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[109] DHL Philippines Corporation United Rank and File Association – 3.

3. However, after the said elections, the union members learned of the
Federation of Free Workers v. Buklod ng Manggagawa ng DHL Phils. Corp. union’s alleged fraud and deceit in the election proceedings. It
misrepresented itself as an independent union when it was in fact an affiliate of
434 SCRA 670 | July 22, 2004 | Panganiban the Federation of Free Workers (FFW). 
4. This alleged misrepresentation prompted a large number of the union
Topic: Protest Period members (704 out of 894) to withdraw their membership from the union and
form an independent one, which they called Buklod ng Manggagawa ng DHL
SUMMARY Philippines Corporation (BUKLOD). BUKLOD then filed for a petition for union
A certification election was held among the rank-and-file employees of DHL
5. December 19, 1997: BUKLOD filed a petition for nullification of the
Philippines Corporation, where DHL Philippines Corporation United Rank and File
certification election on the ground of fraud and misrepresentation by the union
Association garnered the majority vote. However, after the said election, 704 out of officers. 
894 union members withdrew their membership from the said union, alleging that the 6. December 23, 1997: Four days after BUKLOD filed a petition to annul the
union misrepresented itself as independent when it is in fact affiliated with the election proceedings, they were issued a Certificate of Registration.
Federation of Free Workers. The said union members then formed Buklod ng 7. Notwithstanding the petition to annul the proceedings, the election officer,
Manggagawa ng DHL Philippines Corporation (BUKLOD). BUKLOD, which has yet to on January 19, 1998, issued the Certification Order certifying DHL United as
be granted a certificate of registration, filed a petition for nullification of certification the sole and exclusive bargaining agent of the tank and file employees of
election beyond the 5-day protest period allowed by law. Pending the said petition, DHL Philippines.
the election officer issued a Certification Order in favor of DHL United. 8. Consequently, the Med-Arbiter, deciding on the BUKLOD’s petition for
nullification, nullified the Nov. 25, 1997 certification election and ordered the
The Court held that the election officer shouldn’t have issued the Certification Order holding of another one with the following contending choice: “DHL United”,
since the petition for nullification filed by BUKLOD is considered an election protest. “BUKLOD”, or “no union”.
The rules on protest period cannot be strictly applied since BUKLOD, which 9. DHL United filed an appeal to the Secretary of Labor. The DOLE
was only formed by the employees after they discovered DHL United’s fraud, Undersecretary, on behalf of the SOLE, reversed the Med-Arbiter and ruled that
could not have reasonably filed its protest within 5 days from the close of the the issue of representation had already been settled during the certification
election proceedings. Further, there is a valid ground for protest since the union election, where DHL United garnered the majority votes. Besides, no PCE would
be entertained within one year from the time the election officer had issued the
officers’ misrepresentation on the independence of the union prevented the
Certification Order.
employees from making an intelligent and independent choice concerning the labor 10. The CA reversed the DOLE ruling, holding that the withdrawal of a
organization that shall act on their behalf. Since there is a glaring shift in the great majority of union members from DHL United (and the subsequent
allegiances and loyalties of the employees, a new certification election was ordered to creation of BUKLOD) provided a compelling reason to conduct a
ascertain who shall be the appropriate bargaining representative. certification election to determine which union reflected their choice. 
o The mere issuance of Certification Order did not resolve the issue
DOCTRINE of representation given that after the election was held, members of the
The late filing of an election protest/petition for nullification of election proceeding can union retracted their membership and filed a petition for nullification.
o The charges of fraud and deceit, lodged immediately after the
be excused under peculiar circumstances, such as when a valid ground for protest
election by DHL United’s former members against their officers, should have
came to the knowledge of the party-in-interest only after the lapse of the protest
been treated as protests or issues of eligibility under the Rules
period and the party concerned did not sleep on their rights but promptly acted to
 Hence, this petition by DHL United, where they argue that:
protect their prerogatives. o The CA decision was not valid:
Procedural technicalities should not be allowed to suppress the welfare of labor.  It was issued without giving the OSG (representing the
