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School effectiveness

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In part (a) describe a leader as well as an effective leader

Bush & Glover (2014) explains that teacher leader act as facilitators and they therefore

are important leaders in strengthening and enacting school reforms aimed at improving

performance and quality of education offered. For example, school principals are tasked with

monitoring improvement efforts. In addition, school leaders are expected to show

professionalism and accountability. A good example is the classroom where a teacher has to

maintain professionalism and accountability when dealing with children. Within the school

environment, effective leadership as well involved being efficient and professional in managing

the school and improving performance and quality of education being offered in a school. Bush

& Glover (2014) observed that in this era of high accountability, leadership and teach quality is

high required to increase student achievement. For example, leadership can be seen when the

teacher individually influences the behavior of students.


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or introduces new learning methods. Such a teacher will is seen as effective leader in

monitoring and evaluating students.


As explained by Ulrich (2012) leader is a person who inspires other people (followers) to

achieve the shared objective or goal. As such, a leader is a person who leads strongly, though

he/she is not bossy. A leader ought to understand and establish the values and promotes the

values of ethical conduct. Indeed, each organization has its ethics that have to be followed. A

leader makes others to adhere to these ethics. If a leader fails to follow the ethics, the

organization’s reputation is affected. However, Ulrich (2012) underlined that leadership is a

complex process that requires formulation of new ideas and targets and inspiring followers

towards these ideas and targets.

An effective leaders possess certain qualities and attributes that makes him//her

effectively carry out his/her leadership duties. According to Ulrich (2012) there are many

attributes that describe an effective leader, but the following five attributes are a must for

contemporary leaders working in dynamic environment.

Shape the future: an effective leader should be strategic able to answer this question, “where is

the organization going? And has to ensure that the followers understand the direction of the

organization well. The leader has to create, define and deliver principles on what should be done

and how it should be done.

Engages followers/ employees: an effective leader optimizes the employee or followers

fully, this kind of leaders knows how to identify, develop and engage the followers in order to

get the desired results. Effective leaders establish the skills that re needed attract competent

talent to their organization and ensure that the employees are giving their best in pursuit to the

organization goals.

Makes things to happen: effective leaders focus on the following question “how will

the organization reach where it’s going? Therefore, effective leaders transform strategy into

reality and implement a system for others to follow. Effective leaders understand how to makes

changes, create accountability, understands the decisions that should be made, and fulfills

promises made to various stakeholders (Leithwood & Azah, 2016).

Courage: an important quality of an effective leader is being courageous. This means

that a leader is able to take risks with the objective of achieving the goals of the organization,

without getting assurance from others. This is because in any environment, certainty is not

always there and some decisions require taking risks.

Coaching others: An effective leader makes sure that the team has the required skills

and competencies to complete their various tasks and attain the shared vision of the organization.

They attain this by providing and getting feedback, coaching and training, developing skills of

followers/ employees and creating an environment that promotes individual development.

Regarding the school, Oxford School, it mission is stated below: “to develop the minds

of young people to be understanding and compassionate to others”. The vision of the school is

“to be the best learning place within the country” When the mission and the vision of the school

is observed, it can be noted that the strength of the school lies its ability to develop the minds

of the students so that the learn how to be understanding and compassionate. Accordingly, the

school has effectively developed strategies that advance its mission and vision. However, there

are several challenges that the schools faces, the first being the need provide all round education,

that encompasses spiritual, social, intellectual, physical and emotional development. In addition,

the school faces the challenge of addressing the needs of diverse learners.


Leithwood, K., & Azah, V. N. (2016). Characteristics of effective leadership networks. Journal

of Educational Administration, 54(4), 409-433.

Ulrich, D. (2012). HR from the outside in: Six competencies for the future of human resources.

New York: McGraw-Hill.

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