer:
• Have learners produce quality and marketable manicure products.
• Have learners put up a display/exhibition of basic manicure designs and services.
• Have learners market their products/services in the community.
• Assess learners level of performance. (Refer to Stage 2, Assessment at the Level of Performance)

Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed:
• Internet
• Compact disks with instructional information
• Commercial posters
• Textbooks (standard textbooks of cosmetology by Kibbie, Constantino)

Materials/Equipment needed:
• Implements and equipment in manicure and manicure designs
Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

• Textbooks, magazines, posters, cosmetic materials, etc.

Quarter 2: Advanced Manicure Topic: Personal Entrepreneurial Time Frame: 2 days

Competencies (PECs)

Stage 1
Content Standard: Performance Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of Personal The learner prepares, based on PECs, a plan of action that
Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) such as characteristics, addresses his/her areas of development and areas of strength in
attributes, lifestyles, skills, traits, etc. in advanced manicure advanced manicure.

Analysis and interpretation of PECs by achievement, planning

and power clusters

Essential Understanding(s): Essential Question(s):

Successful entrepreneurs like those engaged in manicure How does one ensure success in a chosen entrepreneurial career
continuously develop and improve their PECs. like manicure services?

Learners will know: Learners will be able to:

• Personal competencies • Analyze the competencies of PECs
- Characteristics • Interpret the clusters of PECs such as achievement,
- Attributes planning and power
- Lifestyles • Prepare a plan of action
- Skills • Improve areas of strength
- Traits
• Cluster of PECs
- Achievement
- Planning
- Power

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Stage 2
Product or Performance Task: Evidence at the level of understanding Evidence at the level of performance
Plan of action, based on PECs, Learners should be able to demonstrate
addressing one’s areas of development understanding by covering the six (6) Assessment of the plan of action based
and areas of strength facets of understanding: on the following criteria:
Explanation: Describe their PECs
focusing on strengths and development 1. Comprehensiveness
areas. 2. Appropriateness of strategies in terms
Criteria: of addressing personal areas of
a. Clear development and improving one’s
b. Comprehensive areas and strength.
c. Concise 3. Doability

Interpretation: Compare their PECs with

those of a successful practitioner.
a. Objective
b. Focused
c. Conclusive

Application: Apply their PECs in

pursuing a chosen entrepreneurial
a. Appropriate
b. Effective
c. Practical

Perspective: Express their thoughts on

the importance of PECs from the
viewpoint of a seasoned entrepreneur.
Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

a. Valid
b. Relevant
c. Plausible
d. Sensitive

Empathy: Express the feelings of an

entrepreneur who finds difficulty in coping
with the PECs of a chosen career
a. Open-minded
b. Objective
c. Sensitive

Self-knowledge: Assess, based on the

results of PECs, their level of confidence
as a prospective entrepreneur in
a. Reflective
b. Insightful
c. Objective

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Stage 3
Teaching - Learning Sequence:

• Ask learners to name people in the community who are successful in advanced manicure business.
 Why are they successful?
 Do you wish to be like them?
• Explain to learners the importance of assessing their PECs
• Guide learners in assessing their PECs on the following:
 Character
 Attribute
 Lifestyle
 Skills
 Traits
(Note: Refer to Appendix A for a copy of the PECs. This could be reproduced according to the number of learners in class)
• Assist learners in analyzing and interpreting the results of the assessment of their PECs.
Refer to Appendix B on how to interpret the results of PECs.
• Ask EQ to draw out the initial understanding of learners about how entrepreneurs succeed
in their chosen career. Teacher may distribute meta cards for students to write their answers. These may be posted on the
wall and revisited during the FIRMING-UP.

• In order to firm up their understanding, learners may be asked to work individually or in groups in collecting
information about how entrepreneurs engaged in advanced manicure succeed. Some suggested activities: interview with
successful entrepreneurs in advanced manicure, inviting successful entrepreneurs as resource persons in class, video
documentaries of successful entrepreneurs, web searching, etc.
• Have learners analyze (in the form of a chart, Venn Diagram or Comparison Alley, etc.) the similarities and
differences among successful entrepreneurs engaged in advanced manicure, using the following aspects: characteristics,
traits, attributes, lifestyles, skills.
• Have learners reflect/ rethink their understanding of how entrepreneurs such as those engaged in advanced

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

manicure succeed in their chosen field. Refer students to their answers posted on the wall.
• Process learners’ learning and check it against EU.
• Check learners’ understanding against the content standard.

• Have learners align their PECs with those of a successful entrepreneur of their choice.
• Have learners reflect on their development areas as well as their areas of strength. Ask what they plan to do with them.
• Ask learners to express the EU.
• Assess learners at the level of understanding. (Refer to the assessment in Stage 2 using the 6 EUs)

• Have learners prepare a plan of action that addresses their areas of development and strength based on their PECs.
• Assess learners’ plan of action based on the criteria provided in Stage 2 (Assessment at the Level of Performance).

Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed
• Textbooks/KAB Modules
• Scripts
• Graphic organizers
• Charts/Pictures/Video/Multimedia
• Questionnaires/Checklists/Handouts/Survey Forms, etc.
• Profile of entrepreneurs

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Quarter 2: Advanced Manicure Topic: Environment and Market Time Frame: 6 days

Stage 1
Content Standard: Performance Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of the environment The learner formulates a business idea based on the analysis of
and market: for manicure service as an entrepreneurial career. the immediate environment and market for target customers in
• Key Ideas advanced manicure.
- Consumer needs and wants
- Existing industry related to manicure service
- Products/services that satisfy the needs and
wants of target customers
• Key Processes
- SWOT analysis
- Formulation of business ideas
- Opportunity seeking and seizing
Essential Understanding(s): Essential Question(s):
The needs and wants of the target market and industry help How does one determine the needs and wants of the target
determine the product to be produced and/or service to be market and industry in the immediate community?

