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My Grilfriend

Episode: 1

Genre: Comedy

Theme: miscommunication
Story setting background: This image should be stuck in wall as a drawing, first camera should be
focused on this image then on a first page of book her name written as (DISH), then focus on Disha.

Story opening: Disha siting with her pillow and eating snacks, she feels bored. Then takes her mobile
phone and scrolls the previous messages up and down and smiles {with love}.

reference***(Disha and Dev are lovers but because of an previous issue they starts arguing with
each other over mobile phone)

Disha: Disha tries to text Dev, a message and she backspaces it, again she types and again she
delete’s it before sending. Then she dials Dev’ number and gives ring before the ring connects she
ends the call again, after thinking {frowns’s her face, bit of angry look} and again calls him and gives
one full ring.

(Dev had kept his mobile on a table in hall )

***(camera should focus on mobile phone, with Disha number saved as Dish with luv emoji)

(at the very right moment when Dev picks up, the call ends)

{Dev sweats, frightened, tensed, (** camera should focus his face and sweat ) takes his mobile and
runs inside his room before anyone looks him}
Inside the room

Dev: OMG, why is she calling now, is she going to talk about that “THAT……”.{he screams bit
louder}, oohh shit I didn’t pick the call too….(he screams in tensed voice with funny looks)

(Disha in anger eating more…and waits for the call , (** camera should focus her, looking at the
phone angrily and eating fast)

(Mean while Dev calls her immediately and Disha picks up)

(Dev: doesn’t utter a single word and waits for Disha to speak {he is bit nervous})

(Disha: in anger waiting for Dev to speak first, still she is eating…fast)

Dev: Slowly tries to say Hello..

Disha: {She starts screaming} Dev I never thought you would do that, because of you now I ‘am
struggling. What do you think of yourself? U stupid because of you I’am not even able to eat or sleep
(meanwhile she eats snacks) just because I loved you, still I ‘am talking with you very politely.

Dev: politely? Is this polite for you?

Disha: Dev, Are you talking back to me?, I thought still we are still lovers, how rude you are, you
started it and everything thing just happened is all because of you.

(Mean while Dev’s sister enters the room with a plate full of sweets and drinks)

Dev’s sister: Hey! Bro see what I have brought for you.

(Dev smiles brightly after seeing the food)

Disha: Hey are you there? You are not even listening to me, why are you are you silent? , do you
think I’am a fool to call you and talk?

(Setting: on the very same moment Disha spoke)

Dev’s sister: Do you want more? Will you be able to finish all of the sweet?

Dev: Yes,yes…I do, I will finish it.

Disha: What you are saying I’am a fool? and you are going to finish it?? Who are you to do that, I will
finish it, I will end our relationship right this moment. Good Bye.

(line cut)

Dev: Hey “No,..No”, Disha “Hello, hello…” listen to me.

(mean while Dev had already finished eating, and smiling again)
Suddenly stops smiling …

Dev to viewers (**talking front of camera)


We were like Jack and Rose, other lovers used to get jealous seeing us, but now….It’s all because
of a small mistake which I did, my entire story got twisted…Trust me I didn’t do it deliberately,
even I don’t know how I did…..why always to me God.

I’ll tell u what I did watch the next episode, if you find it similar to your story do like it, share with
your friends and don’t forget to subscribe,

With crying,…..I’ll share my story with you in next episode..(again cries).

Episode over……..

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