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A commentary by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

on the Ganesh Strotram by Sri Adi Shankaracharya

• Chapter 1:
Muladhara Chakra 6

• Chapter 2:
Jnana, Jnaata, Jneya 10

• Chapter 3:
The Science Behind Ganesh Puja 12

• Chapter 4:
The Two Types of Puja 16

• Chapter 5: 19
Truth, Beauty and Infinity

According to Hinduism, Lord Ganesha is regarded as the Lord of the
Muladhara Chakra (the first metaphysical center of energy in the human
body which is located at the base of the spine).
Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji has given a very apt and profound description of
Lord Ganesha in the hymn called the Ganesha Strotram. In these versus, He
beautifully narrated the true nature of Lord Ganesha. He has revered Lord
Ganesha as a swaroopa (representation) of the Parabrahman (the Divinity).
He says:

This means that Lord Ganesha was

never born or created, he himself is
the origin and the creator.
He describes Lord Ganesha as Aja
and Nirvikalpa which means he is
the one and only eternal ever-
present Divine Consciousness.
Furthermore, Adi Shankaracharyaji
says that Lord Ganesha is Niraakara
which means He is the formless
Divinity which is omnipresent and
A picture of Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji

There is consciousness present within our whole body – that is divided in the
upper and lower halves of the body (as the seven chakras). This divine force
or consciousness is called as the Kundalini Shakti. When this Kundalini
Shakti is awakened and rises within us, then our entire life becomes a dance
of joy and bliss.
The experience of the Kundalini Shakti begins with the opening of the
Muladhara Chakra (also known as the root chakra), and the Divine
consciousness which is experienced is regarded as Lord Ganesha. So, Lord
Ganesha is the deep intense experience of that Supreme Consciousness which
happens when the Muladhara Chakra opens and gets activated. Though on
the outside He is shown by a different form – having the head of an elephant,
which we all worship and adore. However there is a great secret behind this
form as well.
Lord Ganesha is regarded as the lord
of wisdom (Jnana). And wisdom is Understanding Chakras
kindled only when one awakens from and Kundalini Energy
within (through the opening of the A talk by
Root Chakra). If one is stuck in Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
inertia, then there is no wisdom or Click Here
knowledge, and neither can there be
any progress or enthusiasm in life. This
is why it is essential to awaken and
enliven our Consciousness from deep
within. And the origin of the
awakening of that Consciousness
within is Lord Ganesha.
In this way, Adi Shankaracharyaji
explained that Lord Ganesha is not a
divine force that lies outside us, rather
He is the very centre and origin of
that divine power which resides within
us all, so He is seated deep within our
Of the seven energy Chakras that are

present in our body, Lord Ganesha is associated with the very first Chakra –
the Muladhara Chakra. And that is why bringing attention to the Muladhara
Chakra is a very subtle and deep way to meditate upon Lord Ganesha.
It is said – Dhyanam nirvishayam, which means that in essence, meditation
does not require any subject or object to focus upon to go deep within. What
it actually means is that we do not take our focus on any gross subject or
object for the purpose of meditation. Here we take the help of a very fine
and subtle aspect as a medium to draw the mind inwards and go deep into
This subtle understanding given by Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji is a very
beautiful and deep way to adore and
worship Lord Ganesha. Decoding the
Adi Shankaracharyaji says, Parabrahma Ganesh Strotram – Ch.1
roopam Ganesham bhajema. He Video talk on YouTube
encourages us to worship and meditate
upon Lord Ganesha as that formless
omnipresent Divinity.
Those who are not able to understand
this can worship the form of Lord
Ganesha. So by offering worship and
devotion to the beautiful image and
form of Lord Ganesha, one is able to
ultimately reach and attain the
formless Paramatman, the all-
pervading blissful Divinity. This is a
most unique art and amazing
technique in the spiritual tradition of

In the next verse, he says: There are three aspects to this:
Jnana (knowledge), Jnaata (knower)
and Jneya (that which is sought to be
known about, or the subject).
Often we worship Lord Ganesha as a
Jneya, that is, as a deity or an object.
This is not the supreme form of
Paramatma or God is the all- worship. If we worship the Divine as
powerful One Consciousness which a form or an object just from the
is the basis Creation. It is the cause outside, we do not become one with
of all causes – from which the Divine. In such worship, the seer
everything has originated, which is still remains separate.
responsible for everything and into So, the essence here is that, Lord
which everything shall ultimately Ganesha is the Source and the Seer.
dissolve. And Lord Ganesha
That is, the (primal) Cause, the
represents this formless Divine; the knower and the subtle knowledge of
Parabrahman. the Source are essentially all one and
Not only does Lord Ganesha the same.
represent the formless Parabrahman,
He is also the embodiment of the Decoding the
subtle knowledge which reveals the Ganesh Strotram – Ch. 2
Parabrahman as the cause of video talk on YouTube
everything in Creation. Thus He is
both the Jnana (knowledge) and also
the Jnaata (knower).

