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Type: MRT

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The operating instruction must be studied carefully

before taking the rotary table into operation!!!

Rückle-Order- No 108450

Machine Number 6320

Customer-Order-No 009300/42.491
Model 2011

Edition 2011-07-20

Rückle GmbH • Zaininger Strasse • D-72587 Römerstein

Tel . ++ 49 ( 0) 7382 –9373–0 · Fax ++49 (0) 7382–9373–49
E-Mail: •
Operating Instructions
Sheet 1.307
- MRT -

Sheet 1.307 Table of contents

Sheet 1.538 Transportinstruction

Sheet 1.818 Equipment- sheet

Sheet 2.100 Designated use of the rotary table

Sheet 2.500 Safety Instructions

Sheet 3.100 General discription, handling

Sheet 4.120 Discription of function

Sheet 4.500 Compressed air (air purge)

Sheet 5.229 Functional diagram

Sheet 7.125 Clamping

Pneumatic diagram 6320-P

Hydraulic diagram 6320-H

Sheet 9.103 Lubrication- Recommendation lubrication

Sheet 10.100.2 Adjustment of DUPLEX- worm

Sheet 10.504 Bearing application of worm

Terminal diagram 6320-E

Sheet 13.000 Acceptance sheet

Sheet 14.003 Spare + ware part list

Sectional drawings
72587 Römerstein 1 Zaininger Straße
Rückle GmbH Telefon: (07382) 9373-0 Telefax: (07382) 9373-49
Operating Instructions
Sheet 1.818
- MRT -
Rückle GmbH Werkzeugfabrik, Zaininger Straße, D-72587 Römerstein Telefon 07382 -
Tel. Kundendienst 07382 -
Telefax 07382 -

Data sheet MRT

Type: MRT Customer: IBARMIA
Housing-siz 400 Customer Order: 009300/42.491
Mach.-No: 6320 Order: 108450
TB-No.: TB2611 Delivery date: 14.07.2011
Art.No: 1063-0106

Remark Palettclamping with cones

Bearing: YRT 395 Table D=700

Product: Siemens Serial no. XF B527 3211 03 001 Rated 18,5 Nm
Typ: 1FT6086-1AF71-1AG1 RPM: 3000
Ratio 1:180 + 1:1,545 (34:22) Total: 1:278,18
RPM of Table Plate: S1=1,5 / S6=13 by RPM (motor): 417,27 / 3616
Module: 2,66 / 2,73 System: Duplex Ratio: 1:180

Product: Customer
Pressure switch 0-100bar, PP7552 IFM

Hydr. 60 bars Clamp-forc 185 kN quantity zyl: 1
Clamp: hydraulicly Unclampin non pressure
Product: Heidenhain Serial no. 34 036 193 B
Typ: RCN 8380 EXE.:
Ratio table 1:1
Resolution 1/1000° by: 4+5 time - evaluation
Place of central axes Concentr 0,01 pl-wobble 0,01

Table grease
Gearwheels -
Worm shaft: oil bath

72587 Römerstein 1 Zaininger Straße

Rückle GmbH Telefon: (07382) 9373-0 Telefax: (07382) 9373-49
Safety instructions Sheet 2.100

Designated use of machine

The tables are designed as indexing tables exclusively for machining parts
or family of parts defined in the purchase order. The scope of supply of
the machine is specified in the technical specifications of the machine.

Any use departing from the specified functions must be regarded as being
outside the limits of its designated use. RÜCKLE cannot be held liable for
any damaged resulting from such use. The risk of such misuse lies entirely
with the user.

Operating the machine within the limits of its denignated use also involves
observing the instructions contained in the operating manual and complying
with the inspection and maintenance intervals.

Nevertheless, the machine is a potential source of danger if it is operated

or maloperated by insufficiently trained personal or if it is not used for its
proper use.

Never make any modifications without written approval by RÜCKLE.

