Letter To Heads of School - Post - Confinement Resumption Final

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Ref: ME/…….. 24 April 2020

From: Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science

and Technology

To: Heads of State and Private Secondary Schools

Post Covid 19 curfew

Detailed planning of the resumption of classes (Mauritius Island)

The Ministry is currently working on a detailed post-curfew plan for a phased

resumption of schools. This plan will take into consideration the need to ensure
maximum precautionary measures are taken to mitigate any risk of propagation of
the CoViD-19 disease within the school community.
2. In the context of the above, it has been agreed that, for the planning of this phased
resumption, the following policy guidelines be strictly adhered to:
a. During this phased resumption and on any particular school day, not more
than half of the school population would be called upon to attend, in order
to avoid crowds on school premises and in public transport system. Classes
are to be held in a phased manner over the week for students of all grades,
whilst ensuring the need to maximise on the number of days for Grades 11
and 13, and possibly for Grade 9.
b. Sanitary conditions as per the protocol which essentially covers the
(i). School disinfection;
(ii). Regular cleaning of school premises, including classrooms, specialist
rooms, toilets, canteens, water tanks etc.;
(iii). Shoes sanitizers at entrance of school;
(iv). Frontal temperature checks at the entrance of the school;
(v). Masks compulsory for all;
(vi). Handwashing after every two periods using liquid soap according
to recommended handwashing techniques; and
(vii). Cough etiquette to be maintained.

c. Social distancing requirements should be as follows:

(i). For each school, social distancing should be respected in classes,
corridors, staircases, yards and near/at the canteen;
(ii). Morning assemblies will not be held, nor will any activities involving
social gathering. Communication will be conducted mainly by Form
Masters and Educators; and
(iii). Social distancing for seating in school buses and vans.
3. The resumption planning process will consequently require adjustments in the
present school calendar, and also in the timing of assessments and
national/international examinations.

4. In this context, you are required to submit your proposals, taking into
consideration the above policy guidelines and parameters, while keeping in view
the specificity of your school.

5. Proposals should be submitted by email to your respective Zone or to the PSEA,

as applicable, by Tuesday 28th April 2020. Your submission should include the
annexed template which is being provided to you as a generic model pro-forma,
and comprise figures regarding the proposed classroom allocation for Grades 7 to

6. Relying on the usual collaboration of one and all,

L. Despois
for Senior Chief Executive

c.c: Directors, Education Zones 1-4

Director, Private Secondary Education Authority
Director, Schooling, Mahatma Gandhi Institute

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