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IMAC Working Group on Governance meeting

4 June 2010
Danish Enterprise and Construction Authority, Langelinie Allé 17, Dk-2100

1. 9:00 – 09:30 Registration and coffee

2. 09:30 – 09:45 Welcome

3. 09:45 – 10:00 Adoption of minutes and agenda

Cf. doc: Summary IMAC WG_23.02.2010

4. 10:00 – 13:00 Measures ensuring better coordination on single market issues

(recommendation 1)
 Short presentation by Commission of the recommendation on
measures ensuring better coordination
 Presentation by Ms. Annette Dragsdahl, Confederation of
Danish Industry on the demand for better coordination from a
business perspective
 Presentation by Mr. Stig Uffe Pedersen, Head of department,
Internal Market Centre, on the Danish Internal Market Centre
- experiences and lessons learned from 3 years on

Short break

Break-out sessions: Discussion of challenges and solutions for

measures ensuring better coordination /moderator: Bigger

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch hosted by the Danish Enterprise and Construction Authority

5. 14:00 – 15:00 Report in plenum from the break-out sessions/ moderator: Bigger

6. 15:00 – 16:00 Measures improving cooperation between Member States and

with the Commission (recommendation 2)
 Short presentation by Commission of indicators
For possible comments and approval
 Presentation by Mr. Leonardo Cervera Navas, Administrator
in Administrative Cooperation and Member State Networks,
DG Internal Market and services on administrative
cooperation and the IMI – state of play and new developments

7. 16:00- 16:30 Measures promoting regular assessment of national legislation

(recommendation 7)
 Short presentation by Commission of indicators
For possible comments and approval
 Presentation by Ms. Kristin Eckardt Johannsen (SE) on
evaluation of Single Market legislation
8. 16:30- 17:00 Any other business
 Information from Commission on future work

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