72587 Römerstein 1 Zaininger Straße

Rückle GmbH Telefon: (07382) 9373-0 Telefax: (07382) 9373-49
Safety instructions Sheet 2.500

Rückle rotary tables comply with state-of-the-art technology and are designed
and constructed with particular reference to operating safety. As high quality
accessoires for machine tools they must not be used other than for the
prescribed purpose and only by fully trained personnel, since any failure to
observe the instructions, rules and regulations relating to the technology
could result in a risk to life and limb, endanger the machine and the user`s
property and impair the efficient performance of the plant. For this reason,
we recommend that the istructions contained in this operating manual be
strictly observed by the user and that any person in the company involved in
the setting-up, operation, maintenace or repair of the machine schould confirm
his familiarity with the content of the operating manual in writing, in a
document which also clearly lays down areas of responsibility and authority.

The following instructions must be observed:

- Any procedure which could impair the operating safety of the machine must
be avoided.

- The operator is required to ensure that unauthorized personnel do not work

on the machine.

- The operator is required to report immediately any changes to the machine

which affect safety.

- The user is required to maintain the machine in a serviceable condition at

all times.

- The user must obtain an undertaking from operating personnel that protective
garments will be worn in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the
relevant trade association.

- By issuing suitable instructions and making provision for corresponding

inspections, the user must ensure that the workstation at and around the
machine is kept clean and tidy.

72587 Römerstein 1 Zaininger Straße

Rückle GmbH Telefon: (07382) 9373-0 Telefax: (07382) 9373-49
Safety instructions Sheet 2.500

- Above all, items of safety equipment must never be removed or rendered

ineffectual, given that their purpose is to protect the life and limb of the
operating personnel.

- If the removal of items of safety equipment is necessary for the repair or

maintenance of the machine, it must first be shut down in accordance with
the specified procedure and the safety equipment reinstalled immediately
on the completion of the work.

- The maintenance of electrical equipment must not be carried out other than
by persons qualified to work on electrical power istallations and, as far as
is necessary and feasible, the machine must be switched off at the main switch
to ensure that the electrical system af the machine is without power
downstream of the main switch.
! DANGER! Electrical voltages can mean danger to life if not handled properly.

- Before work is undertaken on any hydraulic system, particular care must be

taken to ensure that the system is relieved of pressure, since even with the
motor switched off, it may still be under high pressure.

- Processing operation on unstabile or drumming workpieces and the impact of

cutting tools edges can produce loud noises. In such cases, the corresponding
regulations for protection against noise must be observed, if necessary, by
the wearing of ear defenders.

- For reason of safety, no unauthorized conversions of, or modifications to,

the machine are permitted.

The tables are designed as indexing tables and it is not allowed to drive
continuously at maximum seed, because the table would become too hot
and this could lead to damaged !
please look at sheet 2.800

72587 Römerstein 1 Zaininger Straße

Rückle GmbH Telefon: (07382) 9373-0 Telefax: (07382) 9373-49
Operating Instructions Sheet 2.800
- MRT - -1-

admissible continous operation (ED):

for rotary tables MRT

ED= (nd/nk)² x 100%

ED = continous operations [ % ]
nd = continous rotations [ 2 per minute ]
nk = intermittent operating (max 8 per minute)

The max. running time (turn on cycle) takes 15min

for example:
nmax = 8 per minute

ED = (2/8)² x 100% = 6,25%

that means, for a running time of max. 15 min results a

continous operation of 1,0 min and a
cool down time of 14,0 min

72587 Römerstein 1 Zaininger Straße

Rückle GmbH Telefon: (07382) 9373-0 Telefax: (07382) 9373-49
Operating Instructions Sheet 2.800
- MRT - -2-

T e c h n ic a l d a ta to M R T 4 0 0
P a le tt c la m p in g s ta tio n fo r p a le tts 800 x 800 mm

T -s lo ts , s ta r a rra n g e m e n t - mm

S a fe m a x . lo a d c a p a c ity u p o n c e n te re d lo a d 4000 kg

B e a r in g d ia m e te r a x ia l - th ru s t b e a r in g 400 mm

S a fe m a x . tiltin g m o m e n t u p o n c e n te re d lo a d (c la m p e d ) 15000 Nm

