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Name: Angelica Rose Cuas Cuyos Date: Dec.

20, 2019
Course&Year/Section: BSEDTLE III-B Dressmaking


` In this activity, I learned the basics on how to use a sewing machine, and then
I practiced what I had learned by making a little simple stitch in a 6x10 size of a
fabric. What worked was that we were a very small class, so we took turns in using
the machine, on ironing the fabric and on cutting the fabric to the appropriate size.
What didn’t work was that I only took one class; next time, I would be more
consistent in going to classes so I can learn how to make a variety of things using the
sewing machine. I only learned the basic stitch, so there is much more that I can learn
with the machine. I showed perseverance and commitment not giving up in the class
when I felt frustrated that the stitches were not coming out like I wanted to, I used
patience to remind myself that it takes time to learn and that mistakes with the
machine are bound to happen
. Finally, when all the planning was done and all my materials were brought
in. I was able to get to work. Problem #1: I had never realized that I had to create my
own pattern which meant spending a class tracing a laminated design on poster paper
and then being able to put this on my actual material. Problem #2: It had completely
left my mind that I was supposed to pin the poster paper on the material and then cut
it out. So, until I was told to do so I wasted a lot of time aimlessly trying to draw the
outline on my dark colored fabric with dark colored material markers. As you can tell
I was off to a fantastic start!

This experience was really fun, and I am really glad that I did it; a lesson from
this is that it’s never too late to pursue an old interest, and that trying new things is
almost always good. During this first part of the challenges there weren't many
obstacles to overcome. Once beginning to sew the only other problems that arise was
the occasional bobbin or thread of the machine not working. It was mostly just
deciding how I wanted everything to look. This is the stage where everything and
anything is possible. One of the most important things that I learned about planning
was definitely that as much time as you spend on it there will always be obstacles that
come in your way and make you change things.

The first output we sew was a pencil skirt. Pencil skirts are usually above the
knee, straight, and has a hemline These can be worn as both formal and casual attire.
depending on the on the event and how you style it. As a first timer in sewing skirt, I
cannot deny the fact that I sew it not perfect.

Second output is we make a blouse it is a loose-fitting upper garment that

was formerly worn by women, men and children. In making blouse I have
something that make me realize, the blouse looks so simple and easy to sew but
no, it’s so hard. To make a blouse in a proper proportional, it must be in accurate
when it comes in measurements.

The third output is making a sleeping garment, on this output we make up and
down garments which is the blouse and pajama. Sleeping
garments is clothing designed to be worn while sleeping. And also, we experienced to
sew a collar which is to be attach in our upper sleeping garment or the blouse we sew
on the second output. Making a collar is not that typically hard rather than making a
skirt. Next one is we are also going to sew a vintage dress into a modern design and
we remodel a simple dress into a fabulous dress.

For our outputs to be exposed we and our teacher decided to conduct a

“RUNWAY’ wherein we are freely to wear on what we made through free style
vintage or modernize. Runway modeling is the art of walking down the runway but
there no red carpet sad but it’s fun. The best runway models have an air of confidence
and indifference that cannot be matched.

Through this process, Indeed learn how to repair holes in my clothing.

Although I still need more practice, I could sense myself improving with each repair.
One of the things I learned through this process is the importance of clear detailed
instructions and a lack of assumptions. As I began this project, I had absolutely no
knowledge of how to sew. Even simple tasks like tying a knot in the thread to begin
sewing were difficult for me. The lack of clear directions leads me to make some
incorrect assumptions which I later had to fix. Another important factor to consider in
this project was as a woman it is very important to us to know how to sew and stitch
because I do believe that as a future teacher what we learn from now is we can share;
we can impart knowledge to our students in the near future.  I started by trying to read
steps about sewing repairs, but I could not follow what was said. It was when I
watched a video and viewed a step-by-step instruction guide that was pictorially
demonstrated that I was actually able to make progress on my own repairs. Overall, it
was a great experience and I am excited to have learned something that will be useful
to me in the future. The best part of the whole experience was that I successfully
repaired my clothes and can now wear them again!

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