REED Mid Final

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Christian Paolo E.



1. What does the document Christus Vivit say about the young people? Cite and explain at
least three descriptions of the young people found in Christus Vivit. (15 pts.)

a.) Samuel was still a young boy, yet the Lord spoke to him. Thanks to the advice of an
adult, he opened his heart to hear God’s call: “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening”
(1 Sam 3:9-10). As a result, he became a great prophet who intervened at critical
moments in the history of his country. King Saul was also young when the Lord called
him to undertake his mission (cf. 1 Sam 9:2).

- In this statement, it tells us that we should listen and learn to open our heart to the
Lord, for there is a possibility that we could make a change thanks to the Him

b.) A Jewish servant girl of the foreign commander Naaman intervened with faith and
helped him to be cured of his illness (cf. 2 Kg 5:2-6). The young Ruth was a model of
generosity in remaining beside her mother-in-law who had fallen on hard times
(cf. Ru 1:1-18), yet she also showed boldness in getting ahead in life (cf. Ru 4:1-17).

- This statement teaches us to be brave and learn to move on, be faithful as well as
being generous because God will grant us guidance in order for us to continue help to
those who in need.

c.)  If you have lost your inner vitality, your dreams, your enthusiasm, your optimism
and your generosity, Jesus stands before you as once he stood before the dead son of
the widow, and with all the power of his resurrection he urges you: “Young man, I say to
you, arise!” (Lk 7:14).

- This message tells about Jesus gives us courage and tells us not to give up in our hard
times, because Jesus is here for us to give us power to face the challenges ahead of our
2. What is the mission of the young people to the society according to the
document Christus Vivit? (10 pts.)

According to the Christus Vivit the mission of the young people is to carry out the
responsibilities while they are young, for this what God gave to them to continue grow
in terms of relationship with the father, in awareness being of the family and a people,
and openness to being filled with the Holy Spirit. Engage the young people to generous
service and to share the joy of the Gospel.

3. Christus Vivit literally means Christ lives (or Christ is alive). When can you say Jesus is
alive in the life of a young person like you? (10 pts.)

We say the Jesus is alive always and forever because we felt His presence through the
guidance in our life we live each day, and as young person like us, Jesus granted us a
chance to make a change and progress like in our society if we open our hearts to Him,
and He encouraged us to always chin up and not giving up from the hardships we face.

4. What do you think is the most important message of Christus Vivit to young people like
you and what can you do to promote it? (10 pts.)

I think the most important message of Christus Vivit to young people like us is we should
be open ourselves to the Lord, follow what He asked and promoting the message which
is spreading the culture of love, where we love ourselves as we are, in our flaws,
weakness and our strengths. Second is loving others despite the differences and testify
the true image of Jesus to them. Finally, to love people who are closest to us, with who
will walk together the journey of configuration of Jesus.

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