S a fe m a x . ta n g e n tia l m o m e n t (c la m p e d ) 5600 Nm

H y d ra u lic p re s s u re 60 bar

S a fe m a x . m a s s m o m e n t o f in e rtia 360 k gm 2

M a x . s p e e d in S 6 m o d e 13 RPM

M a x to rq u e in S 6 m o d e 3400 Nm

M a x . s p e e d in S 1 m o d e 1 ,5 RPM

M a x to rq u e in S 1 m o d e 2100 Nm

D e lim ita tio n o f th e m o m e n t a t th e m o to r 24 Nm

P e rm itte d a c c e ra tio n a t th e d iv id in g ta b le 2 ,1 r a d /s ²

A ir p u r g e p re s s u re fro m m a c h in e 1 bar

T o ta l w e ig h t 1100 kg

A c c u ra c y d a ta to M R T 4 0 0
T ru e la te ra l ru n n in g o f ta b le p la te a t ∅ 4 0 0 m m (w ith o u t lo a d ) c o n e s 15 μm

E v e n n e s s o f ta b le p la te a t ∅ 4 0 0 m m (w ith o u t lo a d ) 15 μm

P a ra lle lis m o f th e p a le tt-s u p p o rt to th e g lid e r 15 μm

P o s itio n in g a c c u ra c y P a c c . T o V D I/D G Q 3 4 4 1 ± 3 sec

72587 Römerstein 1 Zaininger Straße

Rückle GmbH Telefon: (07382) 9373-0 Telefax: (07382) 9373-49
Operating Instructions
Sheet 3.100
- MRT -
General Description

The round tables model MRT are prepared for connection

to a NC control. The construction of the rotary table is matched
accordingly. A sturdy combined axial- radial roller bearing connects
the solid basic housing with the table board.
A hydraulic- mechanical clamping device locks the table board after
having reached the basic element position. By means of a adjustable
worm gear the main drive will be free from play. The worm wheel
is made of highly wear resisting bronze, the worm shaft hardened
steel. Both parts are running in oil bath. Generally, the drive of
the worm shaft is performed by a a.c. motor.
The path measuring is carried out by means of an absolut shaft
encoder at the worm shaft or at the center line. The clamping of
the table board can be effected by a built- on hydraulic or also by the
machine hydraulic. The solid construction of the rotary table permits
the application of all metal- cutting processing machines. The modular
unit construction permits the addition of other driving motors and also
other measuring systems without great efforts.

During the machining with coolants the inside of the table

is kept clean by means of efficacious sealings.


The table must be handled at the corresponding eye bolts.

Make sure that the table is suspended in a straight way
because otherwise oil may be penetrating in the lateral
areas (look at page 1.538).

Clamping of the components ( work pieces )

The table boards of the circular tables are of very sturdy design.
In spite of this fact it happens sometimes that these table boards
are being distorted when clamping uneven components. Therefore
it is absolutely necessary that prior to clamping as to whether its
clamping surface is plane.

72587 Römerstein 1 Zaininger Straße

Rückle GmbH Telefon: (07382) 9373-0 Telefax: (07382) 9373-49
Operating Instructions
- MRT - Sheet 4.120

Description of functioning

In the basic setting, the table is hydraulically clamped. A pressure

switch monitors the necessary clamping pressure. When the "Start"
instruction is given, the hydraulic pressure is reduced, and a pressure
switch releases the table for indexing. ( The rest pressure in the tank-
pipe shouldn´t be over 2 bar, otherwhile the clamping wouldn´t be
complete free ).
After a delay of time by 0,2 seconds the desired dividing process can
be carried out by the driving motor.
The delay of time by 0,2 seconds is necessary, for guarantee, that the
clamping ring is lifted and the clamping released.
The drive motor transmits the indexing movement to the table top via
an intermediate gear unit and a backlash-free worm gear unit.

After the indexing movement, the table is clamped again hydraulically.