The Seer observes everything around
him – that ability to perceive is part
of the One Consciousness, which is
represented by Lord Ganesha.
Not everyone can relate this subtle
knowledge. Our wise Rishis and
sages understood this. And so they
tried to make this knowledge
accessible for people of all levels of
intelligence by creating Puja rituals one’s heart-felt deep feelings of love
and stories to explain the subtle and devotion to the Divine. In Puja,
aspects so that everyone would a devotee wishes to play and delight
benefit in some way or another. himself with the Divine. If at all a
devotee desires anything, then that is
the Divine. The devotee does not
When we perform Puja for Lord
wish to ask for anything in Puja.
Ganesha, we first create an idol of
Lord Ganesha. Then we perform the If a devotee asks for something, then
Prana-pratishtha for the idol. What his desire becomes more important
does this mean? It means that we than the feelings of devotion for the
infuse Consciousness into the idol Divine. This is why a true devotee is
through prayer – may Lord Ganesha simply soaked in love for the Divine,
who is seated within me as Prana or and only wishes to play with the
life force be established into the idol Divine for a while, in a very deep
so that I can worship and play with and personal way. And, Puja gives
Him. the devotee a way to (physically or
outwardly) express and experience
Puja is actually a play. In the true
this play with the Divine by invoking
sense, Puja is a unique art to express
the formless Consciousness within

himself into the idol. So to worship idol for a short while) to once again
Lord Ganesha, we invoke the return to deep within our hearts.
formless Consciousness. We make a This is called Visarjana (literally
clay or earthen idol of Lord meaning to dissolve again or return
Ganesha, after which we perform the to the Source). Just as there was a
Prana-pratishtha, praying that – “O process of Creation for the idol, in
Lord, You who are present the same way after the Puja we
everywhere and within me as perform the Visarjana or the
Consciousness, I pray to you to dissolution.
please manifest and establish There is a saying in Sanskrit,
Yourself for a little while in this idol “Gachha gachha surashreshtha,”
before me, so that I can adore you which is a way of praying to the
and play with you. Whatever Divine saying, “O Lord! I pray to
blessings you have showered upon you to return to my heart where you
me and all that you have provided always reside.” So after the Puja is
me, I wish to offer it all to you as a complete, we take the clay idol and
token of my love”. immerse it in a river or a water body
God gave us water, so in Puja we (exemplifying the process of
offer water to God. God provided us dissolution).
with so many sweet fruits, so in Puja For example, during festivals we take
we offer fruits. God gave us out jewellery from the safe to wear it,
abundant flowers, and so we and after the festivities we once again
reciprocate by offering flowers to put the jewellery back in the safe.
Him in the Puja. God created the
Sun and the Moon and performs our
aarti by having the Sun and the Decoding the Ganesh
Moon revolve around us; so in the Strotram – Chapter 3
Puja we burn a lamp or a piece of
Video talk on YouTube
camphor and rotate it before the idol
during aarti to reciprocate the same.
So this is a way for a devotee to In the same way, there is a precious
express his love and devotion towards Tattva, a priceless gem lodged deep
the Divine. within our heart (the Divine).
Ganeshotsav is a unique celebration
and a way of rejoicing in the bliss of
After the Puja is over, we pray to the the Divine principle which dwells
Divine (installed within the deep within us all.

What is important is to know that God does not reside in idols alone. God is
omnipresent, in both formlessness and form. Ganeshotsav is a way of
honoring the omnipresent Divinity in the form (of Lord Ganesha) and
adoring it through worship, joy and love. Through such worship and
celebration, devotion and enthusiasm spring forth in life.

Sage Narada says – Pooja-adishva
Anuraga iti Parasharya.

