Lesson 6 Critical Thinking

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Subject: Critical Thinking and Emotional Quotient
Learning Approach: Advanced Self-Directed Independent Study
Lesson 6: The Bar-on Model of Emotional Social Intelligence and the
Genos Model
Date and Time: May 9, 2020 / 8:00 to 11:00 Submission Time: 11:30PM

1. As a future administrator, how will you manifest (a) empathy, (b)

social responsibility, and (c) interpersonal relationship both in your
personal and professional life?

Empathy is the ability to experience and relate to the thoughts,
emotions or experience of others. Empathy is more than simple
sympathy, which is being able to understand and support others with
compassion or sensitivity. Simply put, empathy is the ability to step into
someone else’s shoes, be aware of their feelings and understand their
needs. In the workplace. In terms of personal and professional life,
empathy is related to personal life, when you try to put yourself in the
shoes of the administrator. For example, in times of a very delicate
matter to be given with decision, sometimes before I give my opinion, I
always put myself in the shoes of the immediate concern person. This
way, I may able to balance and provide my opinion or idea in a matter
that no one will be at risk or stake with a decision to be made.
Social responsibility is an ethical framework and suggests that an
entity, be it an organization or individual, has an obligation to act for the
benefit of society at large. Social responsibility is a duty every individual
has to perform so as to maintain a balance between the economy and the
ecosystems. Being socially responsible shows both social awareness and
self-management skills—that is, an awareness of how our decisions
affect others. In like manner, it tells us that we as individual must be
aware of the needs of the people around us, just like us that we are
teachers and future administrator, we must act and provide the needs of
our learner in order for them to achieve a quality education by being
sensitive to their learning capacities as learner. If you think the learner
can only achieve a two problem, then so be it, since this is the capacity of
the learner, rather giving a lot but at the end of the situation, no learning
nor even retained in the heart and mind of the learner. Social
responsibility means we have our role in the community. We then
therefore see to it on how we can contribute to the problem or a solution
to the problem to provide development in the community. This means
we show social responsibility.
Interrelationship is both equated within empathy and social
responsibility. This mean, by showing empathy to others you are
building inter relationship deeper with the person. Social responsibility
is also a means of showing interrelationship with the stakeholders and
learners of the school as part of the community. By understanding their
needs and addressing their concerns showcase deeper inter relationship.

2. Change management skills can be measured by the individual’s

adaptability level. In what way/s you are developing (1) flexibility, (2)
problem solving, and (3) reality testing? Discuss each comprehensively in
the context of administration and supervision?

Change management skills Change management skills can be

utilized to help individuals make successful personal transitions
resulting in the adoption and realization of change. Here are few of the
most important skills needed to succeed in today's change management
in the context of administration and supervision -flexibility, problem
solving and reality testing:

Flexibility is the ability to modify their style or approach to

leadership in response to uncertain or unpredictable circumstances.
Moreover, flexible leaders adapt changes in their new environment.
Adopt new changes and create new innovations and able to overcome
challenges coming in their way achieving goals of the organization.
Flexibility is also dealing implementing new culture or norms of the
organizations. This way allowing them to express themselves creativity
in their work place and finding new ways to resolve problems. Flexibility
is adoptability of new behaviours currently undergoing in the
Problem solving is the process of leaders to resolve issues in their
own capacity as leaders. Their trait to make the organization with
minimal occurrence of problems. The leaders must be able to physically
attentive to the organization especially when there are already problems
arising. The leaders has the capacity to stop or provide an immediate
solution to problems. The leaders has the ability to foresee people that
complicate matters with their office politicking, self-promotion, power
plays and ploys and envy or jealousy within. One of the best leadership
skills you can possess is to consistently live in the real world; to be able
to clearly distinguish objective reality from your subjective perspective or
A powerful tool for doing this is known as reality testing, which can
be defined as: the objective evaluation of our internal interpretation of
best leadership skills situations – emotions and thoughts that it triggers,
against the facts – what really happened. Essentially, it is the ability to
see a situation for what it really is, rather than what one hopes or fears it
might be. This is a critical skill for anyone in a leadership position
because it has a direct effect on how you make decisions that can affect
not just yourself, but others.

3. The Genos Model of emotional intelligence have six (6) core

competencies, two of which are very distinct for would-be school
administrator like you. These are (1) authenticity and (2) positive
influence. Discuss your insights on these two core competencies in the
context of management of school systems?


Authenticity is about openly and effectively expressing oneself, honoring

commitments and encouraging this behavior in others. It involves
honestly expressing specific feelings at work, such as happiness and
frustration, providing feedback to colleagues about the way you feel, and
sharing emotions at the right time, to the right degree and, to the right
people. People high in authenticity are often described
as genuine whereas people low in this skill are often described
as untrustworthy.
Positive influence is about positively influencing the way others feel
through problem solving, feedback, recognizing and supporting others
work. It involves creating a positive working environment for others,
helping others find effective ways of responding to upsetting events and
effectively helping people resolve issues that are affecting their
performance. This skill helps people create a productive environment for
others. Positive Influence equips you with the capacity to encourage
colleagues to cooperate and work effectively together. People who can
positively influence others’ moods, feelings and emotions
are empowering to work with and easily motivate those around them.

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