Barrier air

If cooling water are used for the operation, it is advisable to provide

the table with barrier air. For that purpose a connection SV08 is
provided at the housing where the compressed air, 1 bar, is
connected (look at page 4.500).

Putting into operation

Prior to the putting into operation the table must be carefully cleaned
from rust preventing agent and grease.

For tables with oil filling oil must be filled in up to the middle of
the oil sight glass ( please refer to lubrication )

72587 Römerstein 1 Zaininger Straße

Rückle GmbH Telefon: (07382) 9373-0 Telefax: (07382) 9373-49
Operating Instructions Sheet 4.500
- MRT - -1-
1. Compressed air (air purge)
The compressed air used with the rotary tables must correspond to DIN-ISO
8573-1 quality classes.

1.1 Compressed air quality classes for DIN ISO 8573-1

The quality of the compressed air is subdivided in different classes, which

subdivide again with respect to the requirement of the application. The standard
is based on the manufacturer’s specifications, regarding limits of the compressed
air purity for its units and machines. The standard DIN ISO 8573-1 defines the
quality classes of the compressed air regarding:

1.1.1 Particle size and density

Determination of the size and concentration of particulate matter in the

compressed air. (class 4 see table 1.2).

1.1.2 Oil content

Determination of the remaining quantity of aerosols and hydrocarbons in the

compressed air. (class 4 see table 1.2).

1.1.3 Pressure dew point

Determination of the temperature, on which the compressed air can cool off
without water vapor condensing. The pressure dew point changes with the air
pressure (class 4 see table 1.2)

1.2 Compressed air quality classes (DIN ISO 8573-1)

Max. remaining water content Max. remaining dust content

Particulate Max. oil content
3 Pressure Dew Particulate mg/m3
Remaining water g/m impermeability
point °C size mg/m3
0,003 -70 0,1 0,1 0,01
0,117 -40 1 1 0,1
0,88 -20 5 5 1
5,953 +3 8 15 5
7,732 +7 10 40 25
9,356 +10 - - -

72587 Römerstein 1 Zaininger Straße

Rückle GmbH Telefon: (07382) 9373-0 Telefax: (07382) 9373-49
Operating Instructions Sheet 4.500
- MRT - -2-
1.3 Water in the compressed air
Through water, corrosion emerges and causes lubricating films, the outcome will
be mechanical defects. In low temperatures, the water in the compressed air
piping can freeze and can cause frost damage, diameter reduction and blockage.
Processing of the compressed air is therefore important and has advantages.

1.3.1 Water content of the air

Temperatures below 0°C Temperatures above 0°C

Dew point Max. Humidity Dew point Max. Humidity Dew point Max. Humidity
°C g/m3 °C g/m3 °C g/m3
3,238 0 4,868 5 6,79
-10 2,156 10 9,356
-15 1,38 15 12,739
-20 0,88 20 17,148
-25 0,55 25 22,83
-30 0,33 30 30,078
-35 0,198 35 39,286
-40 0,117 40 50,672
-45 0,067 45 64,848
-50 0,038 50 82,257
-55 0,021 55 103,453
-60 0,011 60 129,02
-70 0,0033 70 196,213
-80 0,0006 80 290,017
-90 0,0001 90 417,935

72587 Römerstein 1 Zaininger Straße

Rückle GmbH Telefon: (07382) 9373-0 Telefax: (07382) 9373-49
Functional Diagram
Sheet 5.229
- MRT -

Designation Function Check

Released with-
out pressure
Table board
Pressure switch

t = 0,2 sec.
Dividing- Shaft encoder


pallet Pressure switch


pallet Pressure switch


72587 Römerstein 1 Zaininger Straße

Rückle GmbH Telefon: (07382) 9373-0 Telefax: (07382) 9373-49
Operating Instructions
- MRT - Sheet 7.125


The table top is clamped on the body by centrical mounted clamping

cylinder. The pressure has be controlled by a pressure switch.

For unclamping the hydraulic pressure goes down.