One’s choice of entrepreneurial activity is influenced by the How does one select an entrepreneurial activity to be pursued?
needs and wants of the consumers.

Seeking and responding effectively to a business opportunity How can one respond effectively to a business opportunity?
are the bases for starting and maintaining a successful
business venture.
Learners will know: Learners will be able to:
• Consumer needs and wants • Prepare SWOT analysis
• Existing industry related to embroidery • Formulate an action plan on business opportunity
• Products/services that satisfy the needs and wants of • Formulate a business idea from data analysis

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

target consumers
• SWOT analysis
• Formulation of business idea
• Opportunity seeking and seizing

Stage 2
Product or Performance Task: Evidence at the level of understanding Evidence at the level of performance
Formulation of a business idea based on Learners should be able to demonstrate
the analysis of the immediate environment understanding by covering the six (6) Assessment of formulated business idea
and market. facets of understanding: based on the following criteria:
• Profitable
Explanation: Explain the importance of • Feasible
the immediate environment and market in • Practical
identifying business opportunities in • Responsive to consumer needs
advanced manicure. • Innovative
a. Clear
b. Comprehensive
c. Concise
d. Coherent

Interpretation: Interpret the data

gathered from the immediate environment
and market in identifying business
opportunities in advanced manicure.
a. Reliable
b. Accurate
c. Objective
d. Relevant
e. Valid

Application: Generate business ideas

from data analysis of industries related to
advanced manicure.
Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

a. Appropriate
b. Innovative
c. Practical

Perspective: Express from the point of

view of a business owner the importance
of scanning the environment and market
in generating business ideas for target
a. Valid
b. Relevant
c. Insightful

Empathy: Express their feelings when

entrepreneurs offer the same type of
business in a community.
a. Objective
b. Persuasive
c. Sensitive
d. Open-minded

Self-knowledge: Self-assess their level

of confidence in formulating business
ideas related to advanced manicure.
a. Reflective
b. Insightful
c. Objective

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Stage 3
Teaching - Learning Sequence:

Entrepreneurs who want to take advantage of business opportunities need to explore the economic, cultural, and social
conditions prevailing in the community. Needs and wants of people in a certain community that are not met may be considered as
business opportunities. Identifying the needs of the community, its resources, available local specialized skills, and appropriate
technology can help a new entrepreneur in seizing a business opportunity. Hence, the learners shall:

• Guide learners in assessing their prior knowledge on environment and market for advanced manicure as an entrepreneurial
lens in generating business idea/s through a diagnostic test, K-W-L and other appropriate teaching and learning tools.
• Have learners assess his/her immediate environment and market for business opportunities to determine the existing
industries, needs and wants of target market with the use of the following:
 Survey questionnaire;
 Interview guide;
 Checklist, etc.
 SWOT analysis
• Ask EQs to draw out learners’ understanding of environment and market in generating business ideas related
to advanced manicure.

• Lead learners in analyzing the assessment conducted on the environment and market for advanced manicure products in
the immediate locality.
• Assist learners in conducting a community mapping to identify business establishments or industries related to advanced
manicure in the immediate locality.
• Guide learners in making a graphical presentation of the information on the needs and wants of target market as a result of
the data-gathering activity such as: interview, survey, community mapping, etc.,
• Help learners in presenting the result of the data-gathering activity reflective of the needs and wants of the target market.
• Ask learners to do supplementary reading and other compensatory activity to support the information presented.

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

• Assist learners in conducting an interview with a seasoned entrepreneur to gather salient information as regards the manner
he/she was able to seize a business opportunity relative to advanced manicure.
• Compare whether the information derived from the interview will complement/harmonize with their skills in formulating
business ideas.
• Assess learners’ level of understanding. (Refer to the Assessment in Stage 2).

• Ask learners to formulate a business idea as a result of the SWOT analysis of the environment and market for advanced
• Assess learners’ business idea based on the criteria provided in Stage 2 (Assessment at the Level of Performance).

Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed:
• Textbooks
• KAB Modules
• Magazines/Journals/Articles on supply and demand and existing industry

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Quarter 2: Advanced Manicure Topic: Basic Designs in Time Frame: 35 days

Manicure, Hand Massage
and SPA
Stage 1
Content Standard: Performance Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and The learner executes marketable original/new manicure products/
principles underlying the process and delivery in manicure. services, following the basic concepts and principles underlying
 preliminaries the process and delivery in manicure.
- industry background
- personal hygiene and grooming
- use of the different implements, materials,
equipments, cosmetics, etc.
 process flow in manicuring services;
- procedure (step-by-step)
- basic and fancy nail designs
- hand massage and SPA
 project plan
 four (4) Ms (manpower, materials, machine, methods) of
 evaluation of services
 cost of production
 pricing oaf services The learner adopts the appropriate marketing strategies
 packaging and marketing of services

Essential Understanding(s): Essential Question(s):

Applying the basic concepts and principles underlying the Why do we need to understand the basic concepts and principles
process and delivery in manicure is essential in producing underlying the process and delivery in basic manicure?
marketable manicure products/services.

