Assessment 2 (Written Assessment - Project)

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1. Give 4 examples of keyboard shortcuts when using word processing program

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + O Toggles 6pts spacing before a paragraph
Ctrl + A Select all contents of the page
Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection
Ctrl + C Copy selected text

2. Give 5 examples of text formatting options

a) Styles
b) Text Alignment
c) Paragraph
d) Fonts
e) Text Size

3. What is the difference between the 'Save' and 'Save As' options in a word processing
“Save” is saves your work by updating the last saved version of the file to match the current
version you see on your screen. “Save As” brings up a prompt to save your work as a new
file with different name.

4. Give 5 different automatic functions available in a word processing program

a) Auto Correct: corrects common typos and capitalisation.
b) Auto Text Building Blocks: insert preset chunks of text.
c) Auto Format: this feature lets you format your document in one operation.
d) Auto Format As You Type: this function deals with formatting text (bullets, numbers,
e) Auto Text and Auto Complete

5. Describe the technology you would need to design and print a company brochure in-house
(500 copies – double sided)
The technology we need to print a company brochure in house is imposition during design
process and we need output printer machine which is Ink-jet printer. Imposition used to
arrange the printer product pages on the printer sheet.

6. Give an example or a workplace procedure / policy relating to waste reduction

a) Use both sides of a sheet of paper for printing, copying, writing, and drawing.
b) Once used paper can also be reused in plain paper fax machine (they only need one
clean side).
c) Try to use electronic media (desktop fax, CD-ROM data base, and electronic data
storage) to reduce office paper waste.
d) Use reusable inter- and intra-office envelopes.
e) Draft documents can be reviewed, edited, and shared on screen (without printed).

7. Give an example or a workplace procedure / policy relating to energy conservation

a) Turn off lights when leave office, bathroom, or conference room.
b) Use energy star-qualified compact fluorescent light bulbs (75% less energy thab
incandescent bulbs and last up to 10 times longer).
c) Turn off computers, monitors, printers, and other office equipment when not in use
(especially overnight and on weekends). Try to switch off the power supply as well
because it's still use a small amount energy when it's still on.
d) Set up recycling stations throughout the office with separate containers for paper,
plastic, and aluminium.
e) Use double sided and reuse paper that printed on only one side.
f) Use reusable plates, cups, and silverware when possible.

8. Describe 4 different features of MS Word that will help you produce documents easily and
a) Spelling and Grammar: we can correct our spelling errors all in one go.
b) Benefit of using Mail Merge: this features allow us to send out bulk emails with unique
ways, for example we could produce a series of label envelops for a large mailing.
c) “Find and Replace”: save precious time with this feature. It can search for all
occurrences of a particular word, phrase or set of characters and replace them with an
d) Watermarks: if we are sending an important document or draft sample, we want to be
able to protect our content without having to edit much of it. Insert watermark specific
to your objectives. This is great to insert our brand logo, for reports our business may
produce or any other document.

9. Why is formatting important text documents?

Formatting text document makes the documents to be easily read and comprehensible to
the reader to prevent misinterpret of the meaning of the documents.

10. What font sizes would you consider appropriate for the following documents?
a) Procedure manual: font size 12, Calibri or Times New Roman
b) Advertising literature: font size 12, Arial or Times New Roman
c) Sign asking customers to present to a certain desk: 15 font size, Arial

11. What is style guide?

Style guide based on marketing aspect is really important. Is it because style guide is a
document that provides guideline which is represent the corporate design (brand), graphic,
and language into writing to deliver clear messages to the reader or we can say to
customers with consistency.
References, accessed by January, 7th, 2019,
accessed by January. 7Th, 2019, accessed by January. 7Th, 2019, accessed by January,
22th, 2019, accessed by January,
22th, 2019, accessed by
January, 22th, 2019

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