The situation of unpressuring is also controlled by a pressure switch.

After this controll the table can move for dividing.

Attention ! !
There is no restpressure in the tubes allowed.
The diameter of the tubes should not be chosen
to small.

72587 Römerstein 1 Zaininger Straße

Rückle GmbH Telefon: (07382) 9373-0 Telefax: (07382) 9373-49
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Riemenraumbelueftung Sperrluft Abblasen Spannkonen

ventillation belt room barrier air cleaning air clamping cone

Rückle Schottplatte

Intersecting point SV08 SV08

bulkhead plate

class 4 class 4
0,8-1 bar 4-5 bar

Anschluss Luft 1bar Anschluss Luft 4-5 bar

(connection 1bar) (connection 4-5 bar)

Datum 05.04.2011 Anlage : Firma : Benennung : Kunde : =1

Bearb. Baechle Ibarmia +
PNEUMATIKPLAN -pneumatic- Sperrluft - barrier air
Gepr. 08.06.2011 1063-0106
Zeichnungsnr. : Bl. 1
Änd. 06.06.2011 diagram MRT400 - TB 2611 6320-P (108450) 1 Bl.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Tischklemmung - Palettenklemmung -
table clamping pallet clamping
SPM-HV25 Fa. Berg


SP1 =63 SP1 =83

rP1 =60 S40 PP7552 rP1 =80
SP2 =2
rP2 =1
QU2 = P2 P1 S41
UNI =bar
dS1 =0 Rückle
dr1 =0 SV10 SV10
dS2 = Intersecting point
dr2 =
dAP =200 customer
dis =d1
Verr=ja A B A B

a b a b

65 bar 80 bar

Datum 05.04.2011 Anlage : Firma : Benennung : Kunde : =1

Bearb. Baechle Ibarmia +
HYDRAULIKPLAN - hydraulic- Tischklemmung -
Gepr. 08.07.2011 1063-0106
Zeichnungsnr. : Bl. 1
Änd. 08.07.2011 diagram MRT 400 - TB 2611 table clamping 6320-H (108450) 1 Bl.
Operating Instructions
Sheet 9.103
- MRT -


The lubrication of the worm shaft and the worm wheel is carried out
by means of an oil bath in the rotary table. This is guaranteed when
the oil sight glass is filled up to the middle.
The oil filling amount is ca. 5 ltr.
Gear oil CLP 220 after DIN 51502 (ISO VG 220 after DIN 51519)
according to recomendation for lubricants should be used.
The oil filling must be changed after approximately 2000 operating hours,
but once a year. Further lubricating points are not being provided.

Axial- radial Roller Bearing

This bearing has been provided with a life grease during the assembly
and is therfore maintenance- free.


For clamping of the table we recommand hydraulic oil (HLP 46 ISO).


The dividing table must be protected against heavy coolant

Cleaning by means of compressed air should be avoided.

72587 Römerstein 1 Zaininger Straße

Rückle GmbH Telefon: (07382) 9373-0 Telefax: (07382) 9373-49
Lubrication Sheet 9.500

Bennenung und A nw endung A rt der Sc hmierung Kennz eichnung V is kosität

Charac teris tic and A pplic ation
Denomination et utilis ation
Method of Lubric ation
Mode de graiss age
Sy mbol
V is cos ity
V is cos ité

A ral V itam GF BP Energol

Circ ulation sy s tem HLP 46 HLP 46
Hy draulic Oil 41,4 - 50,6 A GIP OSO 46
lubrication 46 A ral V itam DE BP Energol
46 HLP-D 46

BP Macc urat
Lubric ating Oil f or normal load CGLP A GIP EXIDIA A ral BP Energol
61,2 - 74,8
bearing points and guidew ay s 68 68 Deganit B 68 HP-C 68
BP Energol
HGL 68
Pres sure lubric ation
BP Macc urat
Bearing points and guidew ay s
w hich are s ubjec t to high load / 198 - 242
220 220 Deganit B 220 HP-C 220
anti - s tic k - slip
BP Energol
HGL 220