Learners will know: Learners will be able to:

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

• Fundamentals of advanced manicure designs

• Advanced designs: Calla Lily, Leaf 1, Leaf 2, Flower, • Apply the advanced manicure designs: Calla Lily, Leaf 1,
Petal, Nail Art, etc. Leaf 2, Flower, Petal, Nail Art, etc.
• Fundamentals of hand massage • Execute hand massage
• Preparation of of Project Plan • Prepare a Project Plan
• Preparation of 4 Ms of production • Apply the 4 Ms of production (manpower,
(manpower, machine, methods and materials) in advanced machine, methods and materials) in advanced manicure
manicure • Execute advanced manicure designs, hand massage and
• Render advanced manicure designs, hand SPA
massaged and SPA • Evaluate accurately the manicure designs
• Evaluation procedure/services • Use appropriate formula for the costing of manicure services
• Cost of production/services • Compute the price product/services
• Pricing of products/services • Market and deliver quality services in manicure
• Manner of service and delivery
- Strategies
- Advertisements

Stage 2
Product/Performance Task: Evidence at the level of understanding Evidence at the level of performance

Marketable original/new services following Explanation: Explain the basic concepts Assessment of advanced manicure
the basic concepts and principles and principles underlying the process and products/services based on marketability
underlying the process and delivery in delivery in advanced manicure. (quality, appearance, price) and originality
basic manicure Criteria: (value-added uniqueness)
a. Clear
Demonstration of the process in the b. Comprehensive Assessment of performance
application of marketable basic manicure c. Scientific basis • Compliance of standards (tools,
products/services equipment, materials)
Interpretation: Show the significance of • Application of procedure
the process and delivery in providing • Observance of work habits
advanced manicure products/services. • Speed/Time
Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

a. Original
b. Creative

Application: Design advanced manicure

product/service based on the process and
delivery in manicure.
a. Appropriate
b. Creative
c. Cost-beneficial

Perspective: Compare and contrast the

different styles and designs in advanced
a. Clear
b. Concise
c. Appropriate

Empathy: Share their thoughts on how it

feels to have gainful returns in advanced
manicure services/ products.
• Profitable
• Quality

Self-Knowledge: Self-assess their

knowledge in producing/providing
marketable advanced manicure services/
• Clear
• Self-Confidence

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Stage 3
Teaching - Learning Sequence:

• Guide learners in assessing their prior knowledge in advanced manicure.
-Paper and pencil test
-Performance test
• Orient learners on the following:
-Advanced manicure
-Assessment tools and criteria
 6 Facets of Understanding/Performance
 Scoring Rubrics

• Present through video presentation the fundamentals of advanced manicure showing Calla Lily, Leaf 1, Leaf 2, Flower,
Petal, Nail Art, etc.
• Guide learners to involve in actual practice in the application of advanced manicure designs, hand massage and SPA.
• Lead learners to use project plan for every lesson in advanced manicure.
• Assist the learners in creating the 4 Ms of production (manpower, materials, method, and materials) in manicuring.
• Guide the learners solve actual problem in determining the cost of production/services.
• Assist learners develop the packaging on marketing strategies and advertisements.
• Assess learners understanding on the skills learned in advanced manicure.

• Encourage learners to perform advanced manicure designs individually.
• Have learners perform advanced manicure designs with hand massage to outsiders with assessment on the quality of
jobs done.
• Guide learners create their own designs in advanced manicure.

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

• Guide learners track their progress using accomplishment chart and score card.
• Assist learners in understanding of the principles and fundamentals in advanced manicure.
• Assess learners level of understanding. (Refer to Stage 2,Assessment at the Level of Understanding

• Have learners produce quality and marketable advanced manicure products.
• Have learners put up a display/exhibit their advanced manicure designs and services through local competition.
• Have learners market their products/services in the community through volunteer services.
• Assess learners’ level of performance. (Refer to Stage 2, Assessment at the Level of Performance.

Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed:
• Internet
• Compact disks with instructional information
• Commercial posters
• Textbooks (standard textbooks of cosmetology by Kibbie, Constantino)

Materials/Equipment needed:
• Implements and equipment in manicure and manicure designs
• Textbooks, magazines, posters, cosmetic materials, etc.
• Cosmetic manual of Avon and Sara Lee and other products.

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Quarter 3: Basic Pedicure Topic: Personal Entrepreneurial Time Frame: 2 days

Competencies (PECs)

Stage 1
Content Standard: Performance Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of Personal The learner prepares, based on PECs, a plan of action that
Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) such as characteristics, addresses his/her areas of development and areas of strength in
attributes, lifestyles, skills, traits, etc. in basic pedicure basic pedicure business.

Analysis and interpretation of PECs by achievement, planning

and power clusters.

Essential Understanding(s): Essential Question(s):

Successful entrepreneurs like those engaged in manicure How does one ensure success in a chosen entrepreneurial career
continuously develop and improve their PECs. like manicure services?

Learners will know: Learners will be able to:

• Personal competencies • Analyze the competencies of PECs
- Characteristics • Interpret the clusters of PECs such as achievement,
- Attributes planning and power
- Lifestyles • Prepare a plan of action
- Skills • Improve areas of strength
- Traits
• Cluster of PECs
- Achievement
- Planning
- Power

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Stage 2
Product or Performance Task: Evidence at the level of understanding Evidence at the level of performance
Plan of action, based on PECs, Learners should be able to demonstrate
addressing one’s areas of development understanding by covering the six (6) Assessment of the plan of action based
and areas of strength facets of understanding: on the following criteria:
Explanation: Describe their PECs
focusing on strengths and development 1. Comprehensiveness
areas. 2. Appropriateness of strategies in terms
Criteria: of addressing personal areas of
a. Clear development and improving one’s
b. Comprehensive areas and strength.
c. Concise 3. Doability

Interpretation: Compare their PECs with

those of a successful practitioner.
a. Objective
b. Focused
c. Conclusive

Application: Apply their PECs in

pursuing a chosen entrepreneurial
a. Appropriate
b. Effective
c. Practical

Perspective: Express their thoughts on

the importance of PECs from the
Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

viewpoint of a seasoned entrepreneur.

a. Valid
b. Relevant
c. Plausible
d. Sensitive

Empathy: Express the feelings of an

entrepreneur who finds difficulty in coping
with the PECs of a chosen career
a. Open-minded
b. Objective
c. Sensitive

