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Subject: Critical Thinking and Emotional Quotient
Learning Approach: Advanced Self Directed Independent Study
Lesson 5. The Mixed Model of Emotional Intelligence
Date and Time: May 3, 2020/ 1:00PM to 5:00PM
Submission Time: 2:30 PM

1. Discuss comprehensively the role of motivation and empathy as key
areas of emotional intelligence using the principles of EI mixed models?
The role of empathy is simply dealing with person trying showing
empathy, meaning the person with empathy able to identify the
challenges of another, and always consider the feelings of others when
making decisions. They often serve as pragmatic and emotional purpose.
Empathy is the ability to experience and relate to the thoughts, emotions
or experience of others. Empathy is more than simple sympathy, which
is being able to understand and support others with compassion or
sensitivity. Simply put, empathy is the ability to step into someone else’s
shoes, be aware of their feelings and understand their needs. In the
workplace, empathy can show a deep respect for co-workers and show
that you care, as opposed to just going by rules and regulations. An
empathic leadership style can make everyone feel like a team and
increase productivity, morale and loyalty. Empathy is a powerful tool in
the leadership belt of a well-liked and respected executive. This model
does believe that individuals are born with particular abilities in cognitive
function, as well as characteristics that are an aspect of their
personality. Motivation and empathy helps every individual in workplace.

While on the other hand, motivation in the mixed model of EI is a

person with high EQ will be able to motivate themselves to achieve their
goals. This based on how they achieved their goals and achievement.
The success is based on their EI. Motivation is different for each of our
employees. Every employee has a different motivation for why they work.
But we all work because we obtain something that we need from work.
The something that we need that we obtain from work has an impact on
our morale and motivation. A motivating work environment provides
clear direction so that employees know what is expected of them. Hand-
in-hand with clear direction, employees should have goals that fit within
the company's strategic. Motivation is a powerful energy that drives and
excites employees, which results in their maximum contribution. Setting
and achieving goals, clear expectations, recognition, feedback, as well as
encouraging management all contribute to an increase in
workplace motivation. It flourishes in a positive work environment, which
is why so many leaders want to learn new ways to motivate their
2. What would be the effect of mixed model of EI when it combines
emotional intelligence qualities with other personality traits unrelated to
either emotion or intelligence? Discuss in the context of self-
management and social skills?
In the context of self-management and social skills when EI
combines emotional intelligence qualities with other personality traits
unrelated to either our emotion or intelligence it would result to imply
consistency and stability—someone who scores high on a specific trait
like Extraversion is expected to be sociable in different situations and
over time. Under the Mixed Model theory, social skill is the last domain
where one can combine self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and
empathy, to foster a healthy and mutual interpersonal understanding
with others According to Universal Class (2020), the Mixed Model
approach generally are of the opinion that Emotional Intelligence cannot
be completely separated from personality characteristics. Definitely,
when EI qualities combine with other personality traits would not hinder
success when self-management and social skills are applied.
Self-management skills are the abilities that allow people to control their
thoughts, feelings and actions. If you have strong self-management skills,
you’re able to set goals independently and take the initiative to achieve them.
Purposeful self-management can help you direct the trajectory of your career
and ensure you seek opportunities that get you closer to your goals. Self-
management skills focus on personal responsibility in organizing, goal
setting, time management, self-motivation , stress management and
Social skills as interpersonal or soft skills, are used to communicate with
others. Social skills are important because they help you build, maintain and
grow relationships with colleagues, clients and new contacts alike. They are
important to maintain and improve no matter your position, industry or
experience level.

3. As a school administrator, you always wanted to be a better

instructional leader. Has a teacher ever come to school and their
attitude was different, their behavior unlike what it typically is? As their
school administrator, what do you do in this situation? Do you ignore
this or do you offer yourself up to help; this teacher, potentially to deal
with something that might fall outside of your roles written
As a future instructional school administrator, I would be
Willing to offer myself to provide instructional and professional
leadership employees who manifest indifference in attitude and
behaviour even though this is outside of my written responsibility. I
believe that as educational institution, we should be sensitive to other
peoples need especially when it affects already the performance of the
school or leadership.
Since with my background of being a counsellor before, I do
believe that conducting series of talks and guidance or counselling to
the person itself may help him understand his worth in the
organization and its contribution to the success of the school, to
himself and to the stakeholders.
Another strategy in coping this kind of situation is to have be
sensitive to those individuals who experience this kind of issue or
attitude problem. Rather than ignoring their signals of distress. We
must understand their weakness so that from here we can catch up
and help the employee understand himself in the context of EQ.
Constant follow-up may be an aide to check and balance the
performance of the person. This approach may help understand his
worth in the organization and being accepted as part of the

Prepared by:


Professor VI

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