CLP A GIP BLA SIA A ral BP Energol

Gear Oil f or normal 61,2 - 74,8
68 68 Degol BG 68 GR-XP 68
Control mec hanism, load Dip lubric ation and
Drilling heats , c irculation s ys tem
Palloid tooth s y stem, high lubrication
Gear mechanism load CLP A GIP BLA SIA A ral BP-Energol
198 - 242
220 220 Degol BG 220 GR-XP 220

A ral
Degol BG 320
Gear Oil f or Worm gear, gear CLP A GIP BLA SIA BP Energol
Splas h 288 - 352 A ral
w ih high load 320 320 GR-XP 320
Degol BMB

Spindle Oil f or high-s peed ball

Circ ulation and Oil mist
and roller bearings
BP Energol
HL A ral HLP 10
9,0 - 11,0 RA DULA 10
10 V itamin GF 10 BP Energol
HLP-D 10
Slidew ays of measuring
Pres sure lubric ation
mac hines

Packed Graiss age and K ation nach A ral
A nti-f ric tion bearing grease A GIP GR MU3 Energreas e
Greas e gun lubric ation 3K DIN 51 804 A ralub HL 3
LS 3
220 - 250

Wälz lager w artungs f rei: gef ettet mit / packed w ith / graiss age av ec
A nti-f ric tion bearings , maintenanc e-f ree:
Paliérs á roulement, s ans entrenten: KLÜBER ISOFLEX NBU 15

72587 Römerstein 1 Zaininger Straße

Rückle GmbH Telefon: (07382) 9373-0 Telefax: (07382) 9373-49
Lubrication Sheet 9.500

Kennzeic hnung
Sy mbol
Sy mbole

Mobil DTE 25
HLP CA STROL Hy drauliköl HLPD Rando Oil HD B-46
NUTO H 46 FINA HY DRA N 46 Shell Tellus Oel 46
46 HY SPIN A WS 46 46 A lcor Oil DD 46
Druc köl HLP 46-C

CGLP CA STROL FINA A RTA C EP Mobil Shell Tonna Oel T Way Lubric ant 68
68 MA GNA BD 68 68 V ac tra Oil No. 2 68 A lcor Oil DD 68

CGLP CA STROL FINA A TRA C EP Mobil Shell Tonna Oel T Way Lubric ant
220 MA GNA CF 220 220 V ac tra Oil No. 4 220 220

Rando Oil HD C-68
CLP A LPHA ZN 68 Shell Omina Oel
SPA RTA N EP 68 FINA GIRA N 68 Mobilgear 626 Meropa 68
68 CA STROL 68
A lcor Oil DD 68

CLP CA STROL Shell Omina Oel

SPA RTA N EP 220 FINA GIRA N 220 Mobilgear 630 Meropa 220
220 A LPHA Z N 220 220

CLP A LPHA Z N 320 Shell Omina Oel
SPA RTA N EP 320 FINA GIRA N 320 Mobilgear 632 Meropa 320
320 CA STROL 320

HL HY SPIN V G 10 Mobil Shell Tellus Oel
NUTO H 10 FINA CIRKA N 10 Rando Oil 10
10 CA STROL V eloc ite Oil No. 6 C10

Multif ak 30
K CA STROL Shell A lv ania Fett
BEA CON 3 FINA MA RSON L3 Mobilux 3 Regal Starf ak
Premium 3

Ex trem hochtourige Wälz lager, w artungs f rei: gef ettet mit / pac hed w ith / grais sage av ec
Ex treme high-speed anti-f ric tion bearings , maintenanc e f ree:
Paliers á roulement a ex tréme v ites s e, s ans entrenten: KLUBER ISOFLEX SUPER LDS 18

72587 Römerstein 1 Zaininger Straße

Rückle GmbH Telefon: (07382) 9373-0 Telefax: (07382) 9373-49
Operating Instructions
Sheet 10.100.2
- MRT -

Adjustment of Duplex Worm

The worm gear is nearly free from play. After a lengthy operation the
clearance of the worm may become too big because of wear and
must be adjusted.