Self-knowledge: Assess, based on the

results of PECs, their level of confidence
as a prospective entrepreneur in basic
a. Reflective
b. Insightful
c. Objective

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Stage 3
Teaching - Learning Sequence:

• Ask learners to name people in the community who are successful in basic pedicure business
 Why are they successful?
 Do you wish to be like them?
• Explain to learners the importance of assessing their PECs
• Guide learners in assessing their PECs on the following:
 Character
 Attribute
 Lifestyle
 Skills
 Traits
(Note: Refer to Appendix A for a copy of the PECs. This could be reproduced according to the number of learners in class)
• Assist learners in analyzing and interpreting the results of the assessment of their PECs.
Refer to Appendix B on how to interpret the results of PECs.
• Ask EQ to draw out the initial understanding of learners about how entrepreneurs succeed
in their chosen career. Teacher may distribute meta cards for students to write their answers. These may be posted on the
wall and revisited during the FIRMING UP.

• In order to firm up their understanding, learners may be asked to work individually or in groups in collecting
information about how entrepreneurs engaged in basic pedicure succeed. Some suggested activities: interview with
successful entrepreneurs in basic pedicure, inviting successful entrepreneurs as resource persons in class, video
documentaries of successful entrepreneurs, web searching, etc.
• Have learners analyze (in the form of a chart, Venn Diagram or Comparison Alley, etc.) the similarities and
differences among successful entrepreneurs in the following aspects: characteristics, traits, attributes, lifestyles, skills
• Have learners reflect/ rethink their understanding of how entrepreneurs such as those engaged in basic pedicure
succeed in their chosen field. Refer students to their answers posted on the wall.
• Process learners’ learning and check it against EU.
• Check learners’ understanding against the content standard.

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

• Have learners align their PECs with those of a successful entrepreneur of their choice.
• Have learners reflect on their development areas as well as their areas of strength. Ask what they plan to do with them.
• Ask learners to express the EU.
• Assess learners at the level of understanding. (Refer to the assessment in Stage 2 using the 6 EUs)

• Have learners prepare a plan of action that addresses their areas of development and strength based on their PECs.
• Assess learners’ plan of action based on the criteria provided in Stage 2 (Assessment at the Level of Performance).

Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed
• Textbooks/KAB Modules
• Scripts
• Graphic organizers
• Charts/Pictures/Video/Multimedia
• Questionnaires/Checklists/Handouts/Survey Forms, etc.
• Profile of entrepreneurs

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Quarter 3: Basic Pedicure Topic: Environment and Market Time Frame: 6 days

Stage 1
Content Standard: Performance Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of the environment The learner formulates a business idea based on the analysis of
and market: for manicure service as an entrepreneurial career. the immediate environment and market for basic pedicure.
• Key Ideas
- Consumer needs and wants
- Existing industry related to manicure service
- Products/services that satisfy the needs and
wants of target customers
• Key Processes
- SWOT analysis
- Formulation of business ideas
- Opportunity seeking and seizing
Essential Understanding(s): Essential Question(s):
The needs and wants of the target market and industry help How does one determine the needs and wants of the target
determine the product to be produced and/or service to be market and industry in the immediate community?

One’s choice of entrepreneurial activity is influenced by the How does one select an entrepreneurial activity to be pursued?
needs and wants of the consumers.

Seeking and responding effectively to a business opportunity How can one respond effectively to a business opportunity?
are the bases for starting and maintaining a successful
business venture.
Learners will know: Learners will be able to:
• Consumer needs and wants • Prepare SWOT analysis
• Existing industry related to embroidery • Formulate an action plan on business opportunity
• Products/services that satisfy the needs and wants of • Formulate a business idea from data analysis
target consumers
• SWOT analysis

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

• Formulation of business idea

• Opportunity seeking and seizing

Stage 2
Product or Performance Task: Evidence at the level of understanding Evidence at the level of performance
Formulation of a business idea based on Learners should be able to demonstrate
the analysis of the immediate environment understanding by covering the six (6) Assessment of formulated business idea
and market facets of understanding: based on the following criteria:
• Profitable
Explanation: Explain the importance of • Feasible
the immediate environment and market in • Practical
identifying business opportunities in basic • Responsive to consumer needs
pedicure. and wants
Criteria: • Innovative
a. Clear
b. Comprehensive
c. Concise
d. Coherent

Interpretation: Interpret the data

gathered from the immediate environment
and market in identifying business
opportunities in basic pedicure.
a. Reliable
b. Accurate
c. Objective
d. Relevant
e. Valid

Application: Generate business ideas

from data analysis of industries related on
basic pedicure.
a. Appropriate
b. Innovative
Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

c. Practical

Perspective: Express from the point of

view of a business owner the importance
of scanning the environment and market
in generating business ideas for industries
related to basic pedicure.
a. Valid
b. Relevant
c. Insightful

Empathy: Express their feelings when

entrepreneurs offer the same type of
business in a community.
a. Objective
b. Persuasive
c. Sensitive
d. Open-minded

Self-knowledge: Self-assess their level

of confidence in formulating business
ideas related to basic pedicure.
a. Reflective
b. Insightful
c. Objective

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Stage 3
Teaching - Learning Sequence:

Entrepreneurs who want to take advantage of business opportunities need to explore the economic, cultural, and social
conditions prevailing in the community. Needs and wants of people in a certain community that are not met may be considered as
business opportunities. Identifying the needs of the community, its resources, available local specialized skills, and appropriate
technology can help a new entrepreneur in seizing a business opportunity. Hence, the learners shall:

• Guide learners in assessing their prior knowledge on environment and market for basic pedicure as an entrepreneurial lens
in generating business idea/s through a diagnostic test, K-W-L and other appropriate teaching and learning tools.
• Have learners assess his/her immediate environment and market for basic pedicure to determine the existing industries,
needs and wants of target market with the use of the following:
 Survey questionnaire;
 Interview guide;
 Checklist, etc.
 SWOT analysis
• Ask EQs to draw out learners’ understanding of environment and market in generating business ideas related
to basic pedicure.

