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Hello from Wireworld

By The Cockroach, aka Alaric Hunt Volume I, Number 8

Just give me the shovel

in achieving control. This is the process of
A joke:
Two Germans took a Pole, two Jews, and a
shovel3 into the forest. As darkness crowded
around them, the Germans handed the shovel to
the Pole.
“Bury the Jews,” they said.
The Pole was a good Catholic; he refused.
One German shrugged, and the other took the
shovel back from the Pole.
The German handed the shovel to one of the
Jews. “Bury the Pole,” he said.
One Jew sobbed while he dug with the
shovel; the other used his hands. Once they had
buried the Pole up to his neck, the Germans
stopped them.
“Dig him up,” they said.
The Jews dug up the Pole with relieved cries.
Then the Germans handed the shovel back to
Welcome to the NYPD the Pole. The darkness was so complete that not
(Photo Credit: Gordon Parks/Corbis/Library of Congress)
even God could see in the forest.
Riddle me this: What is oppression? “Bury the Jews,” they said.
The Pole buried the Jews, and the Germans
Oppression is taking. never told him to stop.4
Oppression is standing nearby, ready to take
more. A prisoner in a cage looks out of the cage.
Oppression is frightening people so that they Like the Pole, the prisoner learns quickly that
will watch you and try to guess what you will do morals have no place in decision-making.
next. Yesterday and tomorrow will be sacrificed for
Oppression is negative expectations. today. The prisoner is a ready tool in the hand of
Oppression occurs in the imagination. an oppressor; oppression makes the unthinkable
Oppression takes away choices.1 suddenly thinkable.5
Once the choices are gone, humans think This is the greatest oppression:
constantly about what they don’t have.2 The lack Harness the victims as the tools of oppression.
of choice defines everything. This is the first step Use the victims to oppress each other.
Objects and possessions symbolize choices by the possible actions they represent. This is why humans become attached to objects. Men,
for example, keep tools that they never use—because they might one day use them. The object in such a case represents the potential of
action, and thus choice.
First step. Take a child’s Halloween candy, then watch the mental somersaults the child performs. The one thing the child cannot do is
to stop thinking about the candy. They have no choice.
More Jews were murdered with shovels between 1939 and 1945 than with any other weapon. (I exaggerate.) The Germans came to use
shovels because of combat experiences (trench warfare) in the Great War. Excellent close-combat weapon.
Sorry, but this is a true story, even if it is not usually told this way.
Second step. Give the Halloween candy taken from one child to another child. Then turn your back and walk away. How far will you
walk before you hear the first cries? Third step. Say nothing. The next morning, when the stronger child is eating the candy, simply smile.
Or take sides.
What do you think will happen next time? Welcome to wireworld.

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