Measuring of worm clearance

1st method: Release of table board and measuring of radial clearance

at the outside diameter (to be turned by hand with a lever
in clamping groove). This should not be bigger than 0,02 mm.

2nd method: Measuring of clearance by means of mounted path measuring

systems by measuring the reverse play digitally.

Procedure for adjustment of worm

Adjustment to be carried out by an axial displacement of the worm shaft

(by two different modules of the worm the tooth thickness is increasing).

1. Dismantle coupling from the worm shaft (3).

2. Release table board (during the entire adjustment process)

3. The bearing bush (4), the firm bearing of the shaft will now
sligjtly pulled out after having removed the fastening screws (2).
Thus the divided rings (5) can be taken out.

4. By grinding the divided rings (5) the worm clearance will be diminished.
Exact measurement cannot be determined in advance, therefore process
must be repeated several times (approx. 0,1-0,15mm per process).

72587 Römerstein 1 Zaininger Straße

Rückle GmbH Telefon: (07382) 9373-0 Telefax: (07382) 9373-49
Operating Instruction
Sheet 10.504
- MRT -

72587 Römerstein 1 Zaininger Straße

Rückle GmbH Telefon: (07382) 9373-0 Telefax: (07382) 9373-49
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

RÜCKLE - GmbH Werkzeugfabrik

Zaininger Strasse
D-72587 Römerstein - Böhringen

Telefon : +49 (0) 7382-93 73-0

Telefax : +49 (0) 7382-93 73-49
E-Mail :

Kunde - client : Ibarmia AB Nr. - order no. : 108450 - 6320

Anlagenbezeichnung - Serien Nr -
designation : combination serial no. : 6320-E
Type / type : MRT - 400
Baujahr - date
of issue : 2011

Einspeisung - 400V/50Hz Steuerspannung -

net connect : control voltage : 24V-
Zuleitung -
power supply : 3L+PE

Bearbeitet am: 31.05.2011 von (Kürzel): Baechle Höchste Seitenzahl: 2

Anzahl der Seiten : 4

Datum 06.04.2011 Anlage : Firma : Benennung : Kunde : =0
Bearb. Baechle Ibarmia +
Gepr. 08.06.2011 1063-0106
Zeichnungsnr. : Bl. 1
Änd. 08.06.2011 MRT 400 - TB 2611 coversheet 6320-E-(108450) 2 Bl.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Inhaltsverzeichnis Spalte X: eine automatisch erzeugte Seite wurde manuell nachbearbeitet WUPJ002D 24.02.1994

Seite Seitenbenennung Seitenzusatzfeld Datum Bearb. X

=0/1 PROJEKTÜBERSICHT coversheet 21.04.2011 Baechle X
=0/2 INHALTSVERZEICHNIS contents 31.05.2011 Bächle
=1/1 SERVOACHSE - B - ACHSE servo - B - axis 31.05.2011 Baechle
=1/2 STEUERUNG - ALLGEMEIN general control 31.05.2011 Baechle

1 =1/1
Datum 31.05.2011 Anlage : Firma : Benennung : Kunde : =0
Bearb. Baechle Ibarmia +
Gepr. 08.06.2011 1063-0106
Zeichnungsnr. : Bl. 2
Änd. 08.06.2011 MRT 400 - TB 2611 coversheet 6320-E-(108450) 2 Bl.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

X1 X2

M1 M B1 G
Antriebe G B1A

17 polig

Servo - delivery Dreh -

antrieb customer geber
B-Achse shaft
drive RCN 8380

=0/2 2
Datum 06.04.2011 Anlage : Firma : Benennung : Kunde : =1
Bearb. Baechle Ibarmia +
Gepr. 08.06.2011 1063-0106
Zeichnungsnr. : Bl. 1
Änd. 08.06.2011 MRT 400 - TB 2611 servo - B - axis 6320-E-(108450) 2 Bl.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