• Lead learners in analyzing the assessment conducted on the environment and market for basic pedicure services in the
immediate locality.
• Assist learners in conducting a community mapping to identify business establishments or industries related to basic
pedicure in the immediate locality.
• Guide learners in making a graphical presentation of the information on the needs and wants of the target market as a result
of the data-gathering activity such as: interview, survey, community mapping, etc.,
• Help learners in presenting the result of the data-gathering activity reflective of the needs and wants of the target market.
• Ask learners to do supplementary reading and other compensatory activity to support the information presented.

• Assist learners in conducting an interview with a seasoned entrepreneur to gather salient information as regards the manner

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

he/she was able to seize a business opportunity relative to basic pedicure.

• Compare whether the information derived from the interview will complement/harmonize with their skills in formulating
business ideas.
• Assess the learners’ level of understanding. (Refer to the Assessment in Stage 2).

• Ask learners to formulate a business idea as a result of the SWOT analysis of the environment and market.
• Assess the learner’s business idea based on the criteria provided in Stage 2 (Assessment at the Level of Performance).

Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed:
• Textbooks
• KAB Modules
• Magazines/Journals/Articles on supply and demand and existing industry

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Quarter 3: Basic Pedicure Topic: Basic Designs in Time Frame: 35 days

Pedicure, Food Massage
and SPA
Stage 1
Content Standard: Performance Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of the basic concepts The learner executes marketable original/new manicure products/
and principles underlying the process and delivery in pedicure. services, following the basic concepts and principles underlying
 Preliminaries the process and delivery in pedicure.
- industry background
- personal hygiene and grooming
- use of the different implements, materials,
equipments, cosmetics, etc.
 process flow in manicuring services;
- procedure (step-by-step)
- basic and fancy nail designs
- foot massage and SPA
 project plan
 four (4) M’s (manpower, materials, machine, methods)
of production
 evaluation of services
 cost of production
 pricing oaf services The learner adopts the appropriate marketing strategies
 packaging and marketing of services

Essential Understanding(s): Essential Question(s):

Applying the basic concepts and principles underlying the Why do we need to understand the basic concepts and principles
process and delivery in manicure is essential in producing underlying the process and delivery in basic pedicure?
marketable pedicure products/services.

Learners will know: Learners will be able to:

• History/background of basic pedicure • Trace the history/background of pedicure
• The nail’s parts, shape, disorders, • Identify the nail parts, shapes, disorders, illness
illnesses • Use the kinds and uses of implements, supplies and materials
Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

• The kinds/uses/functions of implements, in basic pedicure

supplies/ materials used in basic pedicure • Apply the procedure (step-by-step) in basic pedicure
• The procedure (step-by-step) in basic - Cleaning
pedicure - Shaping Nails
- Cleaning - Basic designs: Half moon, Half Moon with Tip, V-shape,
- Shaping of nails Elephant Tusk, Tip Designs, etc.
- Basic designs: Half-Moon, Half-Moon with • Execute the fundamentals of basic foot massage and SPA
Tip, V-shape, Elephant Tusk, Tip Design, etc. • Prepare a Project plan
• The fundamentals of basic foot massage • Apply the 4 Ms of production (manpower, machine, method,
and SPA materials) in basic pedicure
• The preparation of Project Plan • Evaluate accurately the basic pedicure
• The preparation of 4 Ms of production • Use appropriate formula for costing pedicure services
(manpower, machine, method, materials) in basic • Compute the price for product/services
pedicure • Market and deliver quality services in basic pedicure
• Evaluate procedure of the product
• Cost of products/services
• Pricing of products/services
• Manner of service and delivery
- Strategies
- Advertisement

Stage 2
Product/Performance Task: Evidence at the level of understanding Evidence at the level of performance

Marketable original/new services following Explanation: Explain the basic concepts Assessment of basic pedicure
the basic concepts and principles and principles underlying the process and products/services based on marketability
underlying the process and delivery in delivery in basic pedicure. (quality, appearance, price) and originality
basic pedicure Criteria: (value-added uniqueness)
a. Clear
Demonstration of the process in the b. Comprehensive Assessment of performance
application of marketable basic pedicure c. Scientific basis • Compliance of standards (tools,
products/services equipment, materials)
Interpretation: Show the significance of • Application of procedure
the process and delivery in providing • Observance of work habits
basic pedicure products/services. • Speed/Time
Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

a. Original
b. Creative

Application: Design product/service

based on the process and delivery in
basic pedicure.
a. Appropriate
b. Creative
c. Cost-beneficial

Perspective: Compare and contrast the

different styles and designs in basic
a. Clear
b. Concise
c. Appropriate

Empathy: Share their thoughts on how it

feels to have gainful returns in basic
pedicure services/ products.
• Profitable
• Quality

Self-Knowledge: Self-assess their

knowledge in producing/providing
marketable manicure services/ products.
• Clear
• Self-Confidence

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Stage 3
Teaching - Learning Sequence:

• Guide learners in assessing their prior knowledge on the history/background of basic pedicure
-Paper and pencil test
-Performance test
• Orient learners on the following:
-Beauty care 1
-Assessment tools and criteria
 6 Facets of Understanding/Performance
 Scoring Rubrics
• Guide the learners in understanding the concepts and underlying principles of process and delivery in pedicure through
video presentation.
• Assist the learners in tracing the history and background f pedicure by distributing printed materials taken from internet.
• Guide the learners in observing the process flow in pedicure using power point system.
• Guide the learners in the proper uses/functions of implements, supplies and materials used in basic
pedicure through demonstration and video presentation.
• Assist the learners in performing the procedure (step-by-step) in basic pedicure showing actual
demonstration on:
• Guide learners in the application of basic foot massage and SPA using video illustration.
• Assist learners in estimating the cost of production/service through problem solving.
• Guide learners in computing the price of products/services showing a sample computation.
• Assist learners on the manner of service and delivery using different market strategies and advertisement.