DOLE) the opportunity to file its comment on BUKLOD’s petition
FACTS  The dispositive portion or fallo of the decision failed to
specify what should be done by the parties after its promulgation.
1. DHL Philippines Corporation United Rank and File Association,  The Nov. 25, 1997 certification election is valid:
representing the regular rank and file employees in the main offices and regional  BUKLOD lacked legal personality to contest the election
branches of DHL Philippines Corporation, filed a petition for certification proceedings considering that it was not yet existing when the election
election. was held and was not yet even registered at the time the petition for
2. November 25, 1997: The PCE was granted and a certification election nullification was filed
was held, where DHL United garnered 546 votes as opposed to the 348 votes for
“no union”.
 The protest was not raised before and during the  Petitioner: argues that the CA gravely erred in rendering its assailed
conduct of the certification election and was filed beyond the 5-day Decision, considering that no protest or challenge had been formalized
protest period allowed by law within five days, or raised during the election proceedings and entered in the
minutes thereof. 
o Petitioner adds that respondent did not file any protest, either,
ISSUES, HELD, RATIO against the alleged fraud and misrepresentation by the formers
officers during the election.
1) W/N there was a violation of procedural due process - NO 
 SC: Disagreed with the petitioner. When the med-arbiter admitted and gave
 DHL United argues that due process was violated when OSG was not given due course to respondents Petition for nullification of the election
proceedings, the election officer should have deferred issuing the
the opportunity to file its comment. However, under Section 8 of Rule 65 of
Certification of the results thereof. Section 13 of the Implementing Rules
the Rules of Court, a Petition (certiorari in this case) may be resolved cannot strictly be applied to the present case.
notwithstanding the adverse party’s failure to file a comment. Its failure to do  While the petition for nullification was indeed filed beyond the 5-day period,
so despite due notice is its own lookout and the court may decide on the there are peculiar circumstances in the present case which warrants a
case on the basis of the records before it. non-strict application of Section 13 of the Implementing Rules.
 DHL United insists that OSG failed to receive a copy of the BUKLOD Petition o Employees had long desired to be represented by an independent
filed before, thus its failure to file a comment thereon. Be that as it may, it is
union. Believing that DHL United is one, they voted in favor of it,
the OSG, not the DHL United, who is the proper party to invoke such failure. only to learn later on that the said union is affiliated. Having been
 As to the issue on the dispositive portion, all that the law requires is that misled, a majority of them eventually disaffiliated themselves and
judgment must be definitive. That is, the rights of the parties just be stated formed an independent union. Having been formed just after
with finality by the decision itself, which thus specifically deny or grant the they discovered the union officer’s misrepresentation, they
remedy sought by the action.  could not have reasonably filed an election protest within 5
days from the close of the proceedings. 
o In this case, since the CA stated in the dispositive portion of its
decision that it is reversing the undersecretary’s resolution, then it  Notably, after it had applied for registration with the Bureau of
Labor Relations (BLR), respondent filed its Petition to nullify the
is implied that it is reinstating the med-arbiter’s earlier decision to
certification election. Petitioner insistently opposed the Petition, as
conduct a new certification election. This is precisely because the respondent had not yet been issued a certificate of registration at
ultimate question presented before the appellate court was whether the time.
a new certification election should be conducted. o Because such certificate was issued in favor of the latter four days
after the filing of the Petition, on December 23, 1997, the
misgivings of the former were brushed aside by the med-
2) W/N the November 25, 1997 certification election was valid – NO arbiter. Indeed, the fact that respondent was not yet a duly
registered labor organization when the Petition was filed is of
 Under Section 13 of the Implementing Rules, the election officer’s authority no moment, absent any fatal defect in its application for
to certify the results of the election is limited to situations in which there has registration.
been no protest filed, or if there is a protest, it has not been perfected or  The circumstances in the present case show that the
formalized within five days from the close of the election proceedings. employees did not sleep on their rights. Hence, their failure to