S40 S41 PE



1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5





X4 1 3 2 4 X4 5 6 7

Rundtisch-Geklemmt Pallettenklemmung
Geloest round table pallet clamping
clamped - solved

Datum 06.04.2011 Anlage : Firma : Benennung : Kunde : =1
Bearb. Baechle Ibarmia +
Gepr. 08.06.2011 1063-0106
Zeichnungsnr. : Bl. 2
Änd. 08.06.2011 MRT 400 - TB 2611 general control 6320-E-(108450) 2 Bl.
Operating Instructions
Sheet 13.000
- MRT -
Rückle GmbH Werkzeugfabrik, Zaininger Straße, D-72587 Römerstein Telefon 07382 -
Tel. Kundendienst 07382 -
Telefax 07382 -

Acceptance sheet
Type: MRT Customer: IBARMIA
Housing-size: 400 Customer No: 009300/42.491
Mach-No: 6320 Order: 108450
TB-No: TB2611 Delivery date: 14.07.2011
Art.No: 1063-0106

Normal Actual
Wobble of table surface ∅ 400 0,015 0,013
of pallet supporting points

Flatness of table surface 0,015 0,003

of pallet supporting points

Concentricity centre drilling 0,01 0,008

Indexing bolts
centre line of indexing

Parallelism of table surface/of pallet supp. points 0,015 0,015

to ground/guideway

Angle of table surface/of pallet supp. points

to ground/guideway (by RGW/PKTW)

Dividing accuracy in angular - second ±3 ± 1,49

by VDI / DGQ 3441

Position of indexing bolts (by pallet clamping)

Acceptance Dangel Date 13.07.2011

72587 Römerstein 1 Zaininger Straße

Rückle GmbH Telefon: (07382) 9373-0 Telefax: (07382) 9373-49
Spare + Ware Part List
Sheet 14.003
- MRT -
Machine type: MRT 400 Machine No.: 6320

Piece Art. No. Part

1 7550-0688 Rotary encoder RCN 8380
7 0037-0046 Sealing DIN7603A 30 x 36 x 2
1 0037-0017 Sealing DIN7603A 17 x 21 x 1,5
1 5508-0158 O-ring 120,32 x 2,62
1 5508-0152 O-ring 82,22 x 2,62
1 5508-0166 O-ring 171,12 x 2,62
1 5508-0160 O-ring 133,02 x 2,62
2,2m 5504-0006 Profile sealing Düse 20413
1 5526-8724 V-Seal-ring 665 x 5,5 x 6,6
1 5508-0176 O-ring 234,62 x 2,62
1 6620-0395 Axial radial bearing YRT395
2 6370-0045 Axial cylinder roller bearing K 81109 TN
2 6390-0045 Housing disk GS 81109
1 6410-0045 Wisher disk ZS 3664
3 6310-1070 Needle bearing NK 45/30
1 5508-0144 O-ring 63,17 x 2,62
1 5508-0151 O-ring 75,87 x 2,62
1 5510-0216 Shaft sealing A 45 x 60 x 8
1 3500-0253 Toothed belt HTD 760-8M-50
1 6011-1107 Deep groove ball bearing 6007.2RSR
1 6011-1106 Deep groove ball bearing 6006.2RSR
1 5527-0023 PU-sealing 598 x 610 x 6,6
17 5506-0076 O-ring 8 x 2
4 5526-0120 Turcon Roto Glyd ring TG4201200-T40V
4 5508-0244 O-ring 107,54 x 3,53
1 5508-0164 O-ring 158,42 x 2,62
4 5514-0046 Usit-ring U10,7 x 16 x 1,5
4 1000-4015 Clamping cones SPM-HV 25
4 5508-0109-1 O-ring 7,59 x 2,62
2 7250-0054-1 Pressure switch PP 7552
2 0037-0021 Sealing DIN7603A 12 x 15,5 x 1,5

72587 Römerstein 1 Zaininger Straße

Rückle GmbH Telefon: (07382) 9373-0 Telefax: (07382) 9373-49

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