• Have learners use template of a project plan for individual use.
• Have learners view through video the 4 M’s of productions (manpower, machine, methods and materials) in pedicuring.

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

• Guide learners see actual hands on the step-by-step procedure in pedicure.

• Assist learners using template in the application of simple pedicure designs.
• Have learners share their experiences on the actual procedure of foot massage and SPA.
• Encourage learners perform a computation on the costing of production and services that will include pricing of services.
• Assess learners on the manner of service and delivery using different strategies and advertisement.

• Encourage learners to perform basic designs to their classmates and volunteer patrons.
• Have learners perform basic pedicure designs with foot massage to outsiders with assessment on the quality of job
• Have learners create their own designs in pedicure.
• Have learners track their progress using accomplishment chart and score card.
• Have learners assess their level of understanding. (Refer to Stage 2, Assessment at the Level of Understanding)
• Have learners produce quality and marketable pedicure products.
• Have learners put up a display/exhibition of basic pedicure design and services through local competition.
• Have learners market their products/services in the community.
• Have learners assess their level of performance. (Refer to Stage 2, Assessment at the Level of Performance)

Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed:
• Internet
• Compact disks with instructional information
• Commercial posters
• Textbooks (standard textbooks of cosmetology by Kibbie, Constantino)
Materials/Equipment needed:
• Implements and equipment in manicure and manicure designs
• Textbooks, magazines, posters, cosmetic materials, etc.
• Cosmetics manuals of Avon and Sara Lee and other cosmetic products

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Quarter 4: Advanced Pedicure Topic: Personal Entrepreneurial Time Frame: 2 days

Competencies (PECs)

Stage 1
Content Standard: Performance Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of Personal The learner prepares, based on PECs, a plan of action that
Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) such as characteristics, addresses his/her areas of development and areas of strength in
attributes, lifestyles, skills, traits, etc. in advanced pedicure advanced pedicure.

Analysis and interpretation of PECs by achievement, planning

and power clusters.

Essential Understanding(s): Essential Question(s):

Successful entrepreneurs like those engaged in manicure How does one ensure success in a chosen entrepreneurial career
continuously develop and improve their PECs. like manicure services?

Learners will know: Learners will be able to:

• Personal competencies • Analyze the competencies of PECs
- Characteristics • Interpret the clusters of PECs such as achievement,
- Attributes planning and power
- Lifestyles • Prepare a plan of action
- Skills • Improve areas of strength
- Traits
• Cluster of PECs
- Achievement
- Planning
- Power
Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Stage 2
Product or Performance Task: Evidence at the level of understanding Evidence at the level of performance
Plan of action, based on PECs, Learners should be able to demonstrate
addressing one’s areas of development understanding by covering the six (6) Assessment of the plan of action based
and areas of strength facets of understanding: on the following criteria:
Explanation: Describe their PECs
focusing on strengths and development 1. Comprehensiveness
areas. 2. Appropriateness of strategies in terms
Criteria: of addressing personal areas of
a. Clear development and improving one’s
b. Comprehensive areas and strength.
c. Concise 3. Doability

Interpretation: Compare their PECs with

those of a successful practitioner.
a. Objective
b. Focused
c. Conclusive

Application: Apply their PECs in

pursuing a chosen entrepreneurial
a. Appropriate
b. Effective
c. Practical

Perspective: Express their thoughts on

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

the importance of PECs from the

viewpoint of a seasoned entrepreneur.
a. Valid
b. Relevant
c. Plausible
d. Sensitive

Empathy: Express the feelings of an

entrepreneur who finds difficulty in coping
with the PECs of a chosen career
a. Open-minded
b. Objective
c. Sensitive

Self-knowledge: Assess, based on the

results of PECs, their level of confidence
as a prospective entrepreneur in
advanced pedicure.
a. Reflective
b. Insightful
c. Objective

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Stage 3
Teaching/Learning Sequence:

• Ask learners to name people in the community who are successful in advanced pedicure business.
 Why are they successful?
 Do you wish to be like them?
• Explain to learners the importance of assessing their PECs
• Guide learners in assessing their PECs on the following:
 Character
 Attribute
 Lifestyle
 Skills
 Traits
(Note: Refer to Appendix A for a copy of the PECs. This could be reproduced according to the number of learners in class)
• Assist learners in analyzing and interpreting the results of the assessment of their PECs.
Refer to Appendix B on how to interpret the results of PECs.
• Ask EQ to draw out the initial understanding of learners about how entrepreneurs succeed
in their chosen career. Teacher may distribute meta cards for students to write their answers. These may be posted on the
wall and revisited during the FIRMING UP.

• In order to firm up their understanding, learners may be asked to work individually or in groups in collecting
information about how entrepreneurs engaged in advanced pedicure succeed. Some suggested activities: interview with
successful entrepreneurs in advanced pedicure, inviting successful entrepreneurs as resource persons in class, video
documentaries of successful entrepreneurs, web searching, etc.
• Have learners analyze (in the form of a chart, Venn Diagram or Comparison Alley, etc.) the similarities and
differences among successful entrepreneurs engaged in advanced pedicure, using the following aspects: characteristics,
traits, attributes, lifestyles, skills.
• Have learners reflect/ rethink their understanding of how entrepreneurs such as those engaged in advanced pedicure

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

succeed in their chosen field. Refer students to their answers posted on the wall.
• Process learners’ learning and check it against EU.
• Check learners’ understanding against the content standard.