In the Bhakti Sutras by Sage Narada, He sings, “Lord Ganapati, as the

there is a mention of Sage Parashara Supreme Consciousness is the
who says that “To have some underlying cause and origin of all
attachment or interest in mind
Creation. This One Consciousness is
towards Puja is one sign of Bhakti the very source of all comfort and
(devotion)”. joy.”
One should not do Puja out of fear,
nor to fulfil any greed or desire. Puja When this Consciousness is
should be an offering out of love, awakened and enlivened in every
devotion and a feeling of total particle of our being, then a river of
fulfilment. deep bliss springs forth from within
This joy is not superficial in nature
One way of performing Puja is which we just express outwardly.
through outward rituals, offerings Just smiling or appearing joyful on
and fire sacrifices, which is called as the outside is of no use.
Baahya Puja (Baahya meaning Experiencing that smile and joy from
outward). But even greater than that deep within is the source of real
is Maansik Puja – that is, Puja which happiness in life. And Lord Ganesha
is done with a meditative state of is the source of all the joy and love
mind, through a sense of total in life.
devotion and surrender to the
Divine. The best example of this are Lord Ganesha is also the lord of all
these versus by Sri Adi Gunas or divine qualities. He is the
Shankaracharyaji on Lord Ganesha Lord of our soul, of our Being.
as the all-pervading One Often we think that we need to
cultivate good qualities in life through constant effort – this is not possible.
We need to take it for granted that all good qualities are already present
within us. And the bad habits and negativity are like dirt that has come from
the outside but is not our true nature. By doing Sadhana, all the negativity
gets washed away, and our good qualities come to the surface. They are
already present within us.
Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita tells Arjuna – O Arjuna! All divine
qualities are already present in you.
Lord Ganapati is the lord of all these divine qualities. Sadhana helps to
uncover and nurture these noble virtues in us.
Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji says – O Lord Ganapati! You are manifest
everywhere throughout this Creation. Every person worships and adores You.
Your devotees reside in every corner of the world.
Every country in the world has a tradition of honoring the Divine as
formless (Niarakara) and yet
omnipresent. In the same way, Adi
Shankaracharyaji says – O Lord Decoding the Ganesh
Ganesha! You are worshipped as the Strotram – Chapter 4
foremost of all deities and as the Video talk on YouTube
manifestation of the formless

In this verse, Sri Adi
Shankaracharyaji says – O Lord
Ganesha! You transcend all qualities
and attributes. You are beyond them.
It means that Lord Ganesha is the
Your form is Satchidananda.
infinite and formless Divinity that is
Satchidananda is that which present everywhere but can only be
encapsulates the Infinity, that which experienced through knowledge and
is Truth, the epitome of all beauty through the awakening of
and the fountain of bliss! consciousness.
We can experience this aspect of This is why Lord Ganapati is also
Lord Ganesha only when our revered as the Lord of wisdom and
consciousness is awakened and knowledge. He is worshipped first
enlivened within us. Even with a and foremost, before starting any
little bit of awakening, we are able to Puja or ritual – it is a way to invoke
recognize and experience the true the Ganesha Tattva within us.
nature of Lord Ganesha. People who
The first step of Puja is to move
are inert and whose intellect is stuck
from Tamoguna (inertia and
in small matters will not be able to
negativity) towards Satguna
grasp this subtle aspect of Lord
(positivity and awareness). And so
Ganesha. This is why Sri Adi
every Puja begins with the worship
Shankaracharyaji says, “Chidaa-
of Lord Ganesha.
bhasakam sarvagam jnana gamyam.”
In this verse Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji says, “Munidhyeyam akaasha roopam
paresham.” This means – O Lord Ganesha! Your true nature as the formless,
Divine Consciousness is revealed to the wise sages when they go deep into
meditation. You are the unblemished infinite space Chidakasha, the eternal
continuum of Consciousness which becomes evident as the meditative mind
expands and reposes in the Self. You are not an (finite) object, You cannot be
grasped through the limited intellect; You are not a physical person or the
body. You are Bliss, You are verily the Infinite Space (Chidakasha). You are the
omnipresent Divine - the ultimate goal of meditation for the sages.
O Ganesha! That indeed is your true nature. I wish to worship and meditate
upon that Lord Ganesha, who is the ultimate Divine Consciousness, again
and again”.
This Ganesh Chaturti, when you do Puja, offer everything with utmost love
and devotion, and then sit in meditation with your eyes closed and experience
Lord Ganesha within yourself. This is the real secret behind Puja.
This is both the purpose and also
the goal or fruit of the festival of
Ganesha Chaturthi – to kindle and
Decoding the Ganesh
enliven all the divine qualities isn our Strotram – Chapter 5
Consciousness that resides deep Video talk on YouTube
within us all.

The content of this book is a
translation of a discourse originally
spoken in Hindi by
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
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Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

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