follow strictly the procedural technicalities regarding the
 However, in this case, there is an election protest in the form of the petition period for filing their protest should not be taken against
for nullification. Thus, under Section 14, when a protest has been them. 
perfected, only the med arbiter can proclaim and certify the winner.
Considering the presence of an election protest, the election officer is o Mere technicalities should not be allowed to prevail over the welfare
therefore in no position to certify DHL united as the sole and exclusive of the workers. What is essential is that they be accorded an
bargaining agent. An election officer’s functions is to conduct and supervise opportunity to determine freely and intelligently which labor
certification elections; it is the med-arbiter who is authorized to hear and organization shall act on their behalf. Having been denied this
decide representation cases.  opportunity by the betrayal committed by petitioners officers in the
present case, the employees were prevented from making an
On Protest Period (relevant) intelligent and independent choice.
 Hence, even though the petition was filed beyond the 5-day hardly be expected to verify the accuracy of any statement made to
period, it cannot be said that the employees slept on their them by its officers. No less than the president stated that it was an
rights. independent union. At the time, the employees had no reason to
o On the contrary, they filed a petition for nullification soon after doubt him. 
they had discovered the fraud and had applied for registration
of their newly-formed union. Their failure to follow strictly the  Furthermore, as found by the Med-Arbiter, DHL United failed to
procedural technicalities regarding the period for filing their protest refute the claims stated in the affidavits of the 704 disaffiliated
should not be taken against them. union members. The union’s defense was just an incredible and
vehement denial, thus giving rise to the presumption that it has
On BUKLOD’s legal personality to file the petition admitted to such allegations. With such admission, it is
inescapable that indeed there was fraud or machination
 The fact that BUKLOD was not yet a duly registered labor organization when committed by the union that seriously affected the validity and
the Petition for nullification was filed (certificate of registration was issued legitimacy of the certification election.
four days after filing of petition) is of no moment, absent any fatal defect in
its application of registration.   Therefore, although DHL United won in the election, it is clear that it
does not represent the majority of the bargaining employees, owing
On False Statement by Union Officers the subsequent formation of and the affiliation of its former
members with BUKLOD. Thus, a new certification election should
 The making of a false statements or misrepresentations that interfere
be held to resolve the uncertainty as to which union has the
with the free choice of any employee is a valid ground for protest. A
employees’ support to represent them for collective bargaining
certification election may be set aside for misstatements made during the
campaign, where:
o The bargaining agent must be truly representative of the
o A material fact has been misrepresented in the campaign
employees. The purpose of a certification election is to therefore
o An opportunity for reply has been lacking ascertain the majority of the employees’ choice of an appropriate
bargaining unit – to be or not to be represented by a labor
o The misrepresentation had an impact on the free choice of organization and, in the affirmative case, by which.
employees participating in the election 🡪 it has an impact if it
o Thus, when disaffiliation has been demonstrated beyond doubt, a
comes from a party who has special knowledge or is in an
authoritative position to know the true facts, and the employees are certification election is the most expeditious way of determining
unable to evaluate the truth or falsity of the assertion.  which union should be the exclusive bargaining representative of
the employees. 
 In this case, the employees wanted an independent union to
represent them in collective bargaining, free from outside
interference. When the union officers of DHL United RULING: Petition denied.
represented the union as independent, even though in truth, it
is an affiliate of FFW, it constituted a substantial
misrepresentation of material facts. The employees would
have not voted in favor of DHL United had it known it was

 Further, the misrepresentation came from the union officers, the

DHL United’s recognized representative, who were clearly in a
position to hold themselves out as persons who had special
knowledge and were in an authoritative position to know the true

o DHL United cannot pass the blame to the employees for not
checking the accuracy of the union’s claims. The employees could

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