• Have learners align their PECs with those of a successful entrepreneur of their choice.
• Have learners reflect on their development areas as well as their areas of strength. Ask what they plan to do with them.
• Ask learners to express the EU.
• Assess learners at the level of understanding. (Refer to the assessment in Stage 2 using the 6 FUs)

• Have learners prepare a plan of action that addresses their areas of development and strength based on their PECs.
• Assess learners’ plan of action based on the criteria provided in Stage 2 (Assessment at the Level of Performance).

Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed
• Textbooks/KAB Modules
• Scripts
• Graphic organizers
• Charts/Pictures/Video/Multimedia
• Questionnaires/Checklists/Handouts/Survey Forms, etc.
• Profile of entrepreneurs

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Quarter 4: Advanced Pedicure Topic: Environment and Market Time Frame: 6 days

Stage 1
Content Standard: Performance Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of the environment The learner formulates a business idea based on the analysis of
and market: for manicure service as an entrepreneurial career. the immediate environment and market for advanced pedicure.
• Key Ideas
- Consumer needs and wants
- Existing industry related to manicure service
- Products/services that satisfy the needs and
wants of target customers
• Key Processes
- SWOT analysis
- Formulation of business ideas
- Opportunity seeking and seizing
Essential Understanding(s): Essential Question(s):
The needs and wants of the target market and industry help How does one determine the needs and wants of the target
determine the product to be produced and/or service to be market and industry in the immediate community?

One’s choice of entrepreneurial activity is influenced by the How does one select an entrepreneurial activity to be pursued?
needs and wants of the consumers.

Seeking and responding effectively to a business opportunity How can one respond effectively to a business opportunity?
are the bases for starting and maintaining a successful
business venture.
Learners will know: Learners will be able to:
• Consumer needs and wants • Prepare SWOT analysis
• Existing industry related to embroidery • Formulate an action plan on business opportunity
• Products/services that satisfy the needs and wants of • Formulate a business idea from data analysis

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

target consumers
• SWOT analysis
• Formulation of business idea
• Opportunity seeking and seizing

Stage 2
Product or Performance Task: Evidence at the level of understanding Evidence at the level of performance
Formulation of a business idea based on Learners should be able to demonstrate
the analysis of the immediate environment understanding by covering the six (6) Assessment of formulated business idea
and market. facets of understanding: based on the following criteria:
• Profitable
Explanation: Explain the importance of • Feasible
the immediate environment and market in • Practical
identifying business opportunities in • Responsive to consumer needs
advanced pedicure. and wants
Criteria: • Innovative
a. Clear
b. Comprehensive
c. Concise
d. Coherent

Interpretation: Interpret the data

gathered from the immediate environment
and market in identifying business
opportunities in advanced pedicure.
a. Reliable
b. Accurate
c. Objective
d. Relevant
e. Valid

Application: Generate business ideas

from data analysis of industries related on
advanced pedicure.
Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

a. Appropriate
b. Innovative
c. Practical

Perspective: Express from the point of

view of a business owner the importance
of scanning the environment and market
in generating business ideas for industries
related to advanced pedicure.
a. Valid
b. Relevant
c. Insightful

Empathy: Express their feelings when

entrepreneurs offer the same type of
business in a community.
a. Objective
b. Persuasive
c. Sensitive
d. Open-minded

Self-knowledge: Self-assess their level

of confidence in formulating business
ideas related to advanced pedicure.
a. Reflective
b. Insightful
c. Objective

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Stage 3
Teaching - Learning Sequence:

Entrepreneurs who want to take advantage of business opportunities need to explore the economic, cultural, and social
conditions prevailing in the community. Needs and wants of people in a certain community that are not met may be considered as
business opportunities. Identifying the needs of the community, its resources, available local specialized skills, and appropriate
technology can help a new entrepreneur in seizing a business opportunity. Hence, the learners shall:

• Guide learners in assessing their prior knowledge on environment and market for advanced pedicure as an entrepreneurial
lens in generating business idea/s through a diagnostic test, K-W-L and other appropriate teaching and learning tools.
• Have the learner assess his/her immediate environment and market for advanced pedicure to determine the existing
industries, needs and wants of target market with the use of the following:
 Survey questionnaire;
 Interview guide;
 Checklist, etc.
 SWOT analysis
• Ask EQs to draw out learners’ understanding of environment and market in generating business ideas related
to advanced pedicure.

• Lead learners in analyzing the assessment conducted on the environment and market for advanced pedicure in the
immediate locality.
• Assist learners in conducting a community mapping to identify business establishments or industries related to advanced
pedicure in the immediate locality.
• Guide learners in making a graphical presentation of the information on the needs and wants of target market as a result of
the data-gathering activity such as: interview, survey, community mapping, etc.,
• Help learners in presenting the result of the data-gathering activity reflective of the needs and wants of the target market for
advanced pedicure.
• Ask learners to do supplementary reading and other compensatory activity to support the information presented.

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

• Assist learners in conducting an interview with a seasoned entrepreneur to gather salient information as regards the manner
he/she was able to seize a business opportunity relative to advanced pedicure.
• Compare whether the information derived from the interview will complement/harmonize with their skills in formulating
business ideas.
• Assess learners’ level of understanding. (Refer to the Assessment in Stage 2).

• Ask learner to formulate a business idea as a result of the SWOT analysis of the environment and market for advanced
• Assess learners’ business idea based on the criteria provided in Stage 2 (Assessment at the Level of Performance).

Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed:
• Textbooks
• KAB Modules
• Magazines/Journals/Articles on supply and demand and existing industry

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Quarter 4: Advance Pedicure Topic: Basic Designs in Time Frame: 35 days

Pedicure, Food Massage
and SPA
Stage 1
Content Standard: Performance Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and The learner executes marketable original/new manicure products/
principles underlying the process and delivery in pedicure. services, following the basic concepts and principles underlying
 Preliminaries the process and delivery in pedicure.
- industry background
- personal hygiene and grooming
- use of the different implements, materials,
equipments, cosmetics, etc.
 process flow in pedicure services;
- procedure (step-by-step)
- basic and fancy nail designs
- hand massage and spa
 project plan
 four (4) Ms (manpower, materials, machine, methods) of
 evaluation of services
 cost of production
 pricing oaf services The learner adopts the appropriate marketing strategies
 packaging and marketing of services

Essential Understanding(s): Essential Question(s):

Applying the basic concepts and principles underlying the Why do we need to understand the basic concepts and principles
process and delivery in pedicure is essential in producing underlying the process and delivery in advanced pedicure?
marketable advanced pedicure products/services.

Learners will know: Learners will be able to:

• Fundamentals of advanced pedicure • Apply the advanced pedicure designs:
Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

design - Calla Lily, Leaf 1, Leaf 2, Flower, Petal

- Pedicure designs: Calla Lily, Leaf 1, - Nail Art: Floral, Stickers, Rhinestones, Nail Polish with
Leaf 2, Flower, Petal Glitters
- Nail Art: Floral, Stickers, Rhinestones,
Nail Polish with glitters • Execute foot massage
• Fundamentals of foot massage • Prepare a Project Plan
• Preparation of Project Plan • Apply the 4 Ms of production (manpower, machine, methods,
• Principles of 4 Ms of production materials) in advance pedicure
(manpower, machine, methods and materials) in advance • Execute advanced pedicure design, foot massage and SPA
pedicure • Evaluate accurately the pedicure designs
• Render advance pedicure designs, • Use appropriate formula for the costing of manicure
foot massage and SPA • Compute the price for product/service
• Evaluation procedure of the product • Market and deliver quality services in pedicure
• Cost of production/services
• Pricing of products/services
• Manner of services and delivery
- Strategies
- Advertisements

Stage 2
Product/Performance Task: Evidence at the level of understanding Evidence at the level of performance

Marketable original/new services following Explanation: Explain the basic concepts Assessment of advanced pedicure
the basic concepts and principles and principles underlying the process and products/services based on marketability
underlying the process and delivery in delivery in advanced pedicure. (quality, appearance, price) and originality
advanced pedicure Criteria: (value-added uniqueness)
a. Clear
Demonstration of the process in the b. Comprehensive Assessment of performance
application of marketable advanced c. Scientific basis • Compliance of standards (tools,
pedicure products/services equipment, materials)
Interpretation: Show the significance of • Application of procedure
the process and delivery in providing • Observance of work habits
advanced pedicure products/services. • Speed/Time
a. Original
Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

b. Creative

Application: Design product/service

based on the process and delivery in
advanced pedicure.
a. Appropriate
b. Creative
c. Cost-beneficial

Perspective: Compare and contrast the

different styles and designs in advanced
a. Clear
b. Concise
c. Appropriate

Empathy: Share their thoughts on how it

feels to have gainful returns in advanced
pedicure services/ products.
• Profitable
• Quality

Self-Knowledge: Self-assess their

knowledge in producing/providing
marketable advanced pedicure services/
• Clear
• Self-Confidence

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

Stage 3
Teaching - Learning Sequence:

• Guide learners in assessing their prior knowledge in advanced pedicure.
-Paper and pencil test
-Performance test
• Orient learners on the following:
-Advanced Pedicure
-Assessment tools and criteria
 6 Facets of Understanding/Performance
 Scoring Rubrics
• Guide learners on the fundamentals of advanced pedicure designs: Calla Lily, Leaf 1, Leaf 2, Flower,
Petals, Nail Arts: Floral, Stickers, Rhinestones, Nail Polish with Glitters.
• Assist learners in applying the fundamentals of foot massage.
• Assist learners in the preparation and use of Project Plan.
• Guide learners in putting up using the 4 Ms of production (manpower, machine, methods, materials) in
advance pedicure.
• Assist learners in estimating the cost of production/service.
• Guide learners in computing the price of product/service.
• Assist learners on the manner of service and delivery using different strategies and advertisement.

• Present through video presentation the fundamentals of advanced pedicure showing Calla Lily, Leaf 1, Leaf 2, Flower,
Petal, Nail Art, etc.
• Lead learners to have actual hands on advanced pedicure designs, foot massage and SPA.
• Guide learners in using project plan for every lesson in advance pedicure.

Career Pathways – Technology and Livelihood Education

• Assist learners in creating the 4 M’s of production in pedicure.

• Guide learners solve actual problem in determining the cost of production/services.
• Assess learners understanding through a performance test.

• Encourage learners to perform advanced pedicure designs to their classmates and volunteer patrons.
• Have learners perform advanced pedicure design with foot massage to outsiders with assessment on the quality of jobs
• Have learners create their own design in advanced pedicure.
• Guide learners track their progress using accomplishment chart and score card.
• Have learners understanding of the principles and fundamentals in advanced pedicure.
• Have learners assess their level of understanding. (Refer to Stage 2, Assessment at the Level of Understanding)

• Have learners produce quality and workable advanced pedicure products.
• Have learners put up a display/exhibit their advanced pedicure designs and services through local competitions.
• Have learners market their products/services in the community through volunteer service.
• Assess learners’ level of performance. (Refer to Stage 2, Assessment at the Level of Performance)

Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed:
• Internet
• Compact disks with instructional information
• Commercial posters
• Textbooks (standard textbooks of cosmetology by Kibbie, Constantino)
Materials/Equipment needed:
• Implements and equipment in manicure and manicure designs
• Textbooks, magazines, posters, cosmetic materials, etc.
• Manual on advertisements of Avon and